public void TestOneEdgeExcluded() { var routerDb = new RouterDb(); var network = routerDb.Network; network.AddVertex(0, 51.154800936865406f, 4.2070770263671875f); network.AddVertex(1, 51.159968767920475f, 4.2235565185546875f); var edgeId = network.AddEdge(0, 1, new Itinero.Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData() { Distance = 57.69f, Profile = 1, MetaId = 10 }); var area = new PolygonArea(new Polygon() { ExteriorRing = new List <Coordinate>(new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(51.27391736369659f, 4.799566268920898f), new Coordinate(51.258531028690626f, 4.78879451751709f), new Coordinate(51.2665873439388f, 4.817891120910644f), new Coordinate(51.27391736369659f, 4.799566268920898f) }) }); var handler = new AreaMetaDataHandler(routerDb, area); handler.NewVertex += id => { Assert.Fail("This should not be called!"); }; handler.NewEdge += (oldEdgeId, newEdgeId) => { Assert.Fail("This should not be called!"); }; handler.EdgeInside += id => { Assert.Fail("This should not be called!"); }; handler.Run(); Assert.IsTrue(handler.HasSucceeded); }
public static Vector3 RandomPoint(this PolygonArea area) { switch (area.Vertexes.Count) { case 0: return(; case 1: return(area.Vertexes[0]); case 2: return(RandomPoint(area.Vertexes[0], area.Vertexes[1])); case 3: return(area.Triangles[0].RandomTrianglePoint()); } float n = Random.Range(0, area.Area); float c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < area.TriangleAreas.Count; ++i) { var triArea = area.TriangleAreas[i]; c += triArea; if (c >= n) { return(area.Triangles[i].RandomTrianglePoint()); } } return(area.Triangles[area.Triangles.Count - 1].RandomTrianglePoint()); }
public void TestOneEdgeIncluded() { var routerDb = new RouterDb(); var network = routerDb.Network; network.AddVertex(0, 51.268305f, 4.8014116287231445f); network.AddVertex(1, 51.2643048646482f, 4.797978401184082f); var edgeId = network.AddEdge(0, 1, new Itinero.Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData() { Distance = 57.69f, Profile = 1, MetaId = 10 }); var area = new PolygonArea(new Polygon() { ExteriorRing = new List <Coordinate>(new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(51.27391736369659f, 4.799566268920898f), new Coordinate(51.258531028690626f, 4.78879451751709f), new Coordinate(51.2665873439388f, 4.817891120910644f), new Coordinate(51.27391736369659f, 4.799566268920898f) }) }); var handler = new AreaMetaDataHandler(routerDb, area); handler.NewVertex += id => { Assert.Fail("This should not be called!"); }; handler.NewEdge += (oldEdgeId, newEdgeId) => { Assert.Fail("This should not be called!"); }; handler.EdgeInside += id => { Assert.AreEqual(edgeId, id); }; handler.Run(); Assert.IsTrue(handler.HasSucceeded); }
public PolyPanel() { InitializeComponent(); m_poly = new PolygonArea(false); m_majorRadiusTextBox.Text = m_poly.MajorRadius.ToString(); m_flatteningTextBox.Text = m_poly.Flattening.ToString(); m_lengthTextBox.Text = m_areaTextBox.Text = m_numPointsTextBox.Text = "0"; m_currLatTextBox.Text = m_currLonTextBox.Text = ""; }
public ApplicationState() { this.CurrentArea = Utilities.Area.Circle; this.mCircleArea = new CircleArea(new Point(-100, -100), 100); this.mPolygonArea = new PolygonArea(new Point(-100, -100)); this.mWholeImageArea = new WholeImageArea(); Filter = Filter.Negative; }
private static void CalcuateLenghtIncrements(List <Coordinate> points) { // setting the polyline to true allows us // to calculate length of a polyline var calc = new PolygonArea(Geodesic.WGS84, true); foreach (var point in points) { calc.AddPoint(point.X, point.Y); var length = calc.Compute().Perimeter; Console.WriteLine("Adding Point({0},{1}) : Curent Length : {2}", point.X, point.Y, length); } }
public void TestOneEdgeSplitInTwo() { var routerDb = new RouterDb(); var network = routerDb.Network; network.AddVertex(0, 51.26830584177533f, 4.8014116287231445f); network.AddVertex(1, 51.27440062061442f, 4.810037612915039f); var edgeId = network.AddEdge(0, 1, new Itinero.Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData() { Distance = 906.00f, Profile = 1, MetaId = 10 }); var futureNewVertexId = network.VertexCount; var area = new PolygonArea(new Polygon() { ExteriorRing = new List <Coordinate>(new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(51.27391736369659f, 4.799566268920898f), new Coordinate(51.258531028690626f, 4.78879451751709f), new Coordinate(51.2665873439388f, 4.817891120910644f), new Coordinate(51.27391736369659f, 4.799566268920898f) }) }); var handler = new AreaMetaDataHandler(routerDb, area); var newEdgeCalled = 0; var newEdges = new HashSet <uint>(); handler.NewVertex += id => { Assert.AreEqual(futureNewVertexId, id); }; handler.NewEdge += (oldEdgeId, newEdgeId) => { // this should be called twice. newEdgeCalled++; Assert.AreEqual(edgeId, oldEdgeId); newEdges.Add(newEdgeId); }; var edgeInsideCalled = 0; handler.EdgeInside += id => { // this should be called only once. Assert.AreNotEqual(edgeId, id); Assert.IsTrue(newEdges.Contains(id)); edgeInsideCalled++; Assert.AreEqual(1, edgeInsideCalled); }; handler.Run(); Assert.IsTrue(handler.HasSucceeded); Assert.AreEqual(2, newEdgeCalled); }
private static void CalculateLength(List <Coordinate> points) { // setting the polyline to true allows us // to calculate length of a polyline var calc = new PolygonArea(Geodesic.WGS84, true); foreach (var point in points) { calc.AddPoint(point.X, point.Y); } var length = calc.Compute().Perimeter; Console.WriteLine("Length Is : {0}", length); }
private static void CalculateArea(List <Coordinate> points) { // setting the polyline to false allows us // to calculate length of a polyline var calc = new PolygonArea(Geodesic.WGS84, false); foreach (var point in points) { calc.AddPoint(point.X, point.Y); } var area = calc.Compute(); Console.WriteLine("Area Is : {0}", area.Area); Console.WriteLine("Perimeter Is : {0}", area.Perimeter); }
private static void GetValue(PolygonAreaConfig scr, out PolygonArea area, out Vector3 origin, out Vector3 dir, out Color color, out float vOffset, out float dirLineLength, out float dirLineWidth) { var type = scr.GetType(); area = (PolygonArea)type.GetFieldAll("m_Area").GetValue(scr); color = (Color)type.GetFieldAll("m_AreaColor").GetValue(scr); vOffset = (float)type.GetFieldAll("m_AreaVertialOffsetBase").GetValue(scr); dirLineLength = (float)type.GetFieldAll("m_DirLineLength").GetValue(scr); dirLineWidth = (float)type.GetFieldAll("m_DirLineWidth").GetValue(scr); var polygonType = area.GetType(); origin = (Vector3)polygonType.GetFieldAll("m_Origin").GetValue(area); dir = (Vector3)polygonType.GetFieldAll("m_Direction").GetValue(area); }
private void OnSet(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { double a = Double.Parse(m_majorRadiusTextBox.Text); double f = Double.Parse(m_flatteningTextBox.Text); m_poly = new PolygonArea(new Geodesic(a, f), m_polylineCheckBox.Checked); m_lengthTextBox.Text = m_areaTextBox.Text = m_numPointsTextBox.Text = "0"; m_currLatTextBox.Text = m_currLonTextBox.Text = ""; m_edgeButton.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception xcpt) { MessageBox.Show(xcpt.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Geodesic geod = new Geodesic(); // WGS84 PolygonArea poly = new PolygonArea(geod, true); poly.AddPoint( 52, 0); // London poly.AddPoint( 41,-74); // New York poly.AddPoint(-23,-43); // Rio de Janeiro poly.AddPoint(-26, 28); // Johannesburg double perimeter, area; uint n = poly.Compute(false, true, out perimeter, out area); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", n, perimeter, area)); } catch (GeographicErr e) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Caught exception: {0}", e.Message)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Geodesic geod = new Geodesic(); // WGS84 PolygonArea poly = new PolygonArea(geod, true); poly.AddPoint(52, 0); // London poly.AddPoint(41, -74); // New York poly.AddPoint(-23, -43); // Rio de Janeiro poly.AddPoint(-26, 28); // Johannesburg double perimeter, area; uint n = poly.Compute(false, true, out perimeter, out area); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", n, perimeter, area)); } catch (GeographicErr e) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Caught exception: {0}", e.Message)); } }
public bool ValidateRestrictedArea(Observation observation) { if (this.Mission.RestrictedArea != null) { if (this.Mission.RestrictedArea.GetType() == typeof(CircleArea)) { CircleArea cirleArea = (CircleArea)this.Mission.RestrictedArea; double distance = GeoHelper.CalculateDistance(new Position(cirleArea.Center.Coordinates.Latitude, cirleArea.Center.Coordinates.Longitude), new Position(observation.Coordinates.Coordinates.Latitude, observation.Coordinates.Coordinates.Longitude)); return(distance < cirleArea.Radius); } else { PolygonArea polygonArea = (PolygonArea)this.Mission.RestrictedArea; return(GeoHelper.IsPointInPolygon(polygonArea.Polygon.Coordinates.Exterior.Positions.Select(x => new Position(x.Latitude, x.Longitude)).ToArray(), new Position(observation.Coordinates.Coordinates.Latitude, observation.Coordinates.Coordinates.Longitude))); } } return(true); }
public static bool IsContainsPoint(this PolygonArea area, Vector3 point) { if (area.Vertexes.Count <= 0) { return(false); } Plane plane = new Plane(-PolygonArea.Normal, area.Vertexes[0]); point = plane.GetPointOnPlane(point); foreach (var tri in area.Triangles) { if (tri.IsContainsPoint(point)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void main(string[] args) { PolygonArea p = new PolygonArea(Geodesic.WGS84, false); try { var inp = (from arg in args select double.Parse(arg)).GetEnumerator(); while (inp.MoveNext()) { double lat = inp.Current; inp.MoveNext(); double lon = inp.Current; p.AddPoint(lat, lon); } } catch (Exception e) { } PolygonResult r = p.Compute(); Console.WriteLine(r.Num + " " + r.Perimeter + " " + r.Area); }
private void OnValidate(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { double lat, lon, perim, area; PolygonArea pa = new PolygonArea(new Geodesic(50000.0, 0.001), true); pa = new PolygonArea(false); pa.AddPoint(32.0, -86.0); pa.AddEdge(20.0, 10000.0); pa.AddEdge(-45.0, 10000.0); pa.CurrentPoint(out lat, out lon); pa.Compute(false, false, out perim, out area); pa.TestEdge(-70.0, 5000.0, false, false, out perim, out area); pa.TestPoint(31.0, -86.5, false, false, out perim, out area); MessageBox.Show("No errors detected", "OK", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception xcpt) { MessageBox.Show(xcpt.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public PolygonAreaTests(ITestOutputHelper output) { _area = new PolygonArea(_nw, _ne, _se, _sw); _output = output; }
public PolygonArea CreateParallelogramTopCornerBaseline() { return(PolygonArea.Parallelogram(Origin, Size, Size, true, LineAlgorithm)); }
public PolygonArea CreateRectangleBaseline() { return(PolygonArea.Rectangle(new Rectangle(Origin.X, Origin.Y, Size, Size), LineAlgorithm)); }
public PolygonArea CreateParallelogramBottomCornerBaseline() { return(PolygonArea.Parallelogram(Origin, Size, Size, false, LineAlgorithm)); }
public static Vector3 GetCentroid(this PolygonArea polygon) { return(GetCentroid(polygon.Vertexes)); }
public RegionTests() { var polygon = new PolygonArea(_nw, _ne, _se, _sw); _area = new Region(polygon); }
public PolygonArea CreateRegularPolygonBaseline() { return(PolygonArea.RegularPolygon(Center, NumberOfSidesOrCorners, ParameterizedRadius, LineAlgorithm)); }
public PolygonArea CreateRegularStarInnerOneHalfBaseline() { return(PolygonArea.RegularStar(Center, NumberOfSidesOrCorners, ParameterizedRadius, (int)(ParameterizedRadius / 2.0), LineAlgorithm)); }
public PolygonArea CreateRegularStarInnerThreeFourthsBaseline() { return(PolygonArea.RegularStar(Center, NumberOfSidesOrCorners, ParameterizedRadius, (int)(ParameterizedRadius * 0.75), LineAlgorithm)); }
private void DrawRandomTest(SerializedProperty vertexesProp, SerializedProperty trianglesProp, SerializedProperty triangleAreasProp, SerializedProperty areaProp, SerializedProperty pointSizeProp) { if (areaProp.floatValue <= 0 || Mathf.Approximately(areaProp.floatValue, 0)) { return; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool isTest = GUILayout.Button("测试"); bool isClear = GUILayout.Button("清除"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("随机点大小"); pointSizeProp.floatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(pointSizeProp.floatValue, GUILayout.Width(100)); pointSizeProp.floatValue = Mathf.Clamp(pointSizeProp.floatValue, 0.01f, 1.0f); bool isRefresh = GUILayout.Button("刷新"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (isTest) { if (vertexesProp.arraySize > 3) { PolygonArea area = new PolygonArea() { Vertexes = new List <Vector3>(), Triangles = new List <ThreeVector3>(), TriangleAreas = new List <float>(), Area = areaProp.floatValue, }; for (int i = 0; i < vertexesProp.arraySize; ++i) { area.Vertexes.Add(vertexesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).vector3Value); } for (int i = 0; i < trianglesProp.arraySize; ++i) { var triProp = trianglesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); var x = triProp.FindPropertyRelative("x").vector3Value; var y = triProp.FindPropertyRelative("y").vector3Value; var z = triProp.FindPropertyRelative("z").vector3Value; area.Triangles.Add(new ThreeVector3(x, y, z)); area.TriangleAreas.Add(triangleAreasProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).floatValue); } testPoints.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < TestPointCount; ++i) { Vector3 p = area.RandomPoint(); testPoints.Add(p); } testPointsSize = pointSizeProp.floatValue; SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } if (isClear) { testPoints.Clear(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } if (isRefresh) { testPointsSize = pointSizeProp.floatValue; SceneView.RepaintAll(); } }