Esempio n. 1
 //Cleans up any dead connections, removing their character from the world, and telling other clients to do the same on their end
 public static void CleanDeadClients(Simulation World)
     foreach (ClientConnection DeadClient in ClientSubsetFinder.GetDeadClients())
         //Backup / Remove from World and alert other clients about any ingame dead clients
         if (DeadClient.Character.InGame)
             foreach (ClientConnection LivingClient in ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameLivingClientsExceptFor(DeadClient.ClientID))
                 PlayerManagementPacketSender.SendRemoveRemotePlayer(LivingClient.ClientID, DeadClient.Character.Name, DeadClient.Character.IsAlive);
Esempio n. 2
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a player kick
        private void TryKickPlayer(string[] Input)
            //Get the characters name
            string CharacterName = Input[1];

            //Make sure the character exists
            if (!CharactersDatabase.DoesCharacterExist(CharacterName))
                MessageLog.Print("That character doesnt exist, cant kick them.");

            //Get the client who this character belongs to
            ClientConnection Client = ClientSubsetFinder.GetClientUsingCharacter(CharacterName);

            //If the client couldnt be found then the character isnt logged in currently
            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("That character is not in the game right now, cant kick them.");

            //Show that the player is being kicked
            MessageLog.Print("Kicking " + CharacterName + " from the game...");

            //Tell the client that they have been kicked from the game and mark them to be cleaned up from the game
            Client.ConnectionDead = true;

            //Tell everyone else to remove the client from their games
            List <ClientConnection> OtherClients = ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClientsExceptFor(Client.ClientID);

            foreach (ClientConnection OtherClient in OtherClients)
                PlayerManagementPacketSender.SendRemoveRemotePlayer(OtherClient.ClientID, Client.Character.Name, Client.Character.IsAlive);