Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[7];
            _inputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.PointFeatureSet);
            _inputParam[1] = new ListParam(TextStrings.Zvalue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.layercontainsvalues
            _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.CellSize, 0, 0, double.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Thecellsizeingeographicunits
            _inputParam[3] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.Power, 2, 1, double.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Theinfluenceofdistance
            _neighborhoodType = new List <string> {
                TextStrings.FixedDistance, TextStrings.FixedCount
            _inputParam[4] = new ListParam(TextStrings.NeighborhoodType, _neighborhoodType, 0)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Selectthetypeofneighborhood
            _inputParam[5] = new IntParam(TextStrings.MinMaxnumberofpoints, 12, 0, int.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.FixedDistanceHelpText
            _inputParam[6] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.MinMaxdistance, 0, 0, double.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.FixedDistanceHelpText

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.Raster);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _inputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.PointFeatureSet);

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new PolygonFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.PolygonFeatureSet);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _inputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.PointFeatureSet);

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _outputParam[0] = new PolygonFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.PolygonFeatureSet);
            _outputParam[1] = new BooleanParam(TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap, TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap_CheckboxText, true);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PointElement"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputParam">The parameter this element represents</param>
        /// <param name="dataSets">An array of available data</param>
        public PointElement(PointFeatureSetParam inputParam, List <DataSetArray> dataSets)
            // Needed by the designer

            // We save the parameters passed in
            Param = inputParam;

            _dataSets = dataSets;

            // Saves the label
            GroupBox.Text = Param.Name;

Esempio n. 5
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[5];
            _inputParam[0] = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.InputFeatureSet);
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara1, 60.0);
            _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara2, 3.0);
            _inputParam[3] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara3, 5.0);
            _inputParam[4] = new StringParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara4, string.Empty);
            _outputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _outputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.OutputFeatureSet);
            _outputParam[1] = new PolygonFeatureSetParam("DEBUG MODE OUTPUT");
            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.OutputFeatureSet);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PointElementOut"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputParam">The parameter this element represents</param>
        /// <param name="dataSets">An array of available data</param>
        public PointElementOut(PointFeatureSetParam outputParam, List <DataSetArray> dataSets)
            // Needed by the designer

            // We save the parameters passed in
            Param = outputParam;

            // Saves the label
            GroupBox.Text = Param.Name;

            // Sets up the initial status light indicator
            Status       = ToolStatus.Empty;
            LightTipText = ModelingMessageStrings.FeaturesetMissing;

            // Populates the dialog with the default parameter value
            if (outputParam.Value != null && outputParam.DefaultSpecified)
                textBox1.Text = outputParam.ModelName;
                Status        = ToolStatus.Ok;
                LightTipText  = ModelingMessageStrings.FeaturesetValid;