Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the LTC table used in Unity
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        Texture2D       LoadUnityLTC()
            uint         S       = (uint)UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.LTCAreaLight.k_LtcLUTResolution;
            PixelsBuffer content = new PixelsBuffer(S * S * 16);

            using (BinaryWriter W = content.OpenStreamWrite()) {
                for (uint Y = 0; Y < S; Y++)
                    for (uint X = 0; X < S; X++)
                        uint  i   = S * Y + X;
                        float m11 = (float)UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.LTCAreaLight.s_LtcGGXMatrixData[i, 0];
                        float m13 = (float)UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.LTCAreaLight.s_LtcGGXMatrixData[i, 2];
                        float m22 = (float)UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.LTCAreaLight.s_LtcGGXMatrixData[i, 4];
                        float m31 = (float)UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.LTCAreaLight.s_LtcGGXMatrixData[i, 6];

            Texture2D T = new Texture2D(m_device, S, S, 1, 1, ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32F, ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT.AUTO, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { content });

Esempio n. 2
        void    BuildNoiseTextures()
            PixelsBuffer Content   = new PixelsBuffer(NOISE_SIZE * NOISE_SIZE * NOISE_SIZE * 4);
            PixelsBuffer Content4D = new PixelsBuffer(NOISE_SIZE * NOISE_SIZE * NOISE_SIZE * 16);

            WMath.SimpleRNG.SetSeed(521288629, 362436069);

            float4 V = float4.Zero;

            using (BinaryWriter W = Content.OpenStreamWrite()) {
                using (BinaryWriter W2 = Content4D.OpenStreamWrite()) {
                    for (int Z = 0; Z < NOISE_SIZE; Z++)
                        for (int Y = 0; Y < NOISE_SIZE; Y++)
                            for (int X = 0; X < NOISE_SIZE; X++)
                                V.Set((float)WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform(), (float)WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform(), (float)WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform(), (float)WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform());

            m_Tex_Noise   = new Texture3D(m_Device, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R8_UNORM, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Content });
            m_Tex_Noise4D = new Texture3D(m_Device, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8_UNORM, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Content4D });
        private void btnDrawPolygon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create a new drawing context
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(400, 400);
            IDrawer      drawer = new Drawer(buffer);


            //create fill for drawing
            Fill fill = Fills.MistyRose;

            //populate polygon coordinate data
            double[] coordinates = new double[]
                30, 300,
                150, 40,
                300, 260,
                130, 200,
                //30, 300 //the last point is omitted to show that the end point is important
                //for rendering stroke

            //draw content
            drawer.DrawPolygon(fill, coordinates);

            //show to screen
Esempio n. 4
        private void btnBufferInBufferDraw_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create & render to main buffer
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(width, height);

            DrawStar(buffer, Colors.Red, Colors.White);

            //create a sub view (50, 50, 100, 100) - inversed
            PixelsBuffer view = buffer.CreateView(50, 250, 100, 100, true);

            DrawStar(view, Colors.Blue, Colors.YellowGreen);

            //create a sub view (50, 50, 100, 100)
            view = buffer.CreateView(250, 150, 100, 100);
            DrawStar(view, Colors.Goldenrod, Colors.LemonChiffon);

            //show to screen

            #region Description
            string msg = "This example demonstrates that logical views with different coordinate systems can be attached to the same pixel buffer";

            txtDescription.Text = msg;
        private void btnDrawPath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create a new drawing context
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(400, 400);
            IDrawer      drawer = new Drawer(buffer);


            //create fill for drawing
            Fill fill = Fills.MistyRose;

            //create path
            DrawingPath path = new DrawingPath();

            path.MoveTo(200, 100);
            path.CurveTo(200, 350, 340, 30, 360, 200);
            path.CurveTo(200, 100, 40, 200, 60, 30);

            //draw content
            drawer.Scale(0.3, 0.3);
            drawer.DrawPath(fill, path);

            //show to screen
Esempio n. 6
        // ======= VIRTUAL METHODS

        #region PrepareBuffer
        /// <summary>
        /// Preparing buffer and internal data for using
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">buffer</param>
        protected virtual void PrepareBuffer(PixelsBuffer buffer)
            //automatically create a new boundary to match this buffer
            if (mBuffer == null)
                //mBoundary = Boundary.Empty;
                DestBufferWidth   = 0;
                DestBufferHeight  = 0;
                BufferStride      = 0;
                BufferStartOffset = 0;
                BufferData        = null;
                //mBoundary = new Boundary(mBuffer.Width, mBuffer.Height);
                DestBufferWidth   = mBuffer.Width;
                DestBufferHeight  = mBuffer.Height;
                BufferStride      = mBuffer.Stride;
                BufferStartOffset = mBuffer.StartOffset;
                BufferData        = mBuffer.Data;
                //mPixelRenderer.PixelBuffer = mBuffer;
            if ((Rows == null) || (Rows.Length < DestBufferHeight + 1))
                Rows = new RowData[DestBufferHeight + 1];
            SetClip(0, 0, DestBufferWidth, DestBufferHeight);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a frame around the buffer from (0,0) to (width, height)
        /// </summary>
        void DrawFrame(PixelsBuffer buffer, Color color)
            int idx = 0; //pixel index

            //draw left, right lines
            for (int y = 0; y < buffer.Height; y++)
                idx = buffer.StartOffset + buffer.Stride * y;// buffer.GetPixelIndex(0, y);
                buffer.Data[idx] = color.Data;

                idx = buffer.StartOffset + buffer.Stride * y + buffer.Width - 1;// buffer.GetPixelIndex(buffer.Width - 1, y);
                buffer.Data[idx] = color.Data;

            //draw top, bottom lines
            for (int x = 0; x < buffer.Width; x++)
                idx = buffer.StartOffset + x;// buffer.GetPixelIndex(x, 0);
                buffer.Data[idx] = color.Data;

                idx = buffer.StartOffset + (buffer.Height - 1) * buffer.Stride + x;// buffer.GetPixelIndex(x, buffer.Height - 1);
                buffer.Data[idx] = color.Data;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads back a lobe texture histogram into an array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_texHistogram_CPU"></param>
        /// <param name="_scatteringOrder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[,] HistogramTexture2Array(Texture2D _texHistogram_CPU, int _scatteringOrder)
            int scattMin = _scatteringOrder - 1;                        // Because scattering order 1 is actually stored in first slice of the texture array
            int scattMax = scattMin + 1;                                // To simulate a single scattering order
//			int	scattMax = MAX_SCATTERING_ORDER;	// To simulate all scattering orders accumulated

            int W = _texHistogram_CPU.Width;
            int H = _texHistogram_CPU.Height;

            double[,]       histogramData = new double[W, H];

            for (int scatteringOrder = scattMin; scatteringOrder < scattMax; scatteringOrder++)
                PixelsBuffer Content = _texHistogram_CPU.Map(0, scatteringOrder);
                using (BinaryReader R = Content.OpenStreamRead())
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
                        for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
                            histogramData[X, Y] += W * H * R.ReadSingle();
                _texHistogram_CPU.UnMap(0, scatteringOrder);

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains a rendering buffer from a gdi+ System.Drawing.Bitmap
        /// </summary>
        public static PixelsBuffer GetBuffer(Image source)
            PixelsBuffer result = new PixelsBuffer(source.Width, source.Height, source.Width);

            DrawBitmapToBuffer(source, result);
Esempio n. 10
        private void    Build3DDensityField()
            PixelsBuffer DensityField = new PixelsBuffer(DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE * DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE * DENSITY_FIELD_HEIGHT);
            byte         D;

            float3 P;
            float3 C = new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            using (System.IO.BinaryWriter W = DensityField.OpenStreamWrite())
                for (int X = 0; X < DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE; X++)
                    P.x = (0.5f + X) / DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE;
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < DENSITY_FIELD_HEIGHT; Y++)
                        P.y = (0.5f + Y) / DENSITY_FIELD_HEIGHT;
                        for (int Z = 0; Z < DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE; Z++)
                            P.z = (0.5f + Z) / DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE;

//							D = 0;	// Empty for now: photons should go straight through!

                            D = (byte)((P - C).LengthSquared < 0.125f ? 255 : 0);


            Reg(m_Tex_DensityField = new Texture3D(m_Device, DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE, DENSITY_FIELD_HEIGHT, DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R8_UNORM, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { DensityField }));

Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to display result from a pixel buffer to Original view
 /// </summary>
 void DisplayOriginal(PixelsBuffer buffer)
     if (bmpOrg != null)
     bmpOrg           = Cross.Helpers.BufferToBitmap.GetBitmap(buffer, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
     pbOriginal.Image = bmpOrg;
Esempio n. 12
 private void fmFill_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!DesignMode)
         buffer = new PixelsBuffer(w, h);
         drawer = new Drawer(buffer);
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to display result from a pixel buffer
 /// </summary>
 void DisplayBuffer(PixelsBuffer buffer)
     if (bmp != null)
     bmp          = Cross.Helpers.BufferToBitmap.GetBitmap(buffer, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
     pbView.Image = bmp;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a diagonal line with the specified color from (0,0) to (width, height)
        /// </summary>
        void DrawLine(PixelsBuffer buffer, Color color)
            int idx = 0; //pixel index

            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Height; i++)
                idx = buffer.StartOffset + i * buffer.Stride + i; // buffer.GetPixelIndex(i, i);
                buffer.Data[idx] = color.Data;
Esempio n. 15
        public Texture2D        Image2Texture(int _Width, int _Height, byte[] _Content)
            using (PixelsBuffer Buff = new PixelsBuffer(_Content.Length))
                using (System.IO.BinaryWriter W = Buff.OpenStreamWrite())

                return(Image2Texture(_Width, _Height, Buff));
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtain a Bitmap from <see cref="RenderingBuffer"/>
        /// </summary>
        public static Bitmap GetBitmap(PixelsBuffer source, Bitmap.Config config = null)
            var bmp = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(Array.ConvertAll <uint, int>(source.Data, new Converter <uint, int>(x => (int)x)), source.StartOffset, source.Stride, source.Width, source.Height, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);

            if (config != null && !config.Equals(Bitmap.Config.Argb8888))
                var tmp = ConvertConfig(bmp, config);
                bmp = tmp;
Esempio n. 17
        private void Draw(ImageView imageView, int times)
            var          start  = DateTime.Now;
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(600, 600);
            IDrawer      drawer = new Drawer(buffer);

            //create fill for drawing
            Fill fill = new Fill(Colors.Transparent);
            //fill.Opacity = 0.3;
            //draw content
            var coords1 = GetPath(1);
            var coords2 = GetPath(0);
            var coords3 = GetPath(2);

            var path      = GetPath();
            var startDraw = DateTime.Now;
            int step      = 5;

            for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
                //drawer.DrawRectangle(fill, 10, 10, 300, 300);
                //drawer.DrawEllipse(fill, 200, 200, 120, 200);
                //drawer.DrawPolygon(fill, coords1);
                //drawer.DrawPolygon(fill, coords2);
                //drawer.DrawPolygon(fill, coords3);

                //draw content
                //drawer.Scale(0.3, 0.3);
                //drawer.DrawPath(fill, path);

                var margin = i / 10 * step;

                PixelsBuffer view = buffer.CreateView(margin, margin, buffer.Width - margin * 2, buffer.Height - margin * 2, true);
                DrawFrame(view, Colors.OrangeRed);
                DrawLine(view, Colors.Olive);
            DrawLion(buffer, 200, 200);

            if (bmp != null)
            bmp = BufferToBitmap.GetBitmap(buffer);

            //show to screen
            var icon = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(this.Resources, Resource.Drawable.Icon);

            imageView.SetImageBitmap(BufferToBitmap.Overlay(new Bitmap[] { icon, bmp }));
            Android.Util.Log.Debug("Draw " + times, "Draw: " + (DateTime.Now - startDraw).TotalSeconds.ToString() + " Total: " + (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds.ToString());
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Render a star shape to buffer
        /// </summary>
        void DrawStar(PixelsBuffer buffer, Color color, Color background)
            IDrawer drawer = new Drawer(buffer);


            Fill fill = new Fill(color);

            double[] coordinates = TestFactory.Star();
            TestFactory.Scale(coordinates, 2.0);

            //drawer.DrawRectangle(stroke, 0, 0, buffer.Width, buffer.Height);
            drawer.DrawPolygon(fill, coordinates);
Esempio n. 19
        public static void DrawBitmapToBuffer(Bitmap source, PixelsBuffer buffer)
            //make sure we have a ABGR Bitmap, same as PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb
            var bmp = ConvertConfig(source, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);

            //copy Bitmap's data to buffer
            IntPtr ptr  = bmp.LockPixels();
            int    size = bmp.RowBytes * bmp.Height;

            byte[] tmpBuffer = new byte[bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 4];
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, tmpBuffer, 0, size);

            //copy to pixel buffer
            buffer.FromBytes(tmpBuffer, PixelFormats.Bgra);
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to display result from a pixel buffer to After 3 view
 /// </summary>
 void DisplayAfter3(PixelsBuffer buffer)
     if (bmpAfter3 != null)
     if (buffer != null)
         bmpAfter3      = Cross.Helpers.BufferToBitmap.GetBitmap(buffer, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
         pbAfter3.Image = bmpAfter3;
         pbAfter3.Image = null;
        private void btnDrawRoundRect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create a new drawing context
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(400, 400);
            IDrawer      drawer = new Drawer(buffer);


            //create fill for drawing
            Fill fill = Fills.DarkOrange;

            //draw content
            drawer.DrawRoundedRectangle(fill, 50, 50, 300, 200, 15, 15);

            //show to screen
        private void btnDrawEllipse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create a new drawing context
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(400, 400);
            IDrawer      drawer = new Drawer(buffer);


            //create fill for drawing
            Fill fill = Fills.Yellow;

            //draw content
            drawer.DrawEllipse(fill, 200, 200, 180, 100);

            //show to screen
Esempio n. 23
        private void btnDrawStar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create buffer
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(width, height);

            DrawStar(buffer, Colors.Red, Colors.White);

            //show to screen

            #region Description
            string msg = "Create new buffer, then draw a star";

            txtDescription.Text = msg;
Esempio n. 24
        void    BuildFont()
            string charSet = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~éèêëôöàçÔÖÂÊÉœûüù";

            m_fontRectangles = new Rectangle[charSet.Length];
            for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < charSet.Length; charIndex++)
                char C     = charSet[charIndex];
                int  index = (int)C;
                m_char2Index[index] = charIndex;

            // Load atlas & rectangles
            using (ImageUtility.ImageFile file = new ImageUtility.ImageFile(new FileInfo("Atlas.png"))) {
                ImageUtility.ImageFile file2 = new ImageUtility.ImageFile(file, ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8);
                using (ImageUtility.ImagesMatrix M = new ImageUtility.ImagesMatrix(file2, ImageUtility.ImagesMatrix.IMAGE_TYPE.sRGB)) {
                    m_tex_FontAtlas = new Texture2D(m_device, M, ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT.UNORM_sRGB);

            using (FileStream S = new FileInfo("Atlas.rect").OpenRead())
                using (BinaryReader R = new BinaryReader(S)) {
                    // Read both CPU and GPU versions
                    float recW = 1.0f / m_tex_FontAtlas.Width;
                    float recH = 1.0f / m_tex_FontAtlas.Height;
                    using (PixelsBuffer content = new PixelsBuffer((uint)(16 * m_fontRectangles.Length))) {
                        using (BinaryWriter W = content.OpenStreamWrite()) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < m_fontRectangles.Length; i++)
                                m_fontRectangles[i].X      = R.ReadInt32();
                                m_fontRectangles[i].Y      = R.ReadInt32();
                                m_fontRectangles[i].Width  = R.ReadInt32();
                                m_fontRectangles[i].Height = R.ReadInt32();

                                W.Write(recW * (float)m_fontRectangles[i].X);
                                W.Write(recH * (float)m_fontRectangles[i].Y);
                                W.Write(recW * (float)m_fontRectangles[i].Width);
                                W.Write(recH * (float)m_fontRectangles[i].Height);

                        m_tex_FontRectangle = new Texture2D(m_device, (uint)m_fontRectangles.Length, 1, 1, 1, ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32F, ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT.AUTO, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { content });
Esempio n. 25
        private void btnDrawPixels_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create buffer
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(width, height);

            //render to buffer
            DrawLine(buffer, Colors.Red);
            DrawFrame(buffer, Colors.Red);

            //show to screen

            #region Description
            string msg = "Create new buffer, then manually set pixels to buffer to render a rectangular frame around the buffer and a diagonal line from point (0,0) to point (width, height)";

            txtDescription.Text = msg;
Esempio n. 26
        private void btnBufferInBuffer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create main buffer
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(width, height);

            //create a sub view (100 pixels margin)
            int margin = 100;

            #region Approach 1
            //calculate new view's parameter by hand
            //then attach the new view to main buffer

             * int viewStride = -buffer.Stride; //inverse coordinate system of view
             * int viewOffset = buffer.GetPixelIndex(margin, margin);
             * PixelBuffer view = new PixelBuffer();
             * view.Attach(buffer, width - margin * 2, height - margin * 2, viewStride, viewOffset);

            #region Approach 2
            //a much easier way to create sub-view

            PixelsBuffer view = buffer.CreateView(margin, margin, width - margin * 2, height - margin * 2, true);

            //render to main buffer
            DrawLine(buffer, Colors.Red);
            DrawFrame(buffer, Colors.Red);

            //render to sub view
            DrawLine(view, Colors.Blue);
            DrawFrame(view, Colors.Blue);

            //show to screen

            #region Description
            string msg = "This example creates a main buffer, render pixels to it. Then, create a sub-view with inversed y-axis, and render to this view.";

            txtDescription.Text = msg;
        private void    FFT_CPUInOut(Complex[,] _input, Complex[,] _output, float _sign)
            try {
                // Load initial content
                PixelsBuffer           loadingBuffer = m_texBufferCPU.MapWrite(0, 0);
                System.IO.BinaryWriter W             = loadingBuffer.OpenStreamWrite();
                for (int Y = 0; Y < m_size; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < m_size; X++)
                        W.Write((float)_input[X, Y].r);
                        W.Write((float)_input[X, Y].i);

                // Apply multiple shader passes

                // Read back content

                PixelsBuffer           resultBuffer = m_texBufferCPU.MapRead(0, 0);
                System.IO.BinaryReader R            = resultBuffer.OpenStreamRead();
                for (int Y = 0; Y < m_size; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < m_size; X++)
                        _output[X, Y].Set(R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle());
            } catch (Exception _e) {
                throw new Exception("An error occurred while performing the FFT!", _e);
Esempio n. 28
        void DrawLion(PixelsBuffer buffer, int x, int y)
            //create a new drawing context
            //PixelBuffer buffer = new PixelBuffer(400, 400);
            IDrawer drawer = new Drawer(buffer);

            //get coordinates and colors
            double[][]            polygons = LionPathHelper.GetLionPolygons();
            Cross.Drawing.Color[] colors   = LionPathHelper.GetLionColors();

            //iterate all polygons and draw them
            double[] coordinates = null;
            drawer.Translate(x, y);
            for (int i = 0; i < polygons.Length; i++)
                coordinates = polygons[i];
                Fill fill = new Fill(colors[i]);
                drawer.DrawPolygon(fill, coordinates);
Esempio n. 29
//      const uint		COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT = 128;
//      const uint		ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT = 128;
//      float[]		m_GGX_Eavg = new float[ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT];
//      void	BuildMSBRDF( DirectoryInfo _targetDirectory ) {
//          FileInfo	MSBRDFFileName = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( _targetDirectory.FullName, "MSBRDF_E" + COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT + "x" + ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT + ".float" ) );
//          FileInfo	MSBRDFFileName2 = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( _targetDirectory.FullName, "MSBRDF_Eavg" + ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT + ".float" ) );
//          #if PRECOMPUTE_BRDF
// Don't expect this code to work!
// {
//          const uint		PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT = 2*512;
//          const uint		THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT = 64;
//          const float		dPhi = Mathf.TWOPI / PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//          const float		dTheta = Mathf.HALFPI / THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//          const float		dMu = 1.0f / THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//          string	dumpMathematica = "{";
//          for ( uint Y=0; Y < ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT; Y++ ) {
// //Y = 5;
//              float	m = (float) Y / (ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1);
//              float	m2 = Math.Max( 0.01f, m*m );
// //               float	m2 = Math.Max( 0.01f, (float) Y / (ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1) );
// //               float	m = Mathf.Sqrt( m2 );
// //				dumpMathematica += "{ ";	// Start a new roughness line
//              for ( uint X=0; X < COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT; X++ ) {
// //X = 17;
//                  float	cosThetaO = (float) X / (COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1);
//                  float	sinThetaO = Mathf.Sqrt( 1 - cosThetaO*cosThetaO );
//                  float	NdotV = cosThetaO;
//                  float	integral = 0.0f;
// //					float	integralNDF = 0.0f;
//                  for ( uint THETA=0; THETA < THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT; THETA++ ) {
// //                       float	thetaI = Mathf.HALFPI * (0.5f+THETA) / THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
// //                       float	cosThetaI = Mathf.Cos( thetaI );
// //                       float	sinThetaI = Mathf.Sin( thetaI );
//                      // Use cosine-weighted sampling
//                      float	sqCosThetaI = (0.5f+THETA) / THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//                      float	cosThetaI = Mathf.Sqrt( sqCosThetaI );
//                      float	sinThetaI = Mathf.Sqrt( 1 - sqCosThetaI );
//                      float	NdotL = cosThetaI;
//                      for ( uint PHI=0; PHI < PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT; PHI++ ) {
//                          float	phi = Mathf.TWOPI * PHI / PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//                          // Compute cos(theta_h) = Omega_h.N where Omega_h = (Omega_i + Omega_o) / ||Omega_i + Omega_o|| is the half vector and N the surface normal
//                          float	cosThetaH = (cosThetaI + cosThetaO) / Mathf.Sqrt( 2 * (1 + cosThetaO * cosThetaI + sinThetaO * sinThetaI * Mathf.Cos( phi )) );
// //                           float3	omega_i = new float3( sinThetaI * Mathf.Cos( phi ), sinThetaI * Mathf.Sin( phi ), cosThetaI );
// //                           float3	omega_o = new float3( sinThetaO, 0, cosThetaO );
// //                           float3	omega_h = (omega_i + omega_o).Normalized;
// //                           float	cosThetaH = omega_h.z;
//                          // Compute GGX NDF
//                          float	den = 1 - cosThetaH*cosThetaH * (1 - m2);
//                          float	NDF = m2 / (Mathf.PI * den*den);
//                          // Compute Smith shadowing/masking
//                          float	Smith_i_den = NdotL + Mathf.Sqrt( m2 + (1-m2) * NdotL*NdotL );
//                          // Full BRDF is thus...
//                          float	GGX = NDF / Smith_i_den;
// //							integral += GGX * cosThetaI * sinThetaI;
//                          integral += GGX;
//                      }
// //						integralNDF += Mathf.TWOPI * m2 * cosThetaI * sinThetaI / (Mathf.PI * Mathf.Pow( cosThetaI*cosThetaI * (m2 - 1) + 1, 2.0f ));
//                  }
//                  // Finalize
//                  float	Smith_o_den = NdotV + Mathf.Sqrt( m2 + (1-m2) * NdotV*NdotV );
//                  integral /= Smith_o_den;
// //					integral *= dTheta * dPhi;
//                  integral *= 0.5f * dMu * dPhi;	// Cosine-weighted sampling has a 0.5 factor!
// //					integralNDF *= dTheta;
//                  m_GGX_E[X,Y] = integral;
//                  dumpMathematica += "{ " + cosThetaO + ", " + m + ", "  + integral + "}, ";
//              }
//          }
//          dumpMathematica = dumpMathematica.Remove( dumpMathematica.Length-2 );	// Remove last comma
//          dumpMathematica += " };";
//          // Dump as binary
//          using ( FileStream S = MSBRDFFileName.Create() )
//              using ( BinaryWriter W = new BinaryWriter( S ) ) {
//                  for ( uint Y=0; Y < ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT; Y++ )
//                      for ( uint X=0; X < COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT; X++ )
//                          W.Write( m_GGX_E[X,Y] );
//              }
//          //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//          // Compute average irradiance based on roughness, re-using the previously computed results
//          const uint		THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT2 = 512;
//          float	dTheta2 = Mathf.HALFPI / THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT2;
//          for ( uint X=0; X < ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT; X++ ) {
//              float	integral = 0.0f;
//              for ( uint THETA=0; THETA < THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT2; THETA++ ) {
//                  float	thetaO = Mathf.HALFPI * (0.5f+THETA) / THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT2;
//                  float	cosThetaO = Mathf.Cos( thetaO );
//                  float	sinThetaO = Mathf.Sin( thetaO );
//                  // Sample previously computed table
//                  float	i = cosThetaO * COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//                  uint	i0 = Math.Min( COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, (uint) Mathf.Floor( i ) );
//                  uint	i1 = Math.Min( COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, i0 + 1 );
//                  float	E = (1-i) * m_GGX_E[i0,X] + i * m_GGX_E[i1,X];
//                  integral += E * cosThetaO * sinThetaO;
//              }
//              // Finalize
//              integral *= Mathf.TWOPI * dTheta2;
//              m_GGX_Eavg[X] = integral;
//          }
//          // Dump as binary
//          using ( FileStream S = MSBRDFFileName2.Create() )
//              using ( BinaryWriter W = new BinaryWriter( S ) ) {
//                  for ( uint X=0; X < ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT; X++ )
//                      W.Write( m_GGX_Eavg[X] );
//              }
// }
//          #endif
// //           // Build irradiance complement texture
// //           using ( PixelsBuffer content = new PixelsBuffer( COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT * ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT * 4 ) ) {
// //               using ( FileStream S = MSBRDFFileName.OpenRead() )
// //                   using ( BinaryReader R = new BinaryReader( S ) )
// //                       using ( BinaryWriter W = content.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
// //                           for ( uint Y=0; Y < ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT; Y++ ) {
// //                               for ( uint X=0; X < COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT; X++ ) {
// //                                   float	V = R.ReadSingle();
// //                                   m_GGX_E[X,Y] = V;
// //                                   W.Write( V );
// //                               }
// //                           }
// //                       }
// //
// //               m_tex_IrradianceComplement = new Texture2D( m_device, COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT, ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT, 1, 1, ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.R32F, ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT.AUTO, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { content } );
// //           }
// //
// //           // Build average irradiance texture
// //           using ( PixelsBuffer content = new PixelsBuffer( ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT * 4 ) ) {
// //               using ( FileStream S = MSBRDFFileName2.OpenRead() )
// //                   using ( BinaryReader R = new BinaryReader( S ) )
// //                       using ( BinaryWriter W = content.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
// //                           for ( uint X=0; X < ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT; X++ ) {
// //                               float	V = R.ReadSingle();
// //                               m_GGX_Eavg[X] = V;
// //                               W.Write( V );
// //                           }
// //                       }
// //
// //               m_tex_IrradianceAverage = new Texture2D( m_device, ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT, 1, 1, 1, ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.R32F, ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT.AUTO, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { content } );
// //           }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // Check single-scattering and multiple-scattering BRDFs are actual complements
// //
// /*
// float3[,]	integralChecks = new float3[COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT,ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT];
// for ( uint Y=0; Y < ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT; Y++ ) {
//  float	m = (float) Y / (ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1);
//  float	m2 = Math.Max( 0.01f, m*m );
//  float	Eavg = SampleEavg( m );
//  for ( uint X=0; X < COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT; X++ ) {
//      float	cosThetaO = (float) X / (COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1);
//      float	sinThetaO = Mathf.Sqrt( 1 - cosThetaO*cosThetaO );
//      float	NdotV = cosThetaO;
//      float	Eo = SampleE( cosThetaO, m );
//      const uint		CHECK_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT = 128;
//      const uint		CHECK_PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT = 2*128;
//      const float		dPhi = Mathf.TWOPI / CHECK_PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//      const float		dTheta = Mathf.HALFPI / CHECK_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//      float	integralSS = 0.0f;
//      float	integralMS = 0.0f;
//      for ( uint THETA=0; THETA < CHECK_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT; THETA++ ) {
//          // Use regular sampling
//          float	thetaI = Mathf.HALFPI * (0.5f+THETA) / CHECK_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//          float	cosThetaI = Mathf.Cos( thetaI );
//          float	sinThetaI = Mathf.Sin( thetaI );
// //           // Use cosine-weighted sampling
// //           float	sqCosThetaI = (0.5f+THETA) / CHECK_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
// //           float	cosThetaI = Mathf.Sqrt( sqCosThetaI );
// //           float	sinThetaI = Mathf.Sqrt( 1 - sqCosThetaI );
//              float	NdotL = cosThetaI;
//          for ( uint PHI=0; PHI < CHECK_PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT; PHI++ ) {
//              float	phi = Mathf.TWOPI * PHI / CHECK_PHI_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//              //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//              // Single-scattering part
//              // Compute cos(theta_h) = Omega_h.N where Omega_h = (Omega_i + Omega_o) / ||Omega_i + Omega_o|| is the half vector and N the surface normal
//              float	cosThetaH = (cosThetaI + cosThetaO) / Mathf.Sqrt( 2 * (1 + cosThetaO * cosThetaI + sinThetaO * sinThetaI * Mathf.Sin( phi )) );
// //               float3	omega_i = new float3( sinThetaI * Mathf.Cos( phi ), sinThetaI * Mathf.Sin( phi ), cosThetaI );
// //               float3	omega_o = new float3( sinThetaO, 0, cosThetaO );
// //               float3	omega_h = (omega_i + omega_o).Normalized;
// //               float	cosThetaH = omega_h.z;
//              // Compute GGX NDF
//              float	den = 1 - cosThetaH*cosThetaH * (1 - m2);
//              float	NDF = m2 / (Mathf.PI * den*den);
//              // Compute Smith shadowing/masking
//              float	Smith_i_den = NdotL + Mathf.Sqrt( m2 + (1-m2) * NdotL*NdotL );
//              float	Smith_o_den = NdotV + Mathf.Sqrt( m2 + (1-m2) * NdotV*NdotV );
//              // Full BRDF is thus...
//              float	GGX = NDF / (Smith_i_den * Smith_o_den);
//              integralSS += GGX * cosThetaI * sinThetaI;
// //				integralSS += GGX;
//              //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//              // Multiple-scattering part
//              float	Ei = SampleE( cosThetaI, m );
//              float	GGX_ms = Eo * Ei / Eavg;
//              integralMS += GGX_ms * cosThetaI * sinThetaI;
//          }
//      }
//      // Finalize
//      integralSS *= dTheta * dPhi;
//      integralMS *= dTheta * dPhi;
//      integralChecks[X,Y] = new float3( integralSS, integralMS, integralSS + integralMS );
//  }
// }
// //*/
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // verify BRDF + BRDFms integration = 1
// //cube map + integration
//      }
//      float	SampleE( float _cosTheta, float _roughness ) {
//          _cosTheta *= COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//          _roughness *= ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//          float	X = Mathf.Floor( _cosTheta );
//          float	x = _cosTheta - X;
//          uint	X0 = Mathf.Min( COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, (uint) X );
//          uint	X1 = Mathf.Min( COS_THETA_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, X0+1 );
//          float	Y = Mathf.Floor( _roughness );
//          float	y = _roughness - Y;
//          uint	Y0 = Mathf.Min( ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, (uint) Y );
//          uint	Y1 = Mathf.Min( ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, Y0+1 );
//          float	V00 = m_GGX_E[X0,Y0];
//          float	V10 = m_GGX_E[X1,Y0];
//          float	V01 = m_GGX_E[X0,Y1];
//          float	V11 = m_GGX_E[X1,Y1];
//          float	V0 = (1.0f - x) * V00 + x * V10;
//          float	V1 = (1.0f - x) * V01 + x * V11;
//          float	V = (1.0f - y) * V0 + y * V1;
//          return V;
//      }
//      float	SampleEavg( float _roughness ) {
//          _roughness *= ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT;
//          float	X = Mathf.Floor( _roughness );
//          float	x = _roughness - X;
//          uint	X0 = Mathf.Min( ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, (uint) X );
//          uint	X1 = Mathf.Min( ROUGHNESS_SUBDIVS_COUNT-1, X0+1 );
//          float	V0 = m_GGX_Eavg[X0];
//          float	V1 = m_GGX_Eavg[X1];
//          float	V = (1.0f - x) * V0 + x * V1;
//          return V;
//      }

        void    LoadMSBRDF(int _size, FileInfo _irradianceTableName, FileInfo _whiteFurnaceTableName, out Texture2D _irradianceTexture, out Texture2D _whiteFurnaceTexture)
            // Read irradiance table
            float[,]                irradianceTable = new float[_size, _size];
            PixelsBuffer contentIrradiance = new PixelsBuffer((uint)(_size * _size * 4));

            using (FileStream S = _irradianceTableName.OpenRead())
                using (BinaryReader R = new BinaryReader(S)) {
                    using (BinaryWriter W = contentIrradiance.OpenStreamWrite()) {
                        for (int Y = 0; Y < _size; Y++)
                            for (int X = 0; X < _size; X++)
                                float V = R.ReadSingle();
                                irradianceTable[X, Y] = V;

            // Read white furnace table
            float[]      whiteFurnaceTable   = new float[_size];
            PixelsBuffer contentWhiteFurnace = new PixelsBuffer((uint)(_size * 4));

            using (FileStream S = _whiteFurnaceTableName.OpenRead())
                using (BinaryReader R = new BinaryReader(S)) {
                    using (BinaryWriter W = contentWhiteFurnace.OpenStreamWrite()) {
                        for (int Y = 0; Y < _size; Y++)
                            float V = R.ReadSingle();
                            whiteFurnaceTable[Y] = V;

            // Create textures
            _irradianceTexture   = new Texture2D(m_device, (uint)_size, (uint)_size, 1, 1, ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.R32F, ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT.AUTO, false, true, new PixelsBuffer[] { contentIrradiance });
            _whiteFurnaceTexture = new Texture2D(m_device, (uint)_size, 1, 1, 1, ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.R32F, ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT.AUTO, false, true, new PixelsBuffer[] { contentWhiteFurnace });
Esempio n. 30
        private void btnInverseDrawStar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //intentionally make the stride negative so that
            //the coordinate system is flipped from top-down to bottom-up
            int stride = -height;

            //create buffer
            PixelsBuffer buffer = new PixelsBuffer(width, height, stride);

            DrawStar(buffer, Colors.Blue, Colors.White);

            //show to screen

            #region Description
            string msg = "Similar to Draw Star example, except that the y-axis is inversed";

            txtDescription.Text = msg;
Esempio n. 31
		private void	Build3DDensityField()
			byte	D;

			float3	P;
			float3	C = new float3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f );
			using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = DensityField.OpenStreamWrite() )
				for ( int X=0; X < DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE; X++ )
					P.x = (0.5f+X) / DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE;
					for ( int Y=0; Y < DENSITY_FIELD_HEIGHT; Y++ )
						P.y = (0.5f+Y) / DENSITY_FIELD_HEIGHT;
						for ( int Z=0; Z < DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE; Z++ )
							P.z = (0.5f+Z) / DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE;

//							D = 0;	// Empty for now: photons should go straight through!

							D = (byte) ((P - C).LengthSquared < 0.125f ? 255 : 0);

							W.Write( D );

			Reg( m_Tex_DensityField = new Texture3D( m_Device, DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE, DENSITY_FIELD_HEIGHT, DENSITY_FIELD_SIZE, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R8_UNORM, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { DensityField } ) );

Esempio n. 32
 public Texture2D Image2Texture( int _Width, int _Height, PixelsBuffer _Content )
     return new Texture2D( m_Device, _Width, _Height, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8_UNORM_sRGB, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { _Content } );
Esempio n. 33
        void BuildNoiseTextures()
            PixelsBuffer	Content = new PixelsBuffer( NOISE_SIZE*NOISE_SIZE*NOISE_SIZE*4 );
            PixelsBuffer	Content4D = new PixelsBuffer( NOISE_SIZE*NOISE_SIZE*NOISE_SIZE*16 );

            WMath.SimpleRNG.SetSeed( 521288629, 362436069 );

            float4	V = float4.Zero;
            using ( BinaryWriter W = Content.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
                using ( BinaryWriter W2 = Content4D.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
                    for ( int Z=0; Z < NOISE_SIZE; Z++ )
                        for ( int Y=0; Y < NOISE_SIZE; Y++ )
                            for ( int X=0; X < NOISE_SIZE; X++ ) {
                                V.Set( (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform(), (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform(), (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform(), (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                                W.Write( V.x );
                                W2.Write( V.x );
                                W2.Write( V.y );
                                W2.Write( V.z );
                                W2.Write( V.w );

            m_Tex_Noise = new Texture3D( m_Device, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R8_UNORM, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Content } );
            m_Tex_Noise4D = new Texture3D( m_Device, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, NOISE_SIZE, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8_UNORM, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Content4D } );
Esempio n. 34
        private void LoadResults( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName )
            try {
                groupBoxOptions.Enabled = false;

                // Dispose of existing resources
                if ( m_TextureTargets[0][0] != null ) {
                m_TextureTargets[0][0] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[0][1] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[1][0] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[1][1] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[2][0] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[2][1] = null;
                m_TextureTargetCombined = null;

                if ( m_imageResults[0] != null )
                if ( m_imageResults[1] != null )
                if ( m_imageResults[2] != null )
                if ( m_imageResultCombined != null )
            //				m_imageResults[0] = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( W, H, ImageUtility.ImageFile.PIXEL_FORMAT.R8, m_sRGBProfile );
            //				m_imageResults[1] = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( W, H, ImageUtility.ImageFile.PIXEL_FORMAT.R8, m_sRGBProfile );
            //				m_imageResults[2] = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( W, H, ImageUtility.ImageFile.PIXEL_FORMAT.R8, m_sRGBProfile );
            //				m_imageResultCombined = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( W, H, ImageUtility.ImageFile.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8, m_sRGBProfile );
                m_imageResults[0] = new ImageUtility.ImageFile();
                m_imageResults[1] = new ImageUtility.ImageFile();
                m_imageResults[2] = new ImageUtility.ImageFile();
                m_imageResultCombined = new ImageUtility.ImageFile();

                // Load the result images assuming it's in sRGB space
                string[]		FileNames = new string[4] {
                    System.IO.Path.Combine( System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _FileName.FullName ), System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _FileName.FullName ) + "_translucency0.png" ),
                    System.IO.Path.Combine( System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _FileName.FullName ), System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _FileName.FullName ) + "_translucency1.png" ),
                    System.IO.Path.Combine( System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _FileName.FullName ), System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _FileName.FullName ) + "_translucency2.png" ),
                    System.IO.Path.Combine( System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _FileName.FullName ), System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _FileName.FullName ) + "_translucency.png" ),
                ImageUtility.ImageFile[]	images = new ImageUtility.ImageFile[] {
                Texture2D[]		Results = new Texture2D[] {
                ImagePanel[]	Panels = new ImagePanel[] {

                for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                    ImageUtility.ImageFile	B = images[i];
                    B.Load( new System.IO.FileInfo( FileNames[i] ) );

                    Panels[i].Image = B;

                    // Build the texture assuming sRGB sources
                    float4[]	scanline = new float4[B.Width];
                    float4		linearRGB = float4.Zero;

                    PixelsBuffer	sourceMap = new PixelsBuffer( B.Width*B.Height*16 );
                    using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = sourceMap.OpenStreamWrite() )
                        for ( uint Y=0; Y < B.Height; Y++ ) {
                            B.ReadScanline( Y, scanline );
                            for ( uint X=0; X < B.Width; X++ ) {
                                m_sRGBProfile.GammaRGB2LinearRGB( scanline[X], ref linearRGB );
                                Wr.Write( linearRGB.x );
                                Wr.Write( linearRGB.y );
                                Wr.Write( linearRGB.z );
                                Wr.Write( linearRGB.w );

                    Results[i] = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, true, new PixelsBuffer[] { sourceMap } );

                m_TextureTargets[0][0] = Results[0];
                m_TextureTargets[0][1] = Results[0];
                m_TextureTargets[1][0] = Results[1];
                m_TextureTargets[1][1] = Results[1];
                m_TextureTargets[2][0] = Results[2];
                m_TextureTargets[2][1] = Results[2];
                m_TextureTargetCombined = Results[3];
            catch ( Exception _e ) {
                MessageBox( "An error occurred while opening the result maps \"" + _FileName.FullName + "\":\n\n", _e );
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a heightfield whose heights are distributed according to the following probability (a.k.a. the normal distribution with sigma=1 and µ=0):
        ///		p(height) = exp( -0.5*height^2 ) / sqrt(2PI)
        ///	From "2015 Heitz - Generating Procedural Beckmann Surfaces"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_roughness"></param>
        /// <remarks>Only isotropic roughness is supported</remarks>
        public void BuildBeckmannSurfaceTexture( float _roughness )
            m_internalChange = true;	// Shouldn't happen but modifying the slider value may trigger a call to this function again, this flag prevents it

            // Mirror current roughness
            floatTrackbarControlBeckmannRoughness.Value = _roughness;

            // Precompute stuff that resemble a lot to the Box-Muller algorithm to generate normal distribution random values
            WMath.SimpleRNG.SetSeed( 521288629, 362436069 );
            for ( int i=0; i < m_SB_Beckmann.m.Length; i++ ) {
                double	U0 = WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform();
                double	U1 = WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform();
                double	U2 = WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform();

                m_SB_Beckmann.m[i].m_phase = (float) (2.0 * Math.PI * U0);	// Phase

                double	theta = 2.0 * Math.PI * U1;
                double	radius = Math.Sqrt( -Math.Log( U2 ) );
                m_SB_Beckmann.m[i].m_frequencyX = (float) (radius * Math.Cos( theta ) * _roughness);	// Frequency in X direction
                m_SB_Beckmann.m[i].m_frequencyY = (float) (radius * Math.Sin( theta ) * _roughness);	// Frequency in Y direction

            m_SB_Beckmann.SetInput( 0 );

            #if true
                if ( m_Tex_Heightfield == null )
                    m_Tex_Heightfield = new Texture2D( m_Device, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, true, null );

                // Run the CS
                if ( m_Shader_ComputeBeckmannSurface.Use() ) {
                    m_Tex_Heightfield.SetCSUAV( 0 );
                    float	size = floatTrackbarControlBeckmannSizeFactor.Value * HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE;
            //					m_CB_ComputeBeckmann.m._Position_Size.Set( -128.0f, -128.0f, 256.0f, 256.0f );
                    m_CB_ComputeBeckmann.m._Position_Size.Set( -0.5f * size, -0.5f * size, size, size );
                    m_CB_ComputeBeckmann.m._HeightFieldResolution = HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE;
                    m_CB_ComputeBeckmann.m._SamplesCount = (uint) m_SB_Beckmann.m.Length;

                    m_Shader_ComputeBeckmannSurface.Dispatch( HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE >> 4, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE >> 4, 1 );

            #else	// CPU version
                PixelsBuffer	Content = new PixelsBuffer( HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(float)) );

                double	scale = Math.Sqrt( 2.0 / N );

                // Generate heights
                float	range = 128.0f;
                float2	pos;
                float	height;
                float	minHeight = float.MaxValue, maxHeight = -float.MaxValue;
                double	accum;
                using ( BinaryWriter W = Content.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
                    for ( int Y=0; Y < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE; Y++ ) {
                        pos.y = range * (2.0f * Y / (HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE-1) - 1.0f);
                        for ( int X=0; X < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE; X++ ) {
                            pos.x = range * (2.0f * X / (HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE-1) - 1.0f);

            //						height = (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetNormal();
            //						height = (float) GenerateNormalDistributionHeight();

                            accum = 0.0;
                            for ( int i=0; i < N; i++ ) {
                                accum += Math.Cos( m_phi[i] + pos.x * m_fx[i] + pos.y * m_fy[i] );
                            height = (float) (scale * accum);

                            minHeight = Math.Min( minHeight, height );
                            maxHeight = Math.Max( maxHeight, height );

                            W.Write( height );

                m_Tex_Heightfield = new Texture2D( m_Device, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Content } );

            m_internalChange = false;
Esempio n. 36
        void LoadProbePixels( FileInfo _FileName )
            if ( m_Tex_CubeMap != null ) {
                m_Tex_CubeMap = null;
            if ( m_SB_Samples != null ) {
                m_SB_Samples = null;
            if ( m_SB_EmissiveSurfaces != null ) {
                m_SB_EmissiveSurfaces = null;

            using ( FileStream S = _FileName.OpenRead() )
                using ( BinaryReader R = new BinaryReader( S ) ) {

                    // Read pixels
                    Pixel[][,]	CubeMapFaces = new Pixel[6][,];

                    int	CubeMapSize = R.ReadInt32();
                    for ( int CubeMapFaceIndex=0; CubeMapFaceIndex < 6; CubeMapFaceIndex++ ) {
                        Pixel[,]	Face = new Pixel[CubeMapSize,CubeMapSize];
                        CubeMapFaces[CubeMapFaceIndex] = Face;

                        for ( int Y=0; Y < CubeMapSize; Y++ )
                            for ( int X=0; X < CubeMapSize; X++ ) {
                                Face[X,Y].ParentSampleIndex = R.ReadUInt32();
                                Face[X,Y].UsedForSampling = R.ReadBoolean();
                                Face[X,Y].Position.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                                Face[X,Y].Normal.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                                Face[X,Y].Albedo.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                                Face[X,Y].F0.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                                Face[X,Y].StaticLitColor.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                                Face[X,Y].SmoothedStaticLitColor.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                                Face[X,Y].FaceIndex = R.ReadUInt32();
                                Face[X,Y].EmissiveMatID = R.ReadUInt32();
                                Face[X,Y].NeighborProbeID = R.ReadUInt32();
                                Face[X,Y].NeighborProbeDistance = R.ReadSingle();
                                Face[X,Y].VoronoiProbeID = R.ReadUInt32();
                                Face[X,Y].Importance = R.ReadDouble();
                                Face[X,Y].Distance = R.ReadSingle();
                                Face[X,Y].SmoothedDistance = R.ReadSingle();
                                Face[X,Y].Infinity = R.ReadByte() != 0;
                                Face[X,Y].SmoothedInfinity = R.ReadSingle();


             					List<PixelsBuffer>	Content = new List<PixelsBuffer>();
                    float4				Value = new float4();

                    for ( int CubeIndex=0; CubeIndex < 8; CubeIndex++ ) {
                        for ( int CubeMapFaceIndex=0; CubeMapFaceIndex < 6; CubeMapFaceIndex++ ) {
                            PixelsBuffer	Buff = new PixelsBuffer( CubeMapSize*CubeMapSize * 16 );
                            Content.Add( Buff );

                            using ( BinaryWriter W = Buff.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
                                for ( int Y=0; Y < CubeMapSize; Y++ )
                                    for ( int X=0; X < CubeMapSize; X++ ) {
                                        Pixel	P = CubeMapFaces[CubeMapFaceIndex][X,Y];
                                        switch ( CubeIndex ) {
                                            case 0:
                                                Value.Set( P.Position, P.Distance );
                                            case 1:
                                                Value.Set( P.Normal, P.SmoothedDistance );
                                            case 2:
                                                Value.Set( P.Albedo, P.SmoothedInfinity );
                                            case 3:
                                                Value.Set( P.StaticLitColor, (float) P.ParentSampleIndex );
                                            case 4:
                                                Value.Set( P.SmoothedStaticLitColor, (float) P.Importance );
                                            case 5:
                                                Value.Set( P.UsedForSampling ? 1 : 0, P.Infinity ? 1 : 0, (float) P.FaceIndex, (float) P.VoronoiProbeID );
                                            case 6:
                                                Value.Set( P.F0, (float) P.NeighborProbeID );
                                            case 7:
                                                Value.Set( P.NeighborProbeDistance, 0, 0, 0 );
                                        W.Write( Value.x );
                                        W.Write( Value.y );
                                        W.Write( Value.z );
                                        W.Write( Value.w );

             					m_Tex_CubeMap = new Texture2D( m_Device, CubeMapSize, CubeMapSize, -6*8, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, Content.ToArray() );

                    // Read samples
                    int	SamplesCount = (int) R.ReadUInt32();
                    m_SB_Samples = new StructuredBuffer<SB_Sample>( m_Device, SamplesCount, true );

                    for ( int SampleIndex=0; SampleIndex < SamplesCount; SampleIndex++ ) {
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].ID = (uint) SampleIndex;
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].Position.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].Normal.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].Albedo.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].F0.Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].PixelsCount = R.ReadUInt32();
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].SHFactor = R.ReadSingle();

                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].SH0.Set( (float) R.ReadDouble(), (float) R.ReadDouble(), (float) R.ReadDouble() );
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].SH1.Set( (float) R.ReadDouble(), (float) R.ReadDouble(), (float) R.ReadDouble() );
                        m_SB_Samples.m[SampleIndex].SH2.Set( (float) R.ReadDouble(), (float) R.ReadDouble(), (float) R.ReadDouble() );
Esempio n. 37
		public Texture2D	Image2Texture( uint _Width, uint _Height, byte[] _Content ) {
			using ( PixelsBuffer Buff = new PixelsBuffer( (uint) _Content.Length ) ) {
				using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = Buff.OpenStreamWrite() )
					W.Write( _Content );

				return Image2Texture( _Width, _Height, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8_UNORM_sRGB, Buff );
Esempio n. 38
        private void LoadHeightMap( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName )
            try {
                tabControlGenerators.Enabled = false;

                // Dispose of existing resources
                if ( m_imageSourceHeightMap != null )
                m_imageSourceHeightMap = null;

                if ( m_textureTarget_CPU != null )
                m_textureTarget_CPU = null;
                if ( m_textureTarget0 != null )
                m_textureTarget0 = null;
                if ( m_textureTarget1 != null )
                m_textureTarget1 = null;
                if ( m_textureSourceHeightMap != null )
                m_textureSourceHeightMap = null;

                // Load the source image
                m_SourceFileName = _FileName;
                m_imageSourceHeightMap = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( _FileName );
                outputPanelInputHeightMap.Image = m_imageSourceHeightMap;

                W = m_imageSourceHeightMap.Width;
                H = m_imageSourceHeightMap.Height;

                // Build the source texture  assuming the image is in linear space
                float4[]	scanline = new float4[W];

                PixelsBuffer	SourceHeightMap = new PixelsBuffer( W*H*4 );
                using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = SourceHeightMap.OpenStreamWrite() )
                    for ( uint Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                        m_imageSourceHeightMap.ReadScanline( Y, scanline );
                        for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ )
                            Wr.Write( scanline[X].x );

                m_textureSourceHeightMap = new Texture2D( m_device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { SourceHeightMap } );

                // Build the target UAV & staging texture for readback
                m_textureTarget0 = new Texture2D( m_device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R32_FLOAT, false, true, null );
                m_textureTarget1 = new Texture2D( m_device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, true, null );
                m_textureTarget_CPU = new Texture2D( m_device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, true, false, null );

                tabControlGenerators.Enabled = true;
            } catch ( Exception _e ) {
                MessageBox( "An error occurred while opening the image:\n\n", _e );
Esempio n. 39
		public Texture3D	Image2Texture3D( uint _Width, uint _Height, uint _Depth, PIXEL_FORMAT _Format, PixelsBuffer[] _SlicesContent ) {
			return new Texture3D( m_Device, _Width, _Height, _Depth, 1, _Format, false, false, _SlicesContent );
Esempio n. 40
		public Texture2D	Image2Texture( uint _Width, uint _Height, PIXEL_FORMAT _Format, PixelsBuffer _Content ) {
			return Image2Texture( _Width, _Height, _Format, new PixelsBuffer[] { _Content } );
Esempio n. 41
		public Texture2D	Image2Texture( uint _Width, uint _Height, PIXEL_FORMAT _Format, PixelsBuffer[] _MipsContent ) {
			return new Texture2D( m_Device, _Width, _Height, 1, (uint) _MipsContent.Length, _Format, false, false, _MipsContent );
Esempio n. 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the surface texture from an actual image file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_textureFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="_pixelSize">Size of a pixel, assuming the maximum height is 1</param>
        public unsafe void BuildSurfaceFromTexture( string _textureFileName, float _pixelSize )
            if ( m_Tex_Heightfield != null )
                m_Tex_Heightfield.Dispose();	// We will create a new one so dispose of the old one...

            // Read the bitmap
            int			W, H;
            float4[,]	Content = null;
            using ( Bitmap BM = Bitmap.FromFile( _textureFileName ) as Bitmap ) {
                W = BM.Width;
                H = BM.Height;
                Content = new float4[W,H];

                BitmapData	LockedBitmap = BM.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0, 0, W, H ), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb );

                byte	R, G, B, A;
                for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                    byte*	pScanline = (byte*) LockedBitmap.Scan0.ToPointer() + Y*LockedBitmap.Stride;
                    for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {

                        // Read in shitty order
                        B = *pScanline++;
                        G = *pScanline++;
                        R = *pScanline++;
                        A = *pScanline++;

            // Use this if you really need RGBA data
            //						Content[X,Y].Set( R / 255.0f, G / 255.0f, B / 255.0f, A / 255.0f );

            // But assuming it's a height field, we only store one component into alpha
                        Content[X,Y].Set( 0, 0, 0, R / 255.0f );	// Use Red as height
                BM.UnlockBits( LockedBitmap );

            // Build normal (shitty version)
            float	Hx0, Hx1, Hy0, Hy1;
            float3	dNx = new float3( 2.0f * _pixelSize, 0, 0 );
            float3	dNy = new float3( 0, 2.0f * _pixelSize, 0 );
            float3	N;
            for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                int	pY = (Y+H-1) % H;
                int	nY = (Y+1) % H;
                for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                    int	pX = (X+W-1) % W;
                    int	nX = (X+1) % W;

                    Hx0 = Content[pX,Y].w;
                    Hx1 = Content[nX,Y].w;
                    Hy0 = Content[X,pY].w;
                    Hy1 = Content[X,nY].w;

                    dNx.z = Hx1 - Hx0;
                    dNy.z = Hy0 - Hy1;	// Assuming +Y is upward

                    N = dNx.Cross( dNy );
                    N = N.Normalized;

                    Content[X,Y].x = N.x;
                    Content[X,Y].y = N.y;
                    Content[X,Y].z = N.z;

            // Build the texture from the array
            PixelsBuffer	Buf = new PixelsBuffer( W*H*16 );
            using ( BinaryWriter Writer = Buf.OpenStreamWrite() )
                for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ )
                    for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                        float4	pixel = Content[X,Y];
                        Writer.Write( pixel.x );
                        Writer.Write( pixel.y );
                        Writer.Write( pixel.z );
                        Writer.Write( pixel.w );

            m_Tex_Heightfield = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Buf } );
Esempio n. 43
		public Texture3D	Pipu2Texture( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName ) {
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _FileName.OpenRead() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryReader R = new System.IO.BinaryReader( S ) ) {

					int		SlicesCount = R.ReadInt32();
					int		W = R.ReadInt32();
					int		H = R.ReadInt32();

					PixelsBuffer	Slices = new PixelsBuffer( (uint) (4 * W * H * SlicesCount * 4) );
					using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = Slices.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
						for ( int SliceIndex=0; SliceIndex < SlicesCount; SliceIndex++ ) {
							float4	C = new float4();
							for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
								for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
									C.x = R.ReadSingle();
									C.y = R.ReadSingle();
									C.z = R.ReadSingle();
									C.w = R.ReadSingle();

									Wr.Write( C.x );
									Wr.Write( C.y );
									Wr.Write( C.z );
									Wr.Write( C.w );

					return Image2Texture3D( (uint) W, (uint) H, (uint) SlicesCount, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, new PixelsBuffer[] { Slices } );
Esempio n. 44
		public Texture2D	Pipi2Texture( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName ) {
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _FileName.OpenRead() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryReader R = new System.IO.BinaryReader( S ) ) {

					int				MipLevels = R.ReadInt32();
					PixelsBuffer[]	Mips = new PixelsBuffer[MipLevels];
					int				ImageWidth = 0, ImageHeight = 0;
					for ( int MipLevel=0; MipLevel < MipLevels; MipLevel++ ) {
						int	W, H;
						W = R.ReadInt32();
						H = R.ReadInt32();
						if ( MipLevel == 0 ) {
							ImageWidth = W;
							ImageHeight = H;

						PixelsBuffer	Buff = new PixelsBuffer( (uint) (4 * W * H * 4) );
						Mips[MipLevel] = Buff;
						using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = Buff.OpenStreamWrite() )
							float4	C = new float4();
							for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
								for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
									C.x = R.ReadSingle();
									C.y = R.ReadSingle();
									C.z = R.ReadSingle();
									C.w = R.ReadSingle();

									Wr.Write( C.x );
									Wr.Write( C.y );
									Wr.Write( C.z );
									Wr.Write( C.w );

					return Image2Texture( (uint) ImageWidth, (uint) ImageHeight, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, Mips );
Esempio n. 45
        private void LoadThicknessMap( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName )
            try {
                groupBoxOptions.Enabled = false;

                // Dispose of existing resources
                if ( m_ImageSourceThickness != null )
                m_ImageSourceThickness = null;
                if ( m_TextureSourceThickness != null )
                m_TextureSourceThickness = null;

                if ( m_TextureSourceVisibility != null )
                m_TextureSourceVisibility = null;

                if ( m_TextureTarget_CPU != null ) {
                m_TextureTarget_CPU = null;

                if ( m_TextureFilteredThickness != null )
                m_TextureFilteredThickness = null;

                if ( m_TextureTargets[0][0] != null ) {
                m_TextureTargets[0][0] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[0][1] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[1][0] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[1][1] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[2][0] = null;
                m_TextureTargets[2][1] = null;

                if ( m_TextureTargetCombined != null )
                m_TextureTargetCombined = null;

                // Load the source image
                m_SourceFileName = _FileName;
                m_ImageSourceThickness = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( _FileName );
                imagePanelThicknessMap.Image = m_ImageSourceThickness;

                W = m_ImageSourceThickness.Width;
                H = m_ImageSourceThickness.Height;

                // Build the source texture assuming the image is in linear space
                float4[]	scanline = new float4[W];

                PixelsBuffer	sourceHeightMap = new PixelsBuffer( W*H*4 );
                using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = sourceHeightMap.OpenStreamWrite() )
                    for ( uint Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                        m_ImageSourceThickness.ReadScanline( Y, scanline );
                        for ( uint X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                            Wr.Write( scanline[X].x );

                m_TextureSourceThickness = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { sourceHeightMap } );

                // Build the 3D visibility texture
                m_TextureSourceVisibility = new Texture3D( m_Device, W, H, VISIBILITY_SLICES, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R16_FLOAT, false, true, null );

                // Build the target UAV & staging texture for readback
                m_TextureFilteredThickness = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.R32_FLOAT, false, true, null );

                for ( int i=0; i < 3; i++ ) {
                    m_TextureTargets[i][0] = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, true, null );
                    m_TextureTargets[i][1] = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, true, null );
                m_TextureTargetCombined = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, true, null );
                m_TextureTarget_CPU = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, true, false, null );

                groupBoxOptions.Enabled = true;
            catch ( Exception _e )
                MessageBox( "An error occurred while opening the thickness map \"" + _FileName.FullName + "\":\n\n", _e );
Esempio n. 46
uint32_t ReverseBits( uint32_t v )
    v = ( ( v >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ) | ( ( v & 0x55555555 ) << 1 );
    v = ( ( v >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ) | ( ( v & 0x33333333 ) << 2 );
    v = ( ( v >> 4 ) & 0x0F0F0F0F ) | ( ( v & 0x0F0F0F0F ) << 4 );
    v = ( ( v >> 8 ) & 0x00FF00FF ) | ( ( v & 0x00FF00FF ) << 8 );
    v = (   v >> 16               ) | (   v                << 16 );
    return v;

float GSmith( float roughness, float ndotv, float ndotl )
    float const m2   = roughness * roughness;
    float const visV = ndotv + sqrt( ndotv * ( ndotv - ndotv * m2 ) + m2 );
    float const visL = ndotl + sqrt( ndotl * ( ndotl - ndotl * m2 ) + m2 );

    return 1.0f / ( visV * visL );

int main()
    float const MATH_PI         = 3.14159f;
    unsigned const LUT_WIDTH    = 128;
    unsigned const LUT_HEIGHT   = 128;
    unsigned const sampleNum    = 128;

    float lutData[ LUT_WIDTH * LUT_HEIGHT * 4 ];

    for ( unsigned y = 0; y < LUT_HEIGHT; ++y )
        float const ndotv = ( y + 0.5f ) / LUT_WIDTH;

        for ( unsigned x = 0; x < LUT_WIDTH; ++x )
            float const gloss       = ( x + 0.5f ) / LUT_HEIGHT;
            float const roughness   = powf( 1.0f - gloss, 4.0f );

            float const vx = sqrtf( 1.0f - ndotv * ndotv );
            float const vy = 0.0f;
            float const vz = ndotv;

            float scale = 0.0f;
            float bias  = 0.0f;

            for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sampleNum; ++i )
                float const e1 = (float) i / sampleNum;
                float const e2 = (float) ( (double) ReverseBits( i ) / (double) 0x100000000LL );

                float const phi         = 2.0f * MATH_PI * e1;
                float const cosPhi      = cosf( phi );
                float const sinPhi      = sinf( phi );
                float const cosTheta    = sqrtf( ( 1.0f - e2 ) / ( 1.0f + ( roughness * roughness - 1.0f ) * e2 ) );
                float const sinTheta    = sqrtf( 1.0f - cosTheta * cosTheta );

                float const hx  = sinTheta * cosf( phi );
                float const hy  = sinTheta * sinf( phi );
                float const hz  = cosTheta;

                float const vdh = vx * hx + vy * hy + vz * hz;
                float const lx  = 2.0f * vdh * hx - vx;
                float const ly  = 2.0f * vdh * hy - vy;
                float const lz  = 2.0f * vdh * hz - vz;

                float const ndotl = std::max( lz,   0.0f );
                float const ndoth = std::max( hz,   0.0f );
                float const vdoth = std::max( vdh,  0.0f );

                if ( ndotl > 0.0f )
                    float const gsmith      = GSmith( roughness, ndotv, ndotl );
                    float const ndotlVisPDF = ndotl * gsmith * ( 4.0f * vdoth / ndoth );
                    float const fc          = powf( 1.0f - vdoth, 5.0f );

                    scale   += ndotlVisPDF * ( 1.0f - fc );
                    bias    += ndotlVisPDF * fc;
            scale /= sampleNum;
            bias  /= sampleNum;

            lutData[ x * 4 + y * LUT_WIDTH * 4 + 0 ] = scale;
            lutData[ x * 4 + y * LUT_WIDTH * 4 + 1 ] = bias;
            lutData[ x * 4 + y * LUT_WIDTH * 4 + 2 ] = 0.0f;
            lutData[ x * 4 + y * LUT_WIDTH * 4 + 3 ] = 0.0f;

} */


		Texture2D	BuildBRDFTexture( System.IO.FileInfo _TableFileName, uint _TableSize ) {

			float2[,]	Table = new float2[_TableSize,_TableSize];

			float	MinA = 1, MaxA = 0;
			float	MinB = 1, MaxB = 0;
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _TableFileName.OpenRead() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryReader R = new System.IO.BinaryReader( S ) )
					for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ )
						for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ ) {
							float	A = R.ReadSingle();
							float	B = R.ReadSingle();
							Table[X,Y].x = A;
							Table[X,Y].y = B;
							MinA = Math.Min( MinA, A );
							MaxA = Math.Max( MaxA, A );
							MinB = Math.Min( MinB, B );
							MaxB = Math.Max( MaxB, B );

			// MaxA = 1
			// MaxB = 0.00014996325546887346

// MaxA = 1.0;
// MaxB = 1.0;

			// Create the texture
//			PixelsBuffer	Content = new PixelsBuffer( _TableSize*_TableSize*4 );
			PixelsBuffer	Content = new PixelsBuffer( (uint) (_TableSize*_TableSize*2*4) );
			using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = Content.OpenStreamWrite() )
			for ( int Y=0; Y < _TableSize; Y++ )
				for ( int X=0; X < _TableSize; X++ ) {
// 					W.Write( (ushort) (65535.0 * Table[X,Y].x / MaxA) );
// 					W.Write( (ushort) (65535.0 * Table[X,Y].y / MaxB) );
					W.Write( Table[X,Y].x );
					W.Write( Table[X,Y].y );

//			Texture2D	Result = new Texture2D( m_Device, _TableSize, _TableSize, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RG16_UNORM, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Content } );
			Texture2D	Result = new Texture2D( m_Device, _TableSize, _TableSize, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RG32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Content } );
			return Result;
Esempio n. 47
        private void LoadAlbedoMap( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName )
            try {
                // Dispose of existing resources
                if ( m_imageSourceAlbedo != null )
                m_imageSourceAlbedo = null;
                if ( m_TextureSourceAlbedo != null )
                m_TextureSourceAlbedo = null;

                // Load the source image
                m_imageSourceAlbedo = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( _FileName );
                imagePanelAlbedoMap.Image = m_imageSourceAlbedo;

                uint	W = m_imageSourceAlbedo.Width;
                uint	H = m_imageSourceAlbedo.Height;

                // Build the source texture assuming the image's color profile
                float4[]	scanline = new float4[W];
                float4		linearRGB = float4.Zero;
                ImageUtility.ColorProfile	imageProfile = m_imageSourceAlbedo.ColorProfile;
            //				ImageUtility.ColorProfile	imageProfile = m_sRGBProfile;

            // 				float4[,]	ContentRGB = new float4[W,H];
            // 				m_LinearProfile.XYZ2RGB( m_imageSourceAlbedo.ContentXYZ, ContentRGB );

                PixelsBuffer	SourceMap = new PixelsBuffer( W*H*16 );
                using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = SourceMap.OpenStreamWrite() )
                    for ( uint Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                        m_imageSourceAlbedo.ReadScanline( Y, scanline );
                        for ( uint X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                            imageProfile.GammaRGB2LinearRGB( scanline[X], ref linearRGB );
                            Wr.Write( linearRGB.x );
                            Wr.Write( linearRGB.y );
                            Wr.Write( linearRGB.z );
                            Wr.Write( linearRGB.w );

                m_TextureSourceAlbedo = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { SourceMap } );
            catch ( Exception _e ) {
                MessageBox( "An error occurred while opening the albedo map \"" + _FileName.FullName + "\":\n\n", _e );
Esempio n. 48
        private void LoadNormalMap( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName )
            try {
                // Dispose of existing resources
                if ( m_imageSourceNormal != null )
                m_imageSourceNormal = null;
                if ( m_TextureSourceNormal != null )
                m_TextureSourceNormal = null;

                // Load the source image
                m_imageSourceNormal = new ImageUtility.ImageFile( _FileName );
                imagePanelNormalMap.Image = m_imageSourceNormal;

                uint	W = m_imageSourceNormal.Width;
                uint	H = m_imageSourceNormal.Height;

                // Build the source texture assuming the image is in linear space
                float4[]	scanline = new float4[W];

                PixelsBuffer	sourceNormalMap = new PixelsBuffer( W*H*16 );
                using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = sourceNormalMap.OpenStreamWrite() )
                    for ( uint Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                        m_imageSourceNormal.ReadScanline( Y, scanline );
                        for ( uint X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                            Wr.Write( scanline[X].x );
                            Wr.Write( scanline[X].y );
                            Wr.Write( scanline[X].z );
                            Wr.Write( 1.0f );

                m_TextureSourceNormal = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { sourceNormalMap } );
            catch ( Exception _e )
                MessageBox( "An error occurred while opening the normal map \"" + _FileName.FullName + "\":\n\n", _e );
Esempio n. 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds many random values into a texture
        /// </summary>
        void BuildRandomTexture()
            PixelsBuffer[]	Content = new PixelsBuffer[4];

            WMath.SimpleRNG.SetSeed( 561321987, 132194982 );
            for ( int arrayIndex=0; arrayIndex < 4; arrayIndex++ ) {
                Content[arrayIndex] = new PixelsBuffer( HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*4*System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(float4)) );
                using ( BinaryWriter W = Content[arrayIndex].OpenStreamWrite() )
                    for ( int Y=0; Y < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE; Y++ ) {
                        for ( int X=0; X < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE; X++ ) {
                            W.Write( (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                            W.Write( (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                            W.Write( (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                            W.Write( (float) WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );

            m_Tex_Random = new Texture2D( m_Device, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE, 4, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, Content );
Esempio n. 50
        protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e )
            base.OnLoad( e );

            try {
                // Initialize the device
                m_device = new Device();
                m_device.Init( graphPanel.Handle, false, true );

                // Create the render shaders
                try {
                    Shader.WarningAsError = false;

                    m_shader_RenderSphere = new Shader( m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo( @"./Shaders/RenderSphere.hlsl" ), VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4, "VS", null, "PS", null );
                    m_shader_RenderScene = new Shader( m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo( @"./Shaders/RenderScene.hlsl" ), VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4, "VS", null, "PS", null );
                    m_shader_RenderLDR = new Shader( m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo( @"./Shaders/RenderLDR.hlsl" ), VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4, "VS", null, "PS", null );
                } catch ( Exception _e ) {
                    throw new Exception( "Failed to compile shader! " + _e.Message );

                // Create CB
                m_CB_Render = new ConstantBuffer< CB_Main >( m_device, 0 );

                // Create textures

                m_Tex_HDRBuffer = new Texture2D( m_device, (uint) graphPanel.Width, (uint) graphPanel.Height, 2, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, null );

                {	// Build noise texture
                    SimpleRNG.SetSeed( 1U );
                    PixelsBuffer	content = new PixelsBuffer( 256*256*16 );
                    using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = content.OpenStreamWrite() )
                        for ( int i=0; i < 256*256; i++ ) {
                            W.Write( (float) SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                            W.Write( (float) SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                            W.Write( (float) SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                            W.Write( (float) SimpleRNG.GetUniform() );
                    m_Tex_Noise = new Texture2D( m_device, 256, 256, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { content } );

                // Build SH coeffs
                const int	ORDERS = 20;
                    const int	TABLE_SIZE = 64;

                    // Load A coeffs into a texture array
                    float[,,]	A = new float[TABLE_SIZE,TABLE_SIZE,ORDERS];
            //					using ( System.IO.FileStream S = new System.IO.FileInfo( @"ConeTable_cosAO_order20.float" ).OpenRead() )
                    using ( System.IO.FileStream S = new System.IO.FileInfo( @"ConeTable_cosTheta_order20.float" ).OpenRead() )
                        using ( System.IO.BinaryReader R = new System.IO.BinaryReader( S ) ) {
                            for ( int thetaIndex=0; thetaIndex < TABLE_SIZE; thetaIndex++ )
                                for ( int AOIndex=0; AOIndex < TABLE_SIZE; AOIndex++ ) {
                                    for ( int order=0; order < ORDERS; order++ )
                                        A[thetaIndex,AOIndex,order] = R.ReadSingle();

                    PixelsBuffer[]	coeffSlices = new PixelsBuffer[5];	// 5 slices of 4 coeffs each to get our 20 orders
                    for ( int sliceIndex=0; sliceIndex < coeffSlices.Length; sliceIndex++ ) {
                        PixelsBuffer	coeffSlice = new PixelsBuffer( TABLE_SIZE*TABLE_SIZE*16 );
                        coeffSlices[sliceIndex] = coeffSlice;

                        using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = coeffSlice.OpenStreamWrite() ) {
                            for ( int thetaIndex=0; thetaIndex < TABLE_SIZE; thetaIndex++ )
                                for ( int AOIndex=0; AOIndex < TABLE_SIZE; AOIndex++ ) {
                                    W.Write( A[thetaIndex,AOIndex,4*sliceIndex+0] );
                                    W.Write( A[thetaIndex,AOIndex,4*sliceIndex+1] );
                                    W.Write( A[thetaIndex,AOIndex,4*sliceIndex+2] );
                                    W.Write( A[thetaIndex,AOIndex,4*sliceIndex+3] );

                    m_Tex_ACoeffs = new Texture2D( m_device, 64, 64, coeffSlices.Length, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, coeffSlices );

                    // Load environment coeffs into a constant buffer
                    float3[]	coeffs = new float3[ORDERS*ORDERS];
                    using ( System.IO.FileStream S = new System.IO.FileInfo( @"Ennis_order20.float3" ).OpenRead() )
                        using ( System.IO.BinaryReader R = new System.IO.BinaryReader( S ) )
                            for ( int coeffIndex=0; coeffIndex < ORDERS*ORDERS; coeffIndex++ )
                                coeffs[coeffIndex].Set( R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle() );

                    // Write into a raw byte[]
                    byte[]	rawContent = new byte[400 * 4 * 4];
                    using ( System.IO.MemoryStream	MS = new System.IO.MemoryStream( rawContent ) )
                        using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = new System.IO.BinaryWriter( MS ) ) {
                            for ( int coeffIndex=0; coeffIndex < ORDERS*ORDERS; coeffIndex++ ) {
                                W.Write( coeffs[coeffIndex].x );
                                W.Write( coeffs[coeffIndex].y );
                                W.Write( coeffs[coeffIndex].z );
                                W.Write( 0.0f );
             					m_CB_Coeffs = new RawConstantBuffer( m_device, 1, rawContent.Length );
                    m_CB_Coeffs.UpdateData( rawContent );

                // Create camera + manipulator
                m_camera.CreatePerspectiveCamera( 0.5f * (float) Math.PI, (float) graphPanel.Width / graphPanel.Height, 0.01f, 100.0f );
                m_camera.CameraTransformChanged += m_camera_CameraTransformChanged;
                m_cameraManipulator.Attach( graphPanel, m_camera );
                m_cameraManipulator.InitializeCamera( -2.0f * float3.UnitZ, float3.Zero, float3.UnitY );
                m_camera_CameraTransformChanged( null, EventArgs.Empty );

                // Start rendering
                Application.Idle += Application_Idle;

            } catch ( Exception _e ) {
                MessageBox.Show( "Failed to initialize D3D renderer!\r\nReason: " + _e.Message );
Esempio n. 51
		public Texture2D	PipoImage2Texture( System.IO.FileInfo _FileName ) {
			using ( System.IO.FileStream S = _FileName.OpenRead() )
				using ( System.IO.BinaryReader R = new System.IO.BinaryReader( S ) ) {

					int	W, H;
					W = R.ReadInt32();
					H = R.ReadInt32();

					PixelsBuffer	Buff = new PixelsBuffer( (uint) (4 * W * H * 4) );
					using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter Wr = Buff.OpenStreamWrite() )
						float4	C = new float4();
						for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
							for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
								C.x = R.ReadSingle();
								C.y = R.ReadSingle();
								C.z = R.ReadSingle();
								C.w = R.ReadSingle();

								Wr.Write( C.x );
								Wr.Write( C.y );
								Wr.Write( C.z );
								Wr.Write( C.w );

					return Image2Texture( (uint) W, (uint) H, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, Buff );
        // ======= VIRTUAL METHODS

        #region PrepareBuffer
        /// <summary>
        /// Preparing buffer and internal data for using
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">buffer</param>
        protected virtual void PrepareBuffer(PixelsBuffer buffer)
            //automatically create a new boundary to match this buffer
            if (mBuffer == null)
                //mBoundary = Boundary.Empty;
                DestBufferWidth = 0;
                DestBufferHeight = 0;
                BufferStride = 0;
                BufferStartOffset = 0;
                BufferData = null;
                //mBoundary = new Boundary(mBuffer.Width, mBuffer.Height);
                DestBufferWidth = mBuffer.Width;
                DestBufferHeight = mBuffer.Height;
                BufferStride = mBuffer.Stride;
                BufferStartOffset = mBuffer.StartOffset;
                BufferData = mBuffer.Data;
                //mPixelRenderer.PixelBuffer = mBuffer;
            if ((Rows == null) || (Rows.Length < DestBufferHeight + 1))
                Rows = new RowData[DestBufferHeight + 1];
            SetClip(0, 0, DestBufferWidth, DestBufferHeight);

Esempio n. 53
        public Texture2D Image2Texture( int _Width, int _Height, byte[] _Content )
            using ( PixelsBuffer Buff = new PixelsBuffer( _Content.Length ) )
                using ( System.IO.BinaryWriter W = Buff.OpenStreamWrite() )
                    W.Write( _Content );

                return Image2Texture( _Width, _Height, Buff );