Esempio n. 1
            public static uint ComputeAbsDiff(PixelElement Test, PixelElement Ref)
                int R = Math.Abs((int)Test.r - (int)Ref.r);
                int G = Math.Abs((int)Test.g - (int)Ref.g);
                int B = Math.Abs((int)Test.b - (int)Ref.b);

                return((uint)Math.Max(R, Math.Max(G, B)));
Esempio n. 2
             * public void SetErrorColor(float squaredError)
             * {
             *  a = 0xff;
             *  if (squaredError > 0.0f)
             *  {
             *      // no error is black, minor error is a noticeable color
             *      squaredError += 800;
             *  }
             *  squaredError /= 8;
             *  r = (byte)(Math.Min(0xff, squaredError));
             *  g = (byte)(Math.Min(0xff, squaredError / 8));
             *  b = (byte)(Math.Min(0xff, squaredError / 64));
             * }

            public static float ComputeSquaredError(PixelElement Test, PixelElement Ref)
                float R = (float)Test.r - (float)Ref.r;
                float G = (float)Test.g - (float)Ref.g;
                float B = (float)Test.b - (float)Ref.b;

                return(R * R + G * G + B * B);
            public static uint ComputeAbsDiff(PixelElement Test, PixelElement Ref)
                int R = Math.Abs((int)Test.r - (int)Ref.r);
                int G = Math.Abs((int)Test.g - (int)Ref.g);
                int B = Math.Abs((int)Test.b - (int)Ref.b);

                return (uint)Math.Max(R, Math.Max(G, B));
            public void SetErrorColor(float squaredError)
                a = 0xff;

                if (squaredError > 0.0f)
                    // no error is black, minor error is a noticeable color
                    squaredError += 800;
                squaredError /= 8;

                r = (byte)(Math.Min(0xff, squaredError));
                g = (byte)(Math.Min(0xff, squaredError / 8));
                b = (byte)(Math.Min(0xff, squaredError / 64));

            public static float ComputeSquaredError(PixelElement Test, PixelElement Ref)
                float R = (float)Test.r - (float)Ref.r;
                float G = (float)Test.g - (float)Ref.g;
                float B = (float)Test.b - (float)Ref.b;

                return R * R + G * G + B * B;
Esempio n. 5
        // compute imageDiff from imageTest and imageRef
        public TestResult ComputeDiff(uint Threshold)
            if (imageDiff != null)
                imageDiff = null;

            TestResult Ret = new TestResult();

            if (imageTest == null)
                Ret.ErrorText = "missing Test";
            if (imageRef == null)
                Ret.ErrorText = "missing Ref";

            System.Drawing.Size sizeTest = GetImageSize(imageTest);
            System.Drawing.Size sizeRef  = GetImageSize(imageRef);

            if (sizeTest != sizeRef)
                Ret.ErrorText = "Size " +
                                sizeTest.Width.ToString() + "x" + sizeTest.Height.ToString() +
                                " != " +
                                sizeRef.Width.ToString() + "x" + sizeRef.Height.ToString();

            System.Drawing.Size size = GetImagesSize();

            // todo: exit if Size or format is not the same
            Debug.Assert(imageTest.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            imageDiff = new Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height);

            uint CountedErrorPixels = 0;

            BitmapData dataTest = imageTest.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, imageTest.PixelFormat);
            BitmapData dataDiff = imageDiff.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, imageTest.PixelFormat);
            BitmapData dataRef  = imageRef.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, imageTest.PixelFormat);

                for (int x = 0; x < size.Width; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < size.Height; ++y)
                        PixelElement *valueTest = (PixelElement *)((byte *)dataTest.Scan0.ToPointer() + dataTest.Stride * y + x * sizeof(PixelElement));
                        PixelElement *valueDiff = (PixelElement *)((byte *)dataDiff.Scan0.ToPointer() + dataDiff.Stride * y + x * sizeof(PixelElement));
                        PixelElement *valueRef  = (PixelElement *)((byte *)dataRef.Scan0.ToPointer() + dataRef.Stride * y + x * sizeof(PixelElement));

                        //                            float Diff = PixelElement.ComputeSquaredError(*valueDiff, *valueRef);
                        uint localError = PixelElement.ComputeAbsDiff(*valueTest, *valueRef);

                        // all pixels opaque
                        valueDiff->a = 0xff;

                        if (localError >= Threshold)
                            //                            valueDiff->SetErrorColor(PixelElement.ComputeSquaredError(*valueTest, *valueRef));
                            //                            *valueDiff = *valueRef;

            Ret.ErrorPixels = CountedErrorPixels;

            // update Thumbnails
                Ret.ThumbnailTest = resizeImage(imageTest);
                Ret.ThumbnailDiff = resizeImage(imageDiff);
                Ret.ThumbnailRef  = resizeImage(imageRef);
