Esempio n. 1
 private LaserBeam( GameplayScreen screen )
     : base(screen)
     body = new PhysPolygon( 0f, beamThickness, Vector2.Zero, 1f );
       body.Collided += HandlePlayerCollision;
       body.Flags = BodyFlags.Anchored | BodyFlags.Ghost;
Esempio n. 2
 FloorBlock( GameplayScreen screen )
     : base(screen)
     BoundingPolygon = new PhysPolygon( Size, Height, Vector2.Zero, 1 );
       BoundingPolygon.Elasticity = 1f;
       BoundingPolygon.Friction = 1.5f;
       BoundingPolygon.Flags = BodyFlags.Anchored;
       BoundingPolygon.Parent = this;
       BoundingPolygon.Collided += KillSelfIfPwnt;
Esempio n. 3
        private static float GetMomentOfInertia( PhysPolygon poly )
            float sum = 0f;
              foreach ( Vector2 vert in poly.Vertices )
            sum += ( vert - poly.Position ).LengthSquared();

              return ( ( poly.Mass / poly.Vertices.Length ) * sum );
Esempio n. 4
        public Boundary( GameplayScreen screen, float left, float right, float rowStart, float rowSpacing )
            : base(screen)
            Left  = left;
              Right = right;

              lastFrame = new GameTime( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0 ),
                                TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1f / 30f ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1f / 60 ) );

              this.rowSpacing = rowSpacing;
              this.rowStart = rowStart;
              minHoleDist = ( FloorBlock.Height + Size ) / 2f;
              lastHole = rowStart;
              lastGoldenShake = 0;

              DrawOrder = 7;

              // this is for objects, such as powerups and players, so they can travel through the tubes
              objects = new List<BoundaryTubeObject>( 10 );
              for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
            objects.Add( new BoundaryTubeObject() );

              // left polygon
              polyLeft = new PhysPolygon( polyWidth, 100f, new Vector2( left - halfPolyWidth, 0f ), 1f );
              polyLeft.Elasticity = 1f;
              polyLeft.Friction = 1.5f;
              polyLeft.Flags = BodyFlags.Anchored;
              polyLeft.Parent = this;
              screen.PhysicsSpace.AddBody( polyLeft );

              // right polygon
              polyRight = new PhysPolygon( polyWidth, 100f, new Vector2( right + halfPolyWidth, 0f ), 1f );
              polyRight.Elasticity = 1f;
              polyRight.Friction = 1.5f;
              polyRight.Flags = BodyFlags.Anchored;
              polyRight.Parent = this;
              screen.PhysicsSpace.AddBody( polyRight );

              // model
              cageModel = Screen.Content.Load<InstancedModel>( "Models/cageTile" );
              cageHoleModel = Screen.Content.Load<InstancedModel>( "Models/cageHole" );
              teeModel = Screen.Content.Load<InstancedModel>( "Models/tubeTee" );
              cupModel = Screen.Content.Load<InstancedModel>( "Models/tubeCup" );

              Camera camera = screen.Camera;

              float dist = camera.Position.Z + Size / 2f;
              float tanFovyOverTwo = (float)Math.Tan( camera.Fov / 2f );
              deathLine = dist * tanFovyOverTwo + Size / 2f;

              topLine = camera.Position.Y + deathLine - Size;
              lastTopY = camera.Position.Y + deathLine;

              rows = (int)Math.Ceiling( 2f * deathLine / Size );
              nTransforms = rows * 2;

              rotateL = new Matrix( 0, 0,-1, 0,
                            0, 1, 0, 0,
                            1, 0, 0, 0,
                            0, 0, 0, 1 );
              rotateR = new Matrix( 0, 0, 1, 0,
                            0, 1, 0, 0,
                           -1, 0, 0, 0,
                            0, 0, 0, 1 );
              rotateZ = new Matrix( 0, 1, 0, 0,
                           -1, 0, 0, 0,
                            0, 0, 1, 0,
                            0, 0, 0, 1 );
              flip = new Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0,
                         0,-1, 0, 0,
                         0, 0, 1, 0,
                         0, 0, 0, 1 );
              scale = Matrix.CreateScale( Size );

              sidePieces = new SidePiece[nTransforms];
              for ( int i = 0; i < nTransforms; ++i )
            sidePieces[i] = new SidePiece();
            SidePiece piece = sidePieces[i];

            int row = i % rows;
            bool onLeftSide = i / rows == 0;
            piece.Hole = false;
            piece.CagePosition = new Vector3( onLeftSide ? Left : Right, topLine - row * Size, 0f );
            Matrix scaleRotate = scale * ( onLeftSide ? rotateL : rotateR );
            piece.CageTransform = scaleRotate * Matrix.CreateTranslation( piece.CagePosition );
            piece.TubePosition = piece.CagePosition + new Vector3( onLeftSide ? -Size / 2 : Size / 2, 0, 0 );
            piece.TubeTransform = scale * Matrix.CreateTranslation( piece.TubePosition );
            piece.Tube = TubePattern.Cup;
 private static Collision PolygonVsPolygon( PhysPolygon bodyA, PhysPolygon bodyB, float elapsed )
     return new Collision();
        private static Collision CircleVsPolygon( PhysCircle bodyA, PhysPolygon bodyB, float elapsed )
            Vector2 relVel, relVelByT, posAtT;
              Vector2.Subtract( ref bodyA.Velocity, ref bodyB.Velocity, out relVel );
              Vector2.Multiply( ref relVel, elapsed, out relVelByT );
              Vector2.Add( ref bodyA.Position, ref relVelByT, out posAtT );

              Vector2[] verts = bodyB.TransformedVertices;
              Vector2 lastVert = verts.Last();

              Collision bestResult = new Collision();
              bestResult.Time = float.MaxValue;

              Vector2 popoutPos = Vector2.Zero;
              Vector2 popoutNormal = Vector2.Zero;
              Vector2 popoutIsect = Vector2.Zero;
              int popoutPriority = 0;

              int nVerts = verts.Length;
              for ( int i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i )
            Vector2 vert = verts[i];
            Vector2 edge = Vector2.Subtract( vert, lastVert );
            Vector2 n = new Vector2( edge.Y, -edge.X );

            float time;
            Vector2 normal;

            // ball is moving towards the segment
            if ( Vector2.Dot( n, relVel ) < 0.0f )
              Vector2 offset = Vector2.Multiply( n, bodyA.Radius );
              Vector2 q0 = lastVert + offset;
              Vector2 q1 = vert + offset;

              // check if intersecting segment at elapsed = 0
              if ( Geometry.SegmentVsCircle( out time, out normal, lastVert, vert, bodyA.Position, bodyA.Radius ) )
            if ( time < .95f && popoutPriority != 1 )
              float dot = Vector2.Dot( normal, -n );
              if ( dot > 0f )
                popoutNormal = -normal;
                popoutIsect = edge * time;
                popoutPos = bodyA.Position + n * 1.0001f * bodyA.Radius * ( 1f - dot ) - bodyA.Velocity * elapsed;
                popoutPriority = 1;

              if ( Geometry.SegmentVsSegment( out time, bodyA.Position, posAtT, q0, q1 ) )
            // if collision with segment (and polygon is convex), we're done
            if ( bodyB.Convex )
              return new Collision( true, time * elapsed, bodyA, bodyB, n, bodyA.Position + elapsed * time * ( bodyA.Velocity ) - n * bodyA.Radius );
            else if ( time * elapsed < bestResult.Time )
              bestResult = new Collision( true, time * elapsed, bodyA, bodyB, n, bodyA.Position + elapsed * time * ( bodyA.Velocity ) - n * bodyA.Radius );

            // CHECK CORNER
            // inside circle?
            if ( Vector2.DistanceSquared( bodyA.Position, vert ) < ( bodyA.Radius * bodyA.Radius ) )
              if ( popoutPriority == 0 )
            popoutPriority = 2;
            normal = Vector2.Normalize( bodyA.Position - vert );
            popoutPos = vert + bodyA.Radius * normal;
            popoutNormal = normal;
            popoutIsect = vert;

            // intersecting circle
            if ( Geometry.SegmentVsCircle( out time, out normal, bodyA.Position, posAtT, vert, bodyA.Radius ) )
              // additional checks to see if hitting correct sector of circle
              if ( Vector2.Dot( normal, edge ) > 0.0f )
            Vector2 nextVert = verts[( i + 1 ) % nVerts];
            Vector2 edge2;
            Vector2.Subtract( ref nextVert, ref vert, out edge2 );
            if ( Vector2.Dot( normal, edge2 ) < 0.0f )
              if ( bodyB.Convex )
                return new Collision( true, time * elapsed, bodyA, bodyB, normal, vert + elapsed * time * bodyB.Velocity );
              else if ( time * elapsed < bestResult.Time )
                bestResult = new Collision( true, time * elapsed, bodyA, bodyB, normal, vert + elapsed * time * bodyB.Velocity );

            lastVert = vert;

              // hack to keep objects from penetrating in rare cases
              if ( !bestResult.Collided && popoutPriority != 0 )
            if ( !bodyA.Flags.HasFlags( BodyFlags.Ghost ) && !bodyB.Flags.HasFlags( BodyFlags.Ghost ) )
              bodyA.Position = popoutPos;
            else return new Collision( true, 0, bodyA, bodyB, popoutNormal, popoutIsect );

              return bestResult;