Esempio n. 1
        public bool DeleteCustomer(string id)
            bool result;

            using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                PiniTCustomer customer = db.Users.OfType <PiniTCustomer>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
                if (customer != null)
                    var customerReservations = db.Reservations.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customer.Id);
                    foreach (Reservation reservation in customerReservations)
                    result = true;
                    result = false;
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new PiniTCustomer {
                    UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email
                user.AccountWallet = new AccountWallet {
                    Id = user.Id
                var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Customer");
                    await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false);

                    // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit
                    // Send an email with this link
                    // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id);
                    // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
                    // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>");

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
Esempio n. 3
 public void UpdateCustomer(PiniTCustomer customer)
     using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
         db.Entry(customer).State = EntityState.Modified;
Esempio n. 4
        public ActionResult Create(CreateReservationsVM vm)
            Table         table    = tableDb.GetTable((int)TempData["TableId"]);
            PiniTCustomer customer = custDb.GetCustomer(User.Identity.GetUserId());
            var           manager  = manDb.GetManager(table.RestaurantId);
            var           hub      = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <PiniTHub>();

            if (!ModelState.IsValid || !vm.HasAcceptedTerms)
                TempData["TableId"] = table.TableId;
                vm.Table            = table;
                vm.Restaurant       = restDb.GetRestaurant(table.RestaurantId);

            if (customer.AccountWallet.Credits < vm.Reservation.BookingFee)
                TempData["Message"] = "Not enough Credits. Reservation Cancelled";
                return(RedirectToAction("CustomerIndex", "Tables", new { id = table.RestaurantId }));

            if (table.IsBooked)
                TempData["Message"] = "Sorry! Someone else Booked that Table! You can Book another one :)";
                return(RedirectToAction("CustomerIndex", "Tables", new { id = table.RestaurantId }));

            vm.Reservation.TableId = table.TableId;
            vm.Reservation.CustomerId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            if (vm.Reservation.Comment == null || vm.Reservation.Comment == "")
                vm.Reservation.Comment = "No Comment";
                Customer      = User.Identity.Name,
                Comment       = vm.Reservation.Comment,
                Date          = vm.Reservation.BookDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"),
                Table         = table.Name,
                EstimatedTime = vm.Reservation.BookDate.AddMinutes(vm.EstimatedTime).ToString("HH:mm")
            bool result = walletDb.PayFee(vm.Reservation.BookingFee, vm.Reservation.CustomerId, table.RestaurantId);

            if (result)
                TempData["Message"] = "Reservation Accepted! :)";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                TempData["Message"] = "Sorry Something went Wrong ! :'(";
                return(RedirectToAction("CustomerIndex", "Tables", new { id = table.RestaurantId }));
Esempio n. 5
        public ActionResult EditCustomer(PiniTCustomer customer)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult EditCustomer(string id)
            PiniTCustomer customer = cusDb.GetCustomer(id);

            if (customer == null)
Esempio n. 7
        protected override void Seed(PiniT.Models.ApplicationDbContext context)
            var userStore = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(context);
            ApplicationUserManager userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(userStore);
            var roleStore = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>(context);
            RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(roleStore);

            #region Role Creation
            //Create Role "Manager"
            string       restManagerRoleName = "Manager";
            IdentityRole restManagerRole     = roleManager.FindByName(restManagerRoleName);

            if (restManagerRole == null)
                restManagerRole = new IdentityRole(restManagerRoleName);

            //Create Role "Admin"
            string       adminRoleName = "Admin";
            IdentityRole adminRole     = roleManager.FindByName(adminRoleName);

            if (adminRole == null)
                adminRole = new IdentityRole(adminRoleName);
            //Create Role "Customer"
            string       customerRoleName = "Customer";
            IdentityRole customerRole     = roleManager.FindByName(customerRoleName);

            if (customerRole == null)
                customerRole = new IdentityRole(customerRoleName);

            #region Managers
            //Add Managers
            string restManagerUserName_1 = "Manager1";
            string restManagerEmail_1    = "*****@*****.**";
            string restManagerPassword_1 = "iamthemanager1";

            string restManagerUserName_2 = "Manager2";
            string restManagerEmail_2    = "*****@*****.**";
            string restManagerPassword_2 = "iamthemanager2";

            string restManagerUserName_3 = "Manager3";
            string restManagerEmail_3    = "*****@*****.**";
            string restManagerPassword_3 = "iamthemanager3";

            string restManagerUserName_4 = "Manager4";
            string restManagerEmail_4    = "*****@*****.**";
            string restManagerPassword_4 = "iamthemanager4";

            PiniTManager restManager1 = (PiniTManager)userManager.FindByName(restManagerEmail_1);
            if (restManager1 == null)
                restManager1 = new PiniTManager
                    UserName             = restManagerEmail_1,
                    Email                = restManagerEmail_1,
                    RestaurantAuthorized = true
                userManager.Create(restManager1, restManagerPassword_1);

            if (!userManager.IsInRole(restManager1.Id, restManagerRole.Name))
                userManager.AddToRole(restManager1.Id, restManagerRole.Name);
            PiniTManager restManager2 = (PiniTManager)userManager.FindByName(restManagerEmail_2);
            if (restManager2 == null)
                restManager2 = new PiniTManager
                    UserName             = restManagerEmail_2,
                    Email                = restManagerEmail_2,
                    RestaurantAuthorized = true
                userManager.Create(restManager2, restManagerPassword_2);

            if (!userManager.IsInRole(restManager2.Id, restManagerRole.Name))
                userManager.AddToRole(restManager2.Id, restManagerRole.Name);

            PiniTManager restManager3 = (PiniTManager)userManager.FindByName(restManagerEmail_3);
            if (restManager3 == null)
                restManager3 = new PiniTManager
                    UserName             = restManagerEmail_3,
                    Email                = restManagerEmail_3,
                    RestaurantAuthorized = true
                userManager.Create(restManager3, restManagerPassword_3);

            if (!userManager.IsInRole(restManager3.Id, restManagerRole.Name))
                userManager.AddToRole(restManager3.Id, restManagerRole.Name);
            PiniTManager restManager4 = (PiniTManager)userManager.FindByName(restManagerEmail_4);
            if (restManager4 == null)
                restManager4 = new PiniTManager
                    UserName             = restManagerEmail_4,
                    Email                = restManagerEmail_4,
                    RestaurantAuthorized = true
                userManager.Create(restManager4, restManagerPassword_4);

            if (!userManager.IsInRole(restManager4.Id, restManagerRole.Name))
                userManager.AddToRole(restManager4.Id, restManagerRole.Name);


            #region Customer
            string customerUsername_1 = "Customer1";
            string customerEmail_1    = "*****@*****.**";
            string customerPassword_1 = "iamthecustomer1";

            PiniTCustomer customer1 = (PiniTCustomer)userManager.FindByName(customerEmail_1);
            if (customer1 == null)
                customer1 = new PiniTCustomer
                    Email    = customerEmail_1,
                    UserName = customerEmail_1
                userManager.Create(customer1, customerPassword_1);
            if (!userManager.IsInRole(customer1.Id, customerRole.Name))
                userManager.AddToRole(customer1.Id, customerRoleName);

            #region Wallets
            //Manager Wallets
            AccountWallet wallet1 = new AccountWallet {
                Id = restManager1.Id, Credits = 2000.50m
            AccountWallet wallet3 = new AccountWallet {
                Id = restManager2.Id, Credits = 1234.99m
            AccountWallet wallet4 = new AccountWallet {
                Id = restManager3.Id, Credits = 320.16m
            AccountWallet wallet5 = new AccountWallet {
                Id = restManager4.Id, Credits = 250.50m

            //Customer Wallets
            AccountWallet wallet2 = new AccountWallet {
                Id = customer1.Id, Credits = 52.23m

            //Add Wallets

            context.AccountWallets.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Id, wallet1, wallet2, wallet3, wallet4, wallet5);

            #region Admin
            //Add Admin
            string adminUserName = "******";
            string adminEmail    = "*****@*****.**";
            string adminPassword = "******";

            ApplicationUser admin = userManager.FindByName(adminEmail);
            if (admin == null)
                admin = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName = adminEmail,
                    Email    = adminEmail
                userManager.Create(admin, adminPassword);

            if (!userManager.IsInRole(admin.Id, adminRole.Name))
                userManager.AddToRole(admin.Id, adminRole.Name);


            #region Product Categories
            //Add Product Categories
            ProductCategory other = new ProductCategory();
            other.Name = "Other";
            ProductCategory appetizer = new ProductCategory();
            appetizer.Name = "Appetizers";

            ProductCategory salads = new ProductCategory();
            salads.Name = "Salads";

            ProductCategory main = new ProductCategory();
            main.Name = "Main Dishes";

            ProductCategory drinks = new ProductCategory();
            drinks.Name = "Drinks";

            ProductCategory dessert = new ProductCategory();
            dessert.Name = "Desserts";

            context.ProductCategories.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, other, appetizer, salads, main, drinks, dessert);

            #region Restaurant Types
            //Add Restaurant Type
            RestaurantType bar = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Bar"
            RestaurantType bistro = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Bistro"
            RestaurantType grill = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Grill House"
            RestaurantType vegan = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Vegan"
            RestaurantType italian = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Italian"
            RestaurantType asian = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Asian"
            RestaurantType french = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "French"
            RestaurantType restaurant = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Restaurant"
            RestaurantType greek = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Greek"
            RestaurantType seafood = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Seafood"
            RestaurantType street = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Street Food Bar"
            RestaurantType pizza = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Pizza"
            RestaurantType barRestaurant = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Bar Restaurant"
            RestaurantType winebar = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Wine Bar"
            RestaurantType beer = new RestaurantType {
                Name = "Beer House"

            context.RestaurantTypes.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, bar, bistro, grill, vegan, italian, asian, french, restaurant, greek, seafood, street, pizza, barRestaurant, winebar, beer);

            #region Products
            //Add Products
            Product p1 = new Product()
                Name        = "Pizza Volcano",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Mozzarela,Tomato,Jalapenos,Chilly Sause",
                Price       = 11.0m

            Product p2 = new Product()
                Name        = "Pizza Margerita",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Mozzarela,Tomato,Basillico",
                Price       = 9.0m

            Product p3 = new Product()
                Name        = "Pizza Vegeterian",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Mozzarela,Tomato,Olives,Onions,Peppers",
                Price       = 10.0m

            Product p4 = new Product()
                Name        = "Spaghetti Napolitana",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Tomato Sause,Basillico",
                Price       = 6.90m

            Product p5 = new Product()
                Name        = "Spaghetti Bolognese",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Tomato Meat Sause",
                Price       = 10.0m

            Product p6 = new Product()
                Name        = "Spaghetti Carbonara",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Bacon,White Sause",
                Price       = 12.0m

            Product p7 = new Product()
                Name        = "La Bella Mafia Sallad",
                Category    = salads,
                Description = "Lettuce,iceberg,sause",
                Price       = 10.0m

            Product p8 = new Product()
                Name        = "Ceasars",
                Category    = salads,
                Description = "Iceberg,Chicken,Ceasers Sause",
                Price       = 7.50m

            Product p9 = new Product()
                Name        = "Tiramisu",
                Category    = dessert,
                Description = "Espesso Cream,Cacao",
                Price       = 5.0m

            Product p10 = new Product()
                Name        = "Cheesecake",
                Category    = dessert,
                Description = "Cheese Cream with marmelade",
                Price       = 5.50m

            Product p11 = new Product()
                Name        = "Bruschetta",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Mozzarela,Tomato",
                Price       = 4.50m

            Product p12 = new Product()
                Name        = "Roasted Potato",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Potato,butter",
                Price       = 6.50m

            Product p13 = new Product()
                Name        = "White Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "White Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 30.0m

            Product p14 = new Product()
                Name        = "Red Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Red Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 30.0m

            Product p15 = new Product()
                Name        = "Water",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Water Bottle",
                Price       = 3.0m

            Product p16 = new Product()
                Name        = "Pepsi Colla",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Colla Bottle",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p17 = new Product()
                Name        = "Single Espresso",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Espresso Coffee",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p18 = new Product()
                Name        = "Double Espresso",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Double Espresso Coffee",
                Price       = 4.50m

            // Products of Restaurant "Ôhe beautiful Beijing"
            Product p19 = new Product()
                Name        = "Chicken Kow",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Chicken with vegetables",
                Price       = 15.0m

            Product p20 = new Product()
                Name        = "Sweet & Sour Pork",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Pork with sweet & sour pork",
                Price       = 9.0m

            Product p21 = new Product()
                Name        = "Sesame Chicken",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Chicken with Sesame",
                Price       = 10.0m

            Product p25 = new Product()
                Name        = "Egg Roll",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Egg Roll",
                Price       = 8.0m

            Product p26 = new Product()
                Name        = "Buffalo Wing",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Buffalo Wing",
                Price       = 7.50m

            Product p27 = new Product()
                Name        = "Fried Ice Cream",
                Category    = dessert,
                Description = "Fried Ice Cream",
                Price       = 5.80m

            Product p28 = new Product()
                Name        = "Shrim with Broccolli",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Shrims with Broccolli",
                Price       = 8.50m

            Product p29 = new Product()
                Name        = "Crab Rangoon",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Crab well made",
                Price       = 9.50m

            Product p30 = new Product()
                Name        = "Chicken Nuggets",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Chicken Nuggets 20 pieces",
                Price       = 16.50m

            Product p31 = new Product()
                Name        = "White Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "White Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 13.0m

            Product p32 = new Product()
                Name        = "Red Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Red Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 16.0m

            Product p33 = new Product()
                Name        = "Water",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Water Bottle",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p34 = new Product()
                Name        = "Pepsi Colla",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Colla Bottle",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p35 = new Product()
                Name        = "Soda",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Soda 100ml",
                Price       = 2.50m

            // Products of Restaurant "God Bless America"
            Product p36 = new Product()
                Name        = "Cheeseburger Deluxe",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Simply grilled and tapped with cheese and burger mayo",
                Price       = 15.95m

            Product p37 = new Product()
                Name        = "Memphis Burger",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Grilled burger topped with BBQ pulled pork",
                Price       = 18.95m

            Product p38 = new Product()
                Name        = "Classic American",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Grilled with burger mayo",
                Price       = 10.0m

            Product p39 = new Product()
                Name        = "Mozzarella Dippers",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Crip and golden outside, creamy melted cheese",
                Price       = 6.45m

            Product p40 = new Product()
                Name        = "Garlic Bread",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "With Cheese",
                Price       = 4.50m

            Product p41 = new Product()
                Name        = "Ice Cream",
                Category    = dessert,
                Description = "Strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate flavour",
                Price       = 5.80m

            Product p42 = new Product()
                Name        = "Chicken Wings",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Chicken Wings",
                Price       = 7.50m

            Product p43 = new Product()
                Name        = "Boneless Bites",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Crispy pieces of chicken",
                Price       = 9.50m

            Product p44 = new Product()
                Name        = "Loaded Potato Skins",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Potato skins filled with cheese",
                Price       = 7.50m

            Product p45 = new Product()
                Name        = "White Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "White Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 13.0m

            Product p46 = new Product()
                Name        = "Red Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Red Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 16.0m

            Product p47 = new Product()
                Name        = "Water",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Water Bottle",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p48 = new Product()
                Name        = "Coca Colla",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Colla Bottle",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p49 = new Product()
                Name        = "Milk Shakes",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Chocolate,Banana,Strawberry",
                Price       = 2.95m

            //Products of Restaurant "La Vie En Rose"
            Product p50 = new Product()
                Name        = "Squash Ravioli",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Ambercup squash,shallot brown butter",
                Price       = 10.95m

            Product p51 = new Product()
                Name        = "Ahi Tuna",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Sesame encrusted seared tuna steak",
                Price       = 15.95m

            Product p52 = new Product()
                Name        = "Seafood Risotto",
                Category    = main,
                Description = "Arborio rice,cream and fresh seasonal seafood",
                Price       = 16.0m

            Product p53 = new Product()
                Name        = "Lobster Macaroni & Cheese",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Bay shrimp and chunks of lobster",
                Price       = 26.0m

            Product p54 = new Product()
                Name        = "Cobo Salmon",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Over-roasted wild salmon",
                Price       = 25.0m

            Product p55 = new Product()
                Name        = "Creme Brulee",
                Category    = dessert,
                Description = "Creme Brulee",
                Price       = 5.80m

            Product p56 = new Product()
                Name        = "Beef Tenderloin",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Roasted with spicy chili infusion",
                Price       = 18.90m

            Product p57 = new Product()
                Name        = "Prime Rib",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Rib slow roasted",
                Price       = 32.0m

            Product p58 = new Product()
                Name        = "Veal Scalloppini",
                Category    = appetizer,
                Description = "Grilled veal chop",
                Price       = 7.50m

            Product p60 = new Product()
                Name        = "Red Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Red Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 45.0m

            Product p61 = new Product()
                Name        = "Water",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Water Bottle",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p62 = new Product()
                Name        = "Coca Colla",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "Colla Bottle",
                Price       = 2.50m

            Product p63 = new Product()
                Name        = "White Wine",
                Category    = drinks,
                Description = "White Wine Bottle",
                Price       = 35.40m

            context.Products.AddOrUpdate(x => x.ProductId,
                                         p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10,
                                         p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20,
                                         p21, p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30,
                                         p31, p32, p33, p34, p35, p36, p37, p38, p39, p40,
                                         p41, p42, p43, p44, p45, p46, p47, p48, p49, p50,
                                         p51, p52, p53, p54, p55, p56, p57, p58, p60,
                                         p61, p62, p63);


            #region Tables
            //Add Tables
            Table t1 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A1"
            Table t2 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A2"
            Table t3 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A3"
            Table t4 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A4"
            Table t5 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A5"
            Table t6 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A6"
            Table t7 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A7"
            Table t8 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A8"
            Table t9 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A9"
            Table t10 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A10"
            Table t11 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A11"
            Table t12 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A12"
            Table t13 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A13"
            Table t14 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A14"
            Table t15 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A15"
            Table t16 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A16"
            Table t17 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A17"
            Table t18 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A18"
            Table t19 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A19"
            Table t20 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A20"
            Table t21 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A21"
            Table t22 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A22"
            Table t23 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A23"
            Table t24 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A24"
            Table t25 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A25"
            Table t26 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A26"
            Table t27 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A27"
            Table t28 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A28"
            Table t29 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A29"
            Table t30 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A30"
            Table t31 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A31"
            Table t32 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A32"
            Table t33 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A33"
            Table t34 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A34"
            Table t35 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A35"
            Table t36 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A36"
            Table t37 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A37"
            Table t38 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A38"
            Table t39 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A39"
            Table t40 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A40"
            Table t41 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A41"
            Table t42 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A42"
            Table t43 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A43"
            Table t44 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A44"
            Table t45 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A45"
            Table t46 = new Table {
                Size = 4, Name = "A46"
            Table t47 = new Table {
                Size = 6, Name = "A47"
            Table t48 = new Table {
                Size = 8, Name = "A48"

            context.Tables.AddOrUpdate(x => x.TableId, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48);


            #region Restaurants
            //Add Restaurants
            Restaurant restaurant1 = new Restaurant
                CompanyName = "La Bella Mafia",
                VAT         = "12345678",
                Address     = "Praxitelous 43, Athens",
                Manager     = restManager1,
                Type        = { pizza, italian },
                Menu        = { p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18 },
                Tables      = { t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12 }

            Restaurant restaurant2 = new Restaurant
                CompanyName = "The Beautiful Beijing",
                VAT         = "12345679",
                Address     = "Xenofontos 20, Glyfada",
                Manager     = restManager2,
                Type        = { restaurant, asian },
                Menu        = { p19, p20, p21, p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30, p31, p32, p33, p34, p35 },
                Tables      = { t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24 }

            Restaurant restaurant3 = new Restaurant
                CompanyName = "God Bless America",
                VAT         = "12345680",
                Address     = "Marinou Geroulanou 57, Argyroupoli",
                Manager     = restManager3,
                Type        = { restaurant, grill },
                Menu        = { p36, p37, p38, p39, p40, p41, p42, p43, p44, p45, p46, p47, p48, p49 },
                Tables      = { t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36 }

            Restaurant restaurant4 = new Restaurant
                CompanyName = "La vie en rose",
                VAT         = "12345682",
                Address     = "Char. Trikoupi 96, Kifisia",
                Manager     = restManager4,
                Type        = { restaurant, french, bistro, bar },
                Menu        = { p50, p51, p52, p53, p54, p55, p56, p57, p58, p60, p61, p62, p63 },
                Tables      = { t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48 }

            context.Restaurants.AddOrUpdate(x => x.RestaurantId, restaurant1, restaurant2, restaurant3, restaurant4);

            #region Images
            Image laBellaMafia1 = new Image
                Restaurant     = restaurant1,
                Title          = "La Bella Mafia",
                ImagePath      = "/Content/images/bellaMafia.jpg",
                isProfileImage = true
            Image labellamafia2 = new Image
                Restaurant = restaurant1,
                Title      = "Plate with food",
                ImagePath  = "/Content/images/bellaMafia2.jpg"
            Image godBless1 = new Image
                Restaurant     = restaurant3,
                Title          = "God Bless America",
                ImagePath      = "/Content/Images/GodBless1.jpg",
                isProfileImage = true
            Image godBless2 = new Image
                Restaurant = restaurant3,
                Title      = "Burger n Chips",
                ImagePath  = "/Content/Images/Godbless2.jpg"
            Image godBless3 = new Image
                Restaurant = restaurant3,
                Title      = "God Bless Room",
                ImagePath  = "/Content/Images/Godbless3.jpg"
            Image laVieEnRose = new Image
                Restaurant     = restaurant4,
                Title          = "La Vie En Rose",
                ImagePath      = "/Content/Images/LaVieEnRose.jpg",
                isProfileImage = true
            Image beijing = new Image
                Restaurant     = restaurant2,
                Title          = "The Beautiful Beijing",
                ImagePath      = "/Content/Images/beijing.jpg",
                isProfileImage = true
            context.Images.AddOrUpdate(x => x.ImageId, laBellaMafia1, labellamafia2, godBless1, godBless2, godBless3, laVieEnRose, beijing);