Esempio n. 1
        public void TestAdd_NonNullElement()
            PipelineEntry e = new PipelineEntry(new DudPlugin());
            Pipeline      p = new Pipeline();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, p.Count);
        public void TestCreatePipeline_ValidInnerDefinition()
            IPluginFactory      f   = new DudFactory();
            PipelineDefinition  d   = new PipelineDefinition();
            AlgorithmDefinition def = new AlgorithmDefinition("Test", new Property[] { });

            PluginPipelineFactory p = new PluginPipelineFactory(f);
            Pipeline pipe           = p.CreatePipeline(d);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, pipe.Count);
            PipelineEntry e = pipe.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(DudPlugin), e.Process.GetType());
Esempio n. 3
        private PipelineInstruction QueueOrCreateDataConection(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream, out bool isSocketReady)
            isSocketReady = false;
            if (_dataHandshakeStarted)
                isSocketReady = true;
                return(PipelineInstruction.Pause); //if we already started then this is re-entering into the callback where we proceed with the stream

            _dataHandshakeStarted = true;

            // Handle passive responses by parsing the port and later doing a Connect(...)
            bool isPassive = false;
            int  port      = -1;

            if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n" || entry.Command == "EPSV\r\n")
                if (!response.PositiveCompletion)
                    _abortReason = SR.Format(SR.net_ftp_server_failed_passive, response.Status);
                if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n")
                    port = GetPortV4(response.StatusDescription);
                    port = GetPortV6(response.StatusDescription);

                isPassive = true;

            if (isPassive)
                if (port == -1)
                    NetEventSource.Fail(this, "'port' not set.");

                    _dataSocket = CreateFtpDataSocket((FtpWebRequest)_request, Socket);
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    throw ExceptionHelper.RequestAbortedException;

                IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(((IPEndPoint)Socket.LocalEndPoint).Address, 0);

                _passiveEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ServerAddress, port);

            PipelineInstruction result;

            if (_passiveEndPoint != null)
                IPEndPoint passiveEndPoint = _passiveEndPoint;
                _passiveEndPoint = null;
                if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                    NetEventSource.Info(this, "starting Connect()");
                if (_isAsync)
                    _dataSocket.BeginConnect(passiveEndPoint, s_connectCallbackDelegate, this);
                    result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                    result = PipelineInstruction.Advance; // for passive mode we end up going to the next command
                if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                    NetEventSource.Info(this, "starting Accept()");

                if (_isAsync)
                    _dataSocket.BeginAccept(s_acceptCallbackDelegate, this);
                    result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                    Socket listenSocket = _dataSocket;
                        _dataSocket = _dataSocket.Accept();
                        if (!ServerAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)_dataSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address))
                            throw new WebException(SR.net_ftp_active_address_different, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);
                        isSocketReady = true;   // for active mode we end up creating a stream before advancing the pipeline
                        result        = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
Esempio n. 4
        //    This is called by underlying base class code, each time a new response is received from the wire or a protocol stage is resumed.
        //    This function controls the setting up of a data socket/connection, and of saving off the server responses.
        protected override PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Command:{entry?.Command} Description:{response?.StatusDescription}");

            // null response is not expected
            if (response == null)

            FtpStatusCode status = (FtpStatusCode)response.Status;

            // Update global "current status" for FtpWebRequest
            if (status != FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // A 221 status won't be reflected on the user FTP response
                // Anything else will (by design?)
                StatusCode = status;
                StatusLine = response.StatusDescription;

            // If the status code is outside the range defined in RFC (1xx to 5xx) throw
            if (response.InvalidStatusCode)
                throw new WebException(SR.net_InvalidStatusCode, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);

            // Update the banner message if any, this is a little hack because the "entry" param is null
            if (_index == -1)
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.SendUserCommand)
                    _bannerMessage = new StringBuilder();
                else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceTemporarilyNotAvailable)
                    throw GenerateException(status, response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Check for the result of our attempt to use UTF8
            if (entry.Command == "OPTS utf8 on\r\n")
                if (response.PositiveCompletion)
                    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                    Encoding = Encoding.Default;

            // If we are already logged in and the server returns 530 then
            // the server does not support re-issuing a USER command,
            // tear down the connection and start all over again
            if (entry.Command.IndexOf("USER") != -1)
                // The server may not require a password for this user, so bypass the password command
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    _loginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;

            // Throw on an error with possible recovery option
            if (response.TransientFailure || response.PermanentFailure)
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceNotAvailable)
                throw GenerateException(status, response.StatusDescription, null);

            if (_loginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn &&
                entry.Command.IndexOf("PASS") != -1)
                // Note the fact that we logged in
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.NeedLoginAccount || status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    _loginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;
                    throw GenerateException(status, response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Parse special cases
            if (entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection) && (response.PositiveCompletion || response.PositiveIntermediate))
                bool isSocketReady;
                PipelineInstruction result = QueueOrCreateDataConection(entry, response, timeout, ref stream, out isSocketReady);
                if (!isSocketReady)
                // otherwise we have a stream to create
            // This is part of the above case and it's all about giving data stream back
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.OpeningData || status == FtpStatusCode.DataAlreadyOpen)
                if (_dataSocket == null)
                if (!entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream))
                    _abortReason = SR.Format(SR.net_ftp_invalid_status_response, status, entry.Command);

                // Parse out the Content length, if we can

                // Parse out the file name, when it is returned and use it for our ResponseUri
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)_request;
                if (request.MethodInfo.ShouldParseForResponseUri)
                    TryUpdateResponseUri(response.StatusDescription, request);

                return(QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref stream));

            // Parse responses by status code exclusivelly

            // Update welcome message
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
            // OR set the user response ExitMessage
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // And close the control stream socket on "QUIT"
            // OR set us up for SSL/TLS, after this we'll be writing securely
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServerWantsSecureSession)
                // If NetworkStream is a TlsStream, then this must be in the async callback
                // from completing the SSL handshake.
                // So just let the pipeline continue.
                if (!(NetworkStream is TlsStream))
                    FtpWebRequest request   = (FtpWebRequest)_request;
                    TlsStream     tlsStream = new TlsStream(NetworkStream, Socket, request.RequestUri.Host, request.ClientCertificates);

                    if (_isAsync)
                        tlsStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(ar =>
                                NetworkStream = tlsStream;
                            catch (Exception e)
                        }, null);

                        NetworkStream = tlsStream;
            // OR parse out the file size or file time, usually a result of sending SIZE/MDTM commands
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.FileStatus)
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)_request;
                if (entry.Command.StartsWith("SIZE "))
                    _contentLength = GetContentLengthFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
                else if (entry.Command.StartsWith("MDTM "))
                    _lastModified = GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
            // OR parse out our login directory
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.PathnameCreated)
                if (entry.Command == "PWD\r\n" && !entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand))
                    _loginDirectory = GetLoginDirectory(response.StatusDescription);
            // Asserting we have some positive response
                // We only use CWD to reset ourselves back to the login directory.
                if (entry.Command.IndexOf("CWD") != -1)
                    _establishedServerDirectory = _requestedServerDirectory;

            // Intermediate responses require rereading
            if (response.PositiveIntermediate || (!UsingSecureStream && entry.Command == "AUTH TLS\r\n"))

Esempio n. 5
 protected virtual PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream)
Esempio n. 6
 protected virtual PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream)
     return PipelineInstruction.Abort;
Esempio n. 7
 protected void InitCommandPipeline(WebRequest request, PipelineEntry[] commands, bool isAsync)
     _commands = commands;
     _index = 0;
     _request = request;
     _aborted = false;
     _doRead = true;
     _doSend = true;
     _currentResponseDescription = null;
     _isAsync = isAsync;
     _recoverableFailure = false;
     _abortReason = string.Empty;
Esempio n. 8
        private PipelineInstruction QueueOrCreateDataConection(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream, out bool isSocketReady)
            isSocketReady = false;
            if (_dataHandshakeStarted)
                isSocketReady = true;
                return PipelineInstruction.Pause; //if we already started then this is re-entering into the callback where we proceed with the stream

            _dataHandshakeStarted = true;

            // Handle passive responses by parsing the port and later doing a Connect(...)
            bool isPassive = false;
            int port = -1;
            if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n" || entry.Command == "EPSV\r\n")
                if (!response.PositiveCompletion)
                    _abortReason = SR.Format(SR.net_ftp_server_failed_passive, response.Status);
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;
                if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n")
                    port = GetPortV4(response.StatusDescription);
                    port = GetPortV6(response.StatusDescription);

                isPassive = true;

            if (isPassive)
                if (port == -1)
                    NetEventSource.Fail(this, "'port' not set.");

                    _dataSocket = CreateFtpDataSocket((FtpWebRequest)_request, Socket);
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    throw ExceptionHelper.RequestAbortedException;

                IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(((IPEndPoint)Socket.LocalEndPoint).Address, 0);

                _passiveEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ServerAddress, port);

            PipelineInstruction result;

            if (_passiveEndPoint != null)
                IPEndPoint passiveEndPoint = _passiveEndPoint;
                _passiveEndPoint = null;
                if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Info(this, "starting Connect()");
                if (_isAsync)
                    _dataSocket.BeginConnect(passiveEndPoint, s_connectCallbackDelegate, this);
                    result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                    result = PipelineInstruction.Advance; // for passive mode we end up going to the next command
                if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Info(this, "starting Accept()");

                if (_isAsync)
                    _dataSocket.BeginAccept(s_acceptCallbackDelegate, this);
                    result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                    Socket listenSocket = _dataSocket;
                        _dataSocket = _dataSocket.Accept();
                        if (!ServerAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)_dataSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address))
                            throw new WebException(SR.net_ftp_active_address_different, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);
                        isSocketReady = true;   // for active mode we end up creating a stream before advancing the pipeline
                        result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
            return result;
Esempio n. 9
        //    This is called by underlying base class code, each time a new response is received from the wire or a protocol stage is resumed.
        //    This function controls the setting up of a data socket/connection, and of saving off the server responses.
        protected override PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Command:{entry?.Command} Description:{response?.StatusDescription}");

            // null response is not expected
            if (response == null)
                return PipelineInstruction.Abort;

            FtpStatusCode status = (FtpStatusCode)response.Status;

            // Update global "current status" for FtpWebRequest
            if (status != FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // A 221 status won't be reflected on the user FTP response
                // Anything else will (by design?)
                StatusCode = status;
                StatusLine = response.StatusDescription;

            // If the status code is outside the range defined in RFC (1xx to 5xx) throw
            if (response.InvalidStatusCode)
                throw new WebException(SR.net_InvalidStatusCode, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);

            // Update the banner message if any, this is a little hack because the "entry" param is null
            if (_index == -1)
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.SendUserCommand)
                    _bannerMessage = new StringBuilder();
                    return PipelineInstruction.Advance;
                else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceTemporarilyNotAvailable)
                    return PipelineInstruction.Reread;
                    throw GenerateException(status, response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Check for the result of our attempt to use UTF8
            if (entry.Command == "OPTS utf8 on\r\n")
                if (response.PositiveCompletion)
                    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                    Encoding = Encoding.Default;
                return PipelineInstruction.Advance;

            // If we are already logged in and the server returns 530 then
            // the server does not support re-issuing a USER command,
            // tear down the connection and start all over again
            if (entry.Command.IndexOf("USER") != -1)
                // The server may not require a password for this user, so bypass the password command
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    _loginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;

            // Throw on an error with possible recovery option
            if (response.TransientFailure || response.PermanentFailure)
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceNotAvailable)
                throw GenerateException(status, response.StatusDescription, null);

            if (_loginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn
                && entry.Command.IndexOf("PASS") != -1)
                // Note the fact that we logged in
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.NeedLoginAccount || status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    _loginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;
                    throw GenerateException(status, response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Parse special cases
            if (entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection) && (response.PositiveCompletion || response.PositiveIntermediate))
                bool isSocketReady;
                PipelineInstruction result = QueueOrCreateDataConection(entry, response, timeout, ref stream, out isSocketReady);
                if (!isSocketReady)
                    return result;
                // otheriwse we have a stream to create
            // This is part of the above case and it's all about giving data stream back
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.OpeningData || status == FtpStatusCode.DataAlreadyOpen)
                if (_dataSocket == null)
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;
                if (!entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream))
                    _abortReason = SR.Format(SR.net_ftp_invalid_status_response, status, entry.Command);
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;

                // Parse out the Content length, if we can

                // Parse out the file name, when it is returned and use it for our ResponseUri
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)_request;
                if (request.MethodInfo.ShouldParseForResponseUri)
                    TryUpdateResponseUri(response.StatusDescription, request);

                return QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref stream);

            // Parse responses by status code exclusivelly

            // Update welcome message
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
            // OR set the user response ExitMessage
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // And close the control stream socket on "QUIT"
            // OR set us up for SSL/TLS, after this we'll be writing securely
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServerWantsSecureSession)
                // If NetworkStream is a TlsStream, then this must be in the async callback 
                // from completing the SSL handshake.
                // So just let the pipeline continue.
                if (!(NetworkStream is TlsStream))
                    FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)_request;
                    TlsStream tlsStream = new TlsStream(NetworkStream, Socket, request.RequestUri.Host, request.ClientCertificates);

                    if (_isAsync)
                        tlsStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(ar =>
                                NetworkStream = tlsStream;
                            catch (Exception e)
                        }, null);

                        return PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                        NetworkStream = tlsStream;
            // OR parse out the file size or file time, usually a result of sending SIZE/MDTM commands
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.FileStatus)
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)_request;
                if (entry.Command.StartsWith("SIZE "))
                    _contentLength = GetContentLengthFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
                else if (entry.Command.StartsWith("MDTM "))
                    _lastModified = GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
            // OR parse out our login directory
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.PathnameCreated)
                if (entry.Command == "PWD\r\n" && !entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand))
                    _loginDirectory = GetLoginDirectory(response.StatusDescription);
            // Asserting we have some positive response
                // We only use CWD to reset ourselves back to the login directory.
                if (entry.Command.IndexOf("CWD") != -1)
                    _establishedServerDirectory = _requestedServerDirectory;

            // Intermediate responses require rereading
            if (response.PositiveIntermediate || (!UsingSecureStream && entry.Command == "AUTH TLS\r\n"))
                return PipelineInstruction.Reread;

            return PipelineInstruction.Advance;
Esempio n. 10
 protected void InitCommandPipeline(WebRequest request, PipelineEntry [] commands, bool async) {
     m_Commands = commands;
     m_Index = 0;
     m_Request = request;
     m_Aborted = false;
     m_DoRead = true;
     m_DoSend = true;
     m_CurrentResponseDescription = null;
     m_Async = async;
     m_RecoverableFailure = false;
     m_AbortReason = string.Empty;
Esempio n. 11
        private PipelineInstruction QueueOrCreateDataConection(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream, out bool isSocketReady)
            isSocketReady = false;
            if (m_DataHandshakeStarted)
                isSocketReady = true;
                return PipelineInstruction.Pause; //if we already started then this is re-entering into the callback where we proceed with the stream

            m_DataHandshakeStarted = true;

            // handle passive responses by parsing the port and later doing a Connect(...)
            bool isPassive = false;
            int port = -1;
            if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n" || entry.Command == "EPSV\r\n")
                if (!response.PositiveCompletion)
                    m_AbortReason = SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_server_failed_passive, response.Status);
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;
                if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n")
                    port = GetPortV4(response.StatusDescription);
                } else {
                    port = GetPortV6(response.StatusDescription);

                isPassive = true;

            new SocketPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();

            try {
                if (isPassive)
                    GlobalLog.Assert(port != -1, "FtpControlStream#{0}|'port' not set.", ValidationHelper.HashString(this));

                    try {
                        m_DataSocket = CreateFtpDataSocket((FtpWebRequest)m_Request, Socket);
                    } catch (ObjectDisposedException) {
                        throw ExceptionHelper.RequestAbortedException;

                    IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(((IPEndPoint)Socket.LocalEndPoint).Address, 0);

                    m_PassiveEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ServerAddress, port);

                PipelineInstruction result;

                if (m_PassiveEndPoint != null)
                    IPEndPoint passiveEndPoint = m_PassiveEndPoint;
                    m_PassiveEndPoint = null;
                    GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "starting Connect()");
                    if (m_Async)
                        m_DataSocket.BeginConnect(passiveEndPoint, m_ConnectCallbackDelegate, this);
                        result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                        result = PipelineInstruction.Advance; // for passive mode we end up going to the next command
                    GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "starting Accept()");
                    if (m_Async)
                        m_DataSocket.BeginAccept(m_AcceptCallbackDelegate, this);
                        result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                        Socket listenSocket = m_DataSocket;
                        try {
                            m_DataSocket = m_DataSocket.Accept();
                            if (!ServerAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)m_DataSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address))
                                throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_active_address_different), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);
                            isSocketReady = true;   // for active mode we end up creating a stream before advancing the pipeline
                            result = PipelineInstruction.Pause;
                        } finally {
                return result;
            } finally {
Esempio n. 12
        //    This is called by underlying base class code, each time a new response is received from the wire or a protocol stage is resumed.
        //    This function controls the seting up of a data socket/connection, and of saving off the server responses
        protected override PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream)
            GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + (entry == null? "null" : entry.Command));
            GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + ((response == null) ? "null" : response.StatusDescription));

            // null response is not expected
            if (response == null)
                return PipelineInstruction.Abort;

            FtpStatusCode status = (FtpStatusCode) response.Status;

            // Update global "current status" for FtpWebRequest
            if (status != FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // A 221 status won't be reflected on the user FTP response
                // Anything else will (by design?)
                StatusCode = status;
                StatusLine = response.StatusDescription;

            // If the status code is outside the range defined in RFC (1xx to 5xx) throw
            if (response.InvalidStatusCode)
                throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_InvalidStatusCode), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);
            // Update the banner message if any, this is a little hack because the "entry" param is null
            if (m_Index == -1) {
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.SendUserCommand)
                    m_BannerMessage = new StringBuilder();
                    return PipelineInstruction.Advance;
                else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceTemporarilyNotAvailable)
                    return PipelineInstruction.Reread;
                    throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Check for the result of our attempt to use UTF8
            // Condsider: optimize this for speed (avoid string compare) as that is the only command that may fail
            if (entry.Command == "OPTS utf8 on\r\n")
                if (response.PositiveCompletion) {
                    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                } else {
                    Encoding = Encoding.Default;
                return PipelineInstruction.Advance;

            // If we are already logged in and the server returns 530 then
            // the server does not support re-issuing a USER command,
            // tear down the connection and start all over again
            if (entry.Command.IndexOf("USER") != -1)
                // The server may not require a password for this user, so bypass the password command
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;
                // The server does not like re-login 
                // (We are logged in already but want to re-login under a different user)
                else if (status == FtpStatusCode.NotLoggedIn && 
                         m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.NotLoggedIn)
                    m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.ReloginFailed;
                    throw ExceptionHelper.IsolatedException;

            // Throw on an error with possible recovery option
            if (response.TransientFailure || response.PermanentFailure) {
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceNotAvailable) {
                throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null);

            if (m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn
                && entry.Command.IndexOf("PASS") != -1)
                // Note the fact that we logged in
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.NeedLoginAccount || status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;
                    throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Parse special cases
            if (entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection) && (response.PositiveCompletion || response.PositiveIntermediate))
                bool isSocketReady;
                PipelineInstruction result = QueueOrCreateDataConection(entry, response, timeout, ref stream, out isSocketReady);
                if (!isSocketReady)
                    return result;
                // otheriwse we have a stream to create
            // This is part of the above case and it's all about giving data stream back
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.OpeningData || status == FtpStatusCode.DataAlreadyOpen)
                if (m_DataSocket == null)
                    // a better diagnostic?
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;
                if (!entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream))
                    m_AbortReason = SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_status_response, status, entry.Command);
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;

                // Parse out the Content length, if we can

                // Parse out the file name, when it is returned and use it for our ResponseUri
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request;
                if (request.MethodInfo.ShouldParseForResponseUri)
                    TryUpdateResponseUri(response.StatusDescription, request);

                return QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref stream);

            // Parse responses by status code exclusivelly

            //Update welcome message
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
            // OR set the user response ExitMessage
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // And close the control stream socket on "QUIT"
            // OR set us up for SSL/TLS, after this we'll be writing securely
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServerWantsSecureSession)
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request;
                TlsStream tlsStream = new TlsStream(request.RequestUri.Host, NetworkStream, request.ClientCertificates, Pool.ServicePoint, request, m_Async ? request.GetWritingContext().ContextCopy : null);
                NetworkStream = tlsStream;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
            // OR parse out the file size or file time, usually a result of sending SIZE/MDTM commands
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.FileStatus)
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request;
                if (entry.Command.StartsWith("SIZE ")) {
                    m_ContentLength = GetContentLengthFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
                } else if (entry.Command.StartsWith("MDTM ")) {
                    m_LastModified = GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
            // OR parse out our login directory
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.PathnameCreated)
                if (entry.Command == "PWD\r\n" && !entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand))
                    m_LoginDirectory = GetLoginDirectory(response.StatusDescription);
            // Asserting we have some positive response
                // We only use CWD to reset ourselves back to the login directory.
                if (entry.Command.IndexOf("CWD") != -1)
                    m_EstablishedServerDirectory = m_RequestedServerDirectory;

            // Intermediate responses require rereading
            if (response.PositiveIntermediate || (!UsingSecureStream && entry.Command == "AUTH TLS\r\n"))
                return PipelineInstruction.Reread;

            return PipelineInstruction.Advance;
        //    This is called by underlying base class code, each time a new response is received from the wire or a protocol stage is resumed.
        //    This function controls the seting up of a data socket/connection, and of saving off the server responses
        protected override PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream)
            GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + (entry == null? "null" : entry.Command));
            GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + ((response == null) ? "null" : response.StatusDescription));

            // null response is not expected
            if (response == null)
                return PipelineInstruction.Abort;

            FtpStatusCode status = (FtpStatusCode) response.Status;

            // Update global "current status" for FtpWebRequest
            if (status != FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // A 221 status won't be reflected on the user FTP response
                // Anything else will (by design?)
                StatusCode = status;
                StatusLine = response.StatusDescription;

            // If the status code is outside the range defined in RFC (1xx to 5xx) throw
            if (response.InvalidStatusCode)
                throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_InvalidStatusCode), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);
            if (m_Index == -1) {
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.SendUserCommand)
                    m_BannerMessage = new StringBuilder();
                    return PipelineInstruction.Advance;
                else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceTemporarilyNotAvailable)
                    return PipelineInstruction.Reread;
                    throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Check for the result of our attempt to use UTF8
            // Condsider: optimize this for speed (avoid string compare) as that is the only command that may fail
            if (entry.Command == "OPTS utf8 on\r\n")
                if (response.PositiveCompletion) {
                    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                } else {
                    Encoding = Encoding.Default;
                return PipelineInstruction.Advance;

            // If we are already logged in and the server returns 530 then
            // the server does not support re-issuing a USER command,
            // tear down the connection and start all over again
            if (entry.Command.IndexOf("USER") != -1)
                // The server may not require a password for this user, so bypass the password command
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;
                // The server does not like re-login 
                // (We are logged in already but want to re-login under a different user)
                else if (status == FtpStatusCode.NotLoggedIn && 
                         m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.NotLoggedIn)
                    m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.ReloginFailed;
                    throw ExceptionHelper.IsolatedException;

            // Throw on an error with possibe recovery option
            if (response.TransientFailure || response.PermanentFailure) {
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceNotAvailable) {
                throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null);

            if (m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn
                && entry.Command.IndexOf("PASS") != -1)
                // Note the fact that we logged in
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.NeedLoginAccount || status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                    m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn;
                    throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null);

            // Parse special cases
            if (entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection) && (response.PositiveCompletion || response.PositiveIntermediate))
                bool isSocketReady;
                PipelineInstruction result = QueueOrCreateDataConection(entry, response, timeout, ref stream, out isSocketReady);
                if (!isSocketReady)
                    return result;
                // otheriwse we have a stream to create
            // This is part of the above case and it's all about giving data stream back
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.OpeningData || status == FtpStatusCode.DataAlreadyOpen)
                if (m_DataSocket == null)
                    // a better diagnostic?
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;
                if (!entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream))
                    m_AbortReason = SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_status_response, status, entry.Command);
                    return PipelineInstruction.Abort;

                // Parse out the Content length, if we can

                // Parse out the file name, when it is returned and use it for our ResponseUri
                if (status == FtpStatusCode.OpeningData)
                    FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request;
                    if (request.MethodInfo.ShouldParseForResponseUri)
                        TryUpdateResponseUri(response.StatusDescription, request);

                return QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref stream);

            // Parse responses by status code exclusivelly

            //Update our command list if we have an alias
            if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed)
                if(StatusLine.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).IndexOf("alias") > 0){
                    //find start of alias
                    //skip first status code
                    int i = StatusLine.IndexOf("230-",3);
                    if(i > 0)
                        //eat white space
                        while(i<StatusLine.Length && StatusLine[i] == ' '){i++;}

                        //not eol
                        if (i <StatusLine.Length) {
                            //get end of alias
                            int j = StatusLine.IndexOf(' ',i);
                            if(j<0) j=StatusLine.Length;

                            m_Alias = StatusLine.Substring(i,j-i);

                            if (!m_IsRootPath) {
                                //update command list
                                for (i=0;i<m_Commands.Length;i++){
                                    if(m_Commands[i].Command.IndexOf("CWD") == 0) {
                                        string path = m_Alias+m_NewServerPath;
                                        m_Commands[i] = new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("CWD", path));
            // OR set the user response ExitMessage
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                // And close the control stream socket on "QUIT"
            // OR parse out the file size or file time, usually a result of sending SIZE/MDTM commands
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.FileStatus)
                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request;
                if (entry.Command.StartsWith("SIZE ")) {
                    m_ContentLength = GetContentLengthFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
                } else if (entry.Command.StartsWith("MDTM ")) {
                    m_LastModified = GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription);
            // OR parse out our login directory
            else if (status == FtpStatusCode.PathnameCreated)
                if (entry.Command == "PWD\r\n" && !entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand))
                    m_LoginDirectory = GetLoginDirectory(response.StatusDescription);
                    if (!m_IsRootPath &&
                        m_LoginDirectory != "\\" &&
                        m_LoginDirectory != "/" &&
                        m_Alias == null)
                        //update command list
                        for (int i=0;i<m_Commands.Length;i++){
                            if(m_Commands[i].Command.IndexOf("CWD") == 0) {
                                string path = m_LoginDirectory+m_NewServerPath;
                                m_Commands[i] = new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("CWD", path));
            // Asserting we have some positive response
                // OR update the current path (optimize this pls)
                 if (entry.Command.IndexOf("CWD") != -1)
                    m_PreviousServerPath = m_NewServerPath;

            // Intermidate responses require rereading
            if (response.PositiveIntermediate || (!UsingSecureStream && entry.Command == "AUTH TLS\r\n"))
                return PipelineInstruction.Reread;

            return PipelineInstruction.Advance;