Esempio n. 1
        private String[] DiscoverPluginAssembliesHelper(
            String path, PluginCriteria criteria, Type criteriaType)
            String[] assemblies;
              // Get .dll names
              path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, path);
              assemblies = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.dll");
              if(assemblies.Length != 0){

             ArrayList assembliesIncluded = new ArrayList();
             foreach(String s in assemblies){
            // Load the assembly
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(s);
            // Find matching type?
            Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();
            foreach(Type t in types){
               if(IncludeType(t, criteria, criteriaType)){
                  break; // match found, move on
             // Get array of matching assemblies
             assemblies = (String[])assembliesIncluded.ToArray(
              return assemblies;
Esempio n. 2
        // Test a type for matching the plugin criteria
        private static Boolean IncludeType(
            Type type, PluginCriteria criteria, Type criteriaType)
            Boolean judgement = false;

              // Switch on criteria type
              case PluginCriteria.Interface: // interface
            throw new ArgumentException(
               "Criteria does not match criteria type.");
             // If compatible with the interface type, thumbs-up
             judgement = criteriaType.IsAssignableFrom(type);
              case PluginCriteria.BaseClass:
             if(!(criteriaType.IsClass && !criteriaType.IsSealed)){
            throw new ArgumentException(
               "Criteria does not match criteria type.");
             // If compatible with the base type, thumbs-up
             judgement = criteriaType.IsAssignableFrom(type);
              case PluginCriteria.CustomAttribute:
            throw new ArgumentException(
               "Criteria does not match criteria type.");
             // If the attribute is defined on the type, then true
             judgement = type.IsDefined(criteriaType, true);
             throw new ArgumentException("Invalid plugin criteria.");

              return judgement;
Esempio n. 3
 // From an array of assemblies find the plugin types
 private static Type[] LoadPluginTypesHelper(
     String[] assemblies, PluginCriteria criteria, Type criteriaType)
     ArrayList typesIncluded = new ArrayList();
       foreach(String s in assemblies){
      // Load the assembly
      Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(s);
      // Find the plugin types
      Type[] types = assembly.GetExportedTypes();
      foreach(Type t in types){
     if(IncludeType(t, criteria, criteriaType)){
       // Return an array of types
       return (Type[])typesIncluded.ToArray(typeof(Type));
Esempio n. 4
        // Get an array of plugin types using a
        // plugin criteria and trust level
        public static Type[] LoadPluginTypes(
            PluginTrustLevel level, PluginCriteria criteria, Type criteriaType)
            // Build the path for plugins we are searching for
              // also, if secure plugins won't work, throw
              String pluginPath;
              if(level == PluginTrustLevel.Full){
             pluginPath = fullTrustPath;
            throw new SecurityException(
               "Semi-trusted plugins were not enabled!");
             pluginPath = semiTrustPath;

              // Create a temporary app domain so that we can unload assemblies
              AppDomain domain =

              // Find the name of this assembly and load it into the domain
              String assemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;

              // Create an instance of the PluginManager type
              // in the temporary domain
              BindingFlags binding = BindingFlags.CreateInstance |
             BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
              ObjectHandle handle = domain.CreateInstance(
             assemblyName, typeof(PluginManager).ToString(), false,
             binding, null, null, null, null, null);
              PluginManager helper = (PluginManager)handle.Unwrap();

             // Get an array of assemblies that include matching plugins
             String[] assemblies= helper.DiscoverPluginAssembliesHelper(
            pluginPath, criteria, criteriaType);
             // return loaded plugin types
             return LoadPluginTypesHelper(assemblies, criteria, criteriaType);
             return new Type[0];
             // Unload any unwanted assemblies