public void RegisterUser(PizzaBoxContext PizzaBox, Customer customer, Addressing addressing)
     using (var unitofWork = new PizzaBox.Storing.UnitofWork(PizzaBox))
 public IList <Library.Ingredients> ListToppings(PizzaBoxContext Pizzabox)
     using (var unitofWork = new PizzaBox.Storing.UnitofWork(Pizzabox))
         var toppinglist = unitofWork.Ingrediants.GetAll().ToList();
         return(toppinglist.Select(e => new Library.Ingredients {
             Id = e.Id, Topping = e.Topping, Price = e.Price, Type = e.Type
 public IEnumerable <Library.Orders> GetOrdersbyUserId(PizzaBoxContext Pizzabox)
     using (var unitofWork = new PizzaBox.Storing.UnitofWork(Pizzabox))
         var orderlist = unitofWork.Order.GetAll().Where(e => e.CustomerId == authenticatedid).ToList();
         return(orderlist.Select(e => new Library.Orders {
             Id = e.Id, orderdate = e.PlaceDate, TotalCost = e.TotalPrice, CustomerId = e.CustomerId, StoreId = e.StoreId
        public IEnumerable <Library.Orders> GetOrdersbyStoreId(PizzaBoxContext Pizzabox, int id)
            using (var unitofWork = new PizzaBox.Storing.UnitofWork(Pizzabox))
                var pizza     = unitofWork.Pizza.GetAll();
                var orderlist = unitofWork.Order.GetAll().Where(e => e.StoreId == id);

                return(orderlist.Select(e => new Library.Orders {
                    Id = e.Id
 public IEnumerable <Library.Store> RetrieveListStores(PizzaBoxContext Pizzabox)
     using (var unitofWork = new PizzaBox.Storing.UnitofWork(Pizzabox))
         var storelist    = unitofWork.Store.GetAll();
         var storeaddress = unitofWork.Address.GetAll();
         var query        = from store in storelist
                            join address in storeaddress on store.Address equals address.Id
                            select new Library.Store {
             StoreId = store.Id, Name = store.Name, City = address.City
        public void PlaceOrder(PizzaBoxContext PizzaBox, Library.Orders order)
            Orders orders = new Orders()
                StoreId    = order.StoreId,
                PlaceDate  = DateTime.Now,
                EmployeeId = 1,//for website and testing
                CustomerId = order.CustomerId,
                TotalPrice = order.TotalCost

            using (var unitofWork = new PizzaBox.Storing.UnitofWork(PizzaBox))
 public UserController(PizzaBoxContext Pizzabox, int userid, string password)
     using (var unitofWork = new PizzaBox.Storing.UnitofWork(Pizzabox))
         var customer = unitofWork.Customer.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == userid);
         if (customer != null && customer.UserPassWord == password)
             Console.WriteLine("Authenticated Successfully");
             Authenticated   = true;
             authenticatedid = userid;
             Console.WriteLine("Failed to Authenticate properly returning to menu");