Esempio n. 1
    //public CameraPan camera1;


    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        /* Player Object */
        player1 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank1").GetComponent <PlayerTank1>();
        player2 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank2").GetComponent <PlayerTank2>();

        /* Camera Object */
        //camera1 = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<CameraPan>();

        /* Match Timer */
        displayTime    = (int)matchTime;
        timerText.text = displayTime.ToString();

        /* Player 1 Timer */
        p1Time            = player1.turnTime;
        p1DisplayTime     = (int)p1Time;
        Player1Timer.text = p1DisplayTime.ToString();

        /* Player 2 Timer */
        p2Time            = player2.turnTime;
        p2DisplayTime     = (int)p2Time;
        Player2Timer.text = p2DisplayTime.ToString();

        /* Start timer */
        startTimer = startTime;
        //startTimerDisplay = (int)startTimer;
        //startTimerDis.text = startTimerDisplay.ToString();
Esempio n. 2
    public void Start()
        player1 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank1").GetComponent <PlayerTank1>();
        player2 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank2").GetComponent <PlayerTank2>();
        //camera1 = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<CameraPan>();
        tilemap = GameObject.FindWithTag("Ground").GetComponent <Tilemap>();

        IsDestroyed = true;

        tilemap = tilemapGameObject.GetComponent <Tilemap>();
Esempio n. 3
    /* Reset Variables */
    //public bool resetUse;                                                            // Need to get this uncommented one the function is working

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Transform bar = transform.Find("Bar");

        healthAmount   = 1;
        target         = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank2").transform;
        opponentScript = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank2").GetComponent <PlayerTank2>();

        currentHealth = startHealth;

        isDestroyed = false;
Esempio n. 4

    void Start()
        /* This is instantiating the tank objects as an accesable variable */
        player1 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank1").GetComponent <PlayerTank1>();
        player2 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank2").GetComponent <PlayerTank2>();

        /* this is instantiating the bullet object as an accesable variable */
        //Bullet = GameObject.FindWithTag("Bullet").GetComponent<ProjectileCollision>();

        /* instantiating the match script as a variable */
        match = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <MatchScript>();

        /* Instatiating variables to access the postitions of the tanks */
        tank1 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank1").transform;
        tank2 = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTank2").transform;

        /* setting the projectile timers */
        timer1 = baseTimer;
        timer2 = baseTimer;
    } // end void start