Esempio n. 1
            private void ProcessPipeMessage()
                NativeOverlapped overlapped = new NativeOverlapped();

                byte[] readMessage;

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    while (true)
                        // Loop as follows:
                        // Peek at the pipe to see how much data is available
                        // Read the data and append it to the buffer
                        // If we get ERROR_MORE_DATA, repeat
                        UInt32 bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bytesLeft;

                        // First peek into the pipe to see how much data is waiting.
                        byte[] peekBuf = new byte[0];
                        if (!PeekNamedPipe(Handle, peekBuf, (UInt32)peekBuf.Length, out bytesRead, out bytesAvailable, out bytesLeft))
                            throw new Win32Exception(
                                      string.Format("PeekNamedPipe failed. bytesRead={0} bytesAvailable={1} bytesLeft={2}",
                                                    bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bytesLeft),
                                      new Win32Exception());

                        // Sanity check: throw away message if it is > 1 MB
                        if (ms.Length + bytesLeft > 1024 * 1024)
                            throw new Exception("Indecently large message sent into named pipe: rejecting.");

                        // Now allocate a buffer of the correct size and read in the message.
                        byte[] readBuf = new byte[bytesAvailable];
                        if (!ReadFile(Handle, readBuf, (UInt32)readBuf.Length, out bytesRead, ref overlapped))
                            Win32Exception exn = new Win32Exception();
                            if (exn.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
                                // The peek may have looked into the pipe before the write operation
                                // had completed, and so reported a message size before the whole
                                // message was sent. In this case we need to go round the loop again
                                // with a larger buffer.
                                ms.Write(readBuf, 0, (int)bytesRead);
                                throw new Win32Exception(
                                          string.Format("ReadFile failed. readBuf.Length={0} bytesRead={1}",
                                                        readBuf.Length, bytesRead), exn);
                            ms.Write(readBuf, 0, (int)bytesRead);
                    readMessage = ms.ToArray();

                // Now perform a zero-byte write. This causes the CallNamedPipe call to
                // return successfully in the splash screen.
                UInt32 bytesWritten;

                byte[] toWrite = new byte[0];
                if (!WriteFile(Handle, toWrite, (UInt32)toWrite.Length, out bytesWritten, ref overlapped))
                    throw new Win32Exception(
                              string.Format("WriteFile failed. toWrite.Length={0} bytesWritten={1}",
                                            toWrite.Length, bytesWritten),
                              new Win32Exception());

                PipeReadEventArgs e = new PipeReadEventArgs(readMessage);

                if (e.Message == STOP_LISTENING_MSG)
                    log.Debug("NamedPipe thread was told to stop listening");
                    run = false;

                // Now inform any listeners of the received data.
                if (Read != null)
                    Read(null, e);
Esempio n. 2
            private void ProcessPipeMessage()
                NativeOverlapped overlapped = new NativeOverlapped();
                byte[] readMessage;

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    while (true)
                        // Loop as follows:
                        // Peek at the pipe to see how much data is available
                        // Read the data and append it to the buffer
                        // If we get ERROR_MORE_DATA, repeat
                        UInt32 bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bytesLeft;

                        // First peek into the pipe to see how much data is waiting.
                        byte[] peekBuf = new byte[0];
                        if (!PeekNamedPipe(Handle, peekBuf, (UInt32)peekBuf.Length, out bytesRead, out bytesAvailable, out bytesLeft))
                            throw new Win32Exception(
                                string.Format("PeekNamedPipe failed. bytesRead={0} bytesAvailable={1} bytesLeft={2}",
                                bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bytesLeft),
                                new Win32Exception());

                        // Sanity check: throw away message if it is > 1 MB
                        if (ms.Length + bytesLeft > 1024 * 1024)
                            throw new Exception("Indecently large message sent into named pipe: rejecting.");

                        // Now allocate a buffer of the correct size and read in the message.
                        byte[] readBuf = new byte[bytesAvailable];
                        if (!ReadFile(Handle, readBuf, (UInt32)readBuf.Length, out bytesRead, ref overlapped))
                            Win32Exception exn = new Win32Exception();
                            if (exn.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
                                // The peek may have looked into the pipe before the write operation
                                // had completed, and so reported a message size before the whole
                                // message was sent. In this case we need to go round the loop again
                                // with a larger buffer.
                                ms.Write(readBuf, 0, (int)bytesRead);
                                throw new Win32Exception(
                                    string.Format("ReadFile failed. readBuf.Length={0} bytesRead={1}",
                                    readBuf.Length, bytesRead), exn);
                            ms.Write(readBuf, 0, (int)bytesRead);
                    readMessage = ms.ToArray();

                // Now perform a zero-byte write. This causes the CallNamedPipe call to
                // return successfully in the splash screen.
                UInt32 bytesWritten;
                byte[] toWrite = new byte[0];
                if (!WriteFile(Handle, toWrite, (UInt32)toWrite.Length, out bytesWritten, ref overlapped))
                    throw new Win32Exception(
                        string.Format("WriteFile failed. toWrite.Length={0} bytesWritten={1}",
                        toWrite.Length, bytesWritten),
                        new Win32Exception());

                PipeReadEventArgs e = new PipeReadEventArgs(readMessage);

                if (e.Message == STOP_LISTENING_MSG)
                    log.Debug("NamedPipe thread was told to stop listening");
                    run = false;

                // Now inform any listeners of the received data.
                if (Read != null)
                    Read(null, e);