Esempio n. 1
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        Player_Ship player = (Player_Ship)target;

        EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Hit Points");
        player.Hit_Points = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(player.Hit_Points * 100, 0, 100) / 100;
        player.Hit_Points = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(player.Hit_Points, GUILayout.Width(50));
        showBaseEditor = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup("ALL DA THINGS", showBaseEditor);
        if (showBaseEditor)
Esempio n. 2
 void OnHitPlayer(Player_Ship player)
     player.Hit_Points -= .2f;
     Destroy(this.gameObject);        //Kill ourself if we collide with the player
        public override void init()
   = 1; // @To-do: lol

            MediaPlayer.Volume = game_conf.music_vol;

            tile_map     = new Tile_Map();
            coll_handler = new Collision_Handler(this, tile_map, spawner);

            var map_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(game_conf.map_name);
            var s        = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), map_name + ".png");

            using (var bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(s)) {
                load_map(bitmap, tile_map.tiles);
            s = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), map_name + "_bg.png");
            using (var bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(s)) {
                load_map(bitmap, tile_map.bg_tiles);

                new /*Async_*/ Multi_Subsystem(
                    new Multi_Subsystem(
                        new Position_Integrator(),
                        new Collision_Solver(tile_map)
                    new /*Async_*/ Multi_Subsystem(
                        new Inputhandler_System(),
                        new Sound(),
                        new Particle_System(),
                        new Lifetime_Manager(),
                        new Weapon_System(this),
                        new AI()
                    new Multi_Subsystem(
                        renderer = new Rendering_System(Starburst.inst().GraphicsDevice)
                tile_map   = tile_map,
                match_time = game_conf.match_time

            create_entity(new FpsCounter());

            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                if (inputs[i] == null)
                var player       = create_entity(Player_Ship.create_components(inputs[i], game_conf, i < 2 ? 1 : 2));
                var player_spawn = spawner.get_player_spawn_pos(player, tile_map);
                player.get_component <Position>().x  = player_spawn.x;
                player.get_component <Position>().y  = player_spawn.y;
                player.get_component <Angle>().angle = (float)rand.NextDouble() * 6.28f;

                var player_pos = player.get_component <Position>();
                var player_vel = player.get_component <Velocity>();

                for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                    Fab5_Game.inst().create_entity(new Component[] {
                        new TTL {
                            max_time   = j * 0.05f,
                            destroy_cb = () => {
                                var theta1 = 2.0f * 3.1415f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var theta2 = 2.0f * 3.1415f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var radius = 13.0f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var speed  = (30.0f + 110.0f * (float)Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 2.0f));

                                Fab5_Game.inst().create_entity(new Component[] {
                                    new Sprite {
                                        blend_mode = Sprite.BM_ADD,
                                        scale      = 0.8f + (float)rand.NextDouble(),
                                        texture    = Fab5_Game.inst().get_content <Texture2D>("particle")

                                    new Position {
                                        x = player_pos.x + (float)Math.Cos(theta1) * radius,
                                        y = player_pos.y + (float)Math.Sin(theta1) * radius

                                    new Velocity {
                                        x = 0.5f * player_vel.x + (float)Math.Cos(theta2) * speed,
                                        y = 0.5f * player_vel.y + (float)Math.Sin(theta2) * speed

                                    new Mass {
                                        drag_coeff = 2.0f

                                    new TTL {
                                        alpha_fn = (x, max) => 1.0f - (x * x) / (max * max),
                                        max_time = 1.5f + (float)rand.NextDouble()


            int keyboardplayers = 0;
            int n = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                if (inputs[i] == null)
                if (inputs[i].device == InputType.Keyboard)
                    n = i;
            if (keyboardplayers == 1)
                inputs[n].gp_index = PlayerIndex.One;

            for (int i = 0; i < game_conf.num_asteroids; i++)
                var asteroid = create_entity(Asteroid.create_components());
                var r        = asteroid.get_component <Bounding_Circle>().radius;

                Position ap;

                int  num_fails = 0;
                bool colliding = false;
                    colliding = false;
                    ap        = asteroid.get_component <Position>();
                    var sp = spawner.get_asteroid_spawn_pos(tile_map);
                    ap.x = sp.x;
                    ap.y = sp.y;

                    foreach (var ast in Starburst.inst().get_entities_fast(typeof(Bounding_Circle)))
                        if (ast == asteroid)

                        var dx = ast.get_component <Position>().x - asteroid.get_component <Position>().x;
                        var dy = ast.get_component <Position>().y - asteroid.get_component <Position>().y;

                        var dist = (dx * dx + dy * dy);

                        var min_dist = ast.get_component <Bounding_Circle>().radius + asteroid.get_component <Bounding_Circle>().radius;
                        min_dist *= 1.05f;
                        min_dist *= min_dist;

                        if (dist < min_dist)
                            colliding = true;

                    if (num_fails > 1000)
                        // failed to spawn this one.
                } while (colliding);

                var av = asteroid.get_component <Velocity>();

                av.x = -15 + 30 * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                av.y = -15 + 30 * (float)rand.NextDouble();

            if (game_conf.enable_soccer)
                ball = create_entity(Soccer_Ball.create_components());
                var ball_pos = spawner.get_soccerball_spawn_pos(tile_map);
                ball.get_component <Position>().x    = ball_pos.x;
                ball.get_component <Position>().y    = ball_pos.y;
                ball.get_component <Angle>().ang_vel = 3.141592f * 2.0f * -2.0f;

            Dummy_Enemy.ai_index = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < game_conf.red_bots; i++)
                var ai   = Starburst.inst().create_entity(Dummy_Enemy.create_components(game_conf, 1 /* red team */));
                var aisi = ai.get_component <Ship_Info>();
                if (game_conf.mode == Game_Config.GM_TEAM_DEATHMATCH)
           = 1;
                Console.WriteLine("created ai for team {0}",;
                ai.get_component <Bounding_Circle>().ignore_collisions2 =;
                var ai_spawn = spawner.get_player_spawn_pos(ai, tile_map);
                ai.get_component <Position>().x  = ai_spawn.x;
                ai.get_component <Position>().y  = ai_spawn.y;
                ai.get_component <Angle>().angle = (float)rand.NextDouble() * 6.28f;

                var player_pos = ai.get_component <Position>();
                var player_vel = ai.get_component <Velocity>();

                for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                    Fab5_Game.inst().create_entity(new Component[] {
                        new TTL {
                            max_time   = j * 0.05f,
                            destroy_cb = () => {
                                var theta1 = 2.0f * 3.1415f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var theta2 = 2.0f * 3.1415f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var radius = 13.0f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var speed  = (30.0f + 110.0f * (float)Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 2.0f));

                                Fab5_Game.inst().create_entity(new Component[] {
                                    new Sprite {
                                        blend_mode = Sprite.BM_ADD,
                                        scale      = 0.8f + (float)rand.NextDouble(),
                                        texture    = Fab5_Game.inst().get_content <Texture2D>("particle")

                                    new Position {
                                        x = player_pos.x + (float)Math.Cos(theta1) * radius,
                                        y = player_pos.y + (float)Math.Sin(theta1) * radius

                                    new Velocity {
                                        x = 0.5f * player_vel.x + (float)Math.Cos(theta2) * speed,
                                        y = 0.5f * player_vel.y + (float)Math.Sin(theta2) * speed

                                    new Mass {
                                        drag_coeff = 2.0f

                                    new TTL {
                                        alpha_fn = (x, max) => 1.0f - (x * x) / (max * max),
                                        max_time = 1.5f + (float)rand.NextDouble()

            for (int i = 0; i < game_conf.blue_bots; i++)
                var ai   = Starburst.inst().create_entity(Dummy_Enemy.create_components(game_conf, 2 /* blue team */));
                var aisi = ai.get_component <Ship_Info>();
                if (game_conf.mode == Game_Config.GM_TEAM_DEATHMATCH)
           = 2;
                Console.WriteLine("created ai for team {0}",;
                ai.get_component <Bounding_Circle>().ignore_collisions2 =;
                var ai_spawn = spawner.get_player_spawn_pos(ai, tile_map);
                ai.get_component <Position>().x  = ai_spawn.x;
                ai.get_component <Position>().y  = ai_spawn.y;
                ai.get_component <Angle>().angle = (float)rand.NextDouble() * 6.28f;

                for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                    Fab5_Game.inst().create_entity(new Component[] {
                        new TTL {
                            max_time   = j * 0.05f,
                            destroy_cb = () => {
                                var theta1 = 2.0f * 3.1415f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var theta2 = 2.0f * 3.1415f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var radius = 13.0f * (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                var speed  = (30.0f + 110.0f * (float)Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 2.0f));

                                Fab5_Game.inst().create_entity(new Component[] {
                                    new Sprite {
                                        blend_mode = Sprite.BM_ADD,
                                        scale      = 0.8f + (float)rand.NextDouble(),
                                        texture    = Fab5_Game.inst().get_content <Texture2D>("particle")

                                    new Position {
                                        x = ai_spawn.x + (float)Math.Cos(theta1) * radius,
                                        y = ai_spawn.y + (float)Math.Sin(theta1) * radius

                                    new Velocity {
                                        x = (float)Math.Cos(theta2) * speed,
                                        y = (float)Math.Sin(theta2) * speed

                                    new Mass {
                                        drag_coeff = 2.0f

                                    new TTL {
                                        alpha_fn = (x, max) => 1.0f - (x * x) / (max * max),
                                        max_time = 1.5f + (float)rand.NextDouble()

            Starburst.inst().message("play_sound_asset", new { name = "begin_game" });

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                int j = i;
                create_entity(new Component[] {
                    new TTL {
                        max_time   = game_conf.match_time - (float)(j),
                        destroy_cb = () => {
                            var creation_time = Fab5_Game.inst().get_time();
                            create_entity(new Component[] {
                                new Post_Render_Hook {
                                    render_fn = (camera, sprite_batch) => {
                                        var ts = GFX_Util.measure_string_extraLarge(string.Format("{0}", j));
                                        var x  = camera.viewport.Width * 0.5f;
                                        var y  = camera.viewport.Height - ts.Y - 200.0f;

                                        var t           = Fab5_Game.inst().get_time() - creation_time;
                                        var textOpacity = (float)Easing.QuadEaseIn(t, 0, 1, 1.0f);
                                        var temp        = ((float)Easing.QuadEaseOut(t, 0, 0.5, 1.0f) * 1.6f);
                                        var textScale   = 1 - temp * temp;
                                        GFX_Util.draw_def_text_extraLarge(sprite_batch, string.Format("{0}", j), x, y, origin: new Vector2(ts.X * 0.5f, ts.Y * 0.5f), scale: new Vector2(textScale, textScale), alpha: textOpacity, shadow: false);
                                new TTL {
                                    max_time = 1.0f

            create_entity(new Component[] {
                new TTL {
                    max_time   = game_conf.match_time - 30.0f,
                    destroy_cb = () => {
                        var creation_time = Fab5_Game.inst().get_time();
                        create_entity(new Component[] {
                            new Post_Render_Hook {
                                render_fn = (camera, sprite_batch) => {
                                    var ts = GFX_Util.measure_string_extraLarge("30 seconds left!");
                                    var x  = camera.viewport.Width * 0.5f;
                                    var y  = camera.viewport.Height - ts.Y - 60.0f;

                                    var t           = Fab5_Game.inst().get_time() - creation_time;
                                    var textOpacity = (float)Easing.QuadEaseIn(Math.Min(1, t), 0, 1, 1.0f);
                                    var temp        = ((float)Easing.QuadEaseOut(Math.Min(1, t), 0, 0.5, 1.0f) * 1.6f);
                                    var textScale   = 1 - temp * temp;
                                    GFX_Util.draw_def_text_extraLarge(sprite_batch, "30 seconds left!", x, y, origin: new Vector2(ts.X * 0.5f, ts.Y * 0.5f), scale: new Vector2(textScale, textScale), alpha: textOpacity, shadow: false);
                            new TTL {
                                max_time = 3.0f

            create_entity(new Component[] {
                new TTL {
                    max_time   = game_conf.match_time,
                    destroy_cb = () => {
                        Playing_State gameState = this;
                        var scoreEntities       = gameState.get_entities_fast(typeof(Score));
                        List <Entity> players   = new List <Entity>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < scoreEntities.Count; i++)
                            if ((scoreEntities[i].get_component <Ship_Info>() != null) && (scoreEntities[i].get_component <Velocity>() != null))

                        Starburst.inst().message("play_sound_asset", new { name = "begin_game" });

                        Starburst.inst().enter_state(new Pre_Results_State(players, gameState.game_conf));