public Plugin GetPlugin(int resourceId)
            HttpWebResponse error;
            string          response = DownloadString(string.Format(PluginUrl, resourceId), out error);

            if (error?.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                return(null); // Plugin not found or not allowed access.

            var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();


            var rootNode     = htmlDoc.DocumentNode;
            var result       = new Plugin();
            var resourceDesc = rootNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@class='mainContent']/div[@class='resourceInfo']/div[@class='resourceDesc']");

            result.Name = ParsePluginName(resourceDesc);
            result.Game = ParsePluginGame(resourceDesc);

            result.Description = resourceDesc.SelectSingleNode("p").InnerText;

            var historyTable = rootNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@class='dataTable resourceHistory']");

            foreach (var rowNode in historyTable.SelectNodes("tr").Skip(1)) // Skip header
                Plugin.Version item = ParsePluginRow(rowNode);

Esempio n. 2
        static void ExecuteAndUnload(string assemblyPath, out WeakReference alcWeakRef)
            // Create the unloadable HostAssemblyLoadContext
            var alc = new HostAssemblyLoadContext(assemblyPath);

            // Create a weak reference to the AssemblyLoadContext that will allow us to detect
            // when the unload completes.
            alcWeakRef = new WeakReference(alc);

            // Load the plugin assembly into the HostAssemblyLoadContext.
            // NOTE: the assemblyPath must be an absolute path.
            Assembly a = alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath(assemblyPath);

            // Get the plugin interface by calling the PluginClass.GetInterface method via reflection.
            Type       pluginType   = a.GetType("Plugin.PluginClass");
            MethodInfo getInterface = pluginType.GetMethod("GetInterface", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);

            Plugin.Interface plugin = (Plugin.Interface)getInterface.Invoke(null, null);

            // Now we can call methods of the plugin using the interface
            string result = plugin.GetMessage();

            Plugin.Version version = plugin.GetVersion();

            Console.WriteLine($"Response from the plugin: GetVersion(): {version}, GetMessage(): {result}");

            // This initiates the unload of the HostAssemblyLoadContext. The actual unloading doesn't happen
            // right away, GC has to kick in later to collect all the stuff.
        private static Plugin.Version ParsePluginRow(HtmlNode rowNode)
            Plugin.Version result = new Plugin.Version();

            result.Value = rowNode.SelectSingleNode("td[1]").InnerText;

            HtmlNode dateTimeNode = rowNode.SelectSingleNode("td[2]/*[@class='DateTime']");
            string   dateString   = dateTimeNode.GetAttributeValue("title", dateTimeNode.InnerText);

            result.ReleaseDate = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, "MMM d', 'yyyy' at 'h:mm' 'tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToUniversalTime();

            string downloadsString = rowNode.SelectSingleNode("td[3]").InnerText;

            result.Downloads = int.Parse(downloadsString, NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            string downloadHref = rowNode.SelectSingleNode("td[4]/a").GetAttributeValue("href", null);
            string versionStr   = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(downloadHref.Split('?')[1])["version"];

            result.Id = int.Parse(versionStr);
