Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Sends the Plextor READ CD-DA command</summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the command failed and <paramref name="senseBuffer" /> contains the sense buffer.</returns>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer where the Plextor READ CD-DA response will be stored</param>
        /// <param name="senseBuffer">Sense buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">Timeout in seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">Duration in milliseconds it took for the device to execute the command.</param>
        /// <param name="lba">Start block address.</param>
        /// <param name="transferLength">How many blocks to read.</param>
        /// <param name="blockSize">Block size.</param>
        /// <param name="subchannel">Subchannel selection.</param>
        public bool PlextorReadCdDa(out byte[] buffer, out byte[] senseBuffer, uint lba, uint blockSize,
                                    uint transferLength, PlextorSubchannel subchannel, uint timeout,
                                    out double duration)
            senseBuffer = new byte[32];
            byte[] cdb = new byte[12];

            cdb[0]  = (byte)ScsiCommands.ReadCdDa;
            cdb[2]  = (byte)((lba & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
            cdb[3]  = (byte)((lba & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
            cdb[4]  = (byte)((lba & 0xFF00) >> 8);
            cdb[5]  = (byte)(lba & 0xFF);
            cdb[6]  = (byte)((transferLength & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
            cdb[7]  = (byte)((transferLength & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
            cdb[8]  = (byte)((transferLength & 0xFF00) >> 8);
            cdb[9]  = (byte)(transferLength & 0xFF);
            cdb[10] = (byte)subchannel;

            buffer = new byte[blockSize * transferLength];

            LastError = SendScsiCommand(cdb, ref buffer, out senseBuffer, timeout, ScsiDirection.In, out duration,
                                        out bool sense);

            Error = LastError != 0;

            DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("SCSI Device",
                                      "Plextor READ CD-DA (LBA: {1}, Block Size: {2}, Transfer Length: {3}, Subchannel: {4}, Sense: {5}, Last Error: {6}) took {0} ms.",
                                      duration, lba, blockSize, transferLength, subchannel, sense, LastError);

Esempio n. 2
        bool ReadPlextorWithSubchannel(out byte[] cmdBuf, out byte[] senseBuf, uint firstSectorToRead, uint blockSize,
                                       uint blocksToRead, PlextorSubchannel supportedPlextorSubchannel,
                                       out double cmdDuration)
            bool sense;

            cmdBuf = null;

            if (supportedPlextorSubchannel == PlextorSubchannel.None)
                sense = _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, blockSize, blocksToRead,
                                             supportedPlextorSubchannel, 0, out cmdDuration);

                if (!sense)

                // As a workaround for some firmware bugs, seek far away.
                _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out _, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead - 32, blockSize, blocksToRead,
                                     supportedPlextorSubchannel, 0, out _);

                sense = _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, blockSize, blocksToRead,
                                             supportedPlextorSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration);


            byte[] subBuf;

            uint subSize = supportedPlextorSubchannel == PlextorSubchannel.Q16 ? 16u : 96u;

            sense = _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out byte[] dataBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, 2352, blocksToRead,
                                         PlextorSubchannel.None, 0, out cmdDuration);

            if (!sense)
                sense = _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out subBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, subSize, blocksToRead,
                                             supportedPlextorSubchannel, 0, out cmdDuration);

                if (!sense)
                    cmdBuf = new byte[(2352 * blocksToRead) + (subSize * blocksToRead)];

                    for (int b = 0; b < blocksToRead; b++)
                        Array.Copy(dataBuf, 2352 * b, cmdBuf, (2352 + subSize) * b, 2352);
                        Array.Copy(subBuf, subSize * b, cmdBuf, ((2352 + subSize) * b) + 2352, subSize);


            // As a workaround for some firmware bugs, seek far away.
            _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out _, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead - 32, blockSize, blocksToRead,
                                 supportedPlextorSubchannel, 0, out _);

            sense = _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out dataBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, 2352, blocksToRead,
                                         PlextorSubchannel.None, 0, out cmdDuration);

            if (sense)

            sense = _dev.PlextorReadCdDa(out subBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, subSize, blocksToRead,
                                         supportedPlextorSubchannel, 0, out cmdDuration);

            if (sense)

            cmdBuf = new byte[(2352 * blocksToRead) + (subSize * blocksToRead)];

            for (int b = 0; b < blocksToRead; b++)
                Array.Copy(dataBuf, 2352 * b, cmdBuf, (2352 + subSize) * b, 2352);
                Array.Copy(subBuf, subSize * b, cmdBuf, ((2352 + subSize) * b) + 2352, subSize);
