Esempio n. 1
        public void Awake()
            Debug.Log("Initializing Player...");

            // Ensures there's only one instance of this script.
            if (Instance != null)
                Debug.LogError("Player: more than one instance of singleton found!");
            Instance = this;

            // The Player always starts the game in regular play mode.
            isPlaying = true;
            isPaused  = false;

            // Creates the KeyInventory instance.
            keyInventory = new KeyInventory();

            // Get components =================================================================================================

            // Tries getting the necessary components if they are not avaliable.
            if (movementation == null)
                movementation = GetComponent <PlayerMovementation>();
            if (weaponController == null)
                weaponController = GetComponent <PlayerWeaponController>();
            if (HUD == null)
                HUD = GetComponentInChildren <HUDController>();
            if (entity == null)
                entity = GetComponent <PlayerEntity>();

            // ================================================================================================================

            // Loads the player inventory if it wasn't reset.
            if (!StageManager.Instance.GetResetInventory())
                // Loads the inventory for a save if there is one.
                // TODO: Load

                // If no save is avaliable gives the Player the first weapon.
                weaponController.GiveWeapon(0, 0, null);

            System.GC.Collect(); // Collects garbage at start to avoid potential lag.