Esempio n. 1
    public static int Main(string[] args) {
        if (args.Length < 3) {
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: RunUDPipe input_format(tokenize|conllu|horizontal|vertical) output_format(conllu) model");
            return 1;

        Console.Error.Write("Loading model: ");
        Model model = Model.load(args[2]);
        if (model == null) {
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot load model from file '{0}'", args[2]);
            return 1;

        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(model, args[0], Pipeline.DEFAULT, Pipeline.DEFAULT, args[1]);
        ProcessingError error = new ProcessingError();

        // Read whole input
        StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        string line;
        while ((line = Console.In.ReadLine()) != null)

        // Process data
        string text = textBuilder.ToString();
        string processed = pipeline.process(text, error);

        if (error.occurred()) {
            Console.Error.WriteLine("An error occurred in RunUDPipe: {0}", error.message);
            return 1;

        return 0;
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var prefilterPump = new OrderSource();
            var prefilterSink = new OrderSink();

            var prefilter = new Pipeline<Order>(prefilterPump, prefilterSink, "prefiltering")
                .Register(new CalculateSubtotal() { Name = "Subtotal calculator" })
                .Register(new CalculateTax() { Name = "Tax calculator" })
                .Register(new CalculateTotal() { Name = "Total calculator" })


            Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(50, '='));
            foreach (var input in prefilterSink.Orders)
                var result = string.Format("{0}  {1:C}  {2}  {3:C}  {4:C}  {5:C}",
            Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(50, '='));

Esempio n. 3
        public void testSelfFilter()

            var _List     = new List<String>() { "marko", "antonio", "rodriguez", "was", "here", "." };
            var _Pipe1    = new AggregatorPipe<String>(new List<String>());
            var _Pipe2    = new CollectionFilterPipe<String>(_Pipe1.SideEffect, ComparisonFilter.NOT_EQUAL);
            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<String, String>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2);

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())

            Assert.AreEqual(6, _Counter);

            _Pipe1    = new AggregatorPipe<String>(new List<String>());
            _Pipe2    = new CollectionFilterPipe<String>(_Pipe1.SideEffect, ComparisonFilter.EQUAL);
            _Pipeline = new Pipeline<String, String>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2);

            _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())

            Assert.AreEqual(0, _Counter);

 void ExecuteCommand()
     var pipeline = currentPipeline;
         foreach (PSObject errorRecord in pipeline.Error.ReadToEnd())
             var errorMessage = "Error executing powershell: " + errorRecord;
             if (pipeline != null)
             currentPipeline = null;
Esempio n. 5
  public void TestBufferOwnership () {
    MyTransformIp.Register ();

    Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline ();
    Element src = ElementFactory.Make ("fakesrc");
    src["num-buffers"] = 10;
    Element transform = new MyTransformIp ();
    Element sink = ElementFactory.Make ("fakesink");

    pipeline.Add (src, transform, sink);
    Element.Link (src, transform, sink);

    Gst.GLib.MainLoop loop = new Gst.GLib.MainLoop ();

    pipeline.Bus.AddWatch (delegate (Bus bus, Message message) {
                             switch (message.Type) {
                             case MessageType.Error:
                                 Enum err;
                                 string msg;

                                 message.ParseError (out err, out msg);
                                 Assert.Fail (String.Format ("Error message: {0}", msg));
                                 loop.Quit ();
                               case MessageType.Eos:
                                   loop.Quit ();
                                 return true;

    pipeline.SetState (State.Playing);
    loop.Run ();
    pipeline.SetState (State.Null);
Esempio n. 6
 static LinkContext GetDefaultContext(Pipeline pipeline)
     LinkContext context = new LinkContext (pipeline);
     context.CoreAction = AssemblyAction.Skip;
     context.OutputDirectory = "output";
     return context;
Esempio n. 7
        public void DefaultCtorSplitsAtDashes()
            // Given
            Engine engine = new Engine();
            Metadata metadata = new Metadata(engine);
            Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline("Pipeline", engine, null);
            IExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(engine, pipeline);
            IDocument[] inputs = { new Document(metadata).Clone(@"FM1
            Content2") };
            string frontMatterContent = null;
            FrontMatter frontMatter = new FrontMatter(new Execute(x =>
                frontMatterContent = x.Content;
                return new [] {x};

            // When
            IEnumerable<IDocument> documents = frontMatter.Execute(inputs, context);

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual(1, documents.Count());
            ", frontMatterContent);
            Content2", documents.First().Content);
Esempio n. 8
  public static void Main (string[] args) {
    loop = new MainLoop();

    // Construct all the elements
    pipeline = new Pipeline();
    appsrc = new Gst.App.AppSrc ("AppSrcDemo");
    Element color = ElementFactory.Make ("ffmpegcolorspace");
    Element sink = ElementFactory.Make ("autovideosink");

    // Link the elements
    pipeline.Add (appsrc, color, sink);
    Element.Link (appsrc, color, sink);

    // Set the caps on the AppSrc to RGBA, 640x480, 4 fps, square pixels
    Gst.Video.VideoFormat fmt = (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) ? Gst.Video.VideoFormat.BGRA : Gst.Video.VideoFormat.ARGB;
    appsrc.Caps = Gst.Video.VideoUtil.FormatNewCaps (fmt, 640, 480, 4, 1, 1, 1);

    // Connect the handlers
    appsrc.NeedData += PushAppData;
    pipeline.Bus.Message += MessageHandler;

    // Run, loop, run!
    pipeline.SetState (State.Playing);
    pipeline.SetState (State.Null);
Esempio n. 9
    public void TestAsyncStateChangeEmpty()
        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
        Assert.IsNotNull (pipeline, "Could not create pipeline");

        Assert.AreEqual ( ( (Element) pipeline).SetState (State.Playing), StateChangeReturn.Success);
        public void ToLookupOfStringReturnsCorrectLookup()
            // Given
            Engine engine = new Engine();
            Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline("Pipeline", engine, null);
            IDocument a = new Document(engine, pipeline)
                .Clone("a", new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Numbers", new[] { 1, 2, 3 }) });
            IDocument b = new Document(engine, pipeline)
                .Clone("b", new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Numbers", new[] { 2, 3, 4 }) });
            IDocument c = new Document(engine, pipeline)
                .Clone("c", new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Numbers", 3) });
            IDocument d = new Document(engine, pipeline)
                .Clone("d", new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Numbers", "4") });
            List<IDocument> documents = new List<IDocument>() { a, b, c, d };

            // When
            ILookup<string, IDocument> lookup = documents.ToLookup<string>("Numbers");

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual(4, lookup.Count);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { a }, lookup["1"]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { a, b }, lookup["2"]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { a, b, c }, lookup["3"]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { b, d }, lookup["4"]);
Esempio n. 11
    public void TestAsyncStateChangeFake()
        bool done = false;
        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
        Assert.IsNotNull (pipeline, "Could not create pipeline");

        Element src = ElementFactory.Make ("fakesrc");
        Element sink = ElementFactory.Make ("fakesink");

        Bin bin = (Bin) pipeline;
        bin.Add (src, sink);
        src.Link (sink);

        Bus bus = pipeline.Bus;

        Assert.AreEqual ( ( (Element) pipeline).SetState (State.Playing), StateChangeReturn.Async);

        while (!done) {
          State old, newState, pending;
          Message message = bus.Poll (MessageType.StateChanged, -1);
          if (message != null) {
        message.ParseStateChanged (out old, out newState, out pending);
        if (message.Src == (Gst.Object) pipeline && newState == State.Playing)
          done = true;

        Assert.AreEqual ( ( (Element) pipeline).SetState (State.Null), StateChangeReturn.Success);
Esempio n. 12
 internal override void Stencil(Pipeline pipeline)
     int len = _glyphs.Length;
     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
         pipeline.StencilGlyph(_glyphs[i], ref _offsets[i]);
Esempio n. 13
        internal override void Stencil(Pipeline pipeline)
            if (Glyphs == null || _vertices == null)

            pipeline.StencilInstancedGlyphs(Font.FillRule, this);
Esempio n. 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var pump = new FileDataSource(new StreamReader(@"data\TestData.txt"));
            var shifter = new CircularShifter();
            var alphabetizer = new Alphabetizer();

            #region Modifying the requirement - add a 'noise' list to remove words from the index

            //var noiseWords = new FileDataSource(new StreamReader(@"data\noise.txt")).Begin();
            //var noiseRemover = new NoiseRemoval(noiseWords);
            //pump.Successor = noiseRemover;
            //noiseRemover.Successor = shifter;


            pump.Successor = shifter;
            shifter.Successor = alphabetizer;

            var pipeline = new Pipeline<string>(pump: pump, sink: new ConsoleWriter());
            Console.WriteLine("Begin Execution At:{0}", DateTime.UtcNow);
            Console.WriteLine("Stop Execution At:{0}", DateTime.UtcNow);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");
Esempio n. 15
        public void DashStringDoesNotSplitAtNonmatchingDashes()
            // Given
            Engine engine = new Engine();
            Metadata metadata = new Metadata(engine);
            Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline("Pipeline", engine, null);
            IExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(engine, pipeline);
            IDocument[] inputs = { new Document(metadata).Clone(@"FM1
            Content2") };
            bool executed = false;
            FrontMatter frontMatter = new FrontMatter("-", new Execute(x =>
                executed = true;
                return new[] { x };

            // When
            IEnumerable<IDocument> documents = frontMatter.Execute(inputs, context);

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual(1, documents.Count());
            Content2", documents.First().Content);
Esempio n. 16
		public void Should_throw_exception_when_chain_goes_too_far()
			var pipeline = new Pipeline<int, string>();
			pipeline.Add(new AddToInput(3));

			Assert.Throws<EndOfChainException>(() => pipeline.Execute(2));
Esempio n. 17
        public void testMultiProperty()
            var _Graph    = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko    = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _EVP      = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _PPipe    = new PropertyPipe<String, Object>(Keys: "name");

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>, String>(_EVP, _PPipe);


            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var _Name = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.IsTrue(_Name.Equals("vadas") || _Name.Equals("josh") || _Name.Equals("lop"));

            Assert.AreEqual(3, _Counter);
		public void Should_load_all_filters_in_assembly()
			var pipeline = new Pipeline<int, string>(serviceProvider)

			Assert.That(pipeline.Count, Is.EqualTo(5));
Esempio n. 19
        public void testListProperty()
            var _Graph    = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko    = _Graph.VertexById(1);
            var _Vadas    = _Graph.VertexById(2);

            var _Pipe = new PropertyPipe<String, Object>(Keys: "name");

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>, String>(_Pipe);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko, _Vadas }.GetEnumerator());

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var _Name = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.IsTrue(_Name.Equals("vadas") || _Name.Equals("marko"));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, _Counter);
Esempio n. 20
  public static void Main (string [] args) {

    if (args.Length != 1) {
      Console.Error.WriteLine ("usage: mono queueexample.exe <filename>\n");

    Element pipeline = new Pipeline ("pipeline");

    Element filesrc = ElementFactory.Make ("filesrc", "disk_source");
    filesrc.SetProperty ("location", args[0]);
    Element decode = ElementFactory.Make ("mad", "decode");
    Element queue = ElementFactory.Make ("queue", "queue");

    Element audiosink = ElementFactory.Make ("alsasink", "play_audio");

    Bin bin = (Bin) pipeline;
    bin.AddMany (filesrc, decode, queue, audiosink);

    Element.LinkMany (filesrc, decode, queue, audiosink);

    pipeline.SetState (State.Playing);

    EventLoop (pipeline);

    pipeline.SetState (State.Null);
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the pipeline and sets its corresponding property to null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p">The pipeline that will be deleted.</param>
 public override void ClearPipeline(Pipeline p)
     if (this.IncomePipeline == p)
         this.IncomePipeline = null;
		public MessageRegistration(Type messageType, Type handlerType, Pipeline pipeline, IReadOnlyCollection<Type> dependancies, IReadOnlyCollection<Type> scopedDependancies)
			if (messageType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageType));
			if (handlerType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handlerType));
			if (pipeline == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pipeline));
			if (dependancies == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dependancies));
			if (scopedDependancies == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scopedDependancies));

			var messageTypeInfo = messageType.GetTypeInfo();

			if (!typeof(IMessage).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(messageTypeInfo)) throw new ArgumentException($"Parameter {nameof(messageType)} must implement IMessage", nameof(messageType));

			if (typeof(ICommand).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(messageTypeInfo)) {
				GetValue(new[] { messageType }, messageType, handlerType, type => typeof(ICommandHandler<>).MakeGenericType(type));

			} else if (typeof(IEvent).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(messageTypeInfo)) {
				GetValue(MessagesHelper.ExpandType(messageType).Where(x => x != typeof(IMessage)), messageType, handlerType, type => typeof(IEventHandler<>).MakeGenericType(type));

			} else if (typeof(IQuery).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(messageTypeInfo)) {

				var genericArguments = messageTypeInfo.ImplementedInterfaces.Single(x => x.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IQuery<,>)).GenericTypeArguments;
				GetValue(new[] { messageType }, messageType, handlerType, type => typeof(IQueryHandler<,>).MakeGenericType(genericArguments));

			this.MessageType = messageType;
			this.Pipeline = pipeline;
			this.Handler = handlerType;

			Dependancies = dependancies;
			ScopedDependancies = scopedDependancies;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a set of functions that we want to pipleline together
            Func<int, double> func1 = (input => Math.Pow(input, 2));
            Func<double, double> func2 = (input => input / 2);
            Func<double, bool> func3 = (input => input % 2 == 0 && input > 100);

            // define a callback
            Action<int, bool> callback = (input, output) => {
                if (output) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Found value {0} with result {1}", input, output);

            // create the pipeline
            Pipeline<int, bool> pipe = new Pipeline<int, double>(func1).AddFunction(func2).AddFunction(func3);
            // start the pipeline

            // generate values and push them into the pipeline
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                Console.WriteLine("Added value {0}", i);
                pipe.AddValue(i, callback);

            // stop the pipeline

            // wait for input before exiting
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to finish");
Esempio n. 24
    public static void Main(string [] args)
        Application.Init ();

        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline ("pipeline");
        Element source = ElementFactory.Make ("filesrc", "source");
        typefind = TypeFindElement.Make ("typefind");
        Element sink = ElementFactory.Make ("fakesink", "sink");

        source.SetProperty ("location", args[0]);

        typefind.HaveType += OnHaveType;

        pipeline.AddMany (source, typefind, sink);
        source.Link (typefind);
        typefind.Link (sink);

        pipeline.SetState (State.Paused);
        pipeline.SetState (State.Null);

        source.Dispose ();
        typefind.Dispose ();
        sink.Dispose ();
        pipeline.Dispose ();
Esempio n. 25
        public void TestPathPipe()
            var _graph = DemoGraphFactory.CreateSimpleGraph();

            var Alice = _graph.VertexById("Alice").AsMutable();

            var _Pipe1 = new OutEdgesPipe<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2 = new InVertexPipe<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3 = new PathPipe<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object>>();

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                         IEnumerable<Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object>>(Alice));

            // Via pipeline...
            var query1 = _Pipeline.Select(path => path.Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id)).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1[0].Count(), "'" + query1[0].AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1[1].Count(), "'" + query1[1].AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1[2].Count(), "'" + query1[2].AggString() + "' is invalid!");

            Assert.AreEqual("Alice|Alice -loves-> Bob|Bob", query1[0].AggString());
            Assert.AreEqual("Alice|0|Bob",                  query1[1].AggString());
            Assert.AreEqual("Alice|2|Carol",                query1[2].AggString());

            // Via extention methods...
            var query2 = Alice.OutE().InV().Paths().ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[0].Count(), "'" + query2[0].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[1].Count(), "'" + query2[1].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[2].Count(), "'" + query2[2].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");

            var query3 = Alice.Out().Paths().ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[0].Count(), "'" + query2[0].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[1].Count(), "'" + query2[1].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[2].Count(), "'" + query2[2].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
Esempio n. 26
        public WorkflowProcessor(Step theStep, FilterRegistry<Step> registry, Workflow workflow)
            this.step = theStep;
            this.filterRegistry = registry;
            this.workflow = workflow;

            this.pipeline = new Pipeline<Step>();
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the pipeline and sets its corresponding property to null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p">The pipeline that will be deleted.</param>
 public override void ClearPipeline(Pipeline p)
     if (this.OutcomePipeline == p)
         this.OutcomePipeline = null;
         this.Flow = 0;
Esempio n. 28
 public void Compare(VarietyPair varietyPair)
     Messenger.Default.Send(new PerformingComparisonMessage(varietyPair));
     var pipeline = new Pipeline<VarietyPair>(GetCompareProcessors());
     Messenger.Default.Send(new ComparisonPerformedMessage(varietyPair));
        public void testUniquePathFilter()
            var _Graph      = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();

            var _Pipe1      = new OutEdgesPipe <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2      = new InVertexPipe <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3      = new InEdgesPipe  <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe4      = new OutVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe5      = new UniquePathFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>();

            var _Pipeline   = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                           IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3, _Pipe4, _Pipe5);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Graph.VertexById(1)));

            var _Counter = 0;

            foreach (var _Object in _Pipeline)


                Assert.IsTrue(_Object.Equals(_Graph.VertexById(6)) ||


            Assert.AreEqual(2, _Counter);
        public void StringWith_UpdateBy_ReturnsValue()
            var input = "UpdateBy";
            Pipeline<string> pipeline = new Pipeline<string>();
            string result = pipeline.Register(new UpdateFilter())

            Assert.AreEqual(input, result);
Esempio n. 31
        public TextArrayRenderer(GraphicsDevice gd, FontAtlas charAtlas, BindableResource projectionBuffer)
            var factory = gd.ResourceFactory;

            var surfaceTextureView = factory.CreateTextureView(charAtlas.Texture);

            // create the vertex buffer
            _vertexBuffer = factory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription(
                                                     (uint)charAtlas.Count * 4 * VertexPositionColor.SizeInBytes, BufferUsage.VertexBuffer));
            var quadVertices = new VertexPositionColor[charAtlas.Count * 4];

            for (int i = 0; i < charAtlas.Count; ++i)
                var cell = charAtlas[(char)i];
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 0].Position.X = 0;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 1].Position.X = 1;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 2].Position.X = 0;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 3].Position.X = 1;

                quadVertices[i * 4 + 0].Position.Y = 0;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 1].Position.Y = 0;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 2].Position.Y = 1;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 3].Position.Y = 1;

                quadVertices[i * 4 + 0].Texture = cell.TopLeft;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 1].Texture = cell.TopRight;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 2].Texture = cell.BottomLeft;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 3].Texture = cell.BottomRight;

                quadVertices[i * 4 + 0].Color = RgbaFloat.White;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 1].Color = RgbaFloat.White;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 2].Color = RgbaFloat.White;
                quadVertices[i * 4 + 3].Color = RgbaFloat.White;
            gd.UpdateBuffer(_vertexBuffer, 0, quadVertices);

            // setup the index buffer
            ushort[] quadIndices = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            _indexBuffer = factory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription((uint)quadIndices.Length * sizeof(ushort),
            gd.UpdateBuffer(_indexBuffer, 0, quadIndices);

            // create the world matrix buffer
            _worldBuffer = factory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription(64, BufferUsage.UniformBuffer));

            // create the color buffer
            _colorBuffer = factory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription(16, BufferUsage.UniformBuffer));

            // create vertex layout
            var vertexLayout = new VertexLayoutDescription(
                new VertexElementDescription("Position", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate,
                new VertexElementDescription("Texture", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate,
                new VertexElementDescription("Color", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate,

            // create vertex and pixel shaders
            var vertexShaderDesc = new ShaderDescription(
            var fragmentShaderDesc = new ShaderDescription(
            var shaders = factory.CreateFromSpirv(vertexShaderDesc, fragmentShaderDesc);

            // create resource layout and resource set for projection buffer and texture
            var projectionTextureResourceLayout = factory.CreateResourceLayout(new ResourceLayoutDescription(
                                                                                   new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("ProjectionBuffer", ResourceKind.UniformBuffer, ShaderStages.Vertex),
                                                                                   new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("WorldBuffer", ResourceKind.UniformBuffer, ShaderStages.Vertex),
                                                                                   new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("SurfaceTexture", ResourceKind.TextureReadOnly, ShaderStages.Fragment),
                                                                                   new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("SurfaceSampler", ResourceKind.Sampler, ShaderStages.Fragment),
                                                                                   new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("ColorBuffer", ResourceKind.UniformBuffer, ShaderStages.Fragment)));

            _projectionTextureResourceSet = factory.CreateResourceSet(new ResourceSetDescription(
                                                                          factory.CreateSampler(new SamplerDescription
                AddressModeU      = SamplerAddressMode.Clamp,
                AddressModeV      = SamplerAddressMode.Clamp,
                AddressModeW      = SamplerAddressMode.Clamp,
                Filter            = SamplerFilter.Anisotropic,
                LodBias           = 0,
                MinimumLod        = 0,
                MaximumLod        = uint.MaxValue,
                MaximumAnisotropy = 4

            // create pipeline
            _pipeline = factory.CreateGraphicsPipeline(new GraphicsPipelineDescription
                BlendState        = BlendStateDescription.SingleOverrideBlend,
                DepthStencilState = new DepthStencilStateDescription(
                    depthTestEnabled: true,
                    depthWriteEnabled: true,
                    comparisonKind: ComparisonKind.LessEqual),
                RasterizerState = new RasterizerStateDescription(
                    cullMode: FaceCullMode.Back,
                    fillMode: PolygonFillMode.Solid,
                    frontFace: FrontFace.Clockwise,
                    depthClipEnabled: true,
                    scissorTestEnabled: false),
                PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip,
                ResourceLayouts   = new[] { projectionTextureResourceLayout },
                ShaderSet         = new ShaderSetDescription(
                    vertexLayouts: new[] { vertexLayout },
                    shaders: shaders),
                Outputs = gd.SwapchainFramebuffer.OutputDescription
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RemoteImporter"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">Pipeline to which to attach.</param>
 /// <param name="host">Remote host name.</param>
 /// <param name="port">TCP port on which to connect (default 11411).</param>
 /// <param name="allowSequenceRestart">Whether to allow sequence ID restarts upon connection loss/reacquire.</param>
 /// <remarks>In this case the start is a special behavior that is `DateTime.UtcNow` _at the sending `RemoteExporter`_.</remarks>
 public RemoteImporter(Pipeline pipeline, string host, int port = RemoteExporter.DefaultPort, bool allowSequenceRestart = true)
     : this(name => PsiStore.Open(pipeline, name, null), new TimeInterval(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue), true, host, port, $"RemoteImporter_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}", null, allowSequenceRestart)
Esempio n. 33
 // Debug function to Visualise video color in command
 public static void AsciiColor(Pipeline pipeline)
     Processing(pipeline, AsciiColorFrame);
Esempio n. 34
 public static void DisplayPoints(Pipeline pipeline)
     Processing(pipeline, DisplayPointsFrame);
Esempio n. 35
        public async Task SessionCreateDerivedPartition()
            var dataset = new Dataset();
            var session = dataset.CreateSession();

            // generate a test store
            GenerateTestStore("OriginalStore", StorePath);

            // add a partition
            var partition0 = session.AddStorePartition("OriginalStore", StorePath, "Partition_0");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Partitions.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Partition_0", session.Partitions[0].Name);

            int multiplier = 7;

            // create a derived partition which contains the values from the original stream multiplied by a multiplier
            await session.CreateDerivedPartitionAsync(
                (pipeline, importer, exporter, parameter) =>
                var inputStream   = importer.OpenStream <int>("Root");
                var derivedStream = inputStream.Select(x => x *parameter).Write("DerivedStream", exporter);

            // should have created a new store partition
            Assert.AreEqual(2, session.Partitions.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(Store.Exists("OriginalStore", StorePath));
            Assert.IsTrue(Store.Exists("DerivedStore", StorePath));

            // verify partition metadata
            var originalPartition = session.Partitions[0] as StorePartition;

            Assert.AreEqual("Partition_0", originalPartition.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("OriginalStore", originalPartition.StoreName);
            Assert.AreEqual(StorePath, originalPartition.StorePath);

            var derivedPartition = session.Partitions[1] as StorePartition;

            Assert.AreEqual("Partition_1", derivedPartition.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("DerivedStore", derivedPartition.StoreName);
            Assert.AreEqual(StorePath, derivedPartition.StorePath);

            // collections to capture stream values
            var originalValues = new List <int>();
            var originalTimes  = new List <DateTime>();
            var derivedValues  = new List <int>();
            var derivedTimes   = new List <DateTime>();

            // read stream values from the partitions
            using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
                var originalPartitionImporter = Store.Open(pipeline, originalPartition.StoreName, originalPartition.StorePath);
                originalPartitionImporter.OpenStream <int>("Root").Do(
                    (i, e) =>

                var derivedPartitionImporter = Store.Open(pipeline, derivedPartition.StoreName, derivedPartition.StorePath);
                derivedPartitionImporter.OpenStream <int>("DerivedStream").Do(
                    (i, e) =>


            // verify that we read the data
            Assert.AreEqual(10, originalValues.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, originalTimes.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, derivedValues.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, derivedTimes.Count);

            // verify values from both streams are what we expect
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(originalValues.Select(x => x * multiplier).ToList(), derivedValues);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(originalTimes, derivedTimes);
Esempio n. 36
        public void StartAudioRx(int recvPort, int codec)
            Caps   caps;
            string depayloaderName, decoderName;

            switch (codec)
            case 0:
                depayloaderName = "rtppcmudepay";
                decoderName     = "mulawdec";
                caps            = Caps.FromString("application/x-rtp,clock-rate=8000,payload=0");

            case 3:
                depayloaderName = "rtpgsmdepay";
                decoderName     = "gsmdec";
                caps            = Caps.FromString("application/x-rtp,clock-rate=8000,payload=3");

            case 8:
                depayloaderName = "rtppcmadepay";
                decoderName     = "alawdec";
                caps            = Caps.FromString("application/x-rtp,clock-rate=8000,payload=8");

            case 14:
                depayloaderName = "rtpmpadepay";
                decoderName     = "mad";
                caps            = Caps.FromString("application/x-rtp,media=(string)audio,clock-rate=(int)90000,encoding-name=(string)MPA,payload=(int)96");

                depayloaderName = "rtppcmudepay";
                decoderName     = "mulawdec";
                caps            = Caps.FromString("application/x-rtp,clock-rate=8000,payload=0");

            _audioRxPipeline = new Pipeline("audiorx-pipeline");
            Bin bin = (Bin)_audioRxPipeline;

            //bin.Bus.AddWatch(new BusFunc(BusCall));
            _audioRxPipeline.Bus.Message += (o, args) => BusCall(args.Message);

            Element udpSrc          = ElementFactory.Make("udpsrc", "udp_src");
            Element depayloader     = ElementFactory.Make(depayloaderName, depayloaderName);
            Element decoder         = ElementFactory.Make(decoderName, decoderName);
            Element audioconvert    = ElementFactory.Make("audioconvert", "audioconvert");
            Element audioresample   = ElementFactory.Make("audioresample", "audio_resample");
            Element directsoundsink = ElementFactory.Make("directsoundsink", "directsoundsink");

            if ((udpSrc == null) || (depayloader == null) || (decoder == null) || (audioconvert == null) || (audioresample == null) || (directsoundsink == null))
                MessageBox.Show("Error Creating Gstreamer Elements for Audio Rx pipeline!");
                udpSrc["port"] = recvPort;

                bin.Add(udpSrc, depayloader, decoder, audioconvert, audioresample, directsoundsink);

                if (!udpSrc.LinkFiltered(depayloader, caps))
                    Console.WriteLine("link failed between camera_src and tee");

                if (!Element.Link(depayloader, decoder, audioconvert, audioresample, directsoundsink))
                    Console.WriteLine("link failed between udp_src and directsoundsink");

Esempio n. 37
 public void SetCancelPipe(Pipeline cancel)
     this.cancel = cancel;
Esempio n. 38
 public MonoMacLinkContext(Pipeline pipeline, AssemblyResolver resolver) : base(pipeline, resolver)
Esempio n. 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new multi-stream JSON store and returns an <see cref="JsonExporter"/> instance which can be used to write streams to this store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">The <see cref="Pipeline"/> that owns the <see cref="JsonExporter"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the store to create.</param>
 /// <param name="rootPath">The path to use. If null, an in-memory store is created.</param>
 /// <param name="createSubdirectory">Indicates whether to create a numbered subdirectory for each execution of the pipeline.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="JsonExporter"/> instance that can be used to write streams.</returns>
 public static JsonExporter Create(Pipeline pipeline, string name, string rootPath, bool createSubdirectory = true)
     return(new JsonExporter(pipeline, name, rootPath, createSubdirectory));
Esempio n. 40
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens a multi-stream JSON store for read and returns an <see cref="JsonGenerator"/> instance which can be used to inspect the store and open the streams.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">The <see cref="Pipeline"/> that owns the <see cref="JsonGenerator"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the application that generated the persisted files, or the root name of the files.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The directory in which the main persisted file resides.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="JsonGenerator"/> instance that can be used to open streams and read messages.</returns>
 public static JsonGenerator Open(Pipeline pipeline, string name, string path)
     return(new JsonGenerator(pipeline, name, path));
Esempio n. 41
        public void CloneAPipeline(bool revertAfterClone)
            Pipeline p = new Pipeline(CatalogueRepository);

            var source = new PipelineComponent(CatalogueRepository, p, typeof(DelimitedFlatFileAttacher), 0);

            source.CreateArgumentsForClassIfNotExists <DelimitedFlatFileAttacher>();

            var middle = new PipelineComponent(CatalogueRepository, p, typeof(ColumnRenamer), 1);

            middle.CreateArgumentsForClassIfNotExists <ColumnRenamer>();

            var middle2 = new PipelineComponent(CatalogueRepository, p, typeof(ColumnForbidder), 1);

            middle2.CreateArgumentsForClassIfNotExists <ColumnForbidder>();

            var destination = new PipelineComponent(CatalogueRepository, p, typeof(DataTableUploadDestination), 2);

            destination.CreateArgumentsForClassIfNotExists <DataTableUploadDestination>();

            p.SourcePipelineComponent_ID      = source.ID;
            p.DestinationPipelineComponent_ID = destination.ID;

            int componentsBefore = RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <PipelineComponent>().Count();
            int argumentsBefore  = RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <PipelineComponentArgument>().Count();

            var arg = p.PipelineComponents.Single(c => c.Class == typeof(ColumnRenamer).ToString()).PipelineComponentArguments.Single(a => a.Name == "ColumnNameToFind");


            //Execute the cloning process
            var p2 = p.Clone();

            if (revertAfterClone)

            Assert.AreNotEqual(p2, p);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(p2.ID, p.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(p2.Name, p.Name + " (Clone)");

            Assert.AreEqual(componentsBefore * 2, RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <PipelineComponent>().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(argumentsBefore * 2, RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <PipelineComponentArgument>().Count());

            //p the original should have a pipeline component that has the value we set earlier
                p.PipelineComponents.Single(c => c.Class == typeof(ColumnRenamer).ToString()).PipelineComponentArguments.Single(a => a.Name == "ColumnNameToFind").Value,

            //p2 the clone should have a pipeline component too since it's a clone
                p2.PipelineComponents.Single(c => c.Class == typeof(ColumnRenamer).ToString()).PipelineComponentArguments.Single(a => a.Name == "ColumnNameToFind").Value,

            //both should have source and destination components

            //but with different IDs because they are clones
            Assert.AreNotEqual(p.DestinationPipelineComponent_ID, p2.DestinationPipelineComponent_ID);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(p.SourcePipelineComponent_ID, p2.SourcePipelineComponent_ID);

Esempio n. 42
 public void SetPipeline(Pipeline pipeline)
Esempio n. 43
        protected override void CreateResources(ResourceFactory factory)
            _instanceCount = 8000u;

            _camera.Position = new Vector3(-36f, 20f, 100f);
            _camera.Pitch    = -0.3f;
            _camera.Yaw      = 0.1f;

            _cameraProjViewBuffer = factory.CreateBuffer(
                new BufferDescription((uint)(Unsafe.SizeOf <Matrix4x4>() * 2), BufferUsage.UniformBuffer | BufferUsage.Dynamic));
            _lightInfoBuffer    = factory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription(32, BufferUsage.UniformBuffer | BufferUsage.Dynamic));
            _rotationInfoBuffer = factory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription(16, BufferUsage.UniformBuffer | BufferUsage.Dynamic));
            _lightDir           = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(0.3f, -0.75f, -0.3f));

            VertexLayoutDescription sharedVertexLayout = new VertexLayoutDescription(
                new VertexElementDescription("Position", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate, VertexElementFormat.Float3),
                new VertexElementDescription("Normal", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate, VertexElementFormat.Float3),
                new VertexElementDescription("TexCoord", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate, VertexElementFormat.Float2));

            bool etc2Supported = GraphicsDevice.GetPixelFormatSupport(
            PixelFormat pixelFormat = etc2Supported ? PixelFormat.ETC2_R8_G8_B8_UNorm : PixelFormat.BC3_UNorm;

            byte[] rockTextureData = LoadEmbeddedAsset <byte[]>(
                    ? "texturearray_rocks_etc2_unorm.binary"
                    : "texturearray_rocks_bc3_unorm.binary");
            Texture rockTexture = KtxFile.LoadTexture(
            TextureView rockTextureView = ResourceFactory.CreateTextureView(rockTexture);

            ResourceLayoutElementDescription[] resourceLayoutElementDescriptions =
                new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("LightInfo",    ResourceKind.UniformBuffer, ShaderStages.Fragment),
                new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("ProjView",     ResourceKind.UniformBuffer, ShaderStages.Vertex),
                new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("RotationInfo", ResourceKind.UniformBuffer, ShaderStages.Vertex),
            ResourceLayoutDescription resourceLayoutDescription = new ResourceLayoutDescription(resourceLayoutElementDescriptions);
            ResourceLayout            sharedLayout = factory.CreateResourceLayout(resourceLayoutDescription);

            ResourceLayoutElementDescription[] textureLayoutDescriptions =
                new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("Tex",  ResourceKind.TextureReadOnly, ShaderStages.Fragment),
                new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("Samp", ResourceKind.Sampler,         ShaderStages.Fragment)
            ResourceLayout textureLayout = factory.CreateResourceLayout(new ResourceLayoutDescription(textureLayoutDescriptions));

            BindableResource[]     bindableResources      = new BindableResource[] { _lightInfoBuffer, _cameraProjViewBuffer, _rotationInfoBuffer };
            ResourceSetDescription resourceSetDescription = new ResourceSetDescription(sharedLayout, bindableResources);

            _sharedResourceSet = factory.CreateResourceSet(resourceSetDescription);

            BindableResource[] instanceBindableResources = { rockTextureView, GraphicsDevice.LinearSampler };
            _instanceTextureSet = factory.CreateResourceSet(new ResourceSetDescription(textureLayout, instanceBindableResources));

            ProcessedModel rock = LoadEmbeddedAsset <ProcessedModel>("rock01.binary");

            _rockModel = rock.MeshParts[0].CreateDeviceResources(GraphicsDevice, ResourceFactory);

            VertexLayoutDescription vertexLayoutPerInstance = new VertexLayoutDescription(
                new VertexElementDescription("InstancePosition", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate, VertexElementFormat.Float3),
                new VertexElementDescription("InstanceRotation", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate, VertexElementFormat.Float3),
                new VertexElementDescription("InstanceScale", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate, VertexElementFormat.Float3),
                new VertexElementDescription("InstanceTexArrayIndex", VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate, VertexElementFormat.Int1));

            vertexLayoutPerInstance.InstanceStepRate = 1;
            _instanceVB = ResourceFactory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription(InstanceInfo.Size * _instanceCount, BufferUsage.VertexBuffer));
            InstanceInfo[] infos         = new InstanceInfo[_instanceCount];
            Random         r             = new Random();
            float          orbitDistance = 50f;

            for (uint i = 0; i < _instanceCount / 2; i++)
                float angle = (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2);
                infos[i] = new InstanceInfo(
                    new Vector3(
                        ((float)Math.Cos(angle) * orbitDistance) + (float)(-10 + r.NextDouble() * 20),
                        (float)(-1.5 + r.NextDouble() * 3),
                        ((float)Math.Sin(angle) * orbitDistance) + (float)(-10 + r.NextDouble() * 20)),
                    new Vector3(
                        (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2),
                        (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2),
                        (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2)),
                    new Vector3((float)(0.65 + r.NextDouble() * 0.35)),
                    r.Next(0, (int)rockTexture.ArrayLayers));

            orbitDistance = 100f;
            for (uint i = _instanceCount / 2; i < _instanceCount; i++)
                float angle = (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2);
                infos[i] = new InstanceInfo(
                    new Vector3(
                        ((float)Math.Cos(angle) * orbitDistance) + (float)(-10 + r.NextDouble() * 20),
                        (float)(-1.5 + r.NextDouble() * 3),
                        ((float)Math.Sin(angle) * orbitDistance) + (float)(-10 + r.NextDouble() * 20)),
                    new Vector3(
                        (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2),
                        (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2),
                        (float)(r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2)),
                    new Vector3((float)(0.65 + r.NextDouble() * 0.35)),
                    r.Next(0, (int)rockTexture.ArrayLayers));

            GraphicsDevice.UpdateBuffer(_instanceVB, 0, infos);

            GraphicsPipelineDescription pipelineDescription = new GraphicsPipelineDescription()
                BlendState        = BlendStateDescription.SingleOverrideBlend,
                DepthStencilState = new DepthStencilStateDescription(
                    depthTestEnabled: true,
                    depthWriteEnabled: true,
                    comparisonKind: ComparisonKind.LessEqual),
                RasterizerState = new RasterizerStateDescription(
                    cullMode: FaceCullMode.Back,
                    fillMode: PolygonFillMode.Solid,
                    frontFace: FrontFace.Clockwise,
                    depthClipEnabled: true,
                    scissorTestEnabled: false
                PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList,
                ResourceLayouts   = new ResourceLayout[] { sharedLayout, textureLayout },
                ShaderSet         = new ShaderSetDescription(
                    // The ordering of layouts directly impacts shader layout schemes
                    vertexLayouts: new VertexLayoutDescription[] { sharedVertexLayout, vertexLayoutPerInstance },
                    shaders: LoadShaders("Instance")
                Outputs = MainSwapchain.Framebuffer.OutputDescription

            _instancePipeline = factory.CreateGraphicsPipeline(pipelineDescription);

            // Create planet Pipeline
            // Almost everything is the same as the rock Pipeline,
            // except no instance vertex buffer is needed, and different shaders are used.
            pipelineDescription.ShaderSet = new ShaderSetDescription(
                new[] { sharedVertexLayout },
            _planetPipeline = ResourceFactory.CreateGraphicsPipeline(pipelineDescription);

            ProcessedModel planet = LoadEmbeddedAsset <ProcessedModel>("sphere.binary");

            _planetModel = planet.MeshParts[0].CreateDeviceResources(GraphicsDevice, ResourceFactory);

            byte[] planetTexData = LoadEmbeddedAsset <byte[]>(
                    ? "lavaplanet_etc2_unorm.binary"
                    : "lavaplanet_bc3_unorm.binary");
            Texture     planetTexture     = KtxFile.LoadTexture(GraphicsDevice, ResourceFactory, planetTexData, pixelFormat);
            TextureView planetTextureView = ResourceFactory.CreateTextureView(planetTexture);

            _planetTextureSet = ResourceFactory.CreateResourceSet(new ResourceSetDescription(textureLayout, planetTextureView, GraphicsDevice.Aniso4xSampler));

            // Starfield resources
            ResourceLayout invCameraInfoLayout = ResourceFactory.CreateResourceLayout(new ResourceLayoutDescription(
                                                                                          new ResourceLayoutElementDescription("InvCameraInfo", ResourceKind.UniformBuffer, ShaderStages.Fragment)));

            _viewInfoBuffer = ResourceFactory.CreateBuffer(new BufferDescription((uint)Unsafe.SizeOf <MatrixPair>(), BufferUsage.UniformBuffer | BufferUsage.Dynamic));
            _viewInfoSet    = ResourceFactory.CreateResourceSet(new ResourceSetDescription(invCameraInfoLayout, _viewInfoBuffer));

            ShaderSetDescription starfieldShaders = new ShaderSetDescription(
                Array.Empty <VertexLayoutDescription>(),

            _starfieldPipeline = ResourceFactory.CreateGraphicsPipeline(new GraphicsPipelineDescription(
                                                                            new[] { invCameraInfoLayout },

            _commandList = factory.CreateCommandList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a PSCommand against the session's runspace and returns
        /// a collection of results of the expected type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">The expected result type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="psCommand">The PSCommand to be executed.</param>
        /// <param name="sendOutputToHost">
        /// If true, causes any output written during command execution to be written to the host.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An awaitable Task which will provide results once the command
        /// execution completes.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <TResult> > ExecuteCommand <TResult>(
            PSCommand psCommand,
            bool sendOutputToHost = false)
            // If the debugger is active and the caller isn't on the pipeline
            // thread, send the command over to that thread to be executed.
            if (Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId != this.pipelineThreadId &&
                this.pipelineExecutionTask != null)
                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Verbose, "Passing command execution to pipeline thread.");

                PipelineExecutionRequest <TResult> executionRequest =
                    new PipelineExecutionRequest <TResult>(
                        this, psCommand, sendOutputToHost);

                // Send the pipeline execution request to the pipeline thread
                this.pipelineResultTask = new TaskCompletionSource <IPipelineExecutionRequest>();

                await this.pipelineResultTask.Task;
                    // Instruct PowerShell to send output and errors to the host
                    if (sendOutputToHost)

                                endOfStatement: false));

                    if (this.currentRunspace.RunspaceAvailability == RunspaceAvailability.AvailableForNestedCommand ||
                        this.debuggerStoppedTask != null)
                                "Attempting to execute nested pipeline command(s):\r\n\r\n{0}",

                        using (Pipeline pipeline = this.currentRunspace.CreateNestedPipeline())
                            foreach (var command in psCommand.Commands)

                            IEnumerable <TResult> result =
                                .Select(pso => pso.BaseObject)
                                .Cast <TResult>();

                                "Attempting to execute command(s):\r\n\r\n{0}",

                        // Set the runspace
                        var runspaceHandle = await this.GetRunspaceHandle();

                        if (runspaceHandle.Runspace.RunspaceAvailability != RunspaceAvailability.AvailableForNestedCommand)
                            this.powerShell.Runspace = runspaceHandle.Runspace;

                        // Invoke the pipeline on a background thread
                        // TODO: Use built-in async invocation!
                        var taskResult =
                            await Task.Factory.StartNew <IEnumerable <TResult> >(
                                () =>
                            this.powerShell.Commands    = psCommand;
                            Collection <TResult> result = this.powerShell.Invoke <TResult>();
                                CancellationToken.None,     // Might need a cancellation token


                        if (this.powerShell.HadErrors)
                            // TODO: Find a good way to extract errors!
                                "Execution completed with errors.");
                                "Execution completed successfully.");

                        bool hadErrors = this.powerShell.HadErrors;
                catch (RuntimeException e)
                    // TODO: Return an error
                        "Exception occurred while attempting to execute command:\r\n\r\n" + e.ToString());

            // TODO: Better result
Esempio n. 45
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal proxy for EnterNestedPrompt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callingCommand"></param>
        internal void EnterNestedPrompt(InternalCommand callingCommand)
            // Ensure we are in control of the pipeline
            LocalRunspace localRunspace = null;

            // This needs to be in a try / catch, since the LocalRunspace cast
            // tries to verify that the host supports interactive sessions.
            // Tests hosts do not.
            try { localRunspace = this.Runspace as LocalRunspace; }
            catch (PSNotImplementedException) { }

            if (localRunspace != null)
                Pipeline currentlyRunningPipeline = this.Runspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();

                if ((currentlyRunningPipeline != null) &&
                    (currentlyRunningPipeline == localRunspace.PulsePipeline))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // NTRAID#Windows OS Bugs-986407-2004/07/29 When kumarp has done the configuration work in the engine, it
            // should include setting a bit that indicates that the initialization is complete, and code should be
            // added here to throw an exception if this function is called before that bit is set.

            if (NestedPromptCount < 0)
                Dbg.Assert(false, "nested prompt counter should never be negative.");
                throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(

            // Increment our nesting counter.  When we set the value of the variable, we will replace any existing variable
            // of the same name.  This is good, as any existing value is either 1) ours, and we have claim to replace it, or
            // 2) is a squatter, and we have claim to clobber it.

            Context.SetVariable(SpecialVariables.NestedPromptCounterVarPath, NestedPromptCount);

            // On entering a subshell, save and reset values of certain bits of session state

            PromptContextData contextData = new PromptContextData();

            contextData.SavedContextData = Context.SaveContextData();
            contextData.SavedCurrentlyExecutingCommandVarValue = Context.GetVariableValue(SpecialVariables.CurrentlyExecutingCommandVarPath);
            contextData.SavedPSBoundParametersVarValue         = Context.GetVariableValue(SpecialVariables.PSBoundParametersVarPath);
            contextData.RunspaceAvailability = this.Context.CurrentRunspace.RunspaceAvailability;
            contextData.LanguageMode         = Context.LanguageMode;

            PSPropertyInfo commandInfoProperty = null;
            PSPropertyInfo stackTraceProperty  = null;
            object         oldCommandInfo      = null;
            object         oldStackTrace       = null;

            if (callingCommand != null)
                Dbg.Assert(callingCommand.Context == Context, "I expect that the contexts should match");

                // Populate $CurrentlyExecutingCommand to facilitate debugging.  One of the gotchas is that we are going to want
                // to expose more and more debug info. We could just populate more and more local variables but that is probably
                // a lousy approach as it pollutes the namespace.  A better way to do it is to add NOTES to the variable value
                // object.

                PSObject newValue = PSObject.AsPSObject(callingCommand);

                commandInfoProperty = newValue.Properties["CommandInfo"];
                if (commandInfoProperty == null)
                    newValue.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("CommandInfo", callingCommand.CommandInfo));
                    oldCommandInfo            = commandInfoProperty.Value;
                    commandInfoProperty.Value = callingCommand.CommandInfo;

                stackTraceProperty = newValue.Properties["StackTrace"];
                if (stackTraceProperty == null)
                    newValue.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("StackTrace", new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace()));
                    oldStackTrace            = stackTraceProperty.Value;
                    stackTraceProperty.Value = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();

                Context.SetVariable(SpecialVariables.CurrentlyExecutingCommandVarPath, newValue);

            Dbg.Assert(_contextStack.Count == NestedPromptCount, "number of saved contexts should equal nesting count");

            Context.PSDebugTraceStep  = false;
            Context.PSDebugTraceLevel = 0;

            // Lock down the language in the nested prompt
            if (Context.HasRunspaceEverUsedConstrainedLanguageMode)
                Context.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage;

            this.Context.CurrentRunspace.UpdateRunspaceAvailability(RunspaceAvailability.AvailableForNestedCommand, true);

                // So where things really go south is this path; which is possible for hosts (like our ConsoleHost)
                // that don't return from EnterNestedPrompt immediately.
                //      EnterNestedPrompt() starts
                //          ExitNestedPrompt() called
                //          EnterNestedPrompt throws

                if (commandInfoProperty != null)
                    commandInfoProperty.Value = oldCommandInfo;

                if (stackTraceProperty != null)
                    stackTraceProperty.Value = oldStackTrace;

            Dbg.Assert(NestedPromptCount >= 0, "nestedPromptCounter should be greater than or equal to 0");
Esempio n. 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate LogContext structure based on executionContext and invocationInfo passed in.
        /// LogContext structure is used in log provider interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <param name="invocationInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="severity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static LogContext GetLogContext(ExecutionContext executionContext, InvocationInfo invocationInfo, Severity severity)
            if (executionContext == null)

            LogContext logContext = new LogContext();

            string shellId = executionContext.ShellID;

            logContext.ExecutionContext = executionContext;
            logContext.ShellId          = shellId;
            logContext.Severity         = severity.ToString();

            if (executionContext.EngineHostInterface != null)
                logContext.HostName    = executionContext.EngineHostInterface.Name;
                logContext.HostVersion = executionContext.EngineHostInterface.Version.ToString();
                logContext.HostId      = (string)executionContext.EngineHostInterface.InstanceId.ToString();

            logContext.HostApplication = string.Join(" ", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs());

            if (executionContext.CurrentRunspace != null)
                logContext.EngineVersion = executionContext.CurrentRunspace.Version.ToString();
                logContext.RunspaceId    = executionContext.CurrentRunspace.InstanceId.ToString();

                Pipeline currentPipeline = ((RunspaceBase)executionContext.CurrentRunspace).GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
                if (currentPipeline != null)
                    logContext.PipelineId = currentPipeline.InstanceId.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            logContext.SequenceNumber = NextSequenceNumber;

                if (executionContext.LogContextCache.User == null)
                    logContext.User = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\" + Environment.UserName;
                    executionContext.LogContextCache.User = logContext.User;
                    logContext.User = executionContext.LogContextCache.User;
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                logContext.User = Logging.UnknownUserName;

            System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSSenderInfo psSenderInfo =
                executionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue("PSSenderInfo") as System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSSenderInfo;
            if (psSenderInfo != null)
                logContext.ConnectedUser = psSenderInfo.UserInfo.Identity.Name;

            logContext.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            if (invocationInfo == null)

            logContext.ScriptName  = invocationInfo.ScriptName;
            logContext.CommandLine = invocationInfo.Line;

            if (invocationInfo.MyCommand != null)
                logContext.CommandName = invocationInfo.MyCommand.Name;
                logContext.CommandType = invocationInfo.MyCommand.CommandType.ToString();

                switch (invocationInfo.MyCommand.CommandType)
                case CommandTypes.Application:
                    logContext.CommandPath = ((ApplicationInfo)invocationInfo.MyCommand).Path;

                case CommandTypes.ExternalScript:
                    logContext.CommandPath = ((ExternalScriptInfo)invocationInfo.MyCommand).Path;

Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FrequencyDomainEnergy"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">The pipeline to add the component to.</param>
 /// <param name="start">The starting frequency of the band.</param>
 /// <param name="end">The ending frequency of the band.</param>
 /// <param name="name">An optional name for this component.</param>
 public FrequencyDomainEnergy(Pipeline pipeline, int start, int end, string name = nameof(FrequencyDomainEnergy))
     : base(pipeline, name)
     this.start = start;
     this.end   = end;
Esempio n. 48
        static Pipeline CreatePipeline(LinkerOptions options)
            var pipeline = new Pipeline();

            pipeline.AppendStep(options.LinkMode == LinkMode.None ? new LoadOptionalReferencesStep() : new LoadReferencesStep());

            if (options.I18nAssemblies != I18nAssemblies.None)
                pipeline.AppendStep(new LoadI18nAssemblies(options.I18nAssemblies));

            // that must be done early since the XML files can "add" new assemblies [#15878]
            // and some of the assemblies might be (directly or referenced) SDK assemblies
            foreach (string definition in options.ExtraDefinitions)

            if (options.LinkMode != LinkMode.None)
                pipeline.AppendStep(new BlacklistStep());

            pipeline.AppendStep(new CustomizeMacActions(options.LinkMode, options.SkippedAssemblies));

            // We need to store the Field attribute in annotations, since it may end up removed.
            pipeline.AppendStep(new ProcessExportedFields());

            if (options.LinkMode != LinkMode.None)
                pipeline.AppendStep(new CoreTypeMapStep());

                var subdispatcher = new SubStepDispatcher {
                    new ApplyPreserveAttribute(),
                    new OptimizeGeneratedCodeSubStep(options),
                    new RemoveUserResourcesSubStep(),
                    new CoreRemoveAttributes(),
                    new CoreHttpMessageHandler(options),
                    new MarkNSObjects(),
                // CoreRemoveSecurity can modify non-linked assemblies
                // but the conditions for this cannot happen if only the platform assembly is linked
                if (options.LinkMode != LinkMode.Platform)
                    subdispatcher.Add(new CoreRemoveSecurity());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new MonoMacPreserveCode(options));
                pipeline.AppendStep(new PreserveCrypto());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new MonoMacMarkStep());
                pipeline.AppendStep(new MacRemoveResources(options));
                pipeline.AppendStep(new CoreSweepStep(options.LinkSymbols));
                pipeline.AppendStep(new CleanStep());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new MonoMacNamespaces());
                pipeline.AppendStep(new RemoveSelectors());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new RegenerateGuidStep());
                SubStepDispatcher sub = new SubStepDispatcher()
                    new RemoveUserResourcesSubStep()

            pipeline.AppendStep(new ListExportedSymbols(options.MarshalNativeExceptionsState, options.SkipExportedSymbolsInSdkAssemblies));

            pipeline.AppendStep(new OutputStep());

Esempio n. 49
        public void StartAudioTx(string destIP, int destPort, int codec)
            string encoderName, payloaderName;

            switch (codec)
            case 0:
                encoderName   = "mulawenc";
                payloaderName = "rtppcmupay";

            case 3:
                encoderName   = "gsmenc";
                payloaderName = "rtpgsmpay";

            case 8:
                encoderName   = "alawenc";
                payloaderName = "rtppcmapay";

            case 14:
                encoderName   = "ffenc_mp2";
                payloaderName = "rtpmpapay";

                encoderName   = "mulawenc";
                payloaderName = "rtppcmupay";

            _audioTxPipeline = new Pipeline("audiotx-pipeline");
            Bin bin = (Bin)_audioTxPipeline;

            //bin.Bus.AddWatch(new BusFunc(BusCall));
            _audioTxPipeline.Bus.Message += (o, args) => BusCall(args.Message);

            //ds_src = ElementFactory.Make("dshowaudiosrc", "dshow-audio-in");
            Element dsSrc         = ElementFactory.Make("audiotestsrc", "dshow-audio-in");
            Element audioConvert  = ElementFactory.Make("audioconvert", "audio_convert");
            Element audioResample = ElementFactory.Make("audioresample", "audio_resample");
            Element encoder       = ElementFactory.Make(encoderName, encoderName);

            Element payloader = ElementFactory.Make(payloaderName, payloaderName);
            Element udpSink   = ElementFactory.Make("udpsink", "udp_sink");

            if ((dsSrc == null) || (audioConvert == null) || (audioResample == null) || (encoder == null) || (payloader == null) || (udpSink == null))
                MessageBox.Show("Error Creating Gstreamer Elements for Audio Tx pipeline!");
                udpSink["host"] = destIP;
                udpSink["port"] = destPort;
                bin.Add(dsSrc, audioConvert, audioResample, encoder, payloader, udpSink);
                if (!Element.Link(dsSrc, audioConvert, audioResample, encoder, payloader, udpSink))
                    Console.WriteLine("link failed between ds_src and udp_sink");

        /// <summary>Performs execution of the command, working asynchronously if required.</summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task" /> that will be complete when handling of the method is completed.
        /// </returns>
        protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ProcessRecordAsync()
            using ( NoSynchronizationContext )
                if (this.SkipSSL.ToBool())
                    Pipeline = Nutanix.Powershell.Module.Instance.CreatePipelineWithProxy(this.MyInvocation.BoundParameters);
                    Pipeline = Nutanix.Powershell.Module.Instance.CreatePipeline(this.MyInvocation.BoundParameters);

                await((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Signal(Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Events.CmdletGetPipeline); if (((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Token.IsCancellationRequested)

                if (Credential == null)
                    if (Port == null)
                        Port = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixPort") ?? "9440";

                    if (Protocol == null)
                        Protocol = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixProtocol") ?? "https";

                    if (Server == null)
                        Server = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixServer") ?? "localhost";

                    if (Username == null)
                        Username = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixUsername") ?? "";

                    if (Password == null)
                        var psw = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NutanixPassword") ?? "";
                        System.Security.SecureString result = new System.Security.SecureString();
                        foreach (char c in psw)

                        Password = result;
                    //build url
                    var url = $"{Protocol}://{Server}:{Port}";
                    Credential = new Nutanix.Powershell.Models.NutanixCredential(url, Username, Password);

                Body.Metadata      = new Nutanix.Powershell.Models.VmMetadata();
                Body.Metadata.Kind = "vm";

                // get the client instance
                await((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Signal(Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Events.CmdletBeforeAPICall); if (((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (this.Async.ToBool())
                    await this.Client.NewVm(Body, onAccepted, onDefault, this, Pipeline, Credential);
                    await this.Client.NewVm_Sync(Body, onAccepted, onDefault, onOK, onNotFound, this, Pipeline, Credential);
                await((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Signal(Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Events.CmdletAfterAPICall); if (((Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.IEventListener) this).Token.IsCancellationRequested)
Esempio n. 51
        static Pipeline CreatePipeline(LinkerOptions options)
            var pipeline = new Pipeline();

            pipeline.AppendStep(new LoadReferencesStep());

            if (options.I18nAssemblies != I18nAssemblies.None)
                pipeline.AppendStep(new LoadI18nAssemblies(options.I18nAssemblies));

            // that must be done early since the XML files can "add" new assemblies [#15878]
            // and some of the assemblies might be (directly or referenced) SDK assemblies
            foreach (string definition in options.ExtraDefinitions)

            if (options.LinkMode != LinkMode.None)
                pipeline.AppendStep(new BlacklistStep());

            pipeline.AppendStep(new CustomizeMacActions(options.LinkMode, options.SkippedAssemblies));

            // We need to store the Field attribute in annotations, since it may end up removed.
            pipeline.AppendStep(new ProcessExportedFields());

            if (options.LinkMode != LinkMode.None)
                pipeline.AppendStep(new TypeMapStep());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new SubStepDispatcher {
                    new ApplyPreserveAttribute(),
                    new CoreRemoveSecurity(),
                    new OptimizeGeneratedCodeSubStep(options.EnsureUIThread),
                    new CoreRemoveAttributes(),
                    new CoreHttpMessageHandler(options),
                    new CoreTlsProviderStep(options),
                    new MarkNSObjects(),

                pipeline.AppendStep(new MonoMacPreserveCode(options));
                pipeline.AppendStep(new PreserveCrypto());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new MonoMacMarkStep());
                pipeline.AppendStep(new MacRemoveResources(options));
                pipeline.AppendStep(new MobileSweepStep());
                pipeline.AppendStep(new CleanStep());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new MonoMacNamespaces());
                pipeline.AppendStep(new RemoveSelectors());

                pipeline.AppendStep(new RegenerateGuidStep());

            pipeline.AppendStep(new ListExportedSymbols());

            pipeline.AppendStep(new OutputStep());

 public void SingleTask_CanBeRunMultipleTimes()
     _mockCalls.Verify(m => m.Call("TestValue"), Times.Exactly(2));
Esempio n. 53
 // Stream function to Send datas to Unity
 public static void Stream(Pipeline pipeline)
     Processing(pipeline, StreamFrame);
Esempio n. 54
 public SpyExtension(Pipeline builder, Stage stage)
     PipelineBuilder = builder;
     this._stage     = stage;
Esempio n. 55
 // Debug function to Visualise video depth as ascii
 public static void AsciiDepth(Pipeline pipeline)
     Processing(pipeline, AsciiDepthFrame);
Esempio n. 56
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Timer"/> class.
 /// The timer fires off messages at the rate specified  by timerInterval.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">The pipeline this component will be part of.</param>
 /// <param name="timerInterval">The timer firing interval, in ms.</param>
 public Timer(Pipeline pipeline, uint timerInterval)
     this.pipeline      = pipeline;
     this.timerInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timerInterval);
Esempio n. 57
        public Pipeline CreatePipeline(VertexLayout vertexLayout, Shader vertexShader, Shader fragmentShader, bool required, string memo)
            //if the shaders arent available, the pipeline isn't either
            if (!vertexShader.Available || !fragmentShader.Available)
                string errors = $"Vertex Shader:\r\n {vertexShader.Errors} \r\n-------\r\nFragment Shader:\r\n{fragmentShader.Errors}";
                if (required)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't build required GL pipeline:\r\n{errors}");
                var pipeline = new Pipeline(this, null, false, null, null, null);
                pipeline.Errors = errors;

            bool success = true;

            var vsw = vertexShader.Opaque as ShaderWrapper;
            var fsw = fragmentShader.Opaque as ShaderWrapper;
            var sws = new[] { vsw, fsw };

            bool mapVariables = vsw.MapCodeToNative != null || fsw.MapCodeToNative != null;

            ErrorCode errcode;
            int       pid = GL.CreateProgram();

            GL.AttachShader(pid, vsw.sid);
            errcode = GL.GetError();
            GL.AttachShader(pid, fsw.sid);
            errcode = GL.GetError();

            ////bind the attribute locations from the vertex layout
            ////as we go, look for attribute mappings (CGC will happily reorder and rename our attribute mappings)
            ////what's more it will _RESIZE_ them but this seems benign..somehow..
            ////WELLLLLLL we wish we could do that by names
            ////but the shaders dont seem to be adequate quality (oddly named attributes.. texCoord vs texCoord1). need to use semantics instead.
            //foreach (var kvp in vertexLayout.Items)
            //  string name = kvp.Value.Name;
            //  //if (mapVariables)
            //  //{
            //  //  foreach (var sw in sws)
            //  //  {
            //  //    if (sw.MapNativeToCode.ContainsKey(name))
            //  //    {
            //  //      name = sw.MapNativeToCode[name];
            //  //      break;
            //  //    }
            //  //  }
            //  //}

            //  if(mapVariables) {
            //    ////proxy for came-from-cgc
            //    //switch (kvp.Value.Usage)
            //    //{
            //    //  case AttributeUsage.Position:
            //    //}
            //  }

            //  //GL.BindAttribLocation(pid, kvp.Key, name);

            errcode = GL.GetError();

            string resultLog = GL.GetProgramInfoLog(pid);

            if (errcode != ErrorCode.NoError)
                if (required)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error creating pipeline (error returned from glLinkProgram): {errcode}\r\n\r\n{resultLog}");
                    success = false;

            int linkStatus;

            GL.GetProgram(pid, GetProgramParameterName.LinkStatus, out linkStatus);
            if (linkStatus == 0)
                if (required)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error creating pipeline (link status false returned from glLinkProgram): \r\n\r\n{resultLog}");
                    success = false;

            //need to work on validation. apparently there are some weird caveats to glValidate which make it complicated and possibly excuses (barely) the intel drivers' dysfunctional operation
            //"A sampler points to a texture unit used by fixed function with an incompatible target"
            //This function mimics the validation operation that OpenGL implementations must perform when rendering commands are issued while programmable shaders are part of current state.
            //glValidateProgram checks to see whether the executables contained in program can execute given the current OpenGL state
            //This function is typically useful only during application development.
            //So, this is no big deal. we shouldnt be calling validate right now anyway.
            //conclusion: glValidate is very complicated and is of virtually no use unless your draw calls are returning errors and you want to know why
            //errcode = GL.GetError();
            //resultLog = GL.GetProgramInfoLog(pid);
            //if (errcode != ErrorCode.NoError)
            //  throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error creating pipeline (error returned from glValidateProgram): {errcode}\r\n\r\n{resultLog}");
            //int validateStatus;
            //GL.GetProgram(pid, GetProgramParameterName.ValidateStatus, out validateStatus);
            //if (validateStatus == 0)
            //  throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error creating pipeline (validateStatus status false returned from glValidateProgram): \r\n\r\n{resultLog}");

            //set the program to active, in case we need to set sampler uniforms on it

            //get all the attributes (not needed)
            List <AttributeInfo> attributes = new List <AttributeInfo>();
            int nAttributes;

            GL.GetProgram(pid, GetProgramParameterName.ActiveAttributes, out nAttributes);
            for (int i = 0; i < nAttributes; i++)
                int              size, length;
                string           name = new System.Text.StringBuilder(1024).ToString();
                ActiveAttribType type;
                GL.GetActiveAttrib(pid, i, 1024, out length, out size, out type, out name);
                attributes.Add(new AttributeInfo()
                    Handle = new IntPtr(i), Name = name

            //get all the uniforms
            List <UniformInfo> uniforms = new List <UniformInfo>();
            int nUniforms;

            GL.GetProgram(pid, GetProgramParameterName.ActiveUniforms, out nUniforms);
            List <int> samplers = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nUniforms; i++)
                int size, length;
                ActiveUniformType type;
                string            name = new System.Text.StringBuilder(1024).ToString();
                GL.GetActiveUniform(pid, i, 1024, out length, out size, out type, out name);
                errcode = GL.GetError();
                int loc = GL.GetUniformLocation(pid, name);

                //translate name if appropriate
                //not sure how effective this approach will be, due to confusion of vertex and fragment uniforms
                if (mapVariables)
                    if (vsw.MapCodeToNative.ContainsKey(name))
                        name = vsw.MapCodeToNative[name];
                    if (fsw.MapCodeToNative.ContainsKey(name))
                        name = fsw.MapCodeToNative[name];

                var ui = new UniformInfo();
                ui.Name   = name;
                ui.Opaque = loc;

                if (type == ActiveUniformType.Sampler2D)
                    ui.IsSampler    = true;
                    ui.SamplerIndex = samplers.Count;
                    ui.Opaque       = loc | (samplers.Count << 24);


            //deactivate the program, so we dont accidentally use it

            if (!vertexShader.Available)
                success = false;
            if (!fragmentShader.Available)
                success = false;

            var pw = new PipelineWrapper()
                pid = pid, VertexShader = vertexShader, FragmentShader = fragmentShader, SamplerLocs = samplers

            return(new Pipeline(this, pw, success, vertexLayout, uniforms, memo));
 public void SingleTask_RunsToSuccess_IfConfiguredCorrectly()
     _mockCalls.Verify(m => m.Call("TestValue"), Times.Once);
Esempio n. 59
            /// <summary>
            /// Encodes an instanced draw with all the information needed to batch the calls. For best results,
            /// draws should be presorted into batches before submission.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="args">Indexed draw parameters</param>
            /// <param name="p">The pipeline to use with rendering</param>
            /// <param name="instanceData">Per instance data resource set</param>
            /// <param name="indexf">Format of the indices (16 or 32-bit)</param>
            public void AddDraw(ref IndirectDrawIndexedArgumentsPacked args, int buffer, Pipeline p, ResourceSet instanceData, IndexFormat indexf)
                // Encode the draw
                if (_indirectDrawCount[_stagingSet] >= _indirectStagingBuffer.Length)
                    throw new Exception("Indirect buffer not large enough for draw");
                if (p == null)
                    throw new Exception("Pipeline is null");
                if (buffer == -1)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid buffer index");
                _indirectStagingBuffer[_indirectDrawCount[_stagingSet]] = args;

                // Determine if we need a new batch
                if (_batchCount[_stagingSet] == 0 ||
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet] - 1]._pipeline != p ||
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet] - 1]._objectRS != instanceData ||
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet] - 1]._indexFormat != indexf ||
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet] - 1]._bufferIndex != buffer)
                    if (_batchCount[_stagingSet] >= MAX_BATCH)
                        //throw new Exception("Batch count is not large enough");
                        return; // Drop the batch for now
                    // Add a new batch
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet]]._bufferIndex = buffer;
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet]]._pipeline    = p;
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet]]._objectRS    = instanceData;
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet]]._indexFormat = indexf;
                    _batches[MAX_BATCH * _stagingSet + _batchCount[_stagingSet]]._batchStart  = _indirectDrawCount[_stagingSet] - 1;
Esempio n. 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens a session importer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">Pipeline to use for imports.</param>
 /// <param name="session">Session to import into.</param>
 /// <returns>The newly created session importer.</returns>
 public static SessionImporter Open(Pipeline pipeline, Session session)
     return(new SessionImporter(pipeline, session));