public static void LoadPreferences() { PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
/*//顯示存檔================================================================================================================ * public void Save_Show(){ * //顯示存檔畫面 * Save_Show_Draw.SetActive(true); * //關閉存檔按鈕 * Save_Show_Button.interactable = false; * } * * //取消存檔=============================================================================================================== * public void Save_Show_cancel(){ * //隱藏存檔畫面 * Save_Show_Draw.SetActive(false); * //開啟存檔按鈕 * Save_Show_Button.interactable = true; * }*/ //確定存檔================================================================================================================ public static void Save_ALL() { //開啟存檔按鈕 //Save_Show_Button.interactable = true; //有存過檔 Saved = 1; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Saved", Saved); PlayerPrefs.Save(); //持有金錢======================================================================== Save_OwnMoney(); //員工======================================================================== //存檔(經理)================================================== for (int i = 0; i < ManageNumber; i++) { Manage [i].Save_Hire(); Manage [i].Save_Work(); Manage [i].Save_WorkPlace(); } //存檔(警衛)================================================== for (int i = 0; i < SecurityNumber; i++) { Security [i].Save_Hire(); Security [i].Save_Work(); Security [i].Save_WorkPlace(); } //存檔(顧問)================================================== for (int i = 0; i < ConsultantNumber; i++) { Consultant [i].Save_Hire(); } //店鋪存檔=========================================================================== //存檔(麵包師傅)============================================== for (int i = 0; i < BreadStoreNumber; i++) { BreadStore [i].Save_InvestBool(Save_Bread_InvestBool); BreadStore [i].Save_Level(Save_Bread_Level); BreadStore [i].Save_LevelEx(Save_Bread_LevelEx); BreadStore [i].Save_OwnBool(Save_Bread_OwnBool); } //存檔(音樂人)============================================== for (int i = 0; i < MusicStoreNumber; i++) { MusicStore [i].Save_InvestBool(Save_Music_InvestBool); MusicStore [i].Save_Level(Save_Music_Level); MusicStore [i].Save_LevelEx(Save_Music_LevelEx); MusicStore [i].Save_OwnBool(Save_Music_OwnBool); } //存檔(科技新貴)============================================== for (int i = 0; i < TehcnologyStoreNumber; i++) { TehcnologyStore [i].Save_InvestBool(Save_Tehcnology_InvestBool); TehcnologyStore [i].Save_Level(Save_Tehcnology_Level); TehcnologyStore [i].Save_LevelEx(Save_Tehcnology_LevelEx); TehcnologyStore [i].Save_OwnBool(Save_Tehcnology_OwnBool); } //存檔(機工)============================================== for (int i = 0; i < FactoryStoreNumber; i++) { FactoryStore [i].Save_InvestBool(Save_Factory_InvestBool); FactoryStore [i].Save_Level(Save_Factory_Level); FactoryStore [i].Save_LevelEx(Save_Factory_LevelEx); FactoryStore [i].Save_OwnBool(Save_Factory_OwnBool); } //存檔(銀行家)============================================== for (int i = 0; i < EconomicStoreNumber; i++) { EconomicStore [i].Save_InvestBool(Save_Economic_InvestBool); EconomicStore [i].Save_Level(Save_Economic_Level); EconomicStore [i].Save_LevelEx(Save_Economic_LevelEx); EconomicStore [i].Save_OwnBool(Save_Economic_OwnBool); } //區域存檔========================================================================== //存檔(麵包師傅)============================================== BreadArea.Save_Manage(Save_Area_Manage); BreadArea.Save_ManageTime(Save_Area_ManageTime); //存檔(音樂人)============================================== MusicArea.Save_Manage(Save_Area_Manage); MusicArea.Save_ManageTime(Save_Area_ManageTime); //存檔(科技新貴)============================================== TehcnologyArea.Save_Manage(Save_Area_Manage); TehcnologyArea.Save_ManageTime(Save_Area_ManageTime); //存檔(機工)============================================== FactoryArea.Save_Manage(Save_Area_Manage); FactoryArea.Save_ManageTime(Save_Area_ManageTime); //存檔(銀行家)============================================== EconomicArea.Save_Manage(Save_Area_Manage); EconomicArea.Save_ManageTime(Save_Area_ManageTime); } //整體存檔================================================================================================================
public void setSfxVolume(float value) { sfx.volume = value; PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("sfx volume", value); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
private void DoExit() { PlayerPrefs.Save(); OnAdExit?.Invoke(); }
public void Clean() { PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
public void GameEnd() { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("BestScore", bScore); PlayerPrefs.Save(); restartMenu.SetActive(true); }
public void UpdateScores() { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(this.highscorekey, this.high_score); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(this.highcombokey, this.high_noc); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
private void Save() { PlayerPrefs.SetString(SELECTED_LANGUAGE_KEY, _currentlySelectedLanguage); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
// Token: 0x06001483 RID: 5251 RVA: 0x000B5DBB File Offset: 0x000B3FBB public static void Save() { PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
public void SetSoundOn(bool val) { this.is_sound_on = val; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("sound", this.is_sound_on ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
public void SetMusicOn(bool val) { this.is_music_on = val; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("sound", this.is_music_on ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
// Adds an entry to the dictionary for the key-value pair. internal static void Add(string key, float value) { // Set the value an do an immediate save PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(key, value); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
internal static void Add(string key, string value) { PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, value); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
internal static void Add(string key, int value) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, value); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
//检查游戏和资源版本号 private IEnumerator CheckResourceVersion(DelegateCheckResVersion checkVersionDelFun, bool updateGate) { UpdateStatus = GetDictionaryText(3300000); string versionConfig; var gameVersionPath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Game.ver"); if (!GameUtils.GetStringFromPackage(gameVersionPath, out versionConfig)) { Logger.Error("cant find Game.ver at{0}", gameVersionPath); if (null != checkVersionDelFun) { checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.ERROR, GetDictionaryText(3300008)); } yield break; } var config = versionConfig.Split(','); var langue = config[0]; var platform = config[1]; var channel = config[2]; var bigVersion = config[3]; var resourceVersion = config[4]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(langue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bigVersion) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bigVersion)) { Logger.Error("Game.ver error {0}", versionConfig); } LocalGameVersion = bigVersion; if (!Int32.TryParse(resourceVersion, out LocalVersion)) { Logger.Error("Game.ver error {0}", LocalVersion); if (null != checkVersionDelFun) { checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.ERROR, GetDictionaryText(3300009)); } yield break; } UpdateStatus = GetDictionaryText(3300001); //获取远端游戏版本信息 var UpdateHelper = new GameObject("UpdateHelper"); var network = UpdateHelper.AddComponent <DirectoryNetwork>(); CheckVersionOutMessage msg; var index = 0; while (true) { if (index == GameSetting.Instance.DirectoryAddress.Count) { network.Stop(); Object.Destroy(UpdateHelper); if (null != checkVersionDelFun) { checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.ERROR, GetDictionaryText(3300010)); } yield break; } network.ServerAddress = GameSetting.Instance.DirectoryAddress[index]; yield return(network.StartAndWaitConnect(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))); if (network.Connected) { Logger.Debug("Connect to Directory [" + network.ServerAddress + "] succeed!"); msg = network.CheckVersion(langue, platform, channel, bigVersion); yield return(msg.SendAndWaitUntilDone()); if (msg.State == MessageState.Reply) { break; } } network.Stop(); index++; } UpdateStatus = GetDictionaryText(3300002); if (msg.ErrorCode == (int)ErrorCodes.OK) { if (msg.Response.HasNewVersion == 1) { var url = CheckUrl(msg.Response.NewVersionURL); if (null != checkVersionDelFun) { checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.GAMENEEDUPDATE, url); } network.Stop(); Object.DestroyImmediate(UpdateHelper); yield break; } LocalGameVersion = bigVersion; RemoteVersion = msg.Response.SmallVersion; RemoteUrlRoot = msg.Response.ResourceURL; AnnoucementURL = CheckUrl(msg.Response.AnnoucementURL); if (updateGate && GateAddress != msg.Response.GateAddress) { GateAddress = msg.Response.GateAddress; } GameSetting.Instance.ReviewState = msg.Response.ReviewState; //数据收集,设备id,只发送一次 const string key = "deviceid"; var udid = PlayerPrefs.GetString(key); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(udid)) { udid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); NetManager.Instance.ServerAddress = GateAddress; yield return(NetManager.Instance.StartAndWaitConnect(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))); if (NetManager.Instance.Connected) { var msgUdid = NetManager.Instance.SendDeviceUdid(udid); yield return(msgUdid.SendAndWaitUntilDone()); PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, udid); PlayerPrefs.Save(); NetManager.Instance.Stop(); } } } else { network.Stop(); Object.Destroy(UpdateHelper); if (null != checkVersionDelFun) { checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.ERROR, GetDictionaryText(3300011) + msg.ErrorCode); } yield break; } network.Stop(); Object.DestroyImmediate(UpdateHelper); ClearLastGameVersionResource(); //读取之前更新过的版本号 if (File.Exists(DownLoadVersionPath)) { if (!GameUtils.GetIntFromFile(DownLoadVersionPath, out LocalVersion)) { Logger.Error("parse version error"); if (null != checkVersionDelFun) { checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.ERROR, GetDictionaryText(3300013)); } } Logger.Debug("Last Update ResourceVersion from local =" + LocalVersion); } if (RemoteVersion > LocalVersion) { UpdateStatus = GetDictionaryText(3300003); Caching.CleanCache(); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(GameSetting.ShowWaitingTipKey, 0); checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.NEEDUPDATE); Logger.Debug("-----CheckUpDate needupdate = true--"); } else { UpdateStatus = ""; checkVersionDelFun(CheckVersionResult.NONEEDUPDATE); Logger.Debug("-----CheckUpdate needupdate = false---"); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes all high score for given level /// </summary> /// <param name="levelName">Level Name</param> public static void ResetHighScores(string levelName) { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(GetIdentifier(levelName)); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
private static void ExportGradle() { EditorUserBuildSettings.androidBuildSystem = AndroidBuildSystem.Gradle; EditorUserBuildSettings.exportAsGoogleAndroidProject = true; string path = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gradlePath", ""); path = string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) : path; path = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("选择Gradle目录", path, ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } PlayerPrefs.SetString("gradlePath", path); PlayerPrefs.Save(); string assetsPath = path + "/src/main/assets".Replace("/", Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()); string newPath = path; bool hasProject = Directory.Exists(assetsPath); if (hasProject) { path.TrimEnd(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar); newPath = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) + 1); newPath = newPath + Application.productName + "gradle"; if (Directory.Exists(newPath)) { Directory.Delete(newPath, true); } } Caching.ClearCache(); var error = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(GetBuildScenes(), newPath, BuildTarget.Android, BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) //{ // Clear(); //} if (hasProject) { if (Directory.Exists(assetsPath)) { Directory.Delete(assetsPath, true); } Directory.Move(newPath + Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar + Application.productName + "/src/main/assets".Replace("/", Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()), assetsPath); string cmd = path + Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar + "gradlew"; ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(cmd); info.WorkingDirectory = path; info.Arguments = "assembleRelease"; info.CreateNoWindow = false; info.ErrorDialog = true; info.UseShellExecute = true; if (info.UseShellExecute) { info.RedirectStandardOutput = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = false; info.RedirectStandardError = false; info.RedirectStandardInput = false; } else { info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; info.RedirectStandardError = true; info.RedirectStandardInput = true; info.StandardOutputEncoding = UTF8Encoding.UTF8; info.StandardErrorEncoding = UTF8Encoding.UTF8; } Process process = Process.Start(info); if (!info.UseShellExecute) { //Debug.Log(process.StandardOutput); //Debug.Log(process.StandardError); } process.WaitForExit(); process.Close(); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { string openPath = Path.GetFullPath(path + "/build/outputs/apk/release/".Replace("/", Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())); Process.Start("explorer.exe", openPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gitCommitID)) { Process pro = new Process(); pro.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd"; pro.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; // 不创建新窗口 pro.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; //不启用shell启动进程 pro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; // 重定向输入 pro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; // 重定向标准输出 pro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false; //重定向标准错误 // 重定向错误输出 // pro.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Application.dataPath; //定义执行的路径 Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(936); pro.Start(); pro.StandardInput.AutoFlush = true; string gitlog = "git log --pretty=format:\"%s%n ========> %an , %ai%n\" {0}^..HEAD --grep \"·新增·\\|·修改·\\|·删除·\\|·其他·\" > {1}.log"; gitlog = string.Format(gitlog, gitCommitID.Trim(), openPath + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")); pro.StandardInput.WriteLine(gitlog); //向cmd中输入命令 pro.StandardInput.WriteLine("exit"); //退出 string outRead = pro.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); //获得所有标准输出流 //Debug.Log(outRead); pro.WaitForExit(); //等待命令执行完成后退出 pro.Close(); //关闭窗口 } } } }
/// <summary> /// Saves data using the identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="identifier">Identifier.</param> /// <param name="obj">Object to save.</param> /// <param name="encode">Encrypt the data?</param> /// <param name="password">Encryption Password.</param> /// <param name="serializer">Serializer.</param> /// <param name="encoder">Encoder.</param> /// <param name="encoding">Encoding.</param> /// <param name="path">Path.</param> /// <typeparam name="T">The 1st type parameter.</typeparam> public static void Save <T>(string identifier, T obj, bool encode, string password, ISaveGameSerializer serializer, ISaveGameEncoder encoder, Encoding encoding, SaveGamePath path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier)) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("identifier"); } if (serializer == null) { serializer = SaveGame.Serializer; } if (encoding == null) { encoding = SaveGame.DefaultEncoding; } string filePath = ""; if (!IsFilePath(identifier)) { switch (path) { case SaveGamePath.PersistentDataPath: filePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", Application.persistentDataPath, identifier); break; case SaveGamePath.DataPath: filePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", $"E:\\MaoXianYuJingYing\\Unity\\Assets\\Data\\LevelData", identifier); break; } } else { filePath = identifier; } if (obj == null) { obj = default(T); } Stream stream = null; #if !UNITY_SAMSUNGTV && !UNITY_TVOS && !UNITY_WEBGL #if UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WINRT UnityEngine.Windows.Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); #else Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); #endif #endif if (encode) { stream = new MemoryStream(); } else { #if !UNITY_SAMSUNGTV && !UNITY_TVOS && !UNITY_WEBGL if (IOSupported()) { #if UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WINRT stream = new MemoryStream(); #else stream = File.Create(filePath); #endif } else { stream = new MemoryStream(); } #else stream = new MemoryStream(); #endif } serializer.Serialize(obj, stream, encoding); if (encode) { string data = System.Convert.ToBase64String(((MemoryStream)stream).ToArray()); string encoded = encoder.Encode(data, password); #if !UNITY_SAMSUNGTV && !UNITY_TVOS && !UNITY_WEBGL if (IOSupported()) { #if UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WINRT UnityEngine.Windows.File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, encoding.GetBytes(encoded)); #else File.WriteAllText(filePath, encoded, encoding); #endif } else { PlayerPrefs.SetString(filePath, encoded); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } #else PlayerPrefs.SetString(filePath, encoded); PlayerPrefs.Save(); #endif } else if (!IOSupported()) { string data = encoding.GetString(((MemoryStream)stream).ToArray()); PlayerPrefs.SetString(filePath, data); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } stream.Dispose(); if (SaveCallback != null) { SaveCallback.Invoke( obj, identifier, encode, password, serializer, encoder, encoding, path); } if (OnSaved != null) { OnSaved( obj, identifier, encode, password, serializer, encoder, encoding, path); } }
public void Motion(bool on) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("motion", on ? 0 : 1); PlayerPrefs.Save(); GetComponent <DressManager>().fm.doMotion(on); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Checkpoint") == "End") { fadeAll = true; PlayerPrefs.SetString("Cutscene", "true"); } //This is just us slowly fading the black screen away from the player to reveal the opening animations. if (fadeAllIn == true) { fadeAlpha -= Time.deltaTime / 2f; fadeGroup.alpha = fadeAlpha; audio.volume = masterLevel * .8f * Mathf.Abs(1f - fadeAlpha); if (fadeAlpha <= 0f) { fadeAllIn = false; fadeGroup.alpha = 0; audio.volume = masterLevel * .8f; fadeObject.SetActive(false); } } //We are transitioning out of the game. if (fadeAll == true) { fadeObject.SetActive(true); fadeAlpha += Time.deltaTime / 2f; fadeGroup.alpha = fadeAlpha; audio.volume = masterLevel * .8f * Mathf.Abs(1f - fadeAlpha); if (fadeAlpha > 1f) { fadeGroup.alpha = 1f; fadeAll = false; audio.volume = masterLevel * 0f; PlayerPrefs.Save(); if (backingOut == true) { StartCoroutine(LoadScene("Main Menu")); } else if ( == "NewTutorial") { StartCoroutine(LoadScene("1st Level")); } else if ( == "1st Level") { StartCoroutine(LoadScene("2nd Level")); } else if ( == "2nd Level") { StartCoroutine(LoadScene("3rd Level")); } else if ( == "3rd Level") { StartCoroutine(LoadScene("Main Menu")); } } } //We are closing the in game pause menu. if (fadeUI == true) { UIAlpha -= Time.deltaTime * 2f; UIGroup.alpha = UIAlpha; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; if (UIAlpha <= 0f) { UIAlpha = 0f; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; fadeUI = false; } } //We are opening the in game pause menu. if (fadeUIIn == true) { UIAlpha += Time.deltaTime * 2f; UIGroup.alpha = UIAlpha; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; if (UIAlpha >= 1f) { UIAlpha = 1f; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; fadeUIIn = false; } } if (tradeWindows == true && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Paused") == "true" && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Cutscene") == "false") { UIAlpha -= Time.deltaTime * 2f; UIGroup.alpha = UIAlpha; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; if (UIAlpha <= 0f) { mainWindow.SetActive(false); UIGroup.alpha = 0f; UIAlpha = 0f; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; settingsWindow.SetActive(true); settingsAlpha += Time.deltaTime * 2f; SettingsWindow.alpha = settingsAlpha; if (settingsAlpha >= 1f) { settingsAlpha = 1f; SettingsWindow.alpha = 1f; resolutionB.enabled = true; fullscreenB.enabled = true; qualityB.enabled = true; applyB.enabled = true; masterS.enabled = true; } } } else if (tradeWindows == false && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Paused") == "true" && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Cutscene") == "false") { settingsAlpha -= Time.deltaTime * 2f; SettingsWindow.alpha = settingsAlpha; if (settingsAlpha <= 0f) { settingsWindow.SetActive(false); settingsAlpha = 0f; SettingsWindow.alpha = 0f; UIAlpha += Time.deltaTime * 2f; UIGroup.alpha = UIAlpha; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; mainWindow.SetActive(true); if (UIAlpha >= 1f) { UIAlpha = 1f; hover.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; select.volume = UIAlpha * masterLevel * .5f; UIGroup.alpha = 1f; continueGame.enabled = true; settingsB.enabled = true; exitB.enabled = true; } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Cutscene") == "false" && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Paused") == "false") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("Paused", "true"); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Cutscene") == "false" && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Paused") == "true" && tradeWindows == false) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("Paused", "false"); PlayerPrefs.Save(); continueGame.enabled = false; settingsB.enabled = false; exitB.enabled = false; fadeUI = true; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Cutscene") == "false" && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Paused") == "true" && tradeWindows == true) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); fadeSettingsIn = false; resolutionB.enabled = false; fullscreenB.enabled = false; qualityB.enabled = false; applyB.enabled = false; masterS.enabled = false; tradeWindows = false; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Section Display") == "true") { if (titleAlpha < 1f) { if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Section") == "NewTutorial") { sectionName = "Medical Ward"; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Section") == "1st Level") { sectionName = "Feeding Grounds"; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Section") == "2nd Level") { sectionName = "Heart of the Hive"; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Section") == "3rd Level") { sectionName = "Breeding Grounds"; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Checkpoint") == "new" && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Section") == "NewTutorial") { checkpointName = "Cryo Pod"; } else if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Checkpoint") == "new") { checkpointName = "Entrance"; } else { checkpointName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Last Checkpoint"); } areaTitle.text = (sectionName + " - " + checkpointName); titleAlpha += Time.deltaTime / 3f; sectionTitle.alpha = titleAlpha; } else if (titleAlpha > 1f) { titleAlpha = 1f; sectionTitle.alpha = titleAlpha; } } else { if (titleAlpha > 0f) { titleAlpha -= Time.deltaTime / 3f; sectionTitle.alpha = titleAlpha; } else if (titleAlpha < 0f) { titleAlpha = 0f; sectionTitle.alpha = titleAlpha; } } }
void First() { #region int c = 0; string str = ""; if (c == PlayerPrefs.GetInt("first", 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int a = Random.Range(0, 16);//0~15 switch (a) { case 0: str = str + "0"; break; case 1: str = str + "1"; break; case 2: str = str + "2"; break; case 3: str = str + "3"; break; case 4: str = str + "4"; break; case 5: str = str + "5"; break; case 6: str = str + "6"; break; case 7: str = str + "7"; break; case 8: str = str + "8"; break; case 9: str = str + "9"; break; case 10: str = str + "a"; break; case 11: str = str + "b"; break; case 12: str = str + "c"; break; case 13: str = str + "d"; break; case 14: str = str + "e"; break; case 15: str = str + "f"; break; default: break; } } PlayerPrefs.SetString("code", str); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("first", 1); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("adtimes", System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); }//endOfIf #endregion }
void Start() { PlayerPrefs.SetString("PreviousScene", SceneList.MenuScene); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
public void InputButtonRegister() { if (flag_register == 0) { flag_register = 1; object_register.SetActive(true); if (Cameracollider.capture > _top_score) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_SCORE", _second_score); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_DURATION", _second_duration); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_DV", _second_dv); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_REL_V", _second_relative_v); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("3rd_NAME", _second_name); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_SCORE", _top_score); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_DURATION", _top_duration); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_DV", _top_dv); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_REL_V", _top_relative_v); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("2nd_NAME", _top_name); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("1st_SCORE", Cameracollider.capture); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("1st_DURATION", Cameracollider.battery); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("1st_DV", Cameracollider.iss); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("1st_REL_V", Cameracollider.technical); PlayerPrefs.Save(); if (inputField.text == "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("1st_NAME", "KOUNOTORI"); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else { PlayerPrefs.SetString("1st_NAME", inputField.text); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } else if (Cameracollider.capture > _second_score) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_SCORE", _second_score); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_DURATION", _second_duration); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_DV", _second_dv); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_REL_V", _second_relative_v); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("3rd_NAME", _second_name); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_SCORE", Cameracollider.capture); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_DURATION", Cameracollider.battery); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_DV", Cameracollider.iss); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("2nd_REL_V", Cameracollider.technical); if (inputField.text == "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("2nd_NAME", "KOUNOTORI"); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else { PlayerPrefs.SetString("2nd_NAME", inputField.text); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } else if (Cameracollider.capture > _third_score) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_SCORE", Cameracollider.capture); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_DURATION", Cameracollider.battery); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_DV", Cameracollider.iss); PlayerPrefs.Save(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("3rd_REL_V", Cameracollider.technical); PlayerPrefs.Save(); if (inputField.text == "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("3rd_NAME", "KOUNOTORI"); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else { PlayerPrefs.SetString("3rd_NAME", inputField.text); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } _top_score = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("1st_SCORE", 0f); _top_duration = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("1st_DURATION", 0f); _top_dv = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("1st_DV", 0f); _top_relative_v = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("1st_REL_V", 0f); _top_name = PlayerPrefs.GetString("1st_NAME", "NO NAME"); _second_score = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("2nd_SCORE", 0f); _second_duration = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("2nd_DURATION", 0f); _second_dv = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("2nd_DV", 0f); _second_relative_v = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("2nd_REL_V", 0f); _second_name = PlayerPrefs.GetString("2nd_NAME", "NO NAME"); _third_score = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("3rd_SCORE", 0f); _third_duration = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("3rd_DURATION", 0f); _third_dv = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("3rd_DV", 0f); _third_relative_v = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("3rd_REL_V", 0f); _third_name = PlayerPrefs.GetString("3rd_NAME", "NO NAME"); GameObject.Find("1st_name").GetComponent <Text>().text = _top_name; GameObject.Find("2nd_name").GetComponent <Text>().text = _second_name; GameObject.Find("3rd_name").GetComponent <Text>().text = _third_name; GameObject.Find("1st_point").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _top_score); GameObject.Find("2nd_point").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _second_score); GameObject.Find("3rd_point").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _third_score); GameObject.Find("1st_sub_relativeV").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", _top_relative_v); GameObject.Find("2nd_sub_relativeV").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", _second_relative_v); GameObject.Find("3rd_sub_relativeV").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", _third_relative_v); GameObject.Find("1st_sub_duration").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _top_duration); GameObject.Find("2nd_sub_duration").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _second_duration); GameObject.Find("3rd_sub_duration").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _third_duration); GameObject.Find("1st_sub_dv").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _top_dv); GameObject.Find("2nd_sub_dv").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _second_dv); GameObject.Find("3rd_sub_dv").GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", _third_dv); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存游戏配置。 /// </summary> /// <returns>是否保存游戏配置成功。</returns> public override bool Save() { PlayerPrefs.Save(); return(true); }
public void OpenGallery() { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(SceneManagementConstants.PerPageKey, perPageSlider.value); PlayerPrefs.Save(); SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManagementConstants.GallerySceneIndex); }
public void Save() { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(scoreKey, score); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
public void setMusicVolume(float value) { music.volume = value; PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("music volume", value); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (startGame == false) { Time.timeScale = 0f; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && startGame == false) { gameStart = true; Time.timeScale = 1f; ClockShots.text = ""; startGameText.text = ""; startGame = true; } //Sets the highscore to the highest score stored in PlayerPrefs highScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(highscoreKey); //The clock will go down depending on how much the bullets have slowed down clock -= (slowDown * Time.deltaTime); //Finds the gun in the scene and gets the script on it GameObject gun = GameObject.Find("Gun"); Gun gunscript = gun.GetComponent <Gun> (); //This switch statement gives each bullet count an amount to slow down the clock by switch (gunscript.bulletCount) { case 6: slowDown = 1f; break; case 5: slowDown = .875f; break; case 4: slowDown = .75f; break; case 3: slowDown = .625f; break; case 2: slowDown = .5f; break; case 1: slowDown = .375f; break; case 0: slowDown = .25f; break; } //The clock will read the lowest int of the current time if (startGame == true) { clockText.text = "" + Mathf.FloorToInt(clock); } //Goes into the gun script and plays the the gunshot sound effect when gun is shot. Also changes the audio clip depending on the bulletCount if (gunscript.shotsound && gunscript.bulletCount > 2f) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(shotSound, .4f); gunscript.shotsound = false; } else if (gunscript.shotsound && gunscript.bulletCount <= 2f) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(slowShotSound, .4f); gunscript.shotsound = false; } if (gunscript.reloadSound) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(reloadSound, 1f); gunscript.reloadSound = false; } //The score will show as the score earned this round if (startGame == true) { scoreText.text = "Score: " + score; } //If the score is greater than the highscore, than set the PlayerPrefs to the score if (score > highScore) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(highscoreKey, score); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } //If the clock reaches less than 0, Game Over if (clock <= 0) { clock = 0; GameOver(); } //Finds the player on the scene and gets its script GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); NSMMovement playerScript = player.GetComponent <NSMMovement> (); //If player is hit with a bullet, Game Over if (playerScript.playerDead) { GameOver(); } //If the restart is true and Escape is pressed, load the scene again and return Time.timeScale back to 1 if (restart) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { SceneManager.LoadScene(0); Time.timeScale = 1; } } }
static public void ppSet(string id, string val) { PlayerPrefs.SetString(id, val); PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
public void SetupControls() { if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("mouseAim")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("mouseAim", "False"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("weaponHotkeys")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("weaponHotkeys", "True"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("mapKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("mapKey", "M"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("down")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("down", "DownArrow"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("forward")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("forward", "UpArrow"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("turnLeft")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("turnLeft", "LeftArrow"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("turnRight")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("turnRight", "RightArrow"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("shootKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("shootKey", "Space"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("shootKey1")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("shootKey1", "Alpha1"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("shootKey2")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("shootKey2", "Alpha2"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("shootKey3")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("shootKey3", "Alpha3"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("shootKey4")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("shootKey4", "Alpha4"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("shootKey5")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("shootKey5", "Alpha5"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("cruiseKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("cruiseKey", "C"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("respawnKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("respawnKey", "Space"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("chatKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("chatKey", "KeypadEnter"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("chatKey2")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("chatKey2", "Return"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("settingsMenuKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("settingsMenuKey", "H"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("inventoryKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("inventoryKey", "I"); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("playerMenuKey")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerMenuKey", "P"); } PlayerPrefs.Save(); }