Esempio n. 1
        //on met a jour
        private void updatePosition(mode m)
            switch (m)
            case mode.turn:
                int    angleDeplacement = 0;
                double newTheta         = position.theta;
                int    errorCodeAngle   = 0;
                errorCodeAngle = getDataSinceLastReset(mode.turn, ref angleDeplacement);
                if (errorCodeAngle == 0)
                    newTheta += angleDeplacement;
                    position  = new PointOriente(position.x, position.y, newTheta);

                int    deplacement = 0;
                double theta       = position.theta;
                double X           = position.x;
                double Y           = position.y;
                int    errorCode   = getDataSinceLastReset(, ref deplacement);
                if (errorCode == 0)
                    double angle = System.Math.PI * theta / 180.0;
                    X       += deplacement * System.Math.Cos(angle);
                    Y       += deplacement * System.Math.Sin(angle);
                    position = new PointOriente(X, Y, theta);

            Informations.printInformations(Priority.LOW, "l'information sur la position a été mise à jour");
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestRectangle1()
            PointOriente[] pointsIn = { new PointOriente(10,    5, -5),
                                        new PointOriente(-10, 15),
                                        new PointOriente(10,   15, 10),
                                        new PointOriente(-10,   5, 10),
                                        new PointOriente(0,    10, 10) };

            PointOriente[] pointsOut =
                new PointOriente(-10,         0, -5),
                new PointOriente(-10.01,     10, -5),
                new PointOriente(0,      15.001, -5)

            PointOriente centre = new PointOriente(0, 10, 0);
            double       LX     = 10;
            double       LY     = 5;

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(centre, LX, LY);

            foreach (PointOriente pt in pointsIn)

            foreach (PointOriente pt in pointsOut)
Esempio n. 3
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, bool adjustToAngle, int speedDrive, int speedTurn)
     this.adjustToAngle = adjustToAngle;
     this.destination   = destination;
     this.speedDrive    = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn     = speedTurn;
Esempio n. 4
        public void TestRectangleOrienteRetourne()
            PointOriente[] pointsIn = { new PointOriente(10,                 5, -5),
                                        new PointOriente(-10,              15),
                                        //new PointOriente(10, 15, 10),
                                        new PointOriente(9.9999,     14.999999, 10),
                                        new PointOriente(-9.9999999,    5.0001, 10),
                                        //new PointOriente(-10, 5, 10), // Attention à l'arrondi
                                        new PointOriente(0,                 10, 10) };

            PointOriente[] pointsOut =
                new PointOriente(-10,         0, -5),
                new PointOriente(-10.01,     10, -5),
                new PointOriente(0,      15.001, -5)

            PointOriente centre = new PointOriente(0, 10, Math.PI);
            double       LX     = 10;
            double       LY     = 5;

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(centre, LX, LY);

            foreach (PointOriente pt in pointsIn)

            foreach (PointOriente pt in pointsOut)
Esempio n. 5
 public Arc(PointOriente p, double l, double d, double a)
     origine  = p;
     largeur  = l;
     distance = d;
     angle    = a;
Esempio n. 6
        public Boolean AdjustAngleToLieuCle(LieuCle lieu)
            PointOriente positionDuRobotApresDeplacement = null;

Esempio n. 7
        public Boolean GoToLieuCle(LieuCle lieu)
            PointOriente positionDuRobotApresDeplacement = null;

Esempio n. 8
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, bool adjustToAngle, int speedDrive)
     this.adjustToAngle = adjustToAngle;
     this.destination   = destination;
     this.speedDrive    = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn     = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedTurn;
Esempio n. 9
        public Boolean GoAndAdjustAngleToLieuCle(LieuCle lieu)
            PointOriente positionDuRobotApresDeplacement = null;

Esempio n. 10
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forcedDirection, int speedDrive, int speedTurn)
     this.destination       = destination;
     this.isDirectionForced = true;
     this.forcedDirection   = forcedDirection;
     this.speedDrive        = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn         = speedTurn;
Esempio n. 11
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forcedDirection, int speedDrive)
     this.destination       = destination;
     this.isDirectionForced = true;
     this.forcedDirection   = forcedDirection;
     this.speedDrive        = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn         = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedTurn;
Esempio n. 12
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, bool adjustToAngle, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forcedDirection)
     this.adjustToAngle     = adjustToAngle;
     this.destination       = destination;
     this.isDirectionForced = true;
     this.forcedDirection   = forcedDirection;
     this.speedDrive        = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn         = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedTurn;
Esempio n. 13
        public Boolean GoToOrientedPoint(PointOriente pt)
            //Calculer l'angle a tourner
            double deltaX = pt.x - position.x;
            double deltaY = pt.y - position.y;
            double result, radians, angle;
            int    deltaAngle;

            if (deltaX != 0)
                result  = deltaY / deltaX;
                radians = System.Math.Atan(result);
                angle   = radians * (180 / System.Math.PI);
                if (deltaY > 0)
                    angle = 90;
                    angle = -90;
            deltaAngle = doubleToIntForTheta(angle - position.theta);

            int sens = 1; //avance=1,recule=-1

            //Ameliorer l'angle a tourner
            //[-360,-270],[270,360]->[0,90], [-90,0], sens=avance
            if (System.Math.Abs(deltaAngle) >= 270)
                deltaAngle -= System.Math.Sign(deltaAngle) * 360;
            //[-270,-90],[90,270]->[-90,90], sens=recule
            else if (System.Math.Abs(deltaAngle) >= 90)
                deltaAngle -= System.Math.Sign(deltaAngle) * 180;
                sens        = -1;
                angle      -= System.Math.Sign(angle) * 180;

            //Faire orienter a la destination

            //Aller tout droite
            int distance = doubleToIntForXY(System.Math.Sqrt(pt.distanceSquared(position)));

            AvanceAndSleep(distance * sens);

            //Mise a jour la position
            position = new PointOriente(pt.x, pt.y, angle);

Esempio n. 14
        public void TestTranslation()
            PointOriente point1 = new PointOriente(10, -10, -5);
            PointOriente point2 = new PointOriente(0, 15, 10);

            PointOriente resultat = new PointOriente(10, 5, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(point1.translater(point2), resultat);
Esempio n. 15
        public override bool Appartient(PointOriente p)
            double rel_x      = p.x - origine.x;
            double rel_y      = p.y - origine.y;
            double proj_rel_1 = System.Math.Cos(origine.theta) * rel_x + System.Math.Sin(origine.theta) * rel_y;
            double proj_rel_2 = -System.Math.Sin(origine.theta) * rel_x + System.Math.Cos(origine.theta) * rel_y;

            return((-l_X <= proj_rel_1 && proj_rel_1 <= l_X) && (-l_Y <= proj_rel_2 && proj_rel_2 <= l_Y));
Esempio n. 16
        public override bool Appartient(PointOriente p)
            double rel_x = p.x - origine.x;
            double rel_y = p.y - origine.y;

            if (rel_x == 0 && rel_y == 0)
                return(distance == 0);
                bool horsCercle1 = (rel_x * rel_x + rel_y * rel_y) >= distance;
                bool dansCercle2 = (rel_x * rel_x + rel_y * rel_y) <= distance + largeur;
                bool dansCadrant = (System.Math.Atan(rel_y / rel_x) >= p.theta && System.Math.Atan(rel_y / rel_x) <= p.theta + angle);
                return(horsCercle1 && dansCercle2 && dansCadrant);
Esempio n. 17
        public Boolean Move(MOVETYPES type, PointOriente pt)
            switch (type)
            case MOVETYPES.GoTo:

            case MOVETYPES.AdjustAngle:

            case MOVETYPES.GoToAndAdjustAngle:
Esempio n. 18
        private static void loadActionTest1()
            /*Action MOTHER_ACTION = new ActionBuilder("Action mère Test1").Add(
             *      new Actions.ActionsIHM.ActionBouton(Robot.robot.TR1_BOUTON_1)
             *  )
             *  .Add(
             *      new ActionBuilder("Allumer LED").BuildActionDelegate(Robot.robot.TR1_BOUTON_1.TurnLedOn)
             *  ).Add(
             *      new ActionBuilder("Wait a bit...").BuildActionWait(2000)
             *  )
             *  .Add(
             *      new ActionBuilder("Eteindre LED").BuildActionDelegate(Robot.robot.TR1_BOUTON_1.TurnLedOff)
             *  ).BuildActionEnSerieRepeated(-1); // Envois infinis
             * setMotherAction(ModeOperatoire.TEST1, MOTHER_ACTION);*/

            PointOriente pt1 = new PointOriente(100, 100, 50);
            PointOriente pt2 = new PointOriente(100, 200, 50);
            PointOriente pt3 = new PointOriente(100, 0, 50);

            Action MOTHER_ACTION = new ActionBuilder("Action mère Test1").Add(
                new Actions.ActionsIHM.ActionBouton(Robot.robot.TR1_BOUTON_1)
                new Actions.ActionBaseRoulante("Point1 ", pt1)
                new ActionBuilder("Wait a bit...").BuildActionWait(2000)
                new Actions.ActionBaseRoulante("Point2 ", pt2)
                new ActionBuilder("Wait a bit...").BuildActionWait(2000)
                new Actions.ActionBaseRoulante("Point3 ", pt3)
                                   .BuildActionEnSerieRepeated(-1); // Envois infinis

            setMotherAction(ModeOperatoire.TEST1, MOTHER_ACTION);
Esempio n. 19
        public void TestRectangleOrienteAngleDroit() // Attention, Math.Cos(PI/2) = 10e-17
            PointOriente[] pointsIn = { new PointOriente(10,                 5, -5),
                                        new PointOriente(-10,              15),
                                        //new PointOriente(10, 15, 10),
                                        new PointOriente(9.9999,     14.999999, 10),
                                        new PointOriente(-9.9999999,    5.0001, 10),
                                        //new PointOriente(-10, 5, 10), // Attention à l'arrondi
                                        new PointOriente(0,                 10, 10) };

            PointOriente[] pointsOut =
                new PointOriente(-10,         0, -5),
                new PointOriente(-10.01,     10, -5),
                new PointOriente(0,      15.001, -5)

            PointOriente centre = new PointOriente(0, 10, Math.PI / 2);
            double       LX     = 5;
            double       LY     = 10;

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(centre, LX, LY);

            //Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2), 1d);
            //Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Cos(Math.PI / 2), 0d);

            foreach (PointOriente pt in pointsIn)

            foreach (PointOriente pt in pointsOut)
Esempio n. 20
        public Boolean GoToOrientedPoint(PointOriente pt) // Automatically find direction
            double angle;
            double deltaX, deltaY, deltaTheta;

            deltaX = pt.x - this.GetPosition().x;
            deltaY = pt.y - this.GetPosition().y;

            Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Going to " + pt.x.ToString() + "," + pt.y.ToString() + "\r\n");
            if (deltaX == 0)
                if (deltaY > 0)
                    deltaTheta = 90;
                    deltaTheta = 270;
                deltaTheta = convertTo360(180 / System.Math.PI * System.Math.Atan2(deltaY, deltaX));
            angle = (convertTo360(this.GetPosition().theta) - convertTo360(deltaTheta) + 90);
            Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Angle before modulo : " + angle.ToString());
            angle = convertTo360(angle);
            Informations.printInformations(Priority.LOW, "J'ai deltaTheta = " + deltaTheta.ToString());
            Informations.printInformations(Priority.LOW, "Donc angle = " + angle.ToString());
            if (angle > 180)
                return(this.GoToOrientedPoint(pt, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE));
                return(this.GoToOrientedPoint(pt, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT));
Esempio n. 21
        public Boolean AdjustAngleToPoint(PointOriente pt) // ajuste theta, mais pas X,Y => mode turn
            //Calculer l'angle a tourner
            Double currentAngle = position.theta;                              //[-180,180]
            Double Angle        = pt.theta;                                    //[-180,180]
            int    deltaAngle   = doubleToIntForTheta((Angle - currentAngle)); //[-360,360]

            //Amerliorer l'angle a tourner
            if (deltaAngle > 180)
                deltaAngle -= 360;                   //[180,360]->[-180,0]
            else if (deltaAngle < -180)
                deltaAngle += 360;                        //[-360,-180]->[-180,0]
            //Faire la rotation

            //Mise a jour la position
            position = new PointOriente(position.x, position.y, pt.theta);

Esempio n. 22
        int PARAMETER_FOR_THETA = 100; //l'unite de l'angle = millidegree, on accepte l'entree de la forme X.XX degrees

        public BaseRoulante(int socket)
            : base(socket)
            this.kangaroo = new Kangaroo(socket);
            this.position = new PointOriente(0, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 23
 public void setPosition(PointOriente pt)
     position = pt;
     Informations.printInformations(Priority.LOW, "la position a été redéfinie");
Esempio n. 24
 public void setPosition(PointOriente pt)
     position = pt;
Esempio n. 25
        public Action GetMotherActionPRCompetitionForCouleurOrange()
            int dis = 93; //distance entre le milieu du robot (la ou on veut les cubes, et lecentre de rotation)
            //signe y a changer selon le cote
            PointOriente ptInit = new PointOriente(3000 - (125 - dis), -108, 180);
            PointOriente pt0    = new PointOriente(3000 - 125, -108, 0);
            PointOriente pt1    = new PointOriente(3000 - (1130 - dis + 90), -350, 50);
            PointOriente pt2    = new PointOriente(3000 - (1130 - dis + 90), -5 /*-(-15 + dis)*/, 90);

            // only 0-2 used for homol

            PointOriente pt3 = new PointOriente(3000 - (1230 + dis + 90), -530, -180); //+610
            //PointOriente ptIntermediaire = new PointOriente(1100+dis, 620, -180);
            PointOriente pt4  = new PointOriente(3000 - (890 + dis), -530, -180);
            PointOriente zone = new PointOriente(3000 - 600, -100, 0);
            PointOriente pt5  = new PointOriente(3000 - 500, -200, 0);

             * PointOriente pt3 = new PointOriente(1230 + dis + 90, -530, -180); //+610
             * //PointOriente ptIntermediaire = new PointOriente(1100+dis, 620, -180);
             * PointOriente pt4 = new PointOriente(890 + dis, -530, -180);
             * PointOriente zone = new PointOriente(500, -100, 0);
             * PointOriente pt5 = new PointOriente(500, -200, 0); */

            PointOriente pt_homol_1 = new PointOriente(3000 - (1230 + dis + 90), -1500, -180); //+610
            PointOriente pt_homol_2 = new PointOriente(3000 - (1230 + dis + 90), -600, -180);  //+610

            Action MOTHER_ACTION = new ActionBuilder("test")
                                   //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Afficher score homol").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.IHM.AfficherInformation("Score : 0", false)))
                                   .Add(new ActionJack())
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("set init").BuildActionSetPositionInitiale(ptInit.x, ptInit.y, ptInit.theta))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 200))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt0").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt0))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(true))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt1").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt1))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(false))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt2").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt2, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE)).Add(new ActionBuilder("Ajouter score").BuildActionAddScore(25))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Recallage").BuildActionRecallageAxeX(-30, 10, 1, 1, -90))

                                   /* POINTS BIDON */ /*
                                    * .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(true))
                                    * .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt2").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt_homol_1, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                    * .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt2").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt_homol_2, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE))
                                    * .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt2").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt_homol_1, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                    * .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt2").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt_homol_2, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(-100, 100))
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt3").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt3, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                   //).Add(new ActionBuilder("ptInter").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(ptIntermediaire, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT)
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("pt4").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(pt4, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                   .Add(new ActionRamasseCube())
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Zone").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(zone, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                   //.Add(new ActionReleaseCube())
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(100, 100))

Esempio n. 26
        public Boolean GoToOrientedPoint(PointOriente pt, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forceDir) // forceDir = AVANT or ARRIERE
            isPaused = Map.MapInformation.isDetecteurOn && Robot.robot.OBSTACLE_MANAGER.getObstacleStatusForDirection(forceDir);
            if (isPaused)
            Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Going (dir forced) to " + pt.x.ToString() + "," + pt.y.ToString() + "\r\n");
            Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.direction = forceDir;
            // AdjustToAngle == True must be handled here
            double angle = 0;
            double deltaX, deltaY, deltaTheta, alpha;

            deltaX     = pt.x - this.GetPosition().x;
            deltaY     = pt.y - this.GetPosition().y;
            deltaTheta = 180 / System.Math.PI * System.Math.Atan2(deltaY, deltaX);
            if (deltaY == 0)
                if (deltaX > 0)
                    deltaTheta = 0;
                    deltaTheta = 180;
            if (deltaTheta < 0)
                deltaTheta = 360 + deltaTheta;
            // We now have the good theta (between 0 and 360)
            if (forceDir == OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT)
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Going en avant");
                if (this.GetPosition().theta % 360 - deltaTheta % 360 > 180) // That means we have to turn atrigo
                    Rotate(convertTo180(360 - this.GetPosition().theta % 360 - deltaTheta % 360));
                    // waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                    Rotate(convertTo180(-this.GetPosition().theta % 360 + deltaTheta % 360));
                    // waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                deltaX = pt.x - this.GetPosition().x;
                deltaY = pt.y - this.GetPosition().y;
                Avance((int)System.Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY));
                //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                if (this.isPaused)
                    return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                //position = new PointOriente(pt.x, pt.y, deltaTheta);
                angle = deltaTheta;
            if (forceDir == OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE)
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Going en arriere");
                if (this.GetPosition().theta % 360 - deltaTheta > 180)
                {//turn antitrigo
                    Rotate(convertTo180(-convertTo360(this.GetPosition().theta) + 180 - convertTo360(deltaTheta)));
                    //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                    Rotate(convertTo180(180 - convertTo360(this.GetPosition().theta) + convertTo360(deltaTheta)));
                    //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                deltaX = pt.x - this.GetPosition().x;
                deltaY = pt.y - this.GetPosition().y;
                Avance(-(int)System.Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY));
                //position = new PointOriente(pt.x, pt.y, 180+deltaTheta%360); // check the angle
                //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                if (this.isPaused)
                    return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
            if (adjustToAngle)
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.LOW, "Starting to adjust angle");
                Rotate((convertTo180(-GetPosition().theta + pt.theta)));
                //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                if (this.isPaused)
                    return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
            Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "DOne with gotoForced dir.");
Esempio n. 27
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, int speedDrive)
     this.destination = destination;
     this.speedDrive  = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn   = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedTurn;
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructeur d'une surface rectangulaire orientée par l'angle du point central.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="centre">Centre du rectangle</param>
 /// <param name="deltaX">Taille par rapport à l'axe X : [centre.x +- deltaX]</param>
 /// <param name="deltaY">Taille par rapport à l'axe Y : [centre.y +- deltaY]</param>
 public Rectangle(PointOriente centre, double deltaX, double deltaY)
     origine = centre.Clone();
     l_Y     = System.Math.Abs(deltaY);
     l_X     = System.Math.Abs(deltaX);
Esempio n. 29
        public Action GetMotherActionForCouleurVerte()
            ActionBuilder MotherActionBuilder = new ActionBuilder("Gros robot - mother action couleur verte");

            //double positionInitialeGR_X = dimensionGR_X / 2;
            double positionInitialeGR_X   = 390 - dimensionGR_Y / 2;
            double positionInitialeGR_Y   = -(630 - dimensionGR_X / 2);
            double positionInitialieTheta = -90;

            PointOriente point_tube_uni_intermediaire_1 = new PointOriente(positionInitialeGR_X + 200, positionInitialeGR_Y, 0);
            PointOriente point_tube_uni_intermediaire_2 = new PointOriente(200 + dimensionGR_X / 2, -845, 0);
            PointOriente point_tube_uni_final           = new PointOriente(100, -845, 0); // direction arriere, adjust to angle
            PointOriente point_tube_uni_lancement       = new PointOriente(710 - 168, -845, 110 - 90);

            PointOriente point_abeille_intermediaire_1 = new PointOriente(1060, -845, -90);
            PointOriente point_abeille_intermediaire_2 = new PointOriente(400, -2000 + 400, -130);
            PointOriente point_abeille_final           = new PointOriente(dimensionGR_Y / 2 + 40, 10 - 2000 + dimensionGR_X / 2, -90);

            PointOriente point_tube_mixte_intermediaire_1 = new PointOriente(400, -2000 + 820, 0);                            // Parcourir la map
            PointOriente point_tube_mixte_intermediaire_2 = new PointOriente(2400, -2000 + 820, 180);                         // Parcourir la map => IR = on
            PointOriente point_tube_mixte_intermediaire_3 = new PointOriente(2400, -1600, 90);                                // Parcourir la map => IR = on
            PointOriente point_tube_mixte_final           = new PointOriente(2400, -2000 + dimensionGR_X / 2 - 10 - 100, 90); // direction arriere, adjust to angle
            //PointOriente point_tube_mixte_final = new PointOriente(3000 - 2400 /*- 80*/ /* 7 cm de trop */, -2000 + dimensionGR_X / 2 - 10, 90+180); // direction avant, adjust to angle
            PointOriente point_tube_mixte_envoi_balles_vertes = new PointOriente(2390, -2000 + 400, 50);                      // adjust to angle, (direction avant ?) 45 avannt

            GestionnaireServosGR gestio = new GestionnaireServosGR();

            ActionEnSerie ViderTubeUni = new ActionBuilder("Vider le tube uni")
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("Ajouter score").BuildActionAddScore(10))
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 300))
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("Desactiver IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(false))
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_tube_uni_intermediaire_2))
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 300))
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement 2").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ANGLE(point_tube_uni_final, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE))
                                         //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(3, 100))
                                         //.Add(new ActionWait("Wait a bit...", 500))
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("piche").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ANGLE(point_tube_uni_lancement, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                         .Add(new ActionBuilder("Ajouter score").BuildActionAddScore(45))

            ActionEnSerie ActiverAbeille = new ActionBuilder("Activer l'abeille")
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 800))
                                           //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(200, 100 * 200))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(false))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_abeille_intermediaire_1))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(true))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_abeille_intermediaire_2, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT)) // change orange
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(false))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 350))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ANGLE(point_abeille_final, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                           //.Add(new ActionDelegate("Reinit kangaroo", () => { Robot.robot.SWITCH_GLOBAL.Activate(); Thread.Sleep(300); Robot.robot.SWITCH_GLOBAL.Desactivate(); Thread.Sleep(300); }))
                                           //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(-200, 100 * 100))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionRecallageAxeX(-2000 + dimensionGR_X / 2, 400, 300 * 100, 600 * 100, -90))
                                           //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_abeille_final, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))
                                           //.Add(new ActionDelegate("Reinit kangaroo", () => { Thread.Sleep(50);  Robot.robot.SWITCH_GLOBAL.Activate(); Thread.Sleep(50); Robot.robot.SWITCH_GLOBAL.Desactivate(); Thread.Sleep(1500); }))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Ajouter score").BuildActionAddScore(50))

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(-200, 300))
                                           /* Ajouter servoMoteur */

            ActionEnSerie ViderTubeMixte = new ActionBuilder("Vider le tube mixte")
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(false))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 800)) // 700-800

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_tube_mixte_intermediaire_1))

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Activer IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(true))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_tube_mixte_intermediaire_2, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE))

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 600))

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_tube_mixte_intermediaire_3, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE))

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Desactiver IR").BuildActionSetDetecteurObstacle(false))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Regler vitese drive").BuildActionDelegate(() => Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive = 200))
                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ONLY(point_tube_mixte_final, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE))
                                           //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(3, 100))

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("ouverture recolte mixte").BuildActionAddScore(10))

                                           .Add(new ActionBuilder("Deplacement").BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ANGLE(point_tube_mixte_envoi_balles_vertes, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT))

            Action MOTHER_ACTION = new ActionBuilder("Mother action - competition Gros Robot")
                                   .Add(new ActionJack())
                                   .Add(new ActionBuilder("Position initiale GR Vert").BuildActionSetPositionInitiale(positionInitialeGR_X, positionInitialeGR_Y, positionInitialieTheta))
                                   //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Position initiale GR Vert").BuildActionSetPositionInitiale(point_tube_uni_final.x, point_tube_uni_final.y, point_tube_uni_final.theta))
                                   //.Add(new ActionBuilder("Recule un peu").BuildActionBaseRoulante_DRIVE(50, 100 * 200))

Esempio n. 30
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, int speedDrive, int speedTurn)
     this.destination = destination;
     this.speedDrive  = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn   = speedTurn;