Esempio n. 1
 public WildPokemonAreaSpecification(int id, PokemonInstance.WildSpecification specification, string battleBackgroundResourceName, float encounterChance)
 {            = id;
     this.specification = specification;
     this.battleBackgroundResourceName = battleBackgroundResourceName;
     this.encounterChance = encounterChance;
Esempio n. 2
        /* Data CSV Columns:
         * id (int)
         * battle background resource name (string)
         * encounter chance (float 0-1)
         * min level (byte 0-100)
         * max level (byte 0-100)
         * possible species chances:
         *     {species id};{weighting} separated by ','

        public static void LoadData()
            List <WildPokemonAreaSpecification> specs = new List <WildPokemonAreaSpecification>();

            string[][] data = CSV.ReadCSVResource(dataPath, ignoreDataFirstLine);

            foreach (string[] entry in data)
                int    id;
                string battleBackgroundResourceName;
                float  encounterChance;
                byte   minLevel, maxLevel;
                Dictionary <int, float> possibleSpeciesChances;

                if (entry.Length < 6)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid wild pokemon area specification to load - " + entry);

                if (!int.TryParse(entry[0], out id))
                    Debug.LogError("Invalid id for wild pokemon area specification - " + entry[0]);

                battleBackgroundResourceName = entry[1];

                if (!float.TryParse(entry[2], out encounterChance))
                    Debug.LogError("Invalid encounter chance for wild pokemon area specification id - " + id);
                    encounterChance = 0;

                if (encounterChance < 0 || encounterChance > 1)
                    Debug.LogError("Encounter chance out of range for wild pokemon area specification id - " + id);
                    encounterChance = Mathf.Clamp(encounterChance, 0, 1);

                if (!byte.TryParse(entry[3], out minLevel))
                    Debug.LogError("Invalid minimum level for wild pokemon area specification id " + id);
                    minLevel = 1;

                if (!byte.TryParse(entry[4], out maxLevel))
                    Debug.LogError("Invalid maximum level for wild pokemon area specification id " + id);
                    maxLevel = 1;

                string[] speciesChanceEntries = entry[5].Split(',');
                possibleSpeciesChances = new Dictionary <int, float>();

                for (int i = 0; i < speciesChanceEntries.Length; i++)
                    string speciesIdEntry = speciesChanceEntries[i];

                    if (!speciesIdEntry.Contains(";"))
                        Debug.LogError("Invalid species chance for wild pokemon area specification (no ;) id - " + id);

                    string[] parts = speciesIdEntry.Split(';');

                    if ((!int.TryParse(parts[0], out int speciesId)) ||
                        (!float.TryParse(parts[1], out float weighting)))
                        Debug.LogError("Invalid species id for wild pokemon area specification area (can't parse) id - " + id);

                    if (possibleSpeciesChances.ContainsKey(speciesId))
                        Debug.LogError("Duplicate species id for species chances for wild pokemon area specification id - " + id);

                    possibleSpeciesChances.Add(speciesId, weighting);

                PokemonInstance.WildSpecification wildSpecification = new PokemonInstance.WildSpecification(
                    speciesChancesDict: possibleSpeciesChances,
                    minimumLevel: minLevel,
                    maximumLevel: maxLevel);

                specs.Add(new WildPokemonAreaSpecification(id, wildSpecification, battleBackgroundResourceName, encounterChance));

Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a PokemonInstance from a wild specification
 /// </summary>
 public static PokemonInstance GenerateFromWildSpecification(PokemonInstance.WildSpecification spec,
                                                             bool shinyPokemon = false)
 => GenerateWild(speciesId: spec.ChooseRandomSpecies(),
                 minLevel: spec.minimumLevel,
                 maxLevel: spec.maximumLevel,
                 shinyPokemon: shinyPokemon);