Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strWhere">查询条件</param>
        public void getdata(String strWhere)
            string currentPage = Request.QueryString["currentPage"];

            if (currentPage == null || currentPage.Length <= 0)
                currentPage = "1";
            TitleBll     titbll     = new TitleBll();
            Teacher      tea        = (Teacher)Session["loginuser"];
            string       teaAccount = tea.TeaAccount;
            string       account    = "teaAccount = '" + teaAccount + "'";
            string       Account    = "teaAccount = '" + teaAccount + "' and ";
            TableBuilder tabuilder  = new TableBuilder();

            tabuilder.StrTable      = "V_Title";
            tabuilder.StrWhere      = (strWhere == null || strWhere == "" ? account : Account + strWhere);
            tabuilder.IntColType    = 0;
            tabuilder.IntOrder      = 1;
            tabuilder.IntPageNum    = int.Parse(currentPage);
            tabuilder.IntPageSize   = pagesize;
            tabuilder.StrColumn     = "titleId";
            tabuilder.StrColumnlist = "*";
            getCurrentPage          = int.Parse(currentPage);
            ds = titbll.SelectBypage(tabuilder, out count);
            colds = colbll.Select();
            TableBuilder tabuilderPro = new TableBuilder();

            tabuilderPro.StrTable      = "T_Profession";
            tabuilderPro.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + + "'";
            tabuilderPro.IntColType    = 0;
            tabuilderPro.IntOrder      = 0;
            tabuilderPro.IntPageNum    = 1;
            tabuilderPro.IntPageSize   = 100;
            tabuilderPro.StrColumn     = "proId";
            tabuilderPro.StrColumnlist = "*";
            prods = probll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPro, out count);
            TableBuilder tabuilderPlan = new TableBuilder();

            tabuilderPlan.StrTable      = "T_Plan";
            tabuilderPlan.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + + "'";
            tabuilderPlan.IntColType    = 0;
            tabuilderPlan.IntOrder      = 0;
            tabuilderPlan.IntPageNum    = 1;
            tabuilderPlan.IntPageSize   = 100;
            tabuilderPlan.StrColumn     = "planId";
            tabuilderPlan.StrColumnlist = "*";
            plads = plabll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPlan, out count);
Esempio n. 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string op = Context.Request["op"];

            article = Request.QueryString["article"];
            TeacherBll teabll = new TeacherBll();
            //TODO 获取当前登录的教师账号
            Teacher tea = (Teacher)Session["loginuser"];
            TableBuilder tabuilderPro = new TableBuilder();

            tabuilderPro.StrTable      = "T_Profession";
            tabuilderPro.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + + "'";
            tabuilderPro.IntColType    = 0;
            tabuilderPro.IntOrder      = 0;
            tabuilderPro.IntPageNum    = 1;
            tabuilderPro.IntPageSize   = 100;
            tabuilderPro.StrColumn     = "proId";
            tabuilderPro.StrColumnlist = "*";
            prods = probll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPro, out count);
            TableBuilder tabuilderPlan = new TableBuilder();

            tabuilderPlan.StrTable      = "T_Plan";
            tabuilderPlan.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + + "'";
            tabuilderPlan.IntColType    = 0;
            tabuilderPlan.IntOrder      = 0;
            tabuilderPlan.IntPageNum    = 1;
            tabuilderPlan.IntPageSize   = 100;
            tabuilderPlan.StrColumn     = "planId";
            tabuilderPlan.StrColumnlist = "*";
            plands = pbll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPlan, out count);

            if (article == "edit")
                string titleId = Request.QueryString["titleId"];
                Session["titleId"] = titleId;
                TitleBll titBll = new TitleBll();
                titleEdit = titBll.GetTitle(Convert.ToInt32(titleId));
                //string ti = title.Limit.ToString();
                TitleBll titlebll = new TitleBll();
                Title    title    = new Title();
                if (op == "new")
                        string paperTitle   = Request["paperTitle"].ToString();
                        string profession   = Request["profession"].ToString();
                        string plans        = Request["plan"].ToString();
                        string numMax       = Request["numMax"].ToString();
                        string paperContent = Request["paperContent"].ToString();
                        title.title        = paperTitle;
                        title.TitleContent = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(paperContent);
                        title.CreateTime   = DateTime.Now;
                        //TODO 专业批次选定人数为固定值,需重新改动
                        title.Selected = 0;
                        title.Limit    = int.Parse(numMax);
                        title.teacher  = (Teacher)Session["loginuser"];
                        title.plan     = new Plan {
                            PlanId = Convert.ToInt32(plans)
                        title.profession = new Profession {
                            ProId = Convert.ToInt32(profession)

                        Result result = titlebll.Insert(title);
                        if (result == Result.添加成功)
                            LogHelper.Info(this.GetType(), tea.TeaAccount + " - " + tea.TeaName + " - 发布论文");
                    }catch (Exception ex)
                        LogHelper.Error(this.GetType(), ex);
                else if (op == "edit")
                        string paperTitle   = Request["paperTitle"].ToString();
                        string profession   = Request["profession"].ToString();
                        string plans        = Request["plan"].ToString();
                        string numMax       = Request["numMax"].ToString();
                        string paperContent = Request["paperContent"].ToString();
                        title.TitleId      = Convert.ToInt32(Session["titleId"].ToString());
                        title.title        = paperTitle;
                        title.TitleContent = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(paperContent);
                        title.CreateTime   = DateTime.Now;
                        //TODO 专业批次选定人数为固定值,需重新改动
                        title.Selected = 0;
                        title.Limit    = int.Parse(numMax);
                        title.teacher  = tea;
                        title.plan     = new Plan {
                            PlanId = 1
                        title.profession = new Profession {
                            ProId = 1
                        Result result = titlebll.Update(title);
                        if (result == Result.更新成功)
                            LogHelper.Info(this.GetType(), tea.TeaAccount + " - " + tea.TeaName + " - 修改" + Session["titleId"].ToString() + "论文");
                    }catch (Exception ex)
                        LogHelper.Error(this.GetType(), ex);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strWhere">查询条件</param>
        public void getdata(String strWhere)
            string currentPage = Request.QueryString["currentPage"];

            if (currentPage == null || currentPage.Length <= 0)
                currentPage = "1";
            TitleBll titbll  = new TitleBll();
            string   account = "defenGroupId = " + defenGroupId;
            string   Account = account + " and ";
            string   type    = Request.QueryString["type"];

            if (type == "textSelect")
                strWhere = Search();
            if (type == "plandrop")
                dropstrWhereplan = Context.Request.QueryString["dropstrWhereplan"].ToString();
                if (dropstrWhereplan == "0")
                    strWhere = "";
                strWhere = string.Format(" planId = {0}", dropstrWhereplan);
            if (type == "prodrop")
                dropstrWherepro = Request["dropstrWherepro"];
                strWhere        = string.Format(" proId = {0}", dropstrWherepro);
            if (type == "colldrop")
                dropstrWherecoll = Request["dropstrWherecoll"];
                strWhere         = string.Format(" collegeId = {0}", dropstrWherecoll);
                TableBuilder tabuilderPro = new TableBuilder();
                tabuilderPro.StrTable      = "T_Profession";
                tabuilderPro.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + dropstrWherecoll + "'";
                tabuilderPro.IntColType    = 0;
                tabuilderPro.IntOrder      = 0;
                tabuilderPro.IntPageNum    = 1;
                tabuilderPro.IntPageSize   = 100;
                tabuilderPro.StrColumn     = "proId";
                tabuilderPro.StrColumnlist = "*";
                prods = probll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPro, out count);
                TableBuilder tabuilderPlan = new TableBuilder();
                tabuilderPlan.StrTable      = "T_Plan";
                tabuilderPlan.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + dropstrWherecoll + "'";
                tabuilderPlan.IntColType    = 0;
                tabuilderPlan.IntOrder      = 0;
                tabuilderPlan.IntPageNum    = 1;
                tabuilderPlan.IntPageSize   = 100;
                tabuilderPlan.StrColumn     = "planId";
                tabuilderPlan.StrColumnlist = "*";
                plads = plabll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPlan, out count);
            if (type == "alldrop")
                dropstrWhereplan = Context.Request.QueryString["dropstrWhereplan"].ToString();
                dropstrWherepro  = Context.Request.QueryString["dropstrWherepro"].ToString();
                strWhere         = string.Format(" proId = {0} and planId = {1}", dropstrWherepro, dropstrWhereplan);
            TableBuilder tabuilder = new TableBuilder();

            tabuilder.StrTable      = "V_DefenceRecord";
            tabuilder.StrWhere      = (strWhere == null || strWhere == "" ? account : Account + strWhere);
            tabuilder.IntColType    = 0;
            tabuilder.IntOrder      = 0;
            tabuilder.IntPageNum    = int.Parse(currentPage);
            tabuilder.IntPageSize   = pagesize;
            tabuilder.StrColumn     = "defenRecordId";
            tabuilder.StrColumnlist = "*";
            getCurrentPage          = int.Parse(currentPage);
            ds = titbll.SelectBypage(tabuilder, out count);
            if (state == 2 || state == 1)
                TableBuilder tabuilderPro = new TableBuilder();
                tabuilderPro.StrTable      = "T_Profession";
                tabuilderPro.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + + "'";
                tabuilderPro.IntColType    = 0;
                tabuilderPro.IntOrder      = 0;
                tabuilderPro.IntPageNum    = 1;
                tabuilderPro.IntPageSize   = 100;
                tabuilderPro.StrColumn     = "proId";
                tabuilderPro.StrColumnlist = "*";
                prods = probll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPro, out count);
                TableBuilder tabuilderPlan = new TableBuilder();
                tabuilderPlan.StrTable      = "T_Plan";
                tabuilderPlan.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + + "'";
                tabuilderPlan.IntColType    = 0;
                tabuilderPlan.IntOrder      = 0;
                tabuilderPlan.IntPageNum    = 1;
                tabuilderPlan.IntPageSize   = 100;
                tabuilderPlan.StrColumn     = "planId";
                tabuilderPlan.StrColumnlist = "*";
                plads = plabll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPlan, out count);
            else if (state == 0)
                dropstrWherecoll = Request["dropstrWherecoll"];
                dropstrWherepro  = Request["dropstrWherepro"];
                dropstrWhereplan = Request["dropstrWhereplan"];
                TableBuilder tabuilderPro = new TableBuilder();
                tabuilderPro.StrTable      = "T_Profession";
                tabuilderPro.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + dropstrWherecoll + "'";
                tabuilderPro.IntColType    = 0;
                tabuilderPro.IntOrder      = 0;
                tabuilderPro.IntPageNum    = 1;
                tabuilderPro.IntPageSize   = 100;
                tabuilderPro.StrColumn     = "proId";
                tabuilderPro.StrColumnlist = "*";
                prods = probll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPro, out count);
                TableBuilder tabuilderPlan = new TableBuilder();
                tabuilderPlan.StrTable      = "T_Plan";
                tabuilderPlan.StrWhere      = "collegeId = '" + dropstrWherecoll + "'";
                tabuilderPlan.IntColType    = 0;
                tabuilderPlan.IntOrder      = 0;
                tabuilderPlan.IntPageNum    = 1;
                tabuilderPlan.IntPageSize   = 100;
                tabuilderPlan.StrColumn     = "planId";
                tabuilderPlan.StrColumnlist = "*";
                plads = plabll.SelectBypage(tabuilderPlan, out count);
Esempio n. 4
        public void getpage(string strWhere, int pageNum)
            TableBuilder tBuilder = new TableBuilder("V_Plan", "planId", 0, 0, "*", 1, pageNum, strWhere);

            plands = planBll.SelectBypage(tBuilder, out intPageCount);