Esempio n. 1
    //spawn receptacle/screen <objType> of index [variation] on <targetReceptacle> table object using random seed to pick which spawn coordinate used
    public bool SpawnExperimentObjAtRandom(string objType, int variation, int seed, SimObjPhysics targetReceptacle, float yRot = 0)
        toSpawn = null;

        bool success = false;

        //init random state

        if (objType == "screen")
            toSpawn = screensToSpawn[variation].GetComponent <SimObjPhysics>();

        if (objType == "receptacle")
            toSpawn = receptaclesToSpawn[variation].GetComponent <SimObjPhysics>();

        List <Vector3> spawnCoordinates          = new List <Vector3>();
        PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController fpsAgent = agentManager.ReturnPrimaryAgent().GetComponent <PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController>();

        spawnCoordinates = fpsAgent.GetSpawnCoordinatesAboveReceptacle(targetReceptacle);

        //instantiate the prefab toSpawn away from every other object
        SimObjPhysics spawned = GameObject.Instantiate(toSpawn, initialSpawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
        Rigidbody     rb      = spawned.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        //make sure object doesn't fall until we are done preparing to reposition it on the target receptacle
        rb.isKinematic = true;

        //apply rotation to object, default quaternion.identity
        spawned.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, yRot, 0), Space.Self);

        for (int i = 0; i < spawnCoordinates.Count; i++)
            //place object at the given point, this also checks the spawn area to see if its clear
            //if not clear, it will return false
            if (fpsAgent.PlaceObjectAtPoint(toSpawn, spawnCoordinates[i]))
                //we set success to true, if one of the corners doesn't fit on the table
                //this will be switched to false and will be returned at the end
                success = true;

                //double check if all corners of spawned object's bounding box are
                //above the targetReceptacle table
                //note this only accesses the very first receptacle trigger box, so
                //for EXPERIMENT ROOM TABLES make sure there is only one
                //receptacle trigger box on the square table
                List <Vector3> corners = GetCorners(spawned);

                Contains con         = targetReceptacle.ReceptacleTriggerBoxes[0].GetComponent <Contains>();
                bool     cornerCheck = true;
                foreach (Vector3 p in corners)
                    if (!con.CheckIfPointIsAboveReceptacleTriggerBox(p))
                        cornerCheck = false;
                        //this position would cause object to fall off table
                        //double back and reset object to try again with another point
                        spawned.transform.position = initialSpawnPosition;

                if (!cornerCheck)
                    success = false;

            //if all corners were succesful, break out of this loop, don't keep trying
            if (success)
                rb.isKinematic = false;
                //run scene setup to grab reference to object and give it objectId

        //no objects could be spawned at any of the spawn points
        //destroy the thing we tried to place on target receptacle
        if (!success)

Esempio n. 2
    //return spawn coordinates above the <receptacleObjectId> that the <objectId> will fit at a given rotation <yRot>
    //excludes coordinates that would cause object <objectId> to fall off the table
    public List <Vector3> ReturnValidSpawns(string objType, int variation, SimObjPhysics targetReceptacle, float yRot = 0)
        toSpawn = null;

        if (objType == "screen")
            toSpawn = screensToSpawn[variation].GetComponent <SimObjPhysics>();

        if (objType == "receptacle")
            toSpawn = receptaclesToSpawn[variation].GetComponent <SimObjPhysics>();

        SimObjPhysics spawned = GameObject.Instantiate(toSpawn, initialSpawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
        Rigidbody     rb      = spawned.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        //apply rotation to object, default quaternion.identity
        spawned.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, yRot, 0), Space.Self);

        //generate grid of potential spawn points
        List <Vector3> spawnCoordinates          = new List <Vector3>();
        PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController fpsAgent = agentManager.ReturnPrimaryAgent().GetComponent <PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController>();

        spawnCoordinates = fpsAgent.GetSpawnCoordinatesAboveReceptacle(targetReceptacle);

        List <Vector3> returnCoordinates = new List <Vector3>();

        //try and place object at every spawn coordinate and if it works, add it to the valid coords to return
        for (int i = 0; i < spawnCoordinates.Count; i++)
            //place object at the given point, then check if the corners are ok
            fpsAgent.PlaceObjectAtPoint(toSpawn, spawnCoordinates[i]);

            List <Vector3> corners = GetCorners(spawned);

            Contains con         = targetReceptacle.ReceptacleTriggerBoxes[0].GetComponent <Contains>();
            bool     cornerCheck = true;
            foreach (Vector3 p in corners)
                if (!con.CheckIfPointIsAboveReceptacleTriggerBox(p))
                    cornerCheck = false;
                    //this position would cause object to fall off table
                    //double back and reset object to try again with another point
                    spawned.transform.position = initialSpawnPosition;

            if (cornerCheck)
                //all corners were ok, so add it to the points that are valid

            spawned.transform.position = initialSpawnPosition;

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        //debug draw
        debugCoords = returnCoordinates;
