//initalize the backdrop
    public void Init()
        pixels = new PixelBackdrop[sizeX, sizeY];

        //loop though the entire pixel array and assign the corralating pixels to it, then initalize them
        for (int idxY = 0; idxY <= sizeY - 1; idxY++)
            for (int idxX = 0; idxX <= sizeX - 1; idxX++)
                pixels[idxX, idxY] = gameObject.transform.GetChild(idxY).transform.GetChild(idxX).GetComponent <PixelBackdrop>();

        for (int idxY = 0; idxY <= sizeY - 1; idxY++)
            for (int idxX = 0; idxX <= sizeX - 1; idxX++)
                PixelBackdrop.Neighbors currentNeighbors = GetPixelNeighbors(idxX, idxY);
                pixels[idxX, idxY].Init(currentNeighbors);


        initalized = true;
    //locates and returns all pixel neighbors, returns null if there are no neighbors around the pixel
    public PixelBackdrop.Neighbors GetPixelNeighbors(int xIndex, int yIndex)
        //check each side and corner of a pixel to see if there should be a pixel, then assign it. else assign null
        PixelBackdrop.Neighbors neighbors = new PixelBackdrop.Neighbors();

        neighbors.top         = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex, yIndex - 1) ? pixels[xIndex, yIndex - 1] : null;
        neighbors.topRight    = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex + 1, yIndex - 1) ? pixels[xIndex + 1, yIndex - 1] : null;
        neighbors.right       = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex + 1, yIndex) ? pixels[xIndex + 1, yIndex] : null;
        neighbors.bottomRight = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex + 1, yIndex + 1) ? pixels[xIndex + 1, yIndex + 1] : null;
        neighbors.bottom      = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex, yIndex + 1) ? pixels[xIndex, yIndex + 1] : null;
        neighbors.bottomLeft  = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex - 1, yIndex + 1) ? pixels[xIndex - 1, yIndex + 1] : null;
        neighbors.left        = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex - 1, yIndex) ? pixels[xIndex - 1, yIndex] : null;
        neighbors.topLeft     = IsThereAPixelAtIndex(xIndex - 1, yIndex - 1) ? pixels[xIndex - 1, yIndex - 1] : null;
