private void OnButtonClicked(PlaceableObjectButton clickedButton)
        //Makes that only the button of the selected object is shown as selected
        PlaceableObject previewedObject = null;

        foreach (var button in _placeableObjectButtons)
            if (button.Key == clickedButton && button.Key.Toggled)
                previewedObject = button.Key.Prefab;

            //Deactivate other buttons if needed
            if (button.Key != clickedButton && button.Key.Toggled)

        Texture2D previewTexture = null;

        if (previewedObject != null)
            previewTexture = previewedObject.Preview;
    public void Initialize(PlaceableObject[] placeableObjects, GuideLine guideLinePrefab)
        //We create all the buttons to select the different parts
        foreach (var placeableObject in placeableObjects)
            PlaceableObjectButton button = Instantiate(PartButton, PartButton.transform.parent);
            button.Initialize(placeableObject, Tray, guideLinePrefab, () => OnButtonClicked(button));

            _placeableObjectButtons[button] = placeableObject.ModelName;