private static void Main() { using (var ctx = new Pm3Entities()) { // create and seed the db ctx.Database.Initialize(true); // load elements to use AccidentCodeService var dbf = new DbFactory(); var acr = new AccidentCodeRepository(dbf); var ui = new UnitOfWork(dbf); var acs = new AccidentCodeService(acr, ui); // add a code to our table if (acs.GetAccidentCode("E") == null) { var ac = new AccidentCode { AccidentCodeId = "E", Description = "E description" }; acs.CreateAccidentCode(ac); acs.SaveAccidentCode(); } else { AccidentCode accidentCode = acs.GetAccidentCode("E"); accidentCode.Description = "Some Other New description for E"; acs.Update(accidentCode); acs.SaveAccidentCode(); } // list the codes in the table var aclist = acs.GetAccidentCodes(); foreach (var aci in aclist) { Console.WriteLine($"ac: {aci.AccidentCodeId} - {aci.Description}"); } Pm3Entities pe = new Pm3Entities(); PrepRule pr1 = new PrepRule { Description = "test1" }; pr1.RuleMessage = "test1"; pr1.Warning = false; pr1.HardCoded = false; PrepRule pr2 = new PrepRule(); pr2.Description = "test2"; pr2.RuleMessage = "test2"; pr2.Warning = false; pr2.HardCoded = false; pe.PrepRule.Add(pr1); pe.PrepRule.Add(pr2); pe.Commit(); } // all done Console.WriteLine("Goodbye from PM3!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Pm3Entities Init() { return(_dbContext ?? (_dbContext = new Pm3Entities())); }