Esempio n. 1
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int            j    = 0;
        Product        prod = new Product();
        List <Product> pl   = prod.getProducts();
        List <string>  ids  = new List <string>();
        List <Product> slst = new List <Product>();

        foreach (Product p in pl)
            CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("cb" + j.ToString());
            if (cb.Checked == true)
                ids.Add("cb" + j.ToString());


        Session["tocart"] = slst;
        Session["idis"]   = ids;

        Label lbl7 = new Label();

        lbl7.Text = "the products you chose are: <br/>";
        foreach (Product d in slst)
            lbl7.Text += d.Title + "<br/>";

Esempio n. 2
 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["count"] != null)
         List <int> terminalList = null;
         count        = int.Parse(Session["count"].ToString());
         terminalList = new List <int>();
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
             int txt = int.Parse(((TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtTerminalId" + i.ToString())).Text.ToString());
         Session["terminalId"] = terminalList;
         Button1.Enabled       = false;
         Response.Write("<script language=javascript> window.close();</script>");
     else if (Session["AgentCodeCount"] != null)
         List <string> agentCodelist = null;
         count         = int.Parse(Session["AgentCodeCount"].ToString());
         agentCodelist = new List <string>();
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
             string txt = ((TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtAgentCode" + i.ToString())).Text.ToString();
         Session["agentCodelist"] = agentCodelist;
         Button1.Enabled          = false;
         Response.Write("<script language=javascript> window.close();</script>");
    protected void JisuanZongfen(object sender, EventArgs e)//计算总分的同时显示种题型应选择多少道题,选择了哪些题型
        StringBuilder tixings = new StringBuilder();
        DropDownList  tixuzeshuDropdownList;
        DropDownList  fenzhiDropdownList;
        int           zongfen = 0;
        SqlConnection conn    = new SqlConnection();

        conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["kecheng2012ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        SqlCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand();

        comm.CommandText = "select mingcheng from tb_timuleixing order by tixingid";
        SqlDataReader sdr = comm.ExecuteReader();

        while (sdr.Read())
            tixuzeshuDropdownList = (DropDownList)(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("tixing" + sdr.GetString(0).Trim()));
            if (tixuzeshuDropdownList != null && tixuzeshuDropdownList.SelectedIndex > 0)
                tixings.Append(sdr.GetString(0) + ",");
                fenzhiDropdownList = (DropDownList)(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("timufenzhi" + sdr.GetString(0).Trim()));
                if (fenzhiDropdownList != null)
                    zongfen += int.Parse(tixuzeshuDropdownList.SelectedValue) * int.Parse(fenzhiDropdownList.SelectedValue);
        TextBoxzongfen.Text      = zongfen.ToString();
        HiddenFieldtixings.Value = tixings.ToString();//选择了哪些题型
Esempio n. 4
 private void InitializeState()
     if (_State == null)
         if (!_Context.IsConfigurationTypeRegistered(typeof(SpeedSearchState)))
         _State = _Context.GetConfiguration <SpeedSearchState>();
     if ((_State != null) && (_State.SelectedIndexes.Count > 0))
         SearchRequest.Text            = _State.SearchText;
         SearchType.SelectedIndex      = _State.SearchTypeIdx;
         MaxResults.SelectedValue      = _State.MaxResults.ToString();
         SearchFlags.Items[0].Selected = _State.Root;
         SearchFlags.Items[1].Selected = _State.Thesaurus;
         SearchFlags.Items[2].Selected = _State.SoundsLike;
         for (int idx = 0; idx < _Indexes.Count; idx++)
             CheckBox thisIndex = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("Index" + idx.ToString());
             if (thisIndex != null)
                 thisIndex.Checked = false;
                 if (_State.SelectedIndexes.Contains(idx))
                     thisIndex.Checked = true;
Esempio n. 5
    public void Removetextbox()
        int count = this.NumberOfControls1;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            TextBox txcat     = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtData" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat  = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat1 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_1" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat2 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_2" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat3 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_3" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat4 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_4" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat5 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_5" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat6 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_6" + i.ToString());

Esempio n. 6
        protected void RadioButtonList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var num = DDL_layer.SelectedValue;

            string[] temp = new string[int.Parse(num)];
            for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(num); i++)
                DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(i.ToString());

                temp[i] = ddl.SelectedItem.Value;

            //if ((RadioButtonList2.SelectedIndex == 1))
            //    DDL_layer.Enabled = true;
            //    DDL_layer.Enabled = true;

            //  string layer = DDL_layer.SelectedItem.Value;

            //List<int> list = new List<int>();
            //for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(layer); i++)
            //    DropDownList14.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString()));

            //StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            //for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(layer); i++)
            //    DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
            //    ddl.ID = i.ToString();
            //    //ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += dynamicDDL_SelectedIndexChanged;
            //    //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("test1", "test1"));
            //    //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("test2", "test2"));
            //    //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("test3", "test3"));
            //    ddl.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1";
            //    ddl.DataTextField = "OrderName";
            //    ddl.DataValueField = "Kind";
            //    ddl.AppendDataBoundItems = true;

            //    ddl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-請選擇-", "0"));

            //    PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"auto-style13\">第 " + i + " 階</td><td class=\"auto-style14\">"));
            //    //  sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='" + aa.Key + "' value='" + aa.Value + "'>").AppendLine();
            //    //sBuilder.AppendLine(@"" += ddl.DataBind() + "");

            //    PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(ddl);
            //    ddl.DataBind();
            //    PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

Esempio n. 7
    public void testeMeteodo()
        int[] crit;
        int[] usuarios;

        crit     = new int[colsCount];
        usuarios = new int[rowsCount];
        string        link  = Request.QueryString["avaliacao"].ToString();
        Res_Resposta  res   = new Res_Resposta();
        Ava_Avaliacao ava   = new Ava_Avaliacao();
        Usu_Usuario   usu1  = new Usu_Usuario();
        Usu_Usuario   usu   = new Usu_Usuario();
        TextBox       txt   = new TextBox();
        int           avali = Convert.ToInt32(link);

        for (int i = 0; i < rowsCount; i++)
            for (int h = 0; h < colsCount; h++)
                if (i == 0 && h > 0)
                    crit[h] = Convert.ToInt32(((Label)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("cri" + h)).Text);
                if (h == 0 && i > 0)
                    usuarios[i] = Convert.ToInt32(((Label)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("nom" + (i - 1))).Text);

                // int avali = Convert.ToInt32(link);

                res  = new Res_Resposta();
                ava  = new Ava_Avaliacao();
                usu1 = new Usu_Usuario();
                usu  = new Usu_Usuario();
                txt  = new TextBox();
                if (i != 0 && h != 0)
                    Cri_Criterio crite = new Cri_Criterio();
                    txt = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("TextBoxRow_" + (i - 1) + "Col_" + h);

                    crite.Cri_codigo = crit[h];
                    //usu1.Usu_codigo = 2;
                    res.Usu_codigo1 = new Usu_Usuario();
                    Usu_Usuario usuario1 = (Usu_Usuario)Session["usuario"];
                    res.Usu_codigo1 = usuario1;
                    //usu.Usu_codigo = usuarios[i];
                    res.Usu_codigo            = new Usu_Usuario();
                    res.Usu_codigo.Usu_codigo = usuarios[i];
                    ava.Ava_codigo            = avali;
                    res.Ava_codigo            = ava;
                    res.Cri_codigo            = crite;
                    res.Res_nota   = Convert.ToInt32(txt.Text);
                    res.Res_codigo = Res_RespostaDB.Insert(res);
Esempio n. 8
 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     for (int i = 0; i < AttributesCount; i++)
         TextBox tt = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("TextBoxAttributeName" + (i + 1));
Esempio n. 9
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if ((Button1.Text == "階層及編號設定並鎖定"))
            //    Button1.Text = "解除鎖定";
            //    Pnl_LayerSet.Enabled = false;
            //    Section1.Text = "階層及編號設定(已鎖定)";
            Pnl_Note1.Visible = false;
            Pnl_Note2.Visible = false;
            bool   result1         = false;
            bool   result2         = false;
            string UpdateItemOrder = "";

            string[] LayerKind = new string[int.Parse(ViewState["i"].ToString())];
            string   database  = Session["DatabaseName"].ToString();
            int      maxLayer  = WebModel.MaxValue(database, "Bid_WBSLayer", "LayerNum");
            string   SQLDel    = "Delete from  Bid_WBSLayer  where bid=" + Session["BID"].ToString() + "";
            bool     result    = WebModel.SQLAction(database, SQLDel);

            for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(ViewState["i"].ToString()); i++)
                int          Layernum = i + 1;
                DropDownList drop     = new DropDownList();
                drop = (DropDownList)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(i.ToString());
                DropDownList DDL1;
                DDL1          = (DropDownList)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(i.ToString());
                LayerKind[i] += DDL1.SelectedValue;
                string SQLLayer = "Insert into Bid_WBSLayer ([bid],[LayerNum],[LayerKind]) Values (" + Session["BID"].ToString() + "," + Layernum + "," + LayerKind[i] + ")";
                result1 = WebModel.SQLAction(database, SQLLayer);
            if (RadioButtonList2.SelectedValue == "0")
                string SQLNumType = "Update BidM0 set BidNumType=0 where bid=" + Session["Bid"].ToString();
                WebModel.SQLAction(database, SQLNumType);
                result2         = DAL.BidLayerCodeSort.Update_order_num(Session["DatabaseName"].ToString(), Session["bid"].ToString());
                UpdateItemOrder = "update Bid_WBS set Bid_WBS.ItemOrder = OrderName from Bid_WBSLayer join Bid_WBS on Bid_WBS.LayerNum=Bid_WBSLayer.LayerNum join LayerOrder on Bid_WBS.SortNum = LayerOrder.OrderNum and Bid_WBSLayer.LayerKind = LayerOrder.Kind where Bid_WBSLayer.BID=" + Session["Bid"].ToString() + "";
                result1         = WebModel.SQLAction(database, UpdateItemOrder);
            else if (RadioButtonList2.SelectedValue == "1")
                string SQLNumType = "Update BidM0 set BidNumType=1 where bid=" + Session["bid"].ToString();
                result1 = WebModel.SQLAction(database, SQLNumType);
                result2 = DAL.BidLayerCodeSort.Update_order_num(Session["DatabaseName"].ToString(), Session["bid"].ToString());
                //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "addLayerCode();", true);//ajax 更新項次
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "UpdtItemOrder();", true);    //ajax 更新項次
            if (result1)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, this.GetType(), "ShowMessage", "alert(' 階層新增成功');", true);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, this.GetType(), "ShowMessage", "alert(' 階層新增失敗');", true);
            Session["Itemadd"] = Session["Bid"].ToString();
Esempio n. 10
 private void itemselect_indexchange(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string[] LayerKind = new string[int.Parse(ViewState["i"].ToString())];
     for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(ViewState["i"].ToString()); i++)
         DropDownList DDL = (DropDownList)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(i.ToString());
         LayerKind[i] += DDL.SelectedValue;
Esempio n. 11
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpPostedFile postfile      = (HttpPostedFile)Session["postfile"];
            int            i             = Convert.ToInt32(Session["selectedvault"]);
            var            uploadService = client.CreateChannel <IUploadService>();
            string         id;

            using (var fs = postfile.InputStream)
                id = uploadService.UploadFileContent(fs, null);
            var mcs       = client.CreateChannel <IMediaContentService>();
            var mediaItem = mcs.StoreContentInVault(id, postfile.FileName, "image/png", i);

            var mediaid = mediaItem.Id;
            var mi      = client.Query <MediaItem>()
                          .Where(u => u.Id == mediaid)
                          .Include(x => x.Metadata.Where(md => md.DefinitionType == MetadataDefinitionTypes.User))


            foreach (Control item in PlaceHolder1.Controls)
                switch (item.GetType().Name)
                case "TextBox":

                    var m = new MetadataString();

                    m.MetadataDefinitionId = Convert.ToInt32(item.ID);

                    Control mytextbox = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(item.ID);

                    m.StringValue = (mytextbox as TextBox).Text;

                    //m.StringValue = Request.Form[item.ID];


            var ms = client.CreateChannel <IMediaService>();

            ms.Save(new List <MediaItem> {
            }, MediaServiceSaveOptions.Metadata);
            ms.Save(new List <MediaItem> {
            }, MediaServiceSaveOptions.MarkAsOrganized);
            Console.WriteLine("Media item marked as organized");
Esempio n. 12
    protected void RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RadioButton RadioButton1 = sender as RadioButton;

        RadioButton1.Checked = true;

        GridView_RegisterPeoplinfo.SelectedIndex = (RadioButton1.NamingContainer as GridViewRow).RowIndex;

        EmpID = GridView_RegisterPeoplinfo.DataKeys[GridView_RegisterPeoplinfo.SelectedIndex].Value.ToString();

        ObjectDataSource_fixA.SelectParameters["activity_id"].DefaultValue = ActivityID.ToString();
        ObjectDataSource_fixA.SelectParameters["emp_id"].DefaultValue      = EmpID;



        ACMS.DAO.CustomFieldValueDAO myCustomFieldValueDAO = new ACMS.DAO.CustomFieldValueDAO();

        List <ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO> myCustomFieldValueVOList = myCustomFieldValueDAO.SelectCustomFieldValue(ActivityID, EmpID);

        foreach (ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO myCustomFieldValueVO in myCustomFieldValueVOList)
            if (myCustomFieldValueVO.field_control.ToUpper() == "TEXTBOX")
                TextBox MyControl = new TextBox();
                MyControl.ID = string.Format("txt{0}", myCustomFieldValueVO.field_id);
                (PlaceHolder1.FindControl(MyControl.ID) as TextBox).Text = myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value;
            else if (myCustomFieldValueVO.field_control.ToUpper() == "TEXTBOXLIST")
                TCheckBoxList MyControl = new TCheckBoxList();
                MyControl.ID = string.Format("plh{0}", myCustomFieldValueVO.field_id);
                (PlaceHolder1.FindControl(MyControl.ID) as TCheckBoxList).SelectedValueList = myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value;

                CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged((PlaceHolder1.FindControl(MyControl.ID) as TCheckBoxList), null);
            else if (myCustomFieldValueVO.field_control.ToUpper() == "CHECKBOXLIST")
                TCheckBoxList MyControl = new TCheckBoxList();

                MyControl.ID = string.Format("cbl{0}", myCustomFieldValueVO.field_id);
                (PlaceHolder1.FindControl(MyControl.ID) as TCheckBoxList).SelectedValueList = myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value;
            else if (myCustomFieldValueVO.field_control.ToUpper() == "RADIOBUTTONLIST")
                TRadioButtonList MyControl = new TRadioButtonList();
                MyControl.ID = string.Format("radl{0}", myCustomFieldValueVO.field_id);
                (MyControl as TRadioButtonList).ClearSelection();
                (PlaceHolder1.FindControl(MyControl.ID) as TRadioButtonList).SelectedValue = myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value;
 protected void addIngredient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     for (int j = 2; j < count; j++)
         string       uControl = "ucIngredient" + j;
         ucIngredient uc       = (ucIngredient)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(uControl);
         uc.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 14
        protected void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//
            int count = this.NumberOfControls;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                TextBox tx = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtData" + i.ToString()); // finds  VALUE LABEL
                //Add the Controls to the container of your choice
                Label1.Text += tx.Text + ",";                                             //  implement add value to label
Esempio n. 15
 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "TB")
     else if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "DDL")
Esempio n. 16
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RadioButtonList rdoltChoice1 = (RadioButtonList)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("rdoltChoice1");

            if (rdoltChoice1.Text.ToString() == "")
                Label1.Text = "你选择了:" + rdoltChoice1.SelectedValue;
Esempio n. 17
    protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int count = this.NumberOfControls1;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            TextBox txcat     = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtData" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat  = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat1 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_1" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat2 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_2" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat3 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_3" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat4 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_4" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat5 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_5" + i.ToString());
            TextBox txsubcat6 = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtsubData_6" + i.ToString());

            //Add the Controls to the container of your choice

            perf_valueHidden.Value = txcat.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "," + txsubcat.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "," +
                                     txsubcat1.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "," + txsubcat2.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "," +
                                     txsubcat3.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "," + txsubcat4.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "," +
                                     txsubcat5.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "," + txsubcat6.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + ",";
            db1.strCommand = "insert into Performance_Values(PerfID,Perf_Value) values('" + Session["perfid"].ToString() + "','" + perf_valueHidden.Value + "')";
            txcat.Text     = "";
            txsubcat.Text  = "";
            txsubcat1.Text = "";
            txsubcat2.Text = "";
            txsubcat3.Text = "";
            txsubcat4.Text = "";
            txsubcat5.Text = "";
            txsubcat6.Text = "";

        db1.strCommand = "select Top " + count + " ValueID from Performance_Values order by ValueID desc";
        DataTable dt_valueid = db1.selecttable();

        if (dt_valueid.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                db1.strCommand = "insert into perfvaluesplit(PerfID,ValueID)values('" + Session["PerfID"].ToString() + "','" + dt_valueid.Rows[i]["ValueID"].ToString() + "')";
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Help-function; Sets CssClass of all Buttons to the default class
        /// </summary>
        private void ResetAllButtons()
            if (Session["_currentImportance"] != null)
                Button current = (Button)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(Session["_currentImportance"].ToString());
                current.CssClass = "btn-Importance";
            List <String> allMarkedButtons = (List <String>)Session["allMarkedButtons"];

            foreach (string s in allMarkedButtons)
                Button temp = (Button)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(s);
                temp.CssClass = "btn-Answer";
            Session["allMarkedButtons"] = new List <String>();
    protected void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int count = this.NumberOfControls;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            TextBox tx = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txtData" + i.ToString());
            //Add the Controls to the container of your choice

            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sqlcon);
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into Category(CategoryName)values('" + tx.Text + "')", con);
            tx.Text = "";
Esempio n. 20
    protected void CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int intSum = 0;

        foreach (ListItem theListItem in (sender as CheckBoxList).Items)
            if (theListItem.Selected == true)
                intSum = intSum + Convert.ToInt32(theListItem.Text.Replace("元", "").Split(':')[1]);

        string lblSumValueID = string.Format("lblSumValue_{0}", (sender as TCheckBoxList).ID.Substring(3));

        (PlaceHolder1.FindControl(lblSumValueID) as Label).Text = intSum.ToString();
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Button Handler for all Importance Buttons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Button which got pressed</param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void ImportanceClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["_currentImportance"] != null)
                Button current = (Button)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(Session["_currentImportance"].ToString());
                current.CssClass = "btn-Importance";
            Button btn           = (Button)sender;
            int    curImportance = Int32.Parse(btn.Text);

            Session["gaveImportanceFactor"] = true;

            Session["tempImportancy"] = curImportance;

            btn.CssClass = "btn-Importance-clicked";
            Session["_currentImportance"] = btn.ID;
        private void getSocialHistory(int patientId)
            var PSM = new PatientScreeningManager();
            List <PatientScreening> screeningList = PSM.GetPatientScreening(patientId);

            if (screeningList != null)
                foreach (var value in screeningList)
                    RadioButtonList rbl = (RadioButtonList)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(value.ScreeningCategoryId.ToString());
                    if (rbl != null)
                        rbl.SelectedValue = value.ScreeningValueId.ToString();
 private void AddIngredientToRecipe(Recipe aRecipe)
     for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
         ucIngredient uc = (ucIngredient)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("ucIngredient" + i);
         if (uc != null && uc.Visible == true)
             var ing = new Ingredient();
             ing.Name          = uc.NameOfIngredient;
             ing.Quantity      = uc.Qty;
             ing.UnitOfMeasure = uc.Unit;
             //lblResult.Text += " "+ing.Name + " " + ing.Quantity + " " + ing.UnitOfMeasure+" ";
             aRecipe.Needs[i - 1] = ing;
Esempio n. 24
    private SpeedSearchQuery BuildQuery()
        var ssq = new SpeedSearchQuery {
            SearchText = SearchRequest.Text

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ssq.SearchText))
            throw new UserObservableException(GetLocalResourceObject("SpeedSearch_Error_Keyword_Required").ToString());
        ssq.SearchType       = SearchType.SelectedIndex;
        ssq.IncludeStemming  = SearchFlags.Items[0].Selected;
        ssq.IncludeThesaurus = SearchFlags.Items[1].Selected;
        ssq.IncludePhonic    = SearchFlags.Items[2].Selected;
        ssq.WhichPage        = _whichResultsPage;
        ssq.ItemsPerPage     = 10;
        for (var i = 0; i < _indexes.Count; i++)
            var thisIndex = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("Index" + i);
            if ((thisIndex != null) && (thisIndex.Checked))
                ssq.Indexes.Add(new SpeedSearchIndex(_indexes[i].IndexName, _indexes[i].Type.Value, _indexes[i].IsSecure ?? false));
        if (ssq.Indexes.Count == 0)
            throw new UserObservableException(GetLocalResourceObject("SpeedSearch_Error_Index_Required").ToString());
        var freqfilter = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder2.FindControl("FreqUsed");

        if ((freqfilter != null) && (freqfilter.Checked))
            ssq.UseFrequentFilter = true;
        foreach (var fd in _searchFilters.Values)
            var filter = (TextBox)PlaceHolder2.FindControl(fd.DisplayName);
            if ((filter != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Text)))
                ssq.Filters.Add(new SpeedSearchFilter(fd.DisplayName, filter.Text, fd.CommonIndexes, fd.FieldType, fd.IndexType));
Esempio n. 25
    private List <ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO> GetCustomFieldValueVOList()
        List <ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO> myCustomFieldValueVOList = new List <ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO>();

        if (MyHashtable != null)
            foreach (DictionaryEntry HashtableItem in MyHashtable)
                ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO myCustomFieldValueVO = new ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO();

           = Guid.NewGuid();
                myCustomFieldValueVO.emp_id = EmpID;

                //HashtableItem(MyControl.ID, myCustomFieldVO.field_id)
                Control MyControl = PlaceHolder1.FindControl(HashtableItem.Key.ToString());
                myCustomFieldValueVO.field_id = Convert.ToInt32(HashtableItem.Value);

                if (MyControl is TCheckBoxList)
                    myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value = (MyControl as TCheckBoxList).SelectedValueList;
                else if (MyControl is TRadioButtonList)
                    myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value = (MyControl as TRadioButtonList).SelectedValue;
                else if (MyControl is TDropDownList)
                    myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value = (MyControl as TDropDownList).SelectedValue;
                else if (MyControl is TextBox)
                    myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value = (MyControl as TextBox).Text;


Esempio n. 26
        protected void subButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FileUpload FileUpload1 = (FileUpload)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("FileUpload1");

            if (IsPostBack)
                Boolean fileOK = false;
                //String path = Server.MapPath("~/");
                String path = @"C:/";
                if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                    String   fileExtension     = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToLower();
                    String[] allowedExtensions = { ".c" };
                    for (int i = 0; i < allowedExtensions.Length; i++)
                        if (fileExtension == allowedExtensions[i])
                            fileOK = true;

                if (fileOK)
                        FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(path + FileUpload1.FileName);
                        Label2.Text           = "File uploaded!";
                        Session["filesubmit"] = FileUpload1.FileName;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Label2.Text = "File could not be uploaded.";
                    Label2.Text = "Cannot accept files of this type.";
Esempio n. 27
        protected void newBtn2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TextBox t = (TextBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("tbox1");

            Session["persons"] = t.Text;
            VacationHouse v     = (VacationHouse)Session["vacationHouse"];
            string        s     = (string)Session["destination"];
            int           i     = (int)Session["vacationWeekNumber"];
            List <int>    spots = Service.Instance.getAirplaneSpots(s, i);

            if (Convert.ToInt32(t.Text) > v.MaxPersons)
                Label newLbl = new Label();
                newLbl.Text = "Too many persons";
Esempio n. 28
    protected void CheckBox_CheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int            j     = 0;
        Product        prod  = new Product();
        List <Product> pl    = prod.getProducts();
        List <Product> slst2 = new List <Product>();

        foreach (Product p in (List <Product>)Session["tocart"])
            CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("cb" + j.ToString());
            if (cb.Checked == false)


        Session["tocart"] = slst2;
        show((List <Product>)Session["tocart"], (List <string>)Session["idis"]);
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// AnswerButton Handler for every question which can be answered with exactly one answers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Button which got pressed</param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void AnswerButtons_1_String(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <String> allMarkedButtons = (List <String>)Session["allMarkedButtons"];

            if (Session["_currentButton"] != null)
                Button current = (Button)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(Session["_currentButton"].ToString());
                current.CssClass = "btn-Answer";
                Session["allMarkedButtons"] = allMarkedButtons;
            Button btn = (Button)sender;

            Session["answeredQuestion"] = true;

            Session["tempAnswer"] = btn.Text;

            btn.CssClass = "btn-Answer-clicked";
            Session["_currentButton"] = btn.ID;
            Session["allMarkedButtons"] = allMarkedButtons;
Esempio n. 30
        public void getDepressionScreeningData()
            var PSM = new PatientScreeningManager();
            List <PatientScreening> screeningList = PSM.GetPatientScreeningByVisitId(PatientId, PmVisitId);

            if (screeningList != null)
                foreach (var value in screeningList)
                    depressionId = Convert.ToInt32(value.ScreeningTypeId);
                    RadioButtonList rblPC1Qs = (RadioButtonList)PlaceHolder1.FindControl("uds" + value.ScreeningCategoryId.ToString());
                    if (rblPC1Qs != null)
                        rblPC1Qs.SelectedValue = value.ScreeningValueId.ToString();
                    RadioButtonList rblPC2Qs = (RadioButtonList)PlaceHolder2.FindControl("uds" + value.ScreeningCategoryId.ToString());
                    if (rblPC2Qs != null)
                        rblPC2Qs.SelectedValue = value.ScreeningValueId.ToString();
            var PCN = new PatientClinicalNotesLogic();
            List <PatientClinicalNotes> notesList = PCN.getPatientClinicalNotesByVisitId(PatientId, PmVisitId);

            if (notesList.Any())
                foreach (var value in notesList)
                    TextBox ntb = (TextBox)PlaceHolder2.FindControl("uds" + value.NotesCategoryId.ToString());
                    if (ntb != null)
                        ntb.Text = value.ClinicalNotes;