private void ValidateDataDetailsManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARow)
            TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResultCollection = FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection;

            TSharedPersonnelValidation_Personnel.ValidateJobAssignmentManual(this, ARow, ref VerificationResultCollection,
 /// <summary>
 /// Code to be run after the deletion process
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ARowToDelete">the row that was/was to be deleted</param>
 /// <param name="AAllowDeletion">whether or not the user was permitted to delete</param>
 /// <param name="ADeletionPerformed">whether or not the deletion was performed successfully</param>
 /// <param name="ACompletionMessage">if specified, is the deletion completion message</param>
 private void PostDeleteManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARowToDelete,
                               bool AAllowDeletion,
                               bool ADeletionPerformed,
                               string ACompletionMessage)
     if (ADeletionPerformed)
        private void ShowDetailsManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARow)
            // In theory, the next Method call could be done in Methods NewRowManual; however, NewRowManual runs before
            // the Row is actually added and this would result in the Count to be one too less, so we do the Method call here, short
            // of a non-existing 'AfterNewRowManual' Method....

            if (ARow != null)
                txtUnitKey.Enabled = (ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Added);
        private void NewRowManual(ref PmJobAssignmentRow ARow)
            ARow.PartnerKey    = FMainDS.PPerson[0].PartnerKey;
            ARow.UnitKey       = 0;
            ARow.PositionName  = "";
            ARow.PositionScope = "O";
            ARow.FromDate      = DateTime.Now.Date;

            // set job key to random value for now as this will be set correctly during saving on server side
            // depending on if job record already exists or not
            ARow.JobKey           = -1;
            ARow.JobAssignmentKey = Convert.ToInt32(TRemote.MCommon.WebConnectors.GetNextSequence(TSequenceNames.seq_job_assignment));
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs checks to determine whether a deletion of the current
        ///  row is permissable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ARowToDelete">the currently selected row to be deleted</param>
        /// <param name="ADeletionQuestion">can be changed to a context-sensitive deletion confirmation question</param>
        /// <returns>true if user is permitted and able to delete the current row</returns>
        private bool PreDeleteManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARowToDelete, ref string ADeletionQuestion)
            /*Code to execute before the delete can take place*/
            ADeletionQuestion  = Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to delete the current row?");
            ADeletionQuestion += String.Format("{0}{0}({1} {2},{0} {3} {4} {5},{0} {6} {7})",

        private void ValidateDataDetailsManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARow)
            TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResultCollection = FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection;

            TSharedPersonnelValidation_Personnel.ValidateJobAssignmentManual(this, ARow, ref VerificationResultCollection,
        private void ShowDetailsManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARow)
            // In theory, the next Method call could be done in Methods NewRowManual; however, NewRowManual runs before
            // the Row is actually added and this would result in the Count to be one too less, so we do the Method call here, short
            // of a non-existing 'AfterNewRowManual' Method....

            if (ARow != null)
                txtUnitKey.Enabled = (ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Added);
 /// <summary>
 /// Code to be run after the deletion process
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ARowToDelete">the row that was/was to be deleted</param>
 /// <param name="AAllowDeletion">whether or not the user was permitted to delete</param>
 /// <param name="ADeletionPerformed">whether or not the deletion was performed successfully</param>
 /// <param name="ACompletionMessage">if specified, is the deletion completion message</param>
 private void PostDeleteManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARowToDelete,
     bool AAllowDeletion,
     bool ADeletionPerformed,
     string ACompletionMessage)
     if (ADeletionPerformed)
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs checks to determine whether a deletion of the current
        ///  row is permissable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ARowToDelete">the currently selected row to be deleted</param>
        /// <param name="ADeletionQuestion">can be changed to a context-sensitive deletion confirmation question</param>
        /// <returns>true if user is permitted and able to delete the current row</returns>
        private bool PreDeleteManual(PmJobAssignmentRow ARowToDelete, ref string ADeletionQuestion)
            /*Code to execute before the delete can take place*/
            ADeletionQuestion = Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to delete the current row?");
            ADeletionQuestion += String.Format("{0}{0}({1} {2},{0} {3} {4} {5},{0} {6} {7})",

            return true;
        private void NewRowManual(ref PmJobAssignmentRow ARow)
            ARow.PartnerKey = FMainDS.PPerson[0].PartnerKey;
            ARow.UnitKey = 0;
            ARow.PositionName = "";
            ARow.PositionScope = "O";
            ARow.FromDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

            // set job key to random value for now as this will be set correctly during saving on server side
            // depending on if job record already exists or not
            ARow.JobKey = -1;
            ARow.JobAssignmentKey = Convert.ToInt32(TRemote.MCommon.WebConnectors.GetNextSequence(TSequenceNames.seq_job_assignment));
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the Job Assignment data of a Partner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AContext">Context that describes where the data validation failed.</param>
        /// <param name="ARow">The <see cref="DataRow" /> which holds the the data against which the validation is run.</param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection">Will be filled with any <see cref="TVerificationResult" /> items if
        /// data validation errors occur.</param>
        /// <param name="AValidationControlsDict">A <see cref="TValidationControlsDict" /> containing the Controls that
        /// display data that is about to be validated.</param>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public static void ValidateJobAssignmentManual(object AContext, PmJobAssignmentRow ARow,
            ref TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection, TValidationControlsDict AValidationControlsDict)
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;
            TValidationControlsData ValidationControlsData;
            TVerificationResult VerificationResult;

            // Don't validate deleted DataRows
            if (ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)

            // 'From Date' must be defined
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PmJobAssignmentTable.ColumnFromDateId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                VerificationResult = TSharedValidationControlHelper.IsNotInvalidDate(ARow.FromDate,
                    ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel, AVerificationResultCollection, true,
                    AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

            // 'To Date' must be later than 'From Date'
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PmJobAssignmentTable.ColumnToDateId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                VerificationResult = TDateChecks.FirstGreaterOrEqualThanSecondDate(ARow.ToDate, ARow.FromDate,
                    ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel, ValidationControlsData.SecondValidationControlLabel,
                    AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

            // 'Unit' must be a Partner of Class 'UNIT' and must not be 0
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PmJobAssignmentTable.ColumnUnitKeyId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                VerificationResult = TSharedPartnerValidation_Partner.IsValidUNITPartner(
                    ARow.UnitKey, false, THelper.NiceValueDescription(
                        ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel) + " must be set correctly.",
                    AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Since the validation can result in different ResultTexts we need to remove any validation result manually as a call to
                // AVerificationResultCollection.AddOrRemove wouldn't remove a previous validation result with a different
                // ResultText!

            // 'Assignment Type' must not be unassignable
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PmJobAssignmentTable.ColumnAssignmentTypeCodeId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                PtAssignmentTypeTable TypeTable;
                PtAssignmentTypeRow TypeRow;

                VerificationResult = null;

                if ((!ARow.IsAssignmentTypeCodeNull())
                    && (ARow.AssignmentTypeCode != String.Empty))
                    TypeTable = (PtAssignmentTypeTable)TSharedDataCache.TMPersonnel.GetCacheableUnitsTable(
                    TypeRow = (PtAssignmentTypeRow)TypeTable.Rows.Find(ARow.AssignmentTypeCode);

                    // 'Assignment Type' must not be unassignable
                    if ((TypeRow != null)
                        && TypeRow.UnassignableFlag
                        && (TypeRow.IsUnassignableDateNull()
                            || (TypeRow.UnassignableDate <= DateTime.Today)))
                        // if 'Assignment Type' is unassignable then check if the value has been changed or if it is a new record
                        if (TSharedValidationHelper.IsRowAddedOrFieldModified(ARow, PmJobAssignmentTable.GetAssignmentTypeCodeDBName()))
                            VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(new TVerificationResult(AContext,
                                        new string[] { ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel, ARow.AssignmentTypeCode })),
                                ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

            // 'Position' must be not be null and not unassignable
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PmJobAssignmentTable.ColumnPositionNameId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                PtPositionTable PositionTable;
                PtPositionRow PositionRow;

                VerificationResult = null;

                if ((!ARow.IsPositionNameNull())
                    && (ARow.PositionName != String.Empty))
                    PositionTable = (PtPositionTable)TSharedDataCache.TMPersonnel.GetCacheableUnitsTable(
                    PositionRow = (PtPositionRow)PositionTable.Rows.Find(new object[] { ARow.PositionName, ARow.PositionScope });

                    // 'Position' must not be unassignable
                    if ((PositionRow != null)
                        && PositionRow.UnassignableFlag
                        && (PositionRow.IsUnassignableDateNull()
                            || (PositionRow.UnassignableDate <= DateTime.Today)))
                        // if 'Position' is unassignable then check if the value has been changed or if it is a new record
                        if (TSharedValidationHelper.IsRowAddedOrFieldModified(ARow, PmJobAssignmentTable.GetPositionNameDBName()))
                            VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(new TVerificationResult(AContext,
                                        new string[] { ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel, ARow.PositionName })),
                                ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);
                    // Position name must not be null
                    VerificationResult = TStringChecks.StringMustNotBeEmpty(ARow.PositionName,
                        AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);