// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { PopMessage.ConfirmMessage("Title", "123"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { PopMessage.YesNoMessage("title", "5678", B, C); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { PopMessage.ConfirmMessage("Title", "123", A); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { PopMessage.OpenLoading(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G)) { PopMessage.CloseLoading(); } }
public virtual bool TryGetMessage(uint number, string uid, out PopMessage message, out string errorMessage) { lock (this) { if (this.State != EPop3ClientState.Awaiting) { message = null; errorMessage = "Pop3Client doesn't allow executing multiple operations simulteneously in a few threads using one object"; return(false); } this.State = EPop3ClientState.Busy; } if (this.ConnectionState != EPop3ConnectionState.Authenticated) { message = null; errorMessage = "The command cannot be executed in this state"; this.State = EPop3ClientState.Awaiting; if (this.Completed != null) { this.Completed(this); } return(false); } bool flag = this._TryGetMessage(number, uid, out message, out errorMessage); this.State = EPop3ClientState.Awaiting; if (this.Completed != null) { this.Completed(this); } return(flag); }
public MessageHall() { InitializeComponent(); Pop = new PopMessage(this); MQTTEventTrigger.SetHall(this); ServerIP.Text = AMiddle.Middle.ServerIPAddress; ServerPort.Text = AMiddle.Middle.Port.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnReset control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnReset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PopMessage resetMessage = new PopMessage("Do you want to reset this maze?", "No", "Yes"); if (resetMessage.ShowDialog() != true) { if (resetMessage.Choose == true) //reset the game { vm.Reset(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnSolve control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnSolve_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PopMessage solveMessage = new PopMessage("Do you want to solve this maze?", "No", "Yes"); if (solveMessage.ShowDialog() != true) { if (solveMessage.Choose == true) //solve the game { vm.Solve(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnMainMenu control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnMainMenu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PopMessage exitMessage = new PopMessage("Do you want to exit this maze?", "No", "Yes"); if (exitMessage.ShowDialog() != true) { if (exitMessage.Choose == true) //exit the game { BackToMainMenu(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when [you won property changed]. /// </summary> private void OnYouWonPropertyChanged() { if (YouWon == true) { PopMessage youWonMessage = new PopMessage("You Won", "Keep playing", "Return to main menu"); if (youWonMessage.ShowDialog() != true) { if (youWonMessage.Choose == true) //solve the game { BackToMainMenu(); } } } YouWon = false; }
void posCardHandle_popMessage(object sender, PopMessage e) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { if (this.WindowState == System.Windows.WindowState.Minimized) { if (e.PopType == SeatManage.EnumType.TipType.Exception) { notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000, "离开终端", e.Message, System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon.Error); } else { notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000, "离开终端", e.Message, System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon.Info); } } else { PopupWindow popWindow = new PopupWindow(e.PopType); popWindow.Show(); } })); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { PopMessage.ConfirmMessage("Title", "123"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { // PopMessage.ConfirmMessage ("1","2", "A", this.gameObject); PopMessage.YesNoMessage("title", "5678", C, B); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { PopMessage.YesNoMessage("title", "1234", B, C); // PopMessage.ConfirmMessage ("3","4"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { PopMessage.ConfirmMessage("Title", "123", A); } }
protected virtual bool _TryGetMessage(uint number, string uid, out PopMessage message, out string errorMessage) { RETR command = new RETR(number, uid, this._configurationProvider.AttachmentDirectory); Pop3Response response = this.DoCommand(command); if (response.Type == EPop3ResponseType.OK) { if (this.MessageReceived != null) { this.MessageReceived(this, command.Message); } errorMessage = ""; message = command.Message; return(true); } if (this.BrokenMessage != null) { this.BrokenMessage(this, new Pop3MessageInfo(number, 0), response.Message, command.Message); } errorMessage = response.Message; message = command.Message; return(false); }
public virtual IPart ParsePart(IMessageReader reader, string contentId, ContentType contentType, ContentDisposition contentDisposition, EContentTransferEncoding contentTransferEncoding, string uid, string attachmentDirectory, string boundary, PopMessage parentMessage) { if (PartUtils.IsMultipart(contentType)) { MultiPartParser parser = new MultiPartParser(); parser.FinalBoundaryReached += new EventHandler(this.childParser_FinalBoundaryReached); return(parser.Parse(reader, contentTransferEncoding, boundary, uid, attachmentDirectory, parentMessage, contentType)); } if (PartUtils.IsTextPart(contentType, contentDisposition)) { string charset = contentType.Attributes.ContainsKey("charset") ? contentType.Attributes["charset"] : "us-ascii"; TextPartParser parser2 = new TextPartParser(charset); parser2.FinalBoundaryReached += new EventHandler(this.childParser_FinalBoundaryReached); return(parser2.Parse(reader, contentType, contentDisposition, contentTransferEncoding, boundary)); } if (PartUtils.IsMessagePart(contentType) && (contentType.SubType == "delivery-status")) { MessageDeliveryStatusPartParser parser3 = new MessageDeliveryStatusPartParser(); parser3.FinalBoundaryReached += new EventHandler(this.childParser_FinalBoundaryReached); return(parser3.Parse(reader, contentType, contentDisposition, contentTransferEncoding, boundary)); } if (PartUtils.IsMessagePart(contentType) && (contentType.SubType == "disposition-notification")) { MessageDispositionNotificationPartParser parser4 = new MessageDispositionNotificationPartParser(); parser4.FinalBoundaryReached += new EventHandler(this.childParser_FinalBoundaryReached); return(parser4.Parse(reader, contentType, contentDisposition, contentTransferEncoding, boundary)); } if (PartUtils.IsMessagePart(contentType)) { MessagePartParser parser5 = new MessagePartParser(); parser5.FinalBoundaryReached += new EventHandler(this.childParser_FinalBoundaryReached); return(parser5.Parse(reader, contentType, contentDisposition, contentTransferEncoding, boundary, uid, attachmentDirectory)); } attachmentDirectory = Path.Combine(attachmentDirectory, MailClient.MessageFolderPrefix + IOUtil.FormatFileSystemName(uid)); ContentPartParser parser6 = new ContentPartParser(attachmentDirectory); parser6.FinalBoundaryReached += new EventHandler(this.childParser_FinalBoundaryReached); ContentPart part2 = (ContentPart)parser6.Parse(reader, contentType, contentDisposition, contentTransferEncoding, boundary); IPart part = part2; Attachment attachment = new Attachment(part2.DiskFilename, contentId, contentType, attachmentDirectory, part2.Size) { DiskFilename = part2.DiskFilename, TransferFilename = part2.TransferFilename, AttachmentDirectory = attachmentDirectory, ContentID = contentId, ContentType = contentType }; if (!attachment.TransferFilenameExtension.Equals(".octet-stream", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { parentMessage.Attachments.Add(attachment); } return(part); }
public static void ConfirmMessage(string p_Title, string p_Text) { PopMessage.ConfirmMessage(p_Title, p_Text, null); }
public static void CreatePopMessage() { instance = (Instantiate(Resources.Load("CPlugins/PopMessage/PopMessageCanvas")) as GameObject).GetComponent <PopMessage>(); }
public Pop3ReceiveMessageException(string errorMessage, PopMessage mailMessage) : base(errorMessage) { this.MailMessage = mailMessage; }
public virtual MultiPart Parse(IMessageReader reader, EContentTransferEncoding contentTransferEncoding, string boundary, string uid, string attachmentDirectory, PopMessage parentMessage, ContentType contentType) { byte[] buffer; MultiPart part = new MultiPart(); string str2 = contentType.Attributes["boundary"]; this._childrenReachedFinalBoundary = false; do { buffer = reader.ReadLine(); }while (buffer != null && this._defaultEncoding.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) != ("--" + str2)); do { string source = Utils.ReadHeaders(reader); MIMEHeader header = new MIMEHeaderParser().Parse(source); if (reader.EndOfMessage) { break; } IPart part2 = this.ParsePart(reader, header.ContentID, header.ContentType, header.ContentDisposition, header.ContentTransferEncoding, uid, attachmentDirectory, str2, parentMessage); part2.Header = header; part2.Header.ContentTransferEncoding = header.IsDefaultContentTransferEncoding ? contentTransferEncoding : header.ContentTransferEncoding; part.Parts.Add(part2); }while (!this._childrenReachedFinalBoundary); while (!reader.EndOfMessage) { buffer = reader.ReadLine(); if (buffer == null) { this.RaiseFinalBoundaryReached(); return(part); } EBoundaryType type = BoundaryChecker.CheckBoundary(buffer, boundary); if (type != EBoundaryType.NotBoundary) { if (type == EBoundaryType.Final) { this.RaiseFinalBoundaryReached(); } return(part); } } return(part); }
public PopMessage Parse(IMessageReader reader, string uid, string attachmentDirectory) { PopMessage message; MIMEHeader header; if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); } if (attachmentDirectory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("attachmentDirectory"); } try { MIMEHeaderParser parser = new MIMEHeaderParser(); message = new PopMessage(); message.Uid = uid; string source = Utils.ReadHeaders(reader); header = parser.Parse(source); message.Date = header.Date; message.From = header.From; message.Header.Sender = header.Sender; message.Header.ReplyTo = header.ReplyTo; message.To = header.To; message.CarbonCopies = header.CarbonCopies; message.BlindedCarbonCopies = header.BlindedCarbonCopies; message.Header.MessageID = header.MessageID; message.Header.InReplyTo = header.InReplyTo; message.Header.References = header.References; message.Subject = header.Subject; message.Header.Comments = header.Comments; message.Header.Keywords = header.Keywords; message.Header.ContentDisposition = header.ContentDisposition; message.Header.ResentDate = header.ResentDate; message.Header.ResentFrom = header.ResentFrom; message.Header.ResentSender = header.ResentSender; message.Header.ResentTo = header.ResentTo; message.Header.ResentCarbonCopies = header.ResentCarbonCopies; message.Header.ResentBlindedCarbonCopies = header.ResentBlindedCarbonCopies; message.Header.ResentMessageID = header.ResentMessageID; message.Header.ReturnPath = header.ReturnPath; message.Header.Received = header.Received; message.Header.ContentType = header.ContentType; message.Header.ContentTransferEncoding = header.ContentTransferEncoding; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in header.ExtraHeaders) { message.Header.ExtraHeaders.SmartAdd(pair.Key, pair.Value); } if (!reader.EndOfMessage) { message.RootPart = this.ParsePart(reader, message.Header.ContentID, message.Header.ContentType, message.Header.ContentDisposition, message.Header.ContentTransferEncoding, uid, attachmentDirectory, null, message); } } finally { while (!reader.EndOfMessage) { reader.ReadLine(); } } if (message.RootPart != null) { message.RootPart.Header = header; message.FillText(); } return(message); }