void AutoStartEvents() { if (autoEvents) { timerAutoEvents = timer.Repeat(timeAutoEvents * 60, 0, () => StartEvents()); } }
void StartEvents() { if (PlayerClient.All.Count < minimumPlayersEvent) { return; } if (randomEvents) { if (!autoLottery && !lotteryOfPlayers) { autoLottery = true; lotteryOfPlayers = true; } else if (autoLottery && lotteryOfPlayers) { lotteryOfPlayers = false; } else if (autoLottery && !lotteryOfPlayers) { autoLottery = false; } } if (autoLottery) { EventLottery(); } else if (autoMath) { var listQuestions = questionsAnswersPrizes.ToList(); int randomQuestion = random.Next(0, listQuestions.Count); var questionRandom = listQuestions[numberQuestion] as string[]; if (questionRandom == null) { Puts("Questions Number: " + randomQuestion.ToString() + " is nuul! I advise you to delete the config MiniEvents."); return; } openMath = true; numberQuestion = randomQuestion; rust.BroadcastChat(tagChat, string.Format(GetMessage("AutoStartGameMath"), questionRandom[0], timeCloseAnswersMath)); timerAnswersMath = timer.Once(timeCloseAnswersMath * 60, () => { openMath = false; rust.BroadcastChat(tagChat, GetMessage("AutoStartGameMath1")); }); } }
void InitiateTime(bool settime) { if (plugintimer != null) { plugintimer.Destroy(); } env.daylength = 999999999f; env.nightlength = 99999999f; if (settime) { EnvironmentControlCenter.Singleton.SetTime(Convert.ToSingle(startTime)); } cachedDaytime = Convert.ToSingle(dayTime); cachedNighttime = Convert.ToSingle(nightTime); if (cachedDaytime < 1f) { cachedDaytime = 1f; } if (cachedNighttime < 1f) { cachedNighttime = 1f; } plugintimer = timer.Repeat(1f, 0, () => CheckTime()); }