Esempio n. 1
		internal bool CreateListOfAttachmentsToSendLink(MailItem mailItem, PolicyContent.Attachment[] builtup, RequestManager requestManager, ref List<PolicyContent.Attachment> listAttachments)
			Logger.LogInfo("Matching the original attachments with the rebuilt collection and returning a list of items to SendLink");

			// ensure we have Recordkey of each non-signature attachment
			MessageBodyFormat bodyFormat;
            if (UseOutlookDOMForProcessing)
                using (OutlookMailProxy outlookMailProxy = new OutlookMailProxy(mailItem))
                    bodyFormat = OutlookBodyFormat.GetMessageBodyFormat(outlookMailProxy.FormattedBodyText);
                    Logger.LogInfo("Email body format: " + bodyFormat.ToString());
                using (RedemptionMailProxy redemptionMailProxy = new RedemptionMailProxy(mailItem, true, DisableAccessToDOMAttachments))
                    bodyFormat = OutlookBodyFormat.GetMessageBodyFormat(redemptionMailProxy.FormattedBodyText);
                    Logger.LogInfo("Email body format: " + bodyFormat.ToString());

			List<string> recordKeys = new List<string>(GetListofRecordKeys(mailItem, bodyFormat));
			if (recordKeys.Count <= 0)
				Logger.LogDebug("The list of record keys for the email is empty. Assuming the email only contains a signature image so there's nothing to SendLink.");
				return true;

			foreach (PolicyContent.Attachment attachment in builtup)
				// .msg files are flattened before normal Protect processing, so they need to be treated as
				// a special case as their IDs won't match against the processed file list.
				// i.e. att.Id == attachment.Id will not work (see below).
				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment.FileName) && attachment.FileName.EndsWith(".msg", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
					CustomProperty[] properties = attachment.Properties;
					bool hasRecordKey = false;

					// .msg files should always have a RecordKey, but check anyway for error cases     
					foreach (CustomProperty cp in properties)
						hasRecordKey = (cp.Name == "RecordKey") && (recordKeys.Contains(cp.Value));

						if (hasRecordKey)
							Logger.LogInfo(".msg file added to SendLink attachments list.  Backing file: " + attachment.FileName);

					if (!hasRecordKey)
						Logger.LogError("RecordKey was not found in the attachment's custom properties when processing .msg: " + attachment.FileName);
						return false;
					foreach (PolicyContent.Attachment att in requestManager.Request.Attachments)
						// Match attachment on mailItem with processed equivalent in builtup collection
						// and add to SendLink list
						if (att.Id == attachment.Id)
							CustomProperty[] properties = att.Properties;
							bool hasRecordKey = false;

							foreach (CustomProperty cp in properties)
								hasRecordKey = (cp.Name == "RecordKey") && (recordKeys.Contains(cp.Value));

								// we don't want signature images
								if (hasRecordKey)
									if ((attachment.Properties == null) || (attachment.Properties.Length == 0))
										attachment.Properties = new[] { cp };


							if (!hasRecordKey)
								Logger.LogDebug("Unable to find a RecordKey for attachment.  Assuming this is a signature image: " + attachment.Name);

			return true;
Esempio n. 2
		private void UpdateHeaderInfo(IProxy mailItem, PolicyContent.Request request)
			Mime.Conversions.Priority priority = XHeaderParser.FromXHeader(PolicyManagerUtils.GetPropertyValue(request.Properties, MailMessagePropertyKeys.xPriority));
			NotesMailPriority notesPriority = (priority == Mime.Conversions.Priority.High ? NotesMailPriority.High : NotesMailPriority.Normal);
Esempio n. 3
		internal bool ExecuteSendLinkAction(MailItem mailItem, PolicyContent.Attachment[] builtup, RequestManager requestManager)
			Logger.LogInfo("Executing Secure File Transfer Process");

            Workshare.Analytics.WsAnalyticsListener analyticsListener = new Workshare.Analytics.WsAnalyticsListener();

			if (!requestManager.SendAndProtect && !ShowBccWarning(mailItem, requestManager))
                return false;

                List<PolicyContent.Attachment> listAttachments = new List<PolicyContent.Attachment>();

                if (!CreateListOfAttachmentsToSendLink(mailItem, builtup, requestManager, ref listAttachments))
                    return false;

                if (listAttachments.Count <= 0)
                    Logger.LogInfo("List of attachments to SendLink is empty");
                    return true;
                string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                List<SendLinkInfo> links = GetLinks(requestManager.Response, mailItem, listAttachments, id);

                if (links != null && links.Count > 0)
					Logger.LogInfo("Secure File Transfer: removing old attachments");

                    //SetMessageWindowVisible(mailItem, false);

                    //This call will change the mailItem
                    AdjustAttachments(mailItem, links, id);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPropertyValue(requestManager.EnforceResponse.ModifiedRequest.Properties,
                                                               MailMessagePropertyKeys.MimeContent)) ||
                        string body;
                        // Need to create a new proxy object because mailItem was changed in AdjustAttachments()
                        if (UseOutlookDOMForProcessing)
                            using (OutlookMailProxy outlookMailProxy = new OutlookMailProxy(mailItem))
                                body = outlookMailProxy.FormattedBodyText;
                                body = OutlookFormattedTextProcessor.NewFormattedBodyText(body, links, mailItem);
                            using (RedemptionMailProxy redemptionMailProxy = new RedemptionMailProxy(mailItem, true, DisableAccessToDOMAttachments))
                                body = redemptionMailProxy.FormattedBodyText;
                                body = OutlookFormattedTextProcessor.NewFormattedBodyText(body, links, mailItem, false);

                                //private static void InsertHtmlIntoBodyText(ref string body, MessageBodyFormat bodyformat, IEnumerable<SendLinkInfo> links, MailItem mailItem)
                                //sets body as null.
                                if (body != null)
                                    redemptionMailProxy.FormattedBodyText = body;

                        if (body != null)
                            SetPropertyValue(requestManager.EnforceResponse.ModifiedRequest.Properties, MailMessagePropertyKeys.FormattedBody, body);

					Logger.LogInfo("End Secure File Transfer Process");

                    // Allow the inspector window to redraw now, so that the attachments
                    // and altered body text are immediately updated.
                    Logger.LogInfo("No Links to process");


                mailItem.UserProperties.Add("SendLink", OlUserPropertyType.olText);
            catch (Exception e)
                //SetMessageWindowVisible(mailItem, true);

            return true;
Esempio n. 4
		private void UpdateEmailContent(IProxy mailItem, PolicyContent.Request request)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PolicyManagerUtils.GetPropertyValue(request.Properties, MailMessagePropertyKeys.MimeContent)))
			mailItem.SetSubject(PolicyManagerUtils.GetPropertyValue(request.Properties, MailMessagePropertyKeys.Subject));
			mailItem.SetBody(PolicyManagerUtils.GetPropertyValue(request.Properties, MailMessagePropertyKeys.FormattedBody));
			UpdateHeaderInfo(mailItem, request);
Esempio n. 5
        // Add msg files back to the collection of attachments that was processed
        internal PolicyContent.Attachment[] AppendMissingAttachments(PolicyContent.Attachment[] missingAttachments, PolicyContent.Attachment[] modifiedRequestAttachments)
            // No *.msg files so return the modified request attachments
            if (missingAttachments.Length == 0)
                return modifiedRequestAttachments;

            // Array to list
            List<Workshare.PolicyContent.Attachment> resultAttachments = new List<Workshare.PolicyContent.Attachment>(modifiedRequestAttachments.Length);

            // Add any missing files to the modified collection
            foreach (var attachment in missingAttachments)
                if (!resultAttachments.Exists(x => x.Id == attachment.Id))
                    Logger.LogInfo(string.Format("Add missing unprocessed attachment to the collection of processed attachments. Id = {0} DisplayName = {1} Source = {2}.", attachment.Id, attachment.Name, attachment.File.FileName));
					Logger.LogError(string.Format("a file previously removed was found in the modified collection. Id = {0} DisplayName = {1} Source = {2}.", attachment.Id, attachment.Name, attachment.File.FileName));

            return resultAttachments.ToArray();
Esempio n. 6
        public PolicyContent.Attachment[] GetIgnoreForWorkshareActionAttachments(PolicyContent.Request request)
            List<PolicyContent.Attachment> result = new List<PolicyContent.Attachment>();

            foreach (var attachment in request.Attachments)
                if (attachment.IgnoreForWorkshareActions)
                    Logger.LogInfo(string.Format("Add IgnoreForWorkshareActions attachment to missing attachment collection. Id = {0} DisplayName = {1} Source = {2}.", attachment.Id, attachment.Name, attachment.File.FileName));

            return result.ToArray();        
Esempio n. 7
        // Remove any .msg files from the Request object and return a collection of the msg files that was removed
        internal Workshare.PolicyContent.Attachment[] ExtractAttachmentsOfTypeEmail(PolicyContent.Request request)
			// Add msg attachements
            List<Workshare.PolicyContent.Attachment> attachmentsTypeMail = new List<Workshare.PolicyContent.Attachment>();
			// Add !msg attachements
            List<Workshare.PolicyContent.Attachment> attachments = new List<Workshare.PolicyContent.Attachment>();

			// Find attachmend of type Mail (msg) in the Request attachments
            foreach (var item in request.Attachments)
                if (item.File.FileType == Policy.FileType.Email)
					// return result
                    Logger.LogInfo(string.Format("Remove msg file from collection to be processed. Id = {0} DisplayName = {1} Source = {2}.", item.Id, item.Name, item.File.FileName));
					// update Request
            if (attachmentsTypeMail.Count != 0)
                // Replace the Request object attachmentd with the collection without the msg files
                request.Attachments = attachments.ToArray();
            return attachmentsTypeMail.ToArray();
Esempio n. 8
		/// <summary>|
		/// We need this to handle the recursive parenting.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="response">The <see cref="Workshare.PolicyContent.Response"/></param>
		/// <param name="uiAction">The <see cref="UIAction"/> object for the content item</param>
		/// <param name="action">The <see cref="Workshare.PolicyContent.Action"/> object for the content item</param>
		/// <param name="contentItem"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static UIContentItem HandleParentContentItems(Response response, UIAction uiAction, PolicyContent.Action action, ContentItem contentItem)
			UIContentItem parent = uiAction.GetContentItemById(contentItem.ParentId);
			if (parent == null)
				CustomProperty parentIndex = Array.Find(contentItem.Properties, p => p.Name == "ParentIndex");
				int index = (parentIndex == null ? -1 : Int32.Parse(parentIndex.Value));
				if (index > -1)
					parent = new UIContentItem(response.Contents[index], action, true);
				if (parent != null)
					if (parent.ParentId == null)
						uiAction.ContentItems[parent.Id] = parent;
						UIContentItem grandparent = HandleParentContentItems(response, uiAction, action, parent.ContentItem);
						grandparent.ChildContentItems[parent.Id] = parent;
			return parent;