Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// another bad one a made for MS-Dos in 1998
        /// </summary>
        public static void Tv3x(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker)
            var pixel = worker.SourceP0P0();

            worker.TargetP0P0(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
            worker.TargetP1P0(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
            worker.TargetP2P0(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
            if ((worker.SourceX() & 1) == 0)
                worker.TargetP0P1(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
                if (worker.SourceY() > 0)
                    worker.TargetP1M1(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
                worker.TargetP2P1(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
                if (worker.SourceY() > 0)
                    worker.TargetP0M1(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
                worker.TargetP1P1(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
                if (worker.SourceY() > 0)
                    worker.TargetP2M1(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the XBR4x by Hyllian (see
        /// </summary>
        public static void Xbr4X(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker, bool allowAlphaBlending)
            Contract.Assume(worker != null);
            var a1 = worker.SourceM1M2();
            var b1 = worker.SourceP0M2();
            var c1 = worker.SourceP1M2();

            var a0 = worker.SourceM2M1();
            var pa = worker.SourceM1M1();
            var pb = worker.SourceP0M1();
            var pc = worker.SourceP1M1();
            var c4 = worker.SourceP2M1();

            var d0 = worker.SourceM2P0();
            var pd = worker.SourceM1P0();
            var pe = worker.SourceP0P0();
            var pf = worker.SourceP1P0();
            var f4 = worker.SourceP2P0();

            var g0 = worker.SourceM2P1();
            var pg = worker.SourceM1P1();
            var ph = worker.SourceP0P1();
            var pi = worker.SourceP1P1();
            var i4 = worker.SourceP2P1();

            var g5 = worker.SourceM1P2();
            var h5 = worker.SourceP0P2();
            var i5 = worker.SourceP1P2();

            sPixel e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, ea, eb, ec, ed, ee, ef;
            var    e0 = e1 = e2 = e3 = e4 = e5 = e6 = e7 = e8 = e9 = ea = eb = ec = ed = ee = ef = pe;

            _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pi, ph, pf, pg, pc, pd, pb, f4, i4, h5, i5, ref ef, ref ee, ref eb, ref e3, ref e7, ref ea, ref ed, ref ec, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pc, pf, pb, pi, pa, ph, pd, b1, c1, f4, c4, ref e3, ref e7, ref e2, ref e0, ref e1, ref e6, ref eb, ref ef, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pa, pb, pd, pc, pg, pf, ph, d0, a0, b1, a1, ref e0, ref e1, ref e4, ref ec, ref e8, ref e5, ref e2, ref e3, allowAlphaBlending);
            _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pg, pd, ph, pa, pi, pb, pf, h5, g5, d0, g0, ref ec, ref e8, ref ed, ref ef, ref ee, ref e9, ref e4, ref e0, allowAlphaBlending);

Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// MAME's RGB 3x
 /// </summary>
 public static void Rgb3x(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker) {
   var pixel = worker.SourceP0P0();
   worker.TargetP1P0(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
   worker.TargetP2P0(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
   worker.TargetP0P1(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
   worker.TargetP2P1(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
   worker.TargetP0P2(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
   worker.TargetP1P2(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// MAME's RGB 3x
        /// </summary>
        public static void Rgb3x(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker)
            var pixel = worker.SourceP0P0();

            worker.TargetP1P0(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
            worker.TargetP2P0(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
            worker.TargetP0P1(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
            worker.TargetP2P1(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
            worker.TargetP0P2(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
            worker.TargetP1P2(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// MAME's TV effect 3x
 /// </summary>
 public static void Tv3x(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker) {
   var pixel = worker.SourceP0P0();
   var subPixel = pixel * _gamma58;
   var subPixel2 = pixel * _gamma516;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// MAME's TV effect 3x
        /// </summary>
        public static void Tv3x(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker)
            var pixel     = worker.SourceP0P0();
            var subPixel  = pixel * _gamma58;
            var subPixel2 = pixel * _gamma516;

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the XBR3x by Hyllian (see
        /// </summary>
        public static void Xbr3X(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker, bool allowAlphaBlending, bool useOriginalImplementation)
            Contract.Assume(worker != null);
            var a1 = worker.SourceM1M2();
            var b1 = worker.SourceP0M2();
            var c1 = worker.SourceP1M2();

            var a0 = worker.SourceM2M1();
            var pa = worker.SourceM1M1();
            var pb = worker.SourceP0M1();
            var pc = worker.SourceP1M1();
            var c4 = worker.SourceP2M1();

            var d0 = worker.SourceM2P0();
            var pd = worker.SourceM1P0();
            var pe = worker.SourceP0P0();
            var pf = worker.SourceP1P0();
            var f4 = worker.SourceP2P0();

            var g0 = worker.SourceM2P1();
            var pg = worker.SourceM1P1();
            var ph = worker.SourceP0P1();
            var pi = worker.SourceP1P1();
            var i4 = worker.SourceP2P1();

            var g5 = worker.SourceM1P2();
            var h5 = worker.SourceP0P2();
            var i5 = worker.SourceP1P2();

            sPixel e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8;
            var    e0 = e1 = e2 = e3 = e4 = e5 = e6 = e7 = e8 = pe;

            _Kernel3X(pe, pi, ph, pf, pg, pc, pd, pb, f4, i4, h5, i5, ref e2, ref e5, ref e6, ref e7, ref e8, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);
            _Kernel3X(pe, pc, pf, pb, pi, pa, ph, pd, b1, c1, f4, c4, ref e0, ref e1, ref e8, ref e5, ref e2, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);
            _Kernel3X(pe, pa, pb, pd, pc, pg, pf, ph, d0, a0, b1, a1, ref e6, ref e3, ref e2, ref e1, ref e0, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);
            _Kernel3X(pe, pg, pd, ph, pa, pi, pb, pf, h5, g5, d0, g0, ref e8, ref e7, ref e0, ref e3, ref e6, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// another one that takes into account that normal eagle means that 3 surroundings should be equal
        /// looks ugly sometimes depends heavily on source image
        /// </summary>
        public static void Eagle3xB(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker)
            var    c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
            var    c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
            var    c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
            var    c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
            var    c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
            var    c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
            var    c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
            var    c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
            var    c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
            sPixel e01, e02, e10, e12, e20, e21, e22;
            var    e00 = e01 = e02 = e10 = e12 = e20 = e21 = e22 = c4;

            if ((c0.IsLike(c1)) && (c0.IsLike(c3)))
                e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c0, c1, c3);

            if ((c2.IsLike(c1)) && (c2.IsLike(c5)))
                e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c2, c1, c5);

            if ((c6.IsLike(c3)) && (c6.IsLike(c7)))
                e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c6, c3, c7);

            if ((c8.IsLike(c5)) && (c8.IsLike(c7)))
                e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c8, c5, c7);

Esempio n. 9
    /// <summary>
    /// another bad one a made for MS-Dos in 1998
    /// </summary>
    public static void Tv3x(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker) {
      var pixel = worker.SourceP0P0();
      worker.TargetP0P0(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
      worker.TargetP1P0(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
      worker.TargetP2P0(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
      if ((worker.SourceX() & 1) == 0) {
        worker.TargetP0P1(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
        if (worker.SourceY() > 0)
          worker.TargetP1M1(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
        worker.TargetP2P1(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));
      } else {
        if (worker.SourceY() > 0)
          worker.TargetP0M1(new sPixel(pixel.Red, 0, 0, pixel.Alpha));
        worker.TargetP1P1(new sPixel(0, pixel.Green, 0, pixel.Alpha));
        if (worker.SourceY() > 0)
          worker.TargetP2M1(new sPixel(0, 0, pixel.Blue, pixel.Alpha));

Esempio n. 10
    /// <summary>
    /// AFAIK there is no eagle 3x so I made one (Hawkynt)
    /// </summary>
    public static void Eagle3x(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker) {
      var c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
      var c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
      var c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
      var c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
      var c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
      var c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
      var c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
      var c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
      var c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
      sPixel e01, e02, e10, e12, e20, e21, e22;
      var e00 = e01 = e02 = e10 = e12 = e20 = e21 = e22 = c4;

      if ((c0.IsLike(c1)) && (c0.IsLike(c3)))
        e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c0, c1, c3);

      if ((c2.IsLike(c1)) && (c2.IsLike(c5)))
        e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c2, c1, c5);

      if ((c6.IsLike(c3)) && (c6.IsLike(c7)))
        e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c6, c3, c7);

      if ((c8.IsLike(c5)) && (c8.IsLike(c7)))
        e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c8, c5, c7);

      if ((c0.IsLike(c1)) && (c0.IsLike(c3)) && (c2.IsLike(c1)) && (c2.IsLike(c5)))
        e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(sPixel.Interpolate(c0, c1, c3), sPixel.Interpolate(c2, c1, c5));

      if ((c2.IsLike(c1)) && (c2.IsLike(c5)) && (c8.IsLike(c5)) && (c8.IsLike(c7)))
        e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(sPixel.Interpolate(c2, c1, c5), sPixel.Interpolate(c8, c5, c7));

      if ((c6.IsLike(c7)) && (c6.IsLike(c3)) && (c8.IsLike(c5)) && (c8.IsLike(c7)))
        e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(sPixel.Interpolate(c6, c7, c3), sPixel.Interpolate(c8, c5, c7));

      if ((c0.IsLike(c1)) && (c0.IsLike(c3)) && (c6.IsLike(c7)) && (c6.IsLike(c3)))
        e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(sPixel.Interpolate(c0, c1, c3), sPixel.Interpolate(c6, c3, c7));

Esempio n. 11
    /// <summary>
    /// Andrea Mazzoleni's Scale3X modified by Hawkynt to support thresholds
    /// </summary>
    public static void Scale3x(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker) {
      var c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
      var c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
      var c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
      var c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
      var c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
      var c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
      var c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
      var c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
      var c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
      sPixel e01, e02, e10, e11, e12, e20, e21, e22 = c4;
      var e00 = e01 = e02 = e10 = e11 = e12 = e20 = e21 = e22 = c4;
      if (c1.IsNotLike(c7) && c3.IsNotLike(c5)) {
        if (c3.IsLike(c1))
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
        if (c1.IsLike(c5))
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5);
        if (c3.IsLike(c7))
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
        if (c7.IsLike(c5))
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);

        if (
          (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c2)) &&
          (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, c5);
        else if (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c2))
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
        else if (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);

        if (
          (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c6)) &&
          (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, c7);
        else if (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c6))
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
        else if (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);

        if (
          (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c8)) &&
          (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c2))
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, c7);
        else if (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c8))
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);
        else if (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c2))
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7);

        if (
          (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c8)) &&
          (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c6))
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, c5);
        else if (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c8))
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
        else if (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c6))
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7);

Esempio n. 12
    /// <summary>
    /// This is the XBR3x by Hyllian (see
    /// </summary>
    public static void Xbr3X(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker, bool allowAlphaBlending, bool useOriginalImplementation) {
      Contract.Assume(worker != null);
      var a1 = worker.SourceM1M2();
      var b1 = worker.SourceP0M2();
      var c1 = worker.SourceP1M2();

      var a0 = worker.SourceM2M1();
      var pa = worker.SourceM1M1();
      var pb = worker.SourceP0M1();
      var pc = worker.SourceP1M1();
      var c4 = worker.SourceP2M1();

      var d0 = worker.SourceM2P0();
      var pd = worker.SourceM1P0();
      var pe = worker.SourceP0P0();
      var pf = worker.SourceP1P0();
      var f4 = worker.SourceP2P0();

      var g0 = worker.SourceM2P1();
      var pg = worker.SourceM1P1();
      var ph = worker.SourceP0P1();
      var pi = worker.SourceP1P1();
      var i4 = worker.SourceP2P1();

      var g5 = worker.SourceM1P2();
      var h5 = worker.SourceP0P2();
      var i5 = worker.SourceP1P2();

      sPixel e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8;
      var e0 = e1 = e2 = e3 = e4 = e5 = e6 = e7 = e8 = pe;

      _Kernel3X(pe, pi, ph, pf, pg, pc, pd, pb, f4, i4, h5, i5, ref e2, ref e5, ref e6, ref e7, ref e8, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);
      _Kernel3X(pe, pc, pf, pb, pi, pa, ph, pd, b1, c1, f4, c4, ref e0, ref e1, ref e8, ref e5, ref e2, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);
      _Kernel3X(pe, pa, pb, pd, pc, pg, pf, ph, d0, a0, b1, a1, ref e6, ref e3, ref e2, ref e1, ref e0, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);
      _Kernel3X(pe, pg, pd, ph, pa, pi, pb, pf, h5, g5, d0, g0, ref e8, ref e7, ref e0, ref e3, ref e6, allowAlphaBlending, useOriginalImplementation);

Esempio n. 13
    /// <summary>
    /// This is the XBR4x by Hyllian (see
    /// </summary>
    public static void Xbr4X(PixelWorker<sPixel> worker, bool allowAlphaBlending) {
      Contract.Assume(worker != null);
      var a1 = worker.SourceM1M2();
      var b1 = worker.SourceP0M2();
      var c1 = worker.SourceP1M2();

      var a0 = worker.SourceM2M1();
      var pa = worker.SourceM1M1();
      var pb = worker.SourceP0M1();
      var pc = worker.SourceP1M1();
      var c4 = worker.SourceP2M1();

      var d0 = worker.SourceM2P0();
      var pd = worker.SourceM1P0();
      var pe = worker.SourceP0P0();
      var pf = worker.SourceP1P0();
      var f4 = worker.SourceP2P0();

      var g0 = worker.SourceM2P1();
      var pg = worker.SourceM1P1();
      var ph = worker.SourceP0P1();
      var pi = worker.SourceP1P1();
      var i4 = worker.SourceP2P1();

      var g5 = worker.SourceM1P2();
      var h5 = worker.SourceP0P2();
      var i5 = worker.SourceP1P2();

      sPixel e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, ea, eb, ec, ed, ee, ef;
      var e0 = e1 = e2 = e3 = e4 = e5 = e6 = e7 = e8 = e9 = ea = eb = ec = ed = ee = ef = pe;

      _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pi, ph, pf, pg, pc, pd, pb, f4, i4, h5, i5, ref ef, ref ee, ref eb, ref e3, ref e7, ref ea, ref ed, ref ec, allowAlphaBlending);
      _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pc, pf, pb, pi, pa, ph, pd, b1, c1, f4, c4, ref e3, ref e7, ref e2, ref e0, ref e1, ref e6, ref eb, ref ef, allowAlphaBlending);
      _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pa, pb, pd, pc, pg, pf, ph, d0, a0, b1, a1, ref e0, ref e1, ref e4, ref ec, ref e8, ref e5, ref e2, ref e3, allowAlphaBlending);
      _Kernel4Xv2(pe, pg, pd, ph, pa, pi, pb, pf, h5, g5, d0, g0, ref ec, ref e8, ref ed, ref ef, ref ee, ref e9, ref e4, ref e0, allowAlphaBlending);

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// SNES9x's EPX3 modified by Hawkynt to support thresholds
        /// </summary>
        public static void Epx3(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker)
            var    c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
            var    c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
            var    c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
            var    c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
            var    c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
            var    c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
            var    c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
            var    c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
            var    c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
            sPixel e01, e02, e10, e11, e12, e20, e21, e22;
            var    e00 = e01 = e02 = e10 = e11 = e12 = e20 = e21 = e22 = c4;

            if (c3.IsNotLike(c5) && c7.IsNotLike(c1))
                var neq40 = c4.IsNotLike(c0);
                var neq41 = c4.IsNotLike(c1);
                var neq42 = c4.IsNotLike(c2);
                var neq43 = c4.IsNotLike(c3);
                var neq45 = c4.IsNotLike(c5);
                var neq46 = c4.IsNotLike(c6);
                var neq47 = c4.IsNotLike(c7);
                var neq48 = c4.IsNotLike(c8);

                var eq13 = c1.IsLike(c3) && (neq40 || neq48 || c1.IsNotLike(c2) || c3.IsNotLike(c6));
                var eq37 = c3.IsLike(c7) && (neq46 || neq42 || c3.IsNotLike(c0) || c7.IsNotLike(c8));
                var eq75 = c7.IsLike(c5) && (neq48 || neq40 || c7.IsNotLike(c6) || c5.IsNotLike(c2));
                var eq51 = c5.IsLike(c1) && (neq42 || neq46 || c5.IsNotLike(c8) || c1.IsNotLike(c0));
                if (
                    (!neq40) ||
                    (!neq41) ||
                    (!neq42) ||
                    (!neq43) ||
                    (!neq45) ||
                    (!neq46) ||
                    (!neq47) ||
                    if (eq13)
                        e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3);
                    if (eq51)
                        e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);
                    if (eq37)
                        e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
                    if (eq75)
                        e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);

                    if ((eq51 && neq40) && (eq13 && neq42))
                        e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, c5);
                    else if (eq51 && neq40)
                        e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5);
                    else if (eq13 && neq42)
                        e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3);

                    if ((eq13 && neq46) && (eq37 && neq40))
                        e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, c7);
                    else if (eq13 && neq46)
                        e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
                    else if (eq37 && neq40)
                        e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);

                    if ((eq75 && neq42) && (eq51 && neq48))
                        e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, c7);
                    else if (eq75 && neq42)
                        e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7);
                    else if (eq51 && neq48)
                        e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);

                    if ((eq37 && neq48) && (eq75 && neq46))
                        e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, c5);
                    else if (eq75 && neq46)
                        e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);
                    else if (eq37 && neq48)
                        e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3);
                    if (eq13)
                        e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3);
                    if (eq51)
                        e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);
                    if (eq37)
                        e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
                    if (eq75)
                        e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);

Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Andrea Mazzoleni's Scale3X modified by Hawkynt to support thresholds
        /// </summary>
        public static void Scale3x(PixelWorker <sPixel> worker)
            var    c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
            var    c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
            var    c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
            var    c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
            var    c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
            var    c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
            var    c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
            var    c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
            var    c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
            sPixel e01, e02, e10, e11, e12, e20, e21, e22 = c4;
            var    e00 = e01 = e02 = e10 = e11 = e12 = e20 = e21 = e22 = c4;

            if (c1.IsNotLike(c7) && c3.IsNotLike(c5))
                if (c3.IsLike(c1))
                    e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
                if (c1.IsLike(c5))
                    e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5);
                if (c3.IsLike(c7))
                    e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
                if (c7.IsLike(c5))
                    e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);

                if (
                    (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c2)) &&
                    (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
                    e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, c5);
                else if (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c2))
                    e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
                else if (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
                    e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);

                if (
                    (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c6)) &&
                    (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
                    e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, c7);
                else if (c3.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c6))
                    e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
                else if (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c0))
                    e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);

                if (
                    (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c8)) &&
                    (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c2))
                    e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, c7);
                else if (c5.IsLike(c1) && c4.IsNotLike(c8))
                    e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);
                else if (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c2))
                    e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7);

                if (
                    (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c8)) &&
                    (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c6))
                    e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, c5);
                else if (c3.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c8))
                    e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
                else if (c5.IsLike(c7) && c4.IsNotLike(c6))
                    e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7);
Esempio n. 16
    public static void Hq4xKernel(byte pattern, sPixel c0, sPixel c1, sPixel c2, sPixel c3, sPixel c4, sPixel c5, sPixel c6, sPixel c7, sPixel c8, PixelWorker<sPixel> worker) {
      sPixel e01, e02, e03, e10, e11, e12, e13, e20, e21, e22, e23, e30, e31, e32, e33;
      var e00 = e01 = e02 = e03 = e10 = e11 = e12 = e13 = e20 = e21 = e22 = e23 = e30 = e31 = e32 = e33 = c4;
      switch (pattern) {
        #region HQ4x PATTERNS

        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 32:
        case 33:
        case 36:
        case 37:
        case 128:
        case 129:
        case 132:
        case 133:
        case 160:
        case 161:
        case 164:
        case 165: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 2:
        case 34:
        case 130:
        case 162: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 3:
        case 35:
        case 131:
        case 163: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 6:
        case 38:
        case 134:
        case 166: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 7:
        case 39:
        case 135:
        case 167: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 8:
        case 12:
        case 136:
        case 140: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 9:
        case 13:
        case 137:
        case 141: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 10:
        case 138: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e11 = c4;
        case 11:
        case 139: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 14:
        case 142: {
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 5, 3);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, c4, 2, 1, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
        case 15:
        case 143: {
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
            e10 = c4;
            e11 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 5, 3);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, c4, 2, 1, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
        case 16:
        case 17:
        case 48:
        case 49: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 18:
        case 50: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 19:
        case 51: {
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 3, 1);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 5, 3);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, c4, 2, 1, 1);
        case 20:
        case 21:
        case 52:
        case 53: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 22:
        case 54: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 23:
        case 55: {
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 3, 1);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 5, 3);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, c4, 2, 1, 1);
        case 24: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 25: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 26:
        case 31: {
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 27: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 28: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 29: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 30: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 40:
        case 44:
        case 168:
        case 172: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 41:
        case 45:
        case 169:
        case 173: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 42:
        case 170: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, c4, 2, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, 5, 3);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 3, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
        case 43:
        case 171: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
            e11 = c4;
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, c4, 2, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, 5, 3);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 3, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
        case 46:
        case 174: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
        case 47:
        case 175: {
          e01 = c4;
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e00 = (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1));
        case 56: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 57: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 58: {
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 59: {
          e11 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 60: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 61: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 62: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 63: {
          e01 = c4;
          e10 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          e00 = (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1));
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 64:
        case 65:
        case 68:
        case 69: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 66: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 67: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 70: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 71: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 72:
        case 76: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
        case 73:
        case 77: {
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 3, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 5, 3);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, c4, 2, 1, 1);
        case 74:
        case 107: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 75: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 78: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
        case 79: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 80:
        case 81: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 82:
        case 214: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 83: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 84:
        case 85: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, 3, 1);
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 5, 3);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 86: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 87: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 88:
        case 248: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 89: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 90: {
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 91: {
          e11 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 92: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 93: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 94: {
          e12 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 95: {
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 96:
        case 97:
        case 100:
        case 101: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 98: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 99: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 102: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 103: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
        case 104:
        case 108: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
        case 105:
        case 109: {
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
            e20 = c4;
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 3, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 5, 3);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, c4, 2, 1, 1);
        case 106: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
        case 110: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
        case 111: {
          e01 = c4;
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c8, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          e00 = (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1));
        case 112:
        case 113: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5, 5, 3);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 114: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 115: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 116:
        case 117: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 118: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 119: {
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 3, 1);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 5, 3);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, c4, 2, 1, 1);
        case 120: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
        case 121: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
        case 122: {
          e21 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 123: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 124: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
        case 125: {
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
            e20 = c4;
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 3, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 5, 3);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, c4, 2, 1, 1);
        case 126: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 127: {
          e01 = c4;
          e10 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 3, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c8, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          e00 = (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1));
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 144:
        case 145:
        case 176:
        case 177: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 146:
        case 178: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, 5, 3);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 147:
        case 179: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 148:
        case 149:
        case 180:
        case 181: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 150:
        case 182: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, 5, 3);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 151:
        case 183: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = c4;
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e13 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e03 = (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1));
        case 152: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 153: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 154: {
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 155: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 156: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 157: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 158: {
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 159: {
          e02 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e13 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
          e03 = (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1));
        case 184: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 185: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 186: {
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 187: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
            e11 = c4;
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, c4, 2, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, 5, 3);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 3, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
        case 188: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 189: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
        case 190: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, 5, 3);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 191: {
          e01 = c4;
          e02 = c4;
          e10 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e13 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 5, 3);
          e00 = (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1));
          e03 = (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1));
        case 192:
        case 193:
        case 196:
        case 197: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 194: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 195: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 198: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 199: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 200:
        case 204: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, 5, 3);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
        case 201:
        case 205: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
        case 202: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
        case 203: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 206: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
        case 207: {
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
            e10 = c4;
            e11 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 5, 3);
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, c4, 2, 1, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
        case 208:
        case 209: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 210: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 211: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 212:
        case 213: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, 3, 1);
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 5, 3);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 215: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = c4;
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e13 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c6, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          e03 = (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1));
        case 216: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 217: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 218: {
          e22 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 219: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 220: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 221: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, 3, 1);
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 5, 3);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 222: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 223: {
          e02 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e13 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c6, 3, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
          e03 = (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1));
        case 224:
        case 225:
        case 228:
        case 229: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 226: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 227: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 230: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 231: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
        case 232:
        case 236: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, 5, 3);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
        case 233:
        case 237: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 6, 1, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e31 = c4;
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1));
        case 234: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
            e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 3, 1);
            e11 = c4;
        case 235: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e20 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e31 = c4;
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 238: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e21 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, 5, 3);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, 3, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
        case 239: {
          e01 = c4;
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e10 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e20 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e31 = c4;
          e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 7, 1);
          e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 5, 3);
          e30 = (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          e00 = (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1));
        case 240:
        case 241: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5, 5, 3);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 242: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 3, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1);
            e12 = c4;
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 3, 1);
        case 243: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e22 = c4;
            e23 = c4;
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 6, 1, 1);
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c4, c7, 2, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 3, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c4, 3, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5, 5, 3);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 244:
        case 245: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c1, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 6, 1, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e23 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = c4;
          e33 = (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1));
        case 246: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e23 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = c4;
          e33 = (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 247: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e02 = c4;
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e13 = c4;
          e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e22 = c4;
          e23 = c4;
          e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 5, 3);
          e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, 7, 1);
          e32 = c4;
          e33 = (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          e03 = (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1));
        case 249: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c2, 5, 2, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          e31 = c4;
          e30 = (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 250: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
        case 251: {
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 5, 3);
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c2, 3, 1);
          e20 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          e31 = c4;
          e30 = (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e23 = c4;
            e32 = c4;
            e33 = c4;
          } else {
            e23 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
            e32 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
            e33 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7, 1, 1);
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e00 = c4;
            e01 = c4;
            e10 = c4;
          } else {
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, 1, 1);
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
        case 252: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c0, 5, 2, 1);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          e23 = c4;
          e32 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          e33 = (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1));
        case 253: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 5, 3);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, 7, 1);
          e20 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          e23 = c4;
          e31 = c4;
          e32 = c4;
          e30 = (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          e33 = (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1));
        case 254: {
          e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 5, 3);
          e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 3, 1);
          e11 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c0, 7, 1);
          e12 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          e23 = c4;
          e32 = c4;
          if (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) {
            e20 = c4;
            e30 = c4;
            e31 = c4;
          } else {
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c4, 1, 1);
            e30 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7, 1, 1);
            e31 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c7, 1, 1);
          e33 = (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          if (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) {
            e02 = c4;
            e03 = c4;
            e13 = c4;
          } else {
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c4, 1, 1);
            e03 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5, 1, 1);
            e13 = sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, 1, 1);
        case 255: {
          e01 = c4;
          e02 = c4;
          e10 = c4;
          e11 = c4;
          e12 = c4;
          e13 = c4;
          e20 = c4;
          e21 = c4;
          e22 = c4;
          e23 = c4;
          e31 = c4;
          e32 = c4;
          e30 = (c7.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c3, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          e33 = (c7.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c5, c7, 2, 1, 1));
          e00 = (c1.IsNotLike(c3)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c3, 2, 1, 1));
          e03 = (c1.IsNotLike(c5)) ? (c4) : (sPixel.Interpolate(c4, c1, c5, 2, 1, 1));
Esempio n. 17
    /// <summary>
    /// SNES9x's EPX3 modified by Hawkynt to support thresholds
    /// </summary>
    public static void Epx3(PixelWorker<sPixel>worker ) {
      var c0 = worker.SourceM1M1();
      var c1 = worker.SourceP0M1();
      var c2 = worker.SourceP1M1();
      var c3 = worker.SourceM1P0();
      var c4 = worker.SourceP0P0();
      var c5 = worker.SourceP1P0();
      var c6 = worker.SourceM1P1();
      var c7 = worker.SourceP0P1();
      var c8 = worker.SourceP1P1();
      sPixel e01, e02, e10, e11, e12, e20, e21, e22;
      var e00 = e01 = e02 = e10 = e11 = e12 = e20 = e21 = e22 = c4;

      if (c3.IsNotLike(c5) && c7.IsNotLike(c1)) {
        var neq40 = c4.IsNotLike(c0);
        var neq41 = c4.IsNotLike(c1);
        var neq42 = c4.IsNotLike(c2);
        var neq43 = c4.IsNotLike(c3);
        var neq45 = c4.IsNotLike(c5);
        var neq46 = c4.IsNotLike(c6);
        var neq47 = c4.IsNotLike(c7);
        var neq48 = c4.IsNotLike(c8);

        var eq13 = c1.IsLike(c3) && (neq40 || neq48 || c1.IsNotLike(c2) || c3.IsNotLike(c6));
        var eq37 = c3.IsLike(c7) && (neq46 || neq42 || c3.IsNotLike(c0) || c7.IsNotLike(c8));
        var eq75 = c7.IsLike(c5) && (neq48 || neq40 || c7.IsNotLike(c6) || c5.IsNotLike(c2));
        var eq51 = c5.IsLike(c1) && (neq42 || neq46 || c5.IsNotLike(c8) || c1.IsNotLike(c0));
        if (
          (!neq40) ||
          (!neq41) ||
          (!neq42) ||
          (!neq43) ||
          (!neq45) ||
          (!neq46) ||
          (!neq47) ||
        ) {
          if (eq13)
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3);
          if (eq51)
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);
          if (eq37)
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
          if (eq75)
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);

          if ((eq51 && neq40) && (eq13 && neq42))
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3, c5);
          else if (eq51 && neq40)
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c5);
          else if (eq13 && neq42)
            e01 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3);

          if ((eq13 && neq46) && (eq37 && neq40))
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1, c7);
          else if (eq13 && neq46)
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c1);
          else if (eq37 && neq40)
            e10 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);

          if ((eq75 && neq42) && (eq51 && neq48))
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1, c7);
          else if (eq75 && neq42)
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c7);
          else if (eq51 && neq48)
            e12 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);

          if ((eq37 && neq48) && (eq75 && neq46))
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3, c5);
          else if (eq75 && neq46)
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);
          else if (eq37 && neq48)
            e21 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c3);

        } else {
          if (eq13)
            e00 = sPixel.Interpolate(c1, c3);
          if (eq51)
            e02 = sPixel.Interpolate(c5, c1);
          if (eq37)
            e20 = sPixel.Interpolate(c3, c7);
          if (eq75)
            e22 = sPixel.Interpolate(c7, c5);
