Esempio n. 1
        private void ComputeSparseOpticalFlow()
            // Compute optical flow using pyramidal Lukas Kanade Method
            OpticalFlow.PyrLK(grayFrame, nextGrayFrame, ActualFeature[0], new System.Drawing.Size(10, 10), 3, new MCvTermCriteria(20, 0.03d), out NextFeature, out Status, out TrackError);

            using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())
                nextHull = PointCollection.ConvexHull(ActualFeature[0], storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE).ToArray();
            nextCentroid = FindCentroid(nextHull);
            for (int i = 0; i < ActualFeature[0].Length; i++)
                //Uncomment this to draw optical flow vectors
Esempio n. 2
        private void InitializeFaceTracking()
            _faces = new HaarCascade("haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml");
            frame  = _capture.QueryFrame();
            //We convert it to grayscale
            grayFrame = frame.Convert <Gray, Byte>();
            // We detect a face using haar cascade classifiers, we'll work only on face area
            faceDetected = grayFrame.DetectHaarCascade(_faces, 1.1, 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.HAAR_DETECTION_TYPE.DO_CANNY_PRUNING, new Size(20, 20));
            if (faceDetected[0].Length == 1)
                trackingArea = new Rectangle(faceDetected[0][0].rect.X, faceDetected[0][0].rect.Y, faceDetected[0][0].rect.Width, faceDetected[0][0].rect.Height);

                // Here we enlarge or restrict the search features area on a smaller or larger face area
                float scalingAreaFactor  = 0.6f;
                int   trackingAreaWidth  = (int)(faceDetected[0][0].rect.Width * scalingAreaFactor);
                int   trackingAreaHeight = (int)(faceDetected[0][0].rect.Height * scalingAreaFactor);
                int   leftXTrackingCoord = faceDetected[0][0].rect.X - (int)(((faceDetected[0][0].rect.X + trackingAreaWidth) - (faceDetected[0][0].rect.X + faceDetected[0][0].rect.Width)) / 2);
                int   leftYTrackingCoord = faceDetected[0][0].rect.Y - (int)(((faceDetected[0][0].rect.Y + trackingAreaHeight) - (faceDetected[0][0].rect.Y + faceDetected[0][0].rect.Height)) / 2);
                trackingArea = new Rectangle(leftXTrackingCoord, leftYTrackingCoord, trackingAreaWidth, trackingAreaHeight);

                // Allocating proper working images
                faceImage     = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(trackingArea.Width, trackingArea.Height);
                faceGrayImage = new Image <Gray, Byte>(trackingArea.Width, trackingArea.Height);
                frame.ROI     = trackingArea;
                frame.Copy(faceImage, null);
                frame.ROI     = Rectangle.Empty;
                faceGrayImage = faceImage.Convert <Gray, Byte>();

                // Detecting good features that will be tracked in following frames
                ActualFeature = faceGrayImage.GoodFeaturesToTrack(400, 0.5d, 5d, 5);
                faceGrayImage.FindCornerSubPix(ActualFeature, new Size(5, 5), new Size(-1, -1), new MCvTermCriteria(25, 1.5d));

                // Features computed on a different coordinate system are shifted to their original location
                for (int i = 0; i < ActualFeature[0].Length; i++)
                    ActualFeature[0][i].X += trackingArea.X;
                    ActualFeature[0][i].Y += trackingArea.Y;

                // Computing convex hull
                using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())
                    hull = PointCollection.ConvexHull(ActualFeature[0], storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE).ToArray();

                referenceCentroid = FindCentroid(hull);
Esempio n. 3
        //Code adapted and improved from:
        // refer to wikipedia for math formulas centroid of polygon
        private PointF FindCentroid(PointF[] Feature)
            PointF[] Hull;

            // Computing convex hull
            using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())
                Hull = PointCollection.ConvexHull(Feature, storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE).ToArray();

            // Add the first point at the end of the array.
            int num_points = Hull.Length;

            PointF[] pts = new PointF[num_points + 1];
            Hull.CopyTo(pts, 0);
            pts[num_points] = Hull[0];

            // Find the centroid.
            float X = 0;
            float Y = 0;
            float second_factor;

            for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
                second_factor = pts[i].X * pts[i + 1].Y - pts[i + 1].X * pts[i].Y;
                X            += (pts[i].X + pts[i + 1].X) * second_factor;
                Y            += (pts[i].Y + pts[i + 1].Y) * second_factor;
            // Divide by 6 times the polygon's area.
            float polygon_area = Math.Abs(SignedPolygonArea(Hull));

            X /= (6 * polygon_area);
            Y /= (6 * polygon_area);

            // If the values are negative, the polygon is
            // oriented counterclockwise so reverse the signs.
            if (X < 0)
                X = -X;
                Y = -Y;
            return(new PointF(X, Y));