private IEnumerator SwapPickups() { //We only need to swap to/from the slots that actually have something equipped bool sourceFinished = !dragSlot.IsEquipped(); bool targetFinished = !currentDropTarget.IsEquipped(); //Lerp the pickup icons between the swapped slot locations while (!sourceFinished || !targetFinished) { if (!sourceFinished) { dragSlot.GetTransform().position = Vector3.MoveTowards(dragSlot.GetTransform().position, currentDropTarget.GetHomeCoords(), Time.deltaTime * swapSpeed); sourceFinished = dragSlot.GetTransform().position.Equals(currentDropTarget.GetHomeCoords()); } if (!targetFinished) { currentDropTarget.GetTransform().position = Vector3.MoveTowards(currentDropTarget.GetTransform().position, dragSlot.GetHomeCoords(), Time.deltaTime * swapSpeed); targetFinished = currentDropTarget.GetTransform().position.Equals(dragSlot.GetHomeCoords()); } yield return(0); } //Remove the highlights that were established as part of the drag dragSlot.RemovePickupHighlight(); currentDropTarget.RemoveSlotHighlight(); //Complete the actual swap of the pickups dragSlot.SwapPickup(currentDropTarget); //The slots that have pickups equipped may have changed so recalculate which ones need to be visible ResetVisibilityOnAllSlots(); //End this drag dragSlot = null; currentDropTarget = null; }
public void SwapPickup(PickupSlot pickupSlot) { Pickup temp = this.pickup; this.EquipPickup(pickupSlot.GetPickup()); pickupSlot.EquipPickup(temp); }
private void Start() { // Set up the references to other game objects ball = GetComponent <BallController> (); PickupSlot[] slots = HUD.controller.GetComponentsInChildren <PickupSlot> (); foreach (PickupSlot slot in slots) { if ( == "LeftPickupSlot") { leftSlot = slot; } else if ( == "RightPickupSlot") { rightSlot = slot; } else if ( == "UpperLeftPickupSlot") { upperLeftSlot = slot; } else if ( == "UpperRightPickupSlot") { upperRightSlot = slot; } } dragManager = HUD.controller.GetComponentInChildren <DragManager> (); }
//Highlights the pickup slot where the pickup would go if the player released their finger this frame private void UpdateCurrentDropTarget() { PickupSlot newDropTarget = DetermineDropTarget(); if (newDropTarget != currentDropTarget) { if (currentDropTarget != null) { currentDropTarget.RemoveSlotHighlight(); } newDropTarget.AddSlotHighlight(); currentDropTarget = newDropTarget; } }
private PickupSlot FindBestAvailableSlot() { PickupSlot slot = null; if (rightHander) { if (!rightSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = rightSlot; } else if (!leftSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = leftSlot; } else if (upperRightSlot != null && !upperRightSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = upperRightSlot; } else if (upperLeftSlot != null && !upperLeftSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = upperLeftSlot; } } else { if (!leftSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = leftSlot; } else if (!rightSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = rightSlot; } else if (upperLeftSlot != null && !upperLeftSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = upperLeftSlot; } else if (upperRightSlot != null && !upperRightSlot.IsEquipped()) { slot = upperRightSlot; } } return(slot); }
public void AddPickup(Pickup pickup) { //Play a particle effect pickupEffect.Play(); HUD.controller.SendMessage("PickupAcquired", pickup); //Before adding pickup to a new slot, check if we already have it equipped somewhere... PickupSlot slot = FindSlotWithPickup(pickup); if (slot == null) { //... Otherwise find the best available slot for it to go slot = FindBestAvailableSlot(); } if (slot != null) { slot.EquipPickup(pickup); } //PulseAllSlots (); }
private PickupSlot FindSlotWithPickup(Pickup pickup) { PickupSlot slot = null; if (pickup.Equals(rightSlot.GetPickup())) { slot = rightSlot; } else if (pickup.Equals(leftSlot.GetPickup())) { slot = leftSlot; } else if (pickup.Equals(upperRightSlot != null && upperRightSlot.GetPickup())) { slot = upperRightSlot; } else if (pickup.Equals(upperLeftSlot != null && upperLeftSlot.GetPickup())) { slot = upperLeftSlot; } return(slot); }
public void StartDragging(PickupSlot dragSlot, int reflectXAxis, Vector2 fingerPosition) { if (IsDragging()) { Debug.Log("Received request to start a drag but we are already dragging something else so it will be ignored"); } else { this.dragSlot = dragSlot; //Note that reflect x axis is used here so that we can snap either to the left or right of the origin depending on what side of the screen the origin is this.dragCentre = dragSlot.GetTransform().position + new Vector3((dragSnapDistance + currentSlotBias) * reflectXAxis, dragSnapDistance + currentSlotBias); this.lastFrameFingerPosition = fingerPosition; //Snap the icon to the specified bias from the dragCentre Vector3 biasToOrigin = new Vector3(-currentSlotBias * reflectXAxis, -currentSlotBias); dragSlot.GetTransform().position = dragCentre + biasToOrigin; dragTargetPosition = dragSlot.GetTransform().position; UpdateCurrentDropTarget(); //Make all slots visible during a drag so we can see the highlighted slot where the player is dragging towards ShowAllSlots(); } }