public void Start() { audioSource.clip = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("Sounds/InGameIntro"); Debug.Log("Playing: " + audioSource.clip); StartCoroutine(playAudio()); SAI = new AIFitnessFunction(); TAI = new Tai(90.0f, 30.0f, 70.0f); // Initialising Selection AI and Time AI //TAI = new Tai(30.0f, 10.0f, 70.0f); //TAI testing values Reaction = new PlayerReaction(mainCamera, player, playerCheckCount, lookThreshold, movementThreshold); //Initialising Player reaction script StartCoroutine(StartRoutine()); //start process //Fear f = new Fear("ShadowHallucination", 100, 2, "Spawn"); // Testing Fear //doFear(f); // Testing Fear Run }
public float movementThreshold; //percentage above/below average that triggers event for movement void Start() { pr = new PlayerReaction(playerCam, player, playerCheckCount, lookThreshold, movementThreshold); }