public static void Load(string path) { ContentPath = path; Fonts = new Fonts(); Textures = new Textures(); Sprites = new Sprites(); Polygones = new Polygones(); }
public List <Polygone> LoadFromFile() { if (Loader.NoPolygone.Where(x => x == FileName).Any()) { return(Polygones); } Console.WriteLine($"Reading file {FileName}"); try { StreamReader file = new StreamReader(Path + FileName); while (!file.EndOfStream) { var strline = file.ReadLine(); strline = strline.CleanSpace(); var ret = DecryptLine(strline); if (ret.Any()) { Polygones.AddRange(ret); } } //Adding the new element to the main base // save only small sized elements, large ones take more time to be cloned if ((IsPart) && (Polygones.Count < 5000)) { DatPart dtobj = new DatPart(); Console.WriteLine($"Adding {FileName} to saved list"); dtobj.AddPolygones(Polygones.DeepClone <List <Polygone> >()); dtobj.Name = FileName; Loader.DatObj.Add(dtobj); } if (!Polygones.Any()) { Loader.NoPolygone.Add(FileName); } file.Close(); file.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(Polygones); }
public void Add_Last(Point _point) { Polygones.Last().Points.Add(_point); }
public void Change_Last(Point _point) { Polygones.Last().Points[Count_Last - 1] = _point; }
public void Add(Polygon _polygon) { Polygones.Add(_polygon); }