Esempio n. 1
	// Use this for initialization
	void Awake () {
		// Singleton
		if (gameMaster == null) {
			DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
			gameMaster = this;
		} else if (gameMaster != this)
			Destroy (gameObject);
		// Establish connection with the database
		var server = new CouchServer (db_host, db_port);
		database = server.GetDatabase (db);
		// Fetch the home planet details from the database
		// and create a global planet object called myPlanet

		// If some attribute which belongs to a star will be called, 
		// then it is necessary that a Star object to be created.
		// starID should be recognized from beginning and it should be 
		// known that which planet we are on.
		string starID = "star-1"; // Subject to change -> string to int
        Star currentStar = gameObject.AddComponent<Star>();
		selectedStar = currentStar;
        currentStar.GetStar(database, starID);

        // Fetch all stars for the galaxy generation
        stars = currentStar.starDBIter;

        // Get planet from current selected star.
        Planet currentPlanet = currentStar.planets[2];
		myPlanet = currentPlanet;

        myTiles = currentPlanet.tiles;
		// Where iz ma tiles?

		foreach (Tile tile in myTiles) {

		// Start Resource Generation
		InvokeRepeating("UpdateResources", 0, 1);