public ICollection <object> GetLightResults(PomodoroContainerType type) { IEnumerable <PomodoroContainer> enumToGoThrough = null; List <object> lst = new List <object>(); switch (type) { case PomodoroContainerType.Action: enumToGoThrough = ActionResults; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Task: enumToGoThrough = TaskResults; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Project: enumToGoThrough = ProjectResults; break; } foreach (PomodoroContainer result in enumToGoThrough) { lst.Add(new { ID = result.Ident, Name = result.PathItemName, ContainerType = result.Type }); } return(lst); }
public ICollection <string> GetLightStringResults(PomodoroContainerType type) { IEnumerable <PomodoroContainer> enumToGoThrough = null; List <string> lst = new List <string>(); switch (type) { case PomodoroContainerType.Action: enumToGoThrough = ActionResults; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Task: enumToGoThrough = TaskResults; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Project: enumToGoThrough = ProjectResults; break; } foreach (PomodoroContainer result in enumToGoThrough) { lst.Add(result.PathItemName); } return(lst); }
public static Color GetIntensityColor(int value, PomodoroContainerType containerType) { int mult = 0; switch (containerType) { case PomodoroContainerType.Workspace: mult = 300; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Project: case PomodoroContainerType.Sprint: mult = 400; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Task: mult = 600; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Action: mult = 800; break; } float x = Math.Min(4095, value * mult); int r = Math.Max(0, 200 - (int)(160f * (x / 4095f))); int g = Math.Max(0, 200 - (int)(219f * (x / 4095f))); int b = Math.Max(0, 200 - (int)(19f * (x / 4095f))); return(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); }
public ActionResult Autocomplete(PomodoroContainerType itemType, ItemSelectorTarget target /*int? ActionID = null*/) { SearchResults results = null; SelectList selectList = null; switch (itemType) { case PomodoroContainerType.Project: results = SearchProjects(String.Empty, null, null); selectList = new SelectList(results.GetLightResults(PomodoroContainerType.Project), "ID", "Name"); break; case PomodoroContainerType.Task: results = SearchTasks(String.Empty, null, null); selectList = new SelectList(results.GetLightResults(PomodoroContainerType.Task), "ID", "Name"); break; case PomodoroContainerType.Action: results = SearchActions(String.Empty, null, (target != ItemSelectorTarget.Navigate) ? (Status?)Status.Active : null); selectList = new SelectList(results.GetLightResults(PomodoroContainerType.Action), "ID", "Name"); break; } if (target == ItemSelectorTarget.ChangeParentItem) { ViewBag.ElementID = "parent"; ViewBag.parent = selectList; } else { ViewBag.ElementID = "id"; = selectList; } return(PartialView("Autocomplete", results)); }
public static ICollection <PomodoroSet> GetPomodoroSets(IEnumerable <Pomodoro> pomodoros, PomodoroContainerType containerType = PomodoroContainerType.Action, bool GroupDifferentDates = false) { List <PomodoroSet> list = new List <PomodoroSet>(); if (pomodoros.ToList().Count == 0 || containerType == PomodoroContainerType.Unspecified) { return(list); } PomodoroSet set = new PomodoroSet(); Pomodoro last = null; bool sameContainer = false; foreach (Pomodoro item in pomodoros.OrderBy(p => p.StartLocal)) { if (last != null) { switch (containerType) { case PomodoroContainerType.Project: sameContainer = last.Action.Task.ProjectID == item.Action.Task.ProjectID; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Task: sameContainer = last.Action.TaskID == item.Action.TaskID; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Action: sameContainer = last.ActionID == item.ActionID; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Sprint: sameContainer = last.Action.Task.ProjectID == item.Action.Task.ProjectID; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Workspace: sameContainer = true; break; } } if (last == null || (sameContainer && last.Status == item.Status) && (GroupDifferentDates || (last.Start.HasValue && item.Start.HasValue && last.StartLocal.Value.Date == item.StartLocal.Value.Date))) { set.Add(item); } else { list.Add(set); set = new PomodoroSet(); set.Add(item); } last = item; } list.Add(set); return(list); }
public ActionResult ItemSelector(PomodoroContainerType type, ItemSelectorTarget target, int?collectedThingID, int?sourceItemID, string defaultItemName) { string itemDesc = "Pomodoro"; switch (type) { case PomodoroContainerType.Project: itemDesc = "Task"; break; case PomodoroContainerType.Task: itemDesc = "Action"; break; } string title = "Please select the "; switch (target) { case ItemSelectorTarget.ChangeParentItem: title += "new " + type.ToString() + " for the current " + itemDesc; break; case ItemSelectorTarget.CreateItemFromCollectedThing: title += type.ToString() + " for the new " + itemDesc; break; case ItemSelectorTarget.SelectActiveAction: title += "new active Action to work"; break; case ItemSelectorTarget.Navigate: title += "item to view its details"; break; } ItemSelectorViewModel viewModel = new ItemSelectorViewModel() { Target = target, Title = title, ItemType = type, CollectedThingID = collectedThingID, SourceItemID = sourceItemID, DefaultItemName = defaultItemName, AvailableWork = db.GetMyProjects(User) .Include(p => p.Tasks.Select(t => t.Actions)) }; return(PartialView("Panels/ItemSelector/_ItemSelector", viewModel)); }
public static string GetBoxCssClass(PomodoroContainerType type) { switch (type) { case PomodoroContainerType.Project: return("box-danger"); case PomodoroContainerType.Task: return("box-primary"); case PomodoroContainerType.Action: return("box-success"); } return(string.Empty); }
public ActionResult ItemNavSelector(PomodoroContainerType type, ItemSelectorTarget target, ItemSelectorType selectorType, int?collectedThingID, int?sourceItemID, string defaultItemName) { ItemSelectorViewModel viewModel = new ItemSelectorViewModel() { Target = target, ItemType = type, CollectedThingID = collectedThingID, SourceItemID = sourceItemID, SelectorType = selectorType, DefaultItemName = defaultItemName, AvailableWork = db.GetMyProjects(User) .Include(p => p.Tasks.Select(t => t.Actions)) }; return(PartialView("Panels/ItemSelector/_ItemNavSelector", viewModel)); }
public static string GetIntensityColorRGB(int value, PomodoroContainerType containerType) { Color c = GetIntensityColor(value, containerType); return(GetColorRGB(c)); }