Esempio n. 1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WallbaseImageSearchSettings wiss = new WallbaseImageSearchSettings();

            wiss.SA = "toplist";

            PictureSearch ps = new PictureSearch();

            ps.SearchProvider = new ActiveProviderInfo("Wallbase")
                Active = true, ProviderConfig = wiss.Save()
            ps.MaxPictureCount = 100;

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "TEMP");

            ps.SaveFolder = path;

            IInputProvider p = ps.SearchProvider.Instance as IInputProvider;

            pl = p.GetPictures(ps);

            Timer t = new Timer();

            t.Tick    += t_Tick;
            t.Interval = 5000;
            t.Enabled  = true;
Esempio n. 2
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            PictureList pl = new PictureList() { FetchDate = DateTime.Now };

            LocalDirectorySettings lds = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ? new LocalDirectorySettings() : LocalDirectorySettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            //get all files in directory and filter for image extensions (jpg/jpeg/png/bmp?)
            List<string> files = new List<string>();

            foreach (string ext in lds.Extensions.Split(new char[] { ';' }))
                files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(lds.Directory, "*." + ext, lds.IncludeSubdirectories?SearchOption.AllDirectories:SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));

            //distinct list (just in case)
            files = files.Distinct().ToList();

            var maxPictureCount = ps.MaxPictureCount > 0 ? ps.MaxPictureCount : int.MaxValue;
            maxPictureCount = Math.Min(files.Count, maxPictureCount);

            //create picture items
            pl.Pictures.AddRange((from c in files
                                 select new Picture()
                                     Id = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(c),
                                     LocalPath = c

            return pl;
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int page, int rows, PictureSearch where)
            var config = await _configService.GetAsync();

            var data = await _service.GetListAsync(page, rows, where, null);

            if (config.PictureUrl.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
                foreach (var item in data.items)
                    item.Url      = config.PictureUrl.Contact(item.FilePath);
                    item.ThumbUrl = config.PictureUrl.Contact(item.ThumbPath);
            return(PagerData(data.items, page, rows, data.count));
Esempio n. 4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PictureSearch ps = new PictureSearch();
            ps.SearchProvider = new ActiveProviderInfo(providerComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()) { Active = true, ProviderConfig = _current.SaveConfiguration() };
            ps.MaxPictureCount = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;

            ps.SaveFolder = txtDownloadPath.Text;

            IInputProvider p = ps.SearchProvider.Instance as IInputProvider;
            var pl = p.GetPictures(ps);

            PictureBatch pb = new PictureBatch();

            DownloadManager.Current.SaveFolder = txtDownloadPath.Text;
Esempio n. 5
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WallbaseImageSearchSettings wiss = new WallbaseImageSearchSettings();

            PictureSearch ps = new PictureSearch();
            ps.SearchProvider = new ActiveProviderInfo("Wallbase") {Active=true, ProviderConfig = wiss.Save()};
            ps.MaxPictureCount = 100;

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "TEMP");
            ps.SaveFolder = path;

            IInputProvider p = ps.SearchProvider.Instance as IInputProvider;
            pl = p.GetPictures(ps);

            Timer t = new Timer();
            t.Tick += t_Tick;
            t.Interval = 5000;
            t.Enabled = true;
        public Pagination <PictureDto> Execute(PictureSearch querry)
            var query = Context.Pictures.AsQueryable();

            if (querry.Keyword != null)
                query = query.Where(p => p.src

            if (querry.Alt != null)
                query = query.Where(p => p.alt

            var totalCount = query.Count();

            query = query.Skip((querry.PageNumber - 1) * querry.PerPage).Take(querry.PerPage);

            var pagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalCount / querry.PerPage);

            return(new Pagination <PictureDto>
                CurrentPage = querry.PageNumber,
                Pages = pagesCount,
                Total = totalCount,
                Data = query.Include(p => p.Post)
                       .Select(p => new PictureDto
                    id = p.Id,
                    alt = p.alt,
                    src = p.src,
                    PostId = p.Post.Id,
                    CreatedAt = p.CreatedAt
Esempio n. 7
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PictureSearch ps = new PictureSearch();

            ps.SearchProvider = new ActiveProviderInfo(providerComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString())
                Active = true, ProviderConfig = _current.SaveConfiguration()
            ps.MaxPictureCount = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;

            ps.SaveFolder = txtDownloadPath.Text;

            IInputProvider p  = ps.SearchProvider.Instance as IInputProvider;
            var            pl = p.GetPictures(ps);

            PictureBatch pb = new PictureBatch();


            DownloadManager.Current.SaveFolder = txtDownloadPath.Text;
Esempio n. 8
        void DownloadNextPicture()
            var ps = new PictureSearch()
                SearchString           = App.Settings.Search,
                PreFetch               = App.Settings.PreFetch,
                SaveFolder             = App.Settings.CachePath,
                MaxPictureCount        = App.Settings.MaxPictureDownloadCount,
                SearchProvider         = App.CurrentProvider,
                BannedURLs             = App.Settings.BannedImages,
                ProviderSearchSettings = App.Settings.ProviderSettings.ContainsKey(App.Settings.Provider) ? App.Settings.ProviderSettings[App.Settings.Provider].ProviderConfig : string.Empty

            if (App.Settings.Language == "ru-RU" || App.Settings.Provider != "Rewalls")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(translatedKeyword))
                    ThreadStart threadStarter = delegate
                        translatedKeyword = Translator.TranslateText(App.Settings.Search, "en|ru");
                        ps.SearchString   = translatedKeyword;
                    var thread = new Thread(threadStarter);
                    ps.SearchString = translatedKeyword;
Esempio n. 9
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            PictureList pl = new PictureList()
                FetchDate = DateTime.Now

            LocalDirectorySettings lds = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ? new LocalDirectorySettings() : LocalDirectorySettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            //get all files in directory and filter for image extensions (jpg/jpeg/png/bmp?)
            List <string> files = new List <string>();

            foreach (string ext in lds.Extensions.Split(new char[] { ';' }))
                files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(lds.Directory, "*." + ext, SearchOption.AllDirectories));

            //distinct list (just in case)
            files = files.Distinct().ToList();

            var maxPictureCount = ps.MaxPictureCount > 0 ? ps.MaxPictureCount : int.MaxValue;

            maxPictureCount = Math.Min(files.Count, maxPictureCount);

            //create picture items
            pl.Pictures.AddRange((from c in files
                                  select new Picture()
                Id = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(c),
                Url = c,
                LocalPath = c
                                 .OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid())

Esempio n. 10
        protected void DownloadNextPicture()
            if (CurrentInputProviders.Count == 0) return;
            //create the new picture batch
            PictureBatch pb = new PictureBatch() {PreviousBatch = CurrentBatch};

            //create another view of the input providers, otherwise if the list changes
            // because user changes options then it breaks :)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, ActiveProviderInfo> kvpGAPI in CurrentInputProviders.ToArray())
                ActiveProviderInfo api = kvpGAPI.Value;

                var ps = new PictureSearch()
                    SaveFolder = Settings.CurrentSettings.CachePath,
                    MaxPictureCount = Settings.CurrentSettings.MaxPictureDownloadCount,
                    SearchProvider = api,
                    BannedURLs = Settings.CurrentSettings.BannedImages

                //get new pictures
                PictureList pl = PictureManager.GetPictureList(ps);

                //save to picturebatch

            //process downloaded picture list

            //if prefetch is enabled, validate that all pictures have been downloaded
            if (Settings.CurrentSettings.PreFetch) DownloadManager.PreFetchFiles(pb);
Esempio n. 11
        public PictureList LoadCachedSearch(PictureSearch ps, string cachePath)
            PictureList result = null;

            //check if we should load from file
            if (File.Exists(cachePath))
                    result = PictureList.LoadFromFile(cachePath);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Logger.Write(string.Format("Error loading picture cache from file, cache will not be used. Exception details: {0}", ex.ToString()), Log.LoggerLevels.Errors);

            return result;
Esempio n. 12
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            WallbaseImageSearchSettings wiss = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ? new WallbaseImageSearchSettings() : WallbaseImageSearchSettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            //if max picture count is 0, then no maximum, else specified max
            var maxPictureCount = ps.MaxPictureCount > 0?ps.MaxPictureCount : int.MaxValue;
            int pageSize        = wiss.GetPageSize();
            int pageIndex       = ps.PageToRetrieve; //set page to retreive if one is specified
            var imgFoundCount   = 0;

            //authenticate to wallbase
            Authenticate(wiss.Username, wiss.Password);

            var wallResults = new List <Picture>();

            string areaURL = wiss.BuildURL();

            //string postParams = wiss.GetPostParams(search);

                //calculate page index.  Random does not use pages, so for random just refresh with same url
                string strPageNum = (pageIndex > 0 && wiss.SA != "random") || (wiss.SA == "toplist" || wiss.SA == "user/collection" || wiss.SA == "user/favorites") ? (pageIndex * pageSize).ToString() : "";

                string pageURL = areaURL.Contains("{0}") ? string.Format(areaURL, strPageNum) : areaURL;
                //string content = HttpPost(pageURL, postParams);
                string content = string.Empty;

                using (HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient _client = new HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient(_cookies))
                        //if random then don't post values
                        if (wiss.SA == "random")
                            content = _client.DownloadString(pageURL);
                            byte[] reqResult = _client.UploadValues(pageURL, wiss.GetPostParams());
                            content = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(reqResult);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Logger.Write(string.Format("Failed to download search results from, error: {0}", ex.ToString()), Log.LoggerLevels.Warnings);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))

                //parse html and get count
                var pics = ParsePictures(content);
                imgFoundCount = pics.Count();

                //if we have an image ban list check for them
                // doing this in the provider instead of picture manager
                // ensures that our count does not go down if we have a max
                if (ps.BannedURLs != null && ps.BannedURLs.Count > 0)
                    pics = (from c in pics where !(ps.BannedURLs.Contains(c.Url)) select c).ToList();


                //increment page index so we can get the next set of images if they exist
            } while (imgFoundCount > 0 && wallResults.Count < maxPictureCount && ps.PageToRetrieve == 0);

            PictureList result = FetchPictures(wallResults, ps.PreviewOnly);

            result.Pictures = result.Pictures.Take(maxPictureCount).ToList();

Esempio n. 13
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostDataAsync(int page, int rows, PictureSearch where)
            var data = await _service.GetListAsync(page, rows, where, null);

            return(PagerData(data.items, page, rows, data.count));
Esempio n. 14
        public PictureList GetPictureList(PictureSearch ps)
            PictureList Pictures = null;

            if (ps == null || ps.SearchProvider == null || ps.SearchProvider.Instance == null) return Pictures;
            //load any in memory cached results
            Pictures = ps.SearchProvider.SearchResults;

            var loadedFromFile = false;
            var fPath = Path.Combine(ps.SaveFolder, "CACHE_" + ps.GetSearchHash().ToString() + "_" + ps.SearchProvider.Instance.GetType().ToString() + ".xml");

            if (Pictures == null)
                //if nothing in memory then try to load from disc
                Pictures = LoadCachedSearch(ps, fPath);
                loadedFromFile = Pictures != null;
                loadedFromFile = false;

            //if we have no pictures to work with, or our cached data has expired, try and get them
            if (Pictures == null || Pictures.Pictures.Count == 0 || Pictures.ExpirationDate < DateTime.Now)
                Pictures = ((IInputProvider)ps.SearchProvider.Instance).GetPictures(ps);
                Pictures.SearchSettingsHash = ps.GetSearchHash();
                loadedFromFile = false;

            //cache the picture list to file
            if (!loadedFromFile)
                //make sure the API GuID has been injected into all pictures
                Pictures.Pictures.ForEach(x => x.ProviderInstance = ps.SearchProvider.ProviderInstanceID);

                //save it

            //return whatever list of pictures was found
            return Pictures;
Esempio n. 15
 public IActionResult Get([FromQuery] PictureSearch search, [FromServices] IGetPicturesQuery query)
     return(Ok(executor.ExecuteQuery(query, search)));
Esempio n. 16
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            WallbaseImageSearchSettings wiss = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ? new WallbaseImageSearchSettings() : WallbaseImageSearchSettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            //if max picture count is 0, then no maximum, else specified max
            var maxPictureCount = wiss.GetMaxImageCount(ps.MaxPictureCount);
            int pageSize = wiss.GetPageSize();
            int pageIndex = ps.PageToRetrieve; //set page to retreive if one is specified
            var imgFoundCount = 0;

            //authenticate to wallbase
            Authenticate(wiss.Username, wiss.Password);

            var wallResults = new List<Picture>();

            string areaURL = wiss.BuildURL();

                //calculate page index.  Random does not use pages, so for random just refresh with same url
                string strPageNum = (pageIndex * pageSize).ToString();

                string pageURL = areaURL.Contains("{0}") ? string.Format(areaURL, strPageNum) : areaURL;
                //string content = HttpPost(pageURL, postParams);
                string content = string.Empty;

                using (HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient _client = new HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient(_cookies))
                        //if random then don't post values
                        //if (wiss.SA == "random")
                            content = _client.DownloadString(pageURL);
                        //    byte[] reqResult = _client.UploadValues(pageURL, wiss.GetPostParams());
                        //    content = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(reqResult);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Logger.Write(string.Format("Failed to download search results from, error: {0}", ex.ToString()), Log.LoggerLevels.Warnings);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))

                //parse html and get count
                var pics = ParsePictures(content);
                imgFoundCount = pics.Count();

                //if we have an image ban list check for them
                // doing this in the provider instead of picture manager
                // ensures that our count does not go down if we have a max
                if (ps.BannedURLs != null && ps.BannedURLs.Count > 0)
                    pics = (from c in pics where !(ps.BannedURLs.Contains(c.Url)) select c).ToList();


                //increment page index so we can get the next set of images if they exist
            } while (imgFoundCount > 0 && wallResults.Count < maxPictureCount && ps.PageToRetrieve == 0);

            PictureList result = FetchPictures(wallResults, ps.PreviewOnly);
            result.Pictures = result.Pictures.Take(maxPictureCount).ToList();

            return result;
Esempio n. 17
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            var result = new PictureList()
                FetchDate = DateTime.Now

            //load provider search settings
            GoogleImageSearchSettings giss = GoogleImageSearchSettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            //to help not have so many null checks, if no search settings provided then use default ones
            if (giss == null)
                giss = new GoogleImageSearchSettings();

            //if search is empty, return now since we can't search without it
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(giss.Query))

            var pageIndex     = ps.PageToRetrieve; //set page to retrieve if one specified
            var imgFoundCount = 0;

            //if max picture count is 0, then no maximum, else specified max
            var maxPictureCount = ps.MaxPictureCount > 0?ps.MaxPictureCount : int.MaxValue;

            //build tbs strring
            var tbs = "";//isz:ex,iszw:{1},iszh:{2}

            //handle sizeing
            if (giss.ImageHeight > 0 && giss.ImageWidth > 0)
                tbs += string.Format("isz:ex,iszw:{0},iszh:{1},", giss.ImageWidth.ToString(), giss.ImageHeight.ToString());

            //handle colors
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(giss.Color))
                tbs += GoogleImageSearchSettings.GoogleImageColors.GetColorSearchString((from c in GoogleImageSearchSettings.GoogleImageColors.GetColors() where c.Value == giss.Color select c).Single()) + ",";

            //if we have a filter string then add it and trim off trailing commas
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbs))
                tbs = ("&tbs=" + tbs).Trim(new char[] { ',' });

            //do safe search setup (off/strict/moderate) this is part of the session and tracked via cookies

                //build URL from query, dimensions and page index
                var url = string.Format(baseURL, giss.Query, tbs, (pageIndex * 20).ToString());

                var response = string.Empty;
                using (HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient client = new HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient(_cookies))
                    response = client.DownloadString(url);

                var images = imagesRegex2.Matches(response);

                //track number of images found for paging purposes
                imgFoundCount = images.Count;

                //convert images found into picture entries
                foreach (Match item in images)
                    var purl      = item.Groups["imgurlgrp"].Value;
                    var referrer  = item.Groups["imgrefgrp"].Value;
                    var thumbnail = item.Groups["thumbURL"].Value;
                    //get id and trim if necessary (ran into a few cases of rediculously long filenames)
                    var id = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(purl);
                    if (id.Length > 50)
                        id = id.Substring(0, 50);
                    //because google images come from so many sites it's not uncommon to have duplicate file names. (we fix this)
                    id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", id, purl.GetHashCode().ToString());

                    Picture p = new Picture()
                        Url = purl, Id = id
                    p.Properties.Add(Picture.StandardProperties.Thumbnail, thumbnail);
                    p.Properties.Add(Picture.StandardProperties.Referrer, referrer);


                //if we have an image ban list check for them
                // doing this in the provider instead of picture manager
                // ensures that our count does not go down if we have a max
                if (ps.BannedURLs != null && ps.BannedURLs.Count > 0)
                    result.Pictures = (from c in result.Pictures where !(ps.BannedURLs.Contains(c.Url)) select c).ToList();

                //increment page index so we can get the next 20 images if they exist
                // Max Picture count is defined in search settings passed in, check for it here too
            } while (imgFoundCount > 0 && result.Pictures.Count < maxPictureCount && ps.PageToRetrieve == 0);

            result.Pictures = result.Pictures.Take(maxPictureCount).ToList();

Esempio n. 18
 public IActionResult Get([FromQuery] PictureSearch dto, [FromServices] IGetPicturesCommand query) => Ok(executor.ExecuteQuery(query, dto));
Esempio n. 19
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            var result = new PictureList() { FetchDate = DateTime.Now };
            MediaRSSImageSearchSettings mrssiss = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ?
                new MediaRSSImageSearchSettings() : MediaRSSImageSearchSettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            XDocument feedXML = XDocument.Load(mrssiss.MediaRSSURL);
            XNamespace media = XNamespace.Get("");

            var feeds = from feed in feedXML.Descendants("item")
                        let content = feed.Elements(media + "content")
                        let thumb = feed.Element(media + "thumbnail").Attribute("url").Value
                        let img = content.Where(x => x.Attribute("medium").Value == "image").SingleOrDefault()
                        let url = img!=null?img.Attribute("url").Value:thumb
                        let id = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(url)
                        select new Picture()
                            Url = url,
                            Id = id.Length > 50 ? id.Substring(0, 50) : id,
                            Properties = new SerializableDictionary<string,string>(Picture.StandardProperties.Thumbnail,thumb)

            //get up to the maximum number of pictures, excluding banned images
                    feeds.Where(x=> !ps.BannedURLs.Contains(x.Url))

            ////handle colors
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(giss.Color))
            //    tbs += MediaRSSImageSearchSettings.MediaRSSImageColors.GetColorSearchString((from c in MediaRSSImageSearchSettings.MediaRSSImageColors.GetColors() where c.Value == giss.Color select c).Single()) + ",";

            ////if we have a filter string then add it and trim off trailing commas
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbs)) tbs = ("&tbs=" + tbs).Trim(new char[]{','});

            //    //build URL from query, dimensions and page index
            //    var url = string.Format(baseURL, ps.SearchString, tbs, (pageIndex * 20).ToString());

            //    var response = client.DownloadString(url);

            //    var images = imagesRegex2.Matches(response);

            //    //track number of images found for paging purposes
            //    imgFoundCount = images.Count;

            //    //convert images found into picture entries
            //    foreach (Match item in images)
            //    {
            //        var purl = item.Groups[3].Value;
            //        //get id and trim if necessary (ran into a few cases of rediculously long filenames)
            //        var id = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(purl);
            //        if (id.Length > 50) id = id.Substring(0, 50);

            //        result.Pictures.Add(new Picture() { Url = purl, Id = id });
            //    }

            //    //if we have an image ban list check for them
            //    // doing this in the provider instead of picture manager
            //    // ensures that our count does not go down if we have a max
            //    if (ps.BannedURLs != null && ps.BannedURLs.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        result.Pictures = (from c in result.Pictures where !(ps.BannedURLs.Contains(c.Url)) select c).ToList();
            //    }

            //    //increment page index so we can get the next 20 images if they exist
            //    pageIndex++;
            //    // Max Picture count is defined in search settings passed in, check for it here too
            //} while (imgFoundCount > 0 && result.Pictures.Count < maxPictureCount);

            return result;
Esempio n. 20
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            var result = new PictureList()
                FetchDate = DateTime.Now
            MediaRSSImageSearchSettings mrssiss = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ?
                                                  new MediaRSSImageSearchSettings() : MediaRSSImageSearchSettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            XDocument  feedXML = XDocument.Load(mrssiss.MediaRSSURL);
            XNamespace media   = XNamespace.Get("");

            var feeds = from feed in feedXML.Descendants("item")
                        let content                                                                                                                                            = feed.Elements(media + "content")
                                                                               let thumb                                                                                       = feed.Element(media + "thumbnail").Attribute("url").Value
                                                                                                                        let img                                                = content.Where(x => x.Attribute("medium").Value == "image").SingleOrDefault()
                                                                                                                                                     let url                   = img != null?img.Attribute("url").Value : thumb
                                                                                                                                                                        let id = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(url)
                                                                                                                                                                                 select new Picture()
                Url        = url,
                Id         = id.Length > 50 ? id.Substring(0, 50) : id,
                Properties = new SerializableDictionary <string, string>(Picture.StandardProperties.Thumbnail, thumb)

            //get up to the maximum number of pictures, excluding banned images
                feeds.Where(x => !ps.BannedURLs.Contains(x.Url))

            ////handle colors
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(giss.Color))
            //    tbs += MediaRSSImageSearchSettings.MediaRSSImageColors.GetColorSearchString((from c in MediaRSSImageSearchSettings.MediaRSSImageColors.GetColors() where c.Value == giss.Color select c).Single()) + ",";

            ////if we have a filter string then add it and trim off trailing commas
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbs)) tbs = ("&tbs=" + tbs).Trim(new char[]{','});

            //    //build URL from query, dimensions and page index
            //    var url = string.Format(baseURL, ps.SearchString, tbs, (pageIndex * 20).ToString());

            //    var response = client.DownloadString(url);

            //    var images = imagesRegex2.Matches(response);

            //    //track number of images found for paging purposes
            //    imgFoundCount = images.Count;

            //    //convert images found into picture entries
            //    foreach (Match item in images)
            //    {
            //        var purl = item.Groups[3].Value;
            //        //get id and trim if necessary (ran into a few cases of rediculously long filenames)
            //        var id = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(purl);
            //        if (id.Length > 50) id = id.Substring(0, 50);

            //        result.Pictures.Add(new Picture() { Url = purl, Id = id });
            //    }

            //    //if we have an image ban list check for them
            //    // doing this in the provider instead of picture manager
            //    // ensures that our count does not go down if we have a max
            //    if (ps.BannedURLs != null && ps.BannedURLs.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        result.Pictures = (from c in result.Pictures where !(ps.BannedURLs.Contains(c.Url)) select c).ToList();
            //    }

            //    //increment page index so we can get the next 20 images if they exist
            //    pageIndex++;
            //    // Max Picture count is defined in search settings passed in, check for it here too
            //} while (imgFoundCount > 0 && result.Pictures.Count < maxPictureCount);

Esempio n. 21
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            var result = new PictureList() { FetchDate = DateTime.Now };

            //load provider search settings
            GoogleImageSearchSettings giss = GoogleImageSearchSettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ??
                                             new GoogleImageSearchSettings();

            //if search is empty, return now since we can't search without it
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(giss.Query)) return result;

            var pageIndex = ps.PageToRetrieve; //set page to retrieve if one specified
            var imgFoundCount = 0;

            //if max picture count is 0, then no maximum, else specified max
            var maxPictureCount = ps.MaxPictureCount > 0?ps.MaxPictureCount : int.MaxValue;

            //build tbs strring
            var tbs = "";//isz:ex,iszw:{1},iszh:{2}

            //handle sizeing
            if (giss.ImageHeight > 0 && giss.ImageWidth > 0)
                tbs += string.Format("isz:ex,iszw:{0},iszh:{1},", giss.ImageWidth, giss.ImageHeight);

            //handle colors
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(giss.Color))
                tbs += GoogleImageSearchSettings.GoogleImageColors.GetColorSearchString((from c in GoogleImageSearchSettings.GoogleImageColors.GetColors() where c.Value == giss.Color select c).Single()) + ",";

            //if we have a filter string then add it and trim off trailing commas
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbs)) tbs = ("&tbs=" + tbs).Trim(new char[]{','});

            //do safe search setup (off/strict/moderate) this is part of the session and tracked via cookies

                //build URL from query, dimensions and page index
                var url = string.Format(baseURL, giss.Query, tbs, (pageIndex * 20));

                var response = string.Empty;
                using (var client = new HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient(_cookies))
                    response = client.DownloadString(url);

                var images = _imagesRegex2.Matches(response);

                //track number of images found for paging purposes
                imgFoundCount = images.Count;

                //convert images found into picture entries
                foreach (Match item in images)
                    var purl = item.Groups["imgurlgrp"].Value;
                    var referrer = item.Groups["imgrefgrp"].Value;
                    var thumbnail = item.Groups["thumbURL"].Value;
                    //get id and trim if necessary (ran into a few cases of rediculously long filenames)
                    var id = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(purl);
                    if (id.Length > 50) id = id.Substring(0, 50);
                    //because google images come from so many sites it's not uncommon to have duplicate file names. (we fix this)
                    id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", id, purl.GetHashCode());

                    var p = new Picture() { Url = purl, Id = id };
                    p.Properties.Add(Picture.StandardProperties.Thumbnail, thumbnail);
                    p.Properties.Add(Picture.StandardProperties.Referrer, referrer);


                //if we have an image ban list check for them
                // doing this in the provider instead of picture manager
                // ensures that our count does not go down if we have a max
                if (ps.BannedURLs != null && ps.BannedURLs.Count > 0)
                    result.Pictures = (from c in result.Pictures where !(ps.BannedURLs.Contains(c.Url)) select c).ToList();

                //increment page index so we can get the next 20 images if they exist
                // Max Picture count is defined in search settings passed in, check for it here too
            } while (imgFoundCount > 0 && result.Pictures.Count < maxPictureCount && ps.PageToRetrieve == 0);

            result.Pictures = result.Pictures.Take(maxPictureCount).ToList();

            return result;