Esempio n. 1
        void generate_alpha_mask(ScanlineRasToDestBitmapRenderer sclineRasToBmp, ScanlinePacked8 sclnPack, ScanlineRasterizer rasterizer, int width, int height)
            //create 1  8-bits chanel (grayscale8) bmp
            alphaBitmap = new ActualImage(width, height, PixelFormat.GrayScale8);
            var bmpReaderWrtier = new MyImageReaderWriter();

            alphaMaskImageBuffer = new ChildImage(bmpReaderWrtier, new PixelBlenderGray(1));
            //create mask from alpahMaskImageBuffer
            alphaMask = new AlphaMaskByteClipped(alphaMaskImageBuffer, 1, 0);
            //alphaMaskImageBuffer.AttachBuffer(alphaBitmap.GetBuffer(), 20 * width + 20, width - 40, height - 40, width, 8, 1);
            alphaMaskImageBuffer.attach(alphaByteArray, (int)cx, (int)cy, cx, 1);

            var            image         = new ChildImage(alphaMaskImageBuffer, new PixelBlenderGray(1), 1, 0, 8);
            ClipProxyImage clippingProxy = new ClipProxyImage(image);
            VertexSource.Ellipse ellipseForMask = new PixelFarm.Agg.VertexSource.Ellipse();
            System.Random        randGenerator  = new Random(1432);
            int i;
            int num = (int)maskAlphaSliderValue;

            var v1 = GetFreeVxs();
            for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
                if (i == num - 1)
                    //for the last one
                    ellipseForMask.Reset(Width / 2, Height / 2, 110, 110, 100);
                    sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack, Drawing.Color.Make(0, 0, 0, 255));
                    ellipseForMask.Reset(ellipseForMask.originX, ellipseForMask.originY, ellipseForMask.radiusX - 10, ellipseForMask.radiusY - 10, 100);
                    sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack, Drawing.Color.Make(255, 0, 0, 255));
                    ellipseForMask.Reset(randGenerator.Next() % width,
                                         randGenerator.Next() % height,
                                         randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                                         randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                    // set the color to draw into the alpha channel.
                    // there is not very much reason to set the alpha as you will get the amount of
                    // transparency based on the color you draw.  (you might want some type of different edeg effect but it will be minor).
                    sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack,
                                                   Drawing.Color.Make((int)((float)i / (float)num * 255), 0, 0, 255));
            ReleaseVxs(ref v1);
Esempio n. 2
        void GenerateMaskWithWinGdiPlus(int w, int h)
            //1. create 32 bits for mask image
            this.a_alphaBmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(w, h);
            //2. create graphics based on a_alphaBmp
            using (System.Drawing.Graphics gfxBmp = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(a_alphaBmp))
                //ClipProxyImage clippingProxy = new ClipProxyImage(image);
                VertexSource.Ellipse ellipseForMask = new PixelFarm.Agg.VertexSource.Ellipse();
                System.Random        randGenerator  = new Random(1432);
                int num = (int)maskAlphaSliderValue;
                int lim = num - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
                    ellipseForMask.Reset(randGenerator.Next() % w,
                                         randGenerator.Next() % h,
                                         randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                                         randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                    // set the color to draw into the alpha channel.
                    // there is not very much reason to set the alpha as you will get the amount of
                    // transparency based on the color you draw.  (you might want some type of different edeg effect but it will be minor).
                    //sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack,
                    //   ColorRGBA.Make((int)((float)i / (float)num * 255), 0, 0, 255));
                    var v1 = GetFreeVxs();
                    VxsHelper.FillVxsSnap(gfxBmp, ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap(v1), Drawing.Color.Make((int)((float)i / (float)num * 255), 0, 0, 255));
                    ReleaseVxs(ref v1);
                //the last one
                ellipseForMask.Reset(Width / 2, Height / 2, 110, 110, 100);
                var v2 = GetFreeVxs();
                VxsHelper.FillVxsSnap(gfxBmp, ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap(v2), Drawing.Color.Make(0, 0, 0, 255));
                v2.Clear();// reuse later
                //sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack, new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255));
                ellipseForMask.Reset(ellipseForMask.originX, ellipseForMask.originY, ellipseForMask.radiusX - 10, ellipseForMask.radiusY - 10, 100);
                //sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack, new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0, 255));

                VxsHelper.FillVxsSnap(gfxBmp, ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap(v2), Drawing.Color.Make(255, 0, 0, 255));

                ReleaseVxs(ref v2);
                //for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
                //    if (i == num - 1)
                //    {
                //        ellipseForMask.Reset(Width / 2, Height / 2, 110, 110, 100);
                //        //fill
                //        VxsHelper.DrawVxsSnap(gfxBmp, ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap(), new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255));
                //        //rasterizer.AddPath(ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap());
                //        //sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack, new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255));
                //        ellipseForMask.Reset(ellipseForMask.originX, ellipseForMask.originY, ellipseForMask.radiusX - 10, ellipseForMask.radiusY - 10, 100);
                //        //rasterizer.AddPath(ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap());
                //        //sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack, new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0, 255));
                //        VxsHelper.DrawVxsSnap(gfxBmp, ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap(), new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0, 255));
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        ellipseForMask.Reset(randGenerator.Next() % w,
                //                 randGenerator.Next() % h,
                //                 randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                //                 randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                //                 100);
                //        // set the color to draw into the alpha channel.
                //        // there is not very much reason to set the alpha as you will get the amount of
                //        // transparency based on the color you draw.  (you might want some type of different edeg effect but it will be minor).
                //        //rasterizer.AddPath(ellipseForMask.MakeVxs());
                //        //sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(clippingProxy, rasterizer, sclnPack,
                //        //   ColorRGBA.Make((int)((float)i / (float)num * 255), 0, 0, 255));
                //        VxsHelper.DrawVxsSnap(gfxBmp, ellipseForMask.MakeVertexSnap(), ColorRGBA.Make((int)((float)i / (float)num * 255), 0, 0, 255));
                //    }