Esempio n. 1
        protected virtual Expression BindMissingMethod(DynamicMetaObject ctx, PhpTypeInfo tinfo, DynamicMetaObject nameExpr, DynamicMetaObject target, /*in, out*/ IList <DynamicMetaObject> args, ref BindingRestrictions restrictions)
            string nameText = NameValue;

            if (nameText == null)
                if (nameExpr != null)
                    nameText = nameExpr.Value.ToString();
                    nameText = "<unknown>";

            // TODO: ErrCode method not found
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Function '{0}' not found!", nameText));
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects only candidates of given name.
        /// </summary>
        public static MethodInfo[] SelectRuntimeMethods(this PhpTypeInfo tinfo, string name, Type classCtx)
            var routine = (PhpMethodInfo)tinfo?.RuntimeMethods[name];

            if (routine != null)
                if (classCtx != null && tinfo.Type.IsSubclassOf(classCtx))
                    // {tinfo} extends {classCtx} // we might have to look for private methods on {classCtx}
                    return(SelectRuntimeMethods(classCtx.GetPhpTypeInfo(), name, null));

                return(Array.Empty <MethodInfo>());
Esempio n. 3
        public static PhpInvokable BindToPhpInvokable(MethodInfo[] methods, PhpTypeInfo lateStaticType = null)
            // (Context ctx, object target, PhpValue[] arguments)
            var ps = new ParameterExpression[] {
                Expression.Parameter(typeof(Context), "ctx"),
                Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "target"),
                Expression.Parameter(typeof(PhpValue[]), "argv")

            // invoke targets
            var invocation = OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(typeof(PhpValue), ps[1], methods, ps[0], ps[2], lateStaticType);

            Debug.Assert(invocation.Type == typeof(PhpValue));

            // compile & create delegate
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <PhpInvokable>(invocation, methods[0].Name + "#" + methods.Length, true, ps);

Esempio n. 4
            PhpCallable BindCore(PhpTypeInfo tinfo)
                var routine = (PhpMethodInfo)tinfo?.RuntimeMethods[_method];

                if (routine != null)
                else if (tinfo != null)
                    routine = (PhpMethodInfo)tinfo.RuntimeMethods[TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__callstatic];
                    if (routine != null)
                        return(routine.PhpInvokable.BindMagicCall(null, _method));

Esempio n. 5
        public void __construct(Context ctx, PhpValue @class, string name)
            if (name != null)
                _tinfo   = ReflectionUtils.ResolvePhpTypeInfo(ctx, @class);
                _routine = _tinfo.RuntimeMethods[name] ?? throw new ReflectionException(string.Format(Resources.Resources.method_does_not_exist, _tinfo.Name, name));
            else if (@class.IsString(out var class_method))
                __construct(ctx, class_method);
                throw new ReflectionException(string.Format("Invalid method name '{0}'", @class.ToString(ctx)));

            // get the real declaring type from routine:
            _tinfo = _routine.DeclaringType ?? _tinfo;
        public void __construct(Context ctx, string class_method)
            if (class_method != null)
                var col = class_method.IndexOf("::", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (col > 0)
                    var @class = class_method.Remove(col);        // class name
                    var name   = class_method.Substring(col + 2); // method namne

                    _tinfo   = ctx.GetDeclaredTypeOrThrow(@class, true);
                    _routine = _tinfo.RuntimeMethods[name] ?? throw new ReflectionException(string.Format(Resources.Resources.method_does_not_exist, _tinfo.Name, name));

                    // ok

            throw new ReflectionException();
Esempio n. 7
        protected override Expression BindMissingMethod(DynamicMetaObject ctx, PhpTypeInfo tinfo, DynamicMetaObject nameMeta, DynamicMetaObject target, IList <DynamicMetaObject> args, ref BindingRestrictions restrictions)
            var call = BinderHelpers.FindMagicMethod(tinfo, target == null ? TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__callstatic : TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__call);

            if (call != null)
                var name_expr = (_name != null) ? Expression.Constant(_name) : nameMeta?.Expression;

                // T.__callStatic(name, array)
                var call_args = new Expression[]
                    BinderHelpers.NewPhpArray(ctx.Expression, args.Select(a => a.Expression)),
                return(OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(_returnType, target?.Expression, call.Methods, ctx.Expression, call_args));

            return(base.BindMissingMethod(ctx, tinfo, nameMeta, target, args, ref restrictions));
Esempio n. 8
        protected override MethodBase[] ResolveMethods(DynamicMetaObject ctx, PhpTypeInfo tinfo, DynamicMetaObject nameExpr, ref DynamicMetaObject target, IList <DynamicMetaObject> args, ref BindingRestrictions restrictions)
            // resolve target expression:
            var isobject = BinderHelpers.TryTargetAsObject(target, out DynamicMetaObject instance);

            restrictions = restrictions.Merge(instance.Restrictions);
            target       = new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Convert(instance.Expression, instance.RuntimeType), target.Restrictions, instance.Value);

            if (isobject == false)
                return(null);    // no methods

            string name = _name ?? (string)nameExpr.Value;

            // candidates:
            var candidates = target.RuntimeType.GetPhpTypeInfo().SelectRuntimeMethods(name).SelectVisible(_classCtx).ToList();

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Default SPL autoload that tries to load scripts with name of class name concatenated with autoload extensions.
        /// </summary>
        public static void spl_autoload(Context ctx, string className)
            var         extensions = ctx.GetSplAutoload()?.AutoloadExtensions ?? SplAutoloadService.DefaultAutoloadExtensions;
            PhpTypeInfo resolved   = null;

            for (int i = 0; (resolved = ctx.GetDeclaredType(className)) == null && i < extensions.Length; i++)
                var ext = extensions[i];

                // try to dynamically include the file specified by the class name, if it exists
                string fileName = className + ext;
                ctx.Include(null, fileName, true, false);

            if (resolved == null)
                //PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Error, string.Format(CoreResources.class_could_not_be_loaded, className));
                throw new InvalidOperationException("class_could_not_be_loaded");
Esempio n. 10
            /// <summary>
            /// Performs autoload.
            /// </summary>
            public PhpTypeInfo AutoloadTypeByName(string fullName)
                PhpTypeInfo resolved = null;

                using (var token = new Context.RecursionCheckToken(_ctx, fullName))
                    if (!token.IsInRecursion)
                        var args = new[] { (PhpValue)fullName };

                        for (var node = _autoloaders.First; node != null && resolved == null; node = node.Next)
                            node.Value.Invoke(_ctx, args);
                            resolved = _ctx.GetDeclaredType(fullName);

Esempio n. 11
        protected override MethodBase[] ResolveMethods(DynamicMetaObject ctx, PhpTypeInfo tinfo, DynamicMetaObject nameExpr, ref DynamicMetaObject target, IList <DynamicMetaObject> args, ref BindingRestrictions restrictions)
            // check tinfo is assignable from target
            if (target?.Value == null || !tinfo.Type.IsAssignableFrom(target.LimitType))
                target = null;

            var nameStr = _name ?? (string)nameExpr.Value;

            if (nameStr != null)
                // candidates:
                var candidates = tinfo.SelectRuntimeMethods(nameStr).SelectVisible(_classCtx).SelectStatic().ToList();
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 12
        protected override Expression BindMissingMethod(DynamicMetaObject ctx, PhpTypeInfo tinfo, DynamicMetaObject nameMeta, DynamicMetaObject target, IList <DynamicMetaObject> args, ref BindingRestrictions restrictions)
            var name_expr = (_name != null) ? Expression.Constant(_name) : nameMeta?.Expression;

            // resolve target expression:
            Expression target_expr;
            object     target_value;

            BinderHelpers.TargetAsObject(target, out target_expr, out target_value, ref restrictions);

            if (target_value == null)
                /* Template:
                 * PhpException.MethodOnNonObject(name_expr); // aka PhpException.Throw(Error, method_called_on_non_object, name_expr)
                 * return NULL;
                var throwcall = Expression.Call(typeof(PhpException), "MethodOnNonObject", Array.Empty <Type>(), ConvertExpression.Bind(name_expr, typeof(string), ctx.Expression));
                return(Expression.Block(throwcall, ConvertExpression.BindDefault(this.ReturnType)));


            tinfo = target_value.GetPhpTypeInfo();

            var call = BinderHelpers.FindMagicMethod(tinfo, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__call);

            if (call != null)
                // target.__call(name, array)
                var call_args = new Expression[]
                    BinderHelpers.NewPhpArray(ctx.Expression, args.Select(a => a.Expression)),
                return(OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(_returnType, target.Expression, call.Methods, ctx.Expression, call_args));

            return(base.BindMissingMethod(ctx, tinfo, nameMeta, target, args, ref restrictions));
Esempio n. 13
            PhpCallable BindCore(PhpTypeInfo tinfo)
                var routine = (PhpMethodInfo)tinfo?.RuntimeMethods[_method];

                if (routine != null)
                else if (tinfo != null)
                    routine = (PhpMethodInfo)tinfo.RuntimeMethods[TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__callstatic];
                    if (routine != null)
                        return(routine.PhpInvokable.BindMagicCall(null, _method));

                Debug.WriteLine($"Method '{_class}::{_method}' is not defined!");
                // TODO: ctx.Error.CallToUndefinedMethod(_function)

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets <see cref="PhpTypeInfo"/> of parent.
        /// Throws in case of parent being used out of class context or within a parentless class.
        /// </summary>
        public static PhpTypeInfo GetParent(PhpTypeInfo self)
            if (self == null)
                PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Error, Resources.ErrResources.parent_used_out_of_class);
                var t = self.BaseType;
                if (t != null)
                    PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Error, Resources.ErrResources.parent_accessed_in_parentless_class);

            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(self));
Esempio n. 15
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, PhpValue> > EnumerateSerializableProperties(object obj, PhpTypeInfo tinfo, PhpArray properties)
                    Debug.Assert(obj != null);
                    Debug.Assert(tinfo != null);
                    Debug.Assert(properties != null);

                    PhpArray runtime_fields = null;

                    var enumerator = properties.GetFastEnumerator();

                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        FieldAttributes visibility;
                        string          name = enumerator.CurrentValue.ToStringOrThrow(_ctx);
                        string          declaring_type_name;
                        string          property_name = Serialization.ParseSerializedPropertyName(name, out declaring_type_name, out visibility);

                        PhpTypeInfo declarer;   // for visibility check
                        if (declaring_type_name == null)
                            declarer = tinfo;
                            declarer = _ctx.GetDeclaredType(declaring_type_name);
                            if (declarer == null)
                                // property name refers to an unknown class -> value will be null
                                yield return(new KeyValuePair <string, PhpValue>(name, PhpValue.Null));


                        // obtain the property desc and decorate the prop name according to its visibility and declaring class
                        var property = tinfo.GetDeclaredProperty(property_name);
                        if (property != null && !property.IsStatic && property.IsVisible(declarer.Type))
                            // if certain conditions are met, serialize the property as null
                            // (this is to precisely mimic the PHP behavior)
                            if ((visibility == (property.Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) && visibility != FieldAttributes.Public) ||
                                (visibility == FieldAttributes.Private && declarer != property.ContainingType))
                                yield return(new KeyValuePair <string, PhpValue>(name, PhpValue.Null));


                            name = Serialization.FormatSerializedPropertyName(property);
                            property = null; // field is not visible, try runtime fields

                        // obtain the property value
                        PhpValue val;

                        if (property != null)
                            val = property.GetValue(_ctx, obj);
                            if (runtime_fields == null)
                                runtime_fields = tinfo.GetRuntimeFields(obj) ?? PhpArray.Empty;

                            if (!runtime_fields.TryGetValue(name, out val))
                                // PHP 5.1+
                                PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Notice, string.Format(Core.Resources.ErrResources.sleep_returned_bad_field, name));

                        yield return(new KeyValuePair <string, PhpValue>(name, val));
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Declare a runtime user type unser an aliased name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tinfo">Original type descriptor.</param>
 /// <param name="typename">Type name alias, can differ from <see cref="PhpTypeInfo.Name"/>.</param>
 public void DeclareType(PhpTypeInfo tinfo, string typename) => _types.DeclareTypeAlias(tinfo, typename);
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates expression with overload resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treturn">Expected return type.</param>
        /// <param name="target">Target instance in case of instance methods.</param>
        /// <param name="methods">List of methods to resolve overload.</param>
        /// <param name="ctx">Expression of current runtime context.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Provides arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="lateStaticType">Optional type used to statically invoke the method (late static type).</param>
        /// <returns>Expression representing overload call with resolution or <c>null</c> in case binding should be restarted with updated array of <paramref name="methods"/>.</returns>
        static Expression BindOverloadCall(Type treturn, Expression target, ref MethodBase[] methods, Expression ctx, ArgumentsBinder args, PhpTypeInfo lateStaticType = null)
            if (methods == null || args == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            // overload resolution

            // order methods

             * cost1 = CostOf(m1)
             * cost2 = CostOf(m2)
             * ...
             * best = Min(cost1, .., costN)
             * if (cost1 == best) m1( ... )
             * ...
             * default(T) // unreachable

            var locals = new List <ParameterExpression>();
            var body   = new List <Expression>();

            Expression invoke = Expression.Default(treturn);

            if (methods.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException();    // no method to call
                // invoke = ERR
            if (methods.Length == 1)
                // just this piece of code is enough:
                invoke = ConvertExpression.Bind(BindCastToFalse(BinderHelpers.BindToCall(target, methods[0], ctx, args, lateStaticType), DoCastToFalse(methods[0], treturn)), treturn, ctx);
                var list = new List <MethodCostInfo>();

                // collect arguments, that have same type across all provided methods => we don't have to check costof()
                var makeCostOf = DifferentArgumentTypeIndexes(methods); // parameters which costof() have to be calculated and compared to others

                // costX = CostOf(mX)
                foreach (var m in methods)
                    ConversionCost mincost; // minimal cost resolved in compile time
                    var            expr_cost = BindCostOf(m, args, makeCostOf, out mincost);
                    if (mincost >= ConversionCost.NoConversion)
                        continue;   // we don't have to try this overload
                    var const_cost = expr_cost as ConstantExpression;
                    var cost_var   = Expression.Variable(typeof(ConversionCost), "cost" + list.Count);

                    if (const_cost == null)
                        body.Add(Expression.Assign(cost_var, expr_cost));   // costX = CostOf(m)

                    list.Add(new MethodCostInfo()
                        Method      = m,
                        CostExpr    = (Expression)const_cost ?? cost_var,
                        MinimalCost = mincost,

                if (list.Count != 0)
                    var minresolved = ConversionCost.Error;
                    foreach (var c in list.Where(c => c.ResolvedCost.HasValue))
                        minresolved = CostOf.Min(minresolved, c.ResolvedCost.Value);

                    if (list.All(c => c.ResolvedCost.HasValue))
                        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                            if (list[i].ResolvedCost.Value == minresolved)
                                list = new List <MethodCostInfo>()
                        // if minimal cost is greater than some resolved cost, we can reduce it
                        if (minresolved < ConversionCost.Error)
                            for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                if (list[i].MinimalCost > minresolved)

                if (list.Count < methods.Length)
                    // restart binding with reduced list
                    methods = list.Select(l => l.Method).ToArray();

                Debug.Assert(list.Count != 0);

                // declare costI local variables
                locals.AddRange(list.Select(l => l.CostExpr).OfType <ParameterExpression>());

                // best = Min( cost1, .., costN )
                var        expr_best     = Expression.Variable(typeof(ConversionCost), "best");
                var        min_cost_cost = typeof(CostOf).GetMethod("Min", typeof(ConversionCost), typeof(ConversionCost));
                Expression minexpr       = list[0].CostExpr;
                for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
                    minexpr = Expression.Call(min_cost_cost, list[i].CostExpr, minexpr);
                body.Add(Expression.Assign(expr_best, minexpr));

                // switch over method costs
                for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // (best == costI) mI(...) : ...

                    var m     = list[i].Method;
                    var mcall = ConvertExpression.Bind(BindCastToFalse(BinderHelpers.BindToCall(target, m, ctx, args, lateStaticType), DoCastToFalse(m, treturn)), treturn, ctx);
                    invoke = Expression.Condition(Expression.Equal(expr_best, list[i].CostExpr), mcall, invoke);

            body.Insert(0, args.CreatePreamble(locals));


            // return Block { ... ; invoke; }
            return(Expression.Block(treturn, locals, body));
Esempio n. 18
 public static string get_called_class([ImportCallerStaticClass] PhpTypeInfo @static) => @static?.Name;
Esempio n. 19
        public static Expression BindOverloadCall(Type treturn, Expression target, MethodBase[] methods, Expression ctx, Expression argsarray, bool isStaticCallSyntax, PhpTypeInfo lateStaticType = null)
            Expression result = null;

            while (result == null)
                result = BindOverloadCall(treturn, target, ref methods, ctx, new ArgumentsBinder.ArgsArrayBinder(ctx, argsarray), isStaticCallSyntax, lateStaticType);

Esempio n. 20
        public static Expression BindOverloadCall(Type treturn, Expression target, MethodBase[] methods, Expression ctx, Expression[] args, PhpTypeInfo lateStaticType = null)
            Expression result = null;

            while (result == null)
                result = BindOverloadCall(treturn, target, ref methods, ctx, new ArgumentsBinder.ArgsBinder(ctx, args), lateStaticType);

Esempio n. 21
 public static PhpMethodInfo FindMagicMethod(PhpTypeInfo type, TypeMethods.MagicMethods magic)
Esempio n. 22
        public static Expression BindField(PhpTypeInfo type, Type classCtx, Expression target, string field, Expression ctx, AccessMask access, Expression rvalue)
            if (access.Write() != (rvalue != null))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            // lookup a declared field
            for (var t = type; t != null; t = t.BaseType)
                foreach (var p in t.DeclaredFields.GetPhpProperties(field))
                    if (p.IsStatic == (target == null) && p.IsVisible(classCtx))
                        return(BindAccess(p.Bind(ctx, target), ctx, access, rvalue));

            // runtime fields

            if (type.RuntimeFieldsHolder != null)                                         // we don't handle magic methods without the runtime fields
                var runtimeflds = Expression.Field(target, type.RuntimeFieldsHolder);     // Template: target->__runtime_fields
                var fieldkey    = Expression.Constant(new IntStringKey(field));           // Template: IntStringKey(field)
                var resultvar   = Expression.Variable(Cache.Types.PhpValue[0], "result"); // Template: PhpValue result;

                // Template: runtimeflds != null && runtimeflds.TryGetValue(field, out result)
                var trygetfield   = Expression.AndAlso(Expression.ReferenceNotEqual(runtimeflds, Expression.Constant(null)), Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_TryGetValue, fieldkey, resultvar));
                var containsfield = Expression.AndAlso(Expression.ReferenceNotEqual(runtimeflds, Expression.Constant(null)), Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_ContainsKey, fieldkey));

                Expression result;

                if (access.EnsureObject())
                    // (object)target->field->

                    // Template: runtimeflds.EnsureObject(key)
                    result = Expression.Call(EnsureNotNullPhpArray(runtimeflds), Cache.Operators.PhpArray_EnsureItemObject, fieldkey);

                    var __get = BindMagicMethod(type, classCtx, target, ctx, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__get, field, null);
                    if (__get != null)
                        // Template: runtimeflds.Contains(key) ? runtimeflds.EnsureObject(key) : ( __get(key) ?? runtimeflds.EnsureObject(key))
                                                    Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_EnsureItemObject, fieldkey),
                                                    InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __get, access, result, typeof(object))));
                else if (access.EnsureArray())
                    // (IPhpArray)target->field[] =
                    result = Expression.Call(EnsureNotNullPhpArray(runtimeflds), Cache.Operators.PhpArray_EnsureItemArray, fieldkey);

                    var __get = BindMagicMethod(type, classCtx, target, ctx, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__get, field, null);
                    if (__get != null)
                        // Template: runtimeflds.Contains(key) ? runtimeflds.EnsureArray(key) : ( __get(key) ?? runtimeflds.EnsureArray(key))
                                                    Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_EnsureItemArray, fieldkey),
                                                    InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __get, access, result, typeof(IPhpArray))));
                        // runtimeflds.EnsureItemArray(key)
                else if (access.EnsureAlias())
                    // (PhpAlias)&target->field

                    result = Expression.Call(EnsureNotNullPhpArray(runtimeflds), Cache.Operators.PhpArray_EnsureItemAlias, fieldkey);

                    var __get = BindMagicMethod(type, classCtx, target, ctx, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__get, field, null);
                    if (__get != null)
                        // Template: runtimeflds.Contains(key) ? runtimeflds.EnsureItemAlias(key) : ( __get(key) ?? runtimeflds.EnsureItemAlias(key))
                                                    Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_EnsureItemAlias, fieldkey),
                                                    InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __get, access, result, typeof(PhpAlias))));
                        // runtimeflds.EnsureItemAlias(key)
                else if (access.Unset())
                    // unset(target->field)
                    // Template: if (!runtimeflds.RemoveKey(key)) __unset(key)

                    var removekey = Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_RemoveKey, fieldkey);
                    var __unset   = BindMagicMethod(type, classCtx, target, ctx, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__unset, field, null);
                    if (__unset != null)
                                   Expression.OrElse(Expression.ReferenceEqual(runtimeflds, Expression.Constant(null)), Expression.IsFalse(removekey)),
                                   InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __unset, access, Expression.Block(), typeof(void))));
                        // if (runtimeflds != null) runtimeflds.RemoveKey(key)
                                   Expression.ReferenceNotEqual(runtimeflds, Expression.Constant(null)),
                else if (access.Write())
                    var __set = BindMagicMethod(type, classCtx, target, ctx, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__set, field, rvalue);

                    if (access.WriteAlias())
                        // target->field = (PhpAlias)&rvalue
                        Debug.Assert(rvalue.Type == typeof(PhpAlias));
                        rvalue = ConvertExpression.Bind(rvalue, typeof(PhpAlias), ctx);

                        // EnsureNotNull(runtimeflds).SetItemAlias(key, rvalue)
                        result = Expression.Call(EnsureNotNullPhpArray(runtimeflds), Cache.Operators.PhpArray_SetItemAlias, fieldkey, rvalue);

                        if (__set != null)
                            // if (ContainsKey(key)) ? runtimeflds.SetItemAlias(rvalue) : (__set(key, rvalue) ?? runtimeflds.SetItemAlias(key, rvalue)
                                                        Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_SetItemAlias, fieldkey, rvalue),
                                                        InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __set, access, result, typeof(void))));
                        // target->field = rvalue
                        rvalue = ConvertExpression.Bind(rvalue, typeof(PhpValue), ctx);

                        /* Template:
                         * return runtimeflds != null && runtimeflds.ContainsKey(field)
                         *   ? runtimeflds.SetItemValue(key, rvalue)
                         *   : (__set(field, value) ?? runtimeflds.SetItemValue(key, value))

                        result = Expression.Call(EnsureNotNullPhpArray(runtimeflds), Cache.Operators.PhpArray_SetItemValue, fieldkey, rvalue);

                        if (__set != null)
                                                        Expression.Call(runtimeflds, Cache.Operators.PhpArray_SetItemValue, fieldkey, rvalue),
                                                        InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __set, access, result, typeof(void))));
                else if (access.Isset())
                    // isset(target->field)

                    var __isset = BindMagicMethod(type, classCtx, target, ctx, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__isset, field, null);

                    // Template: (TryGetField(result) || (bool)__isset(key)) ? true : void
                    result = Expression.Condition(Expression.OrElse(
                                                      ConvertExpression.BindToBool(InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __isset, access))),
                                                  Expression.Property(null, Cache.Properties.PhpValue_True),
                                                  Expression.Field(null, Cache.Properties.PhpValue_Void));
                    // = target->field

                    /* Template:
                     * return runtimeflds.TryGetValue(field, out result) ? result : (__get(field) ?? ERR);
                    var __get = BindMagicMethod(type, classCtx, target, ctx, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__get, field, null);
                    result = Expression.Condition(trygetfield,
                                                  InvokeHandler(ctx, target, field, __get, access)); // TODO: @default = { ThrowError; return null; }

                return(Expression.Block(result.Type, new[] { resultvar }, result));

            // TODO: IDynamicMetaObject

Esempio n. 23
        internal bool setFetchMode(PDO_FETCH mode, ReadOnlySpan <PhpValue> args)
            switch (mode & ~PDO_FETCH.Flags)
            case PDO_FETCH.Default:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_LAZY:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_ASSOC:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_NUM:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_BOTH:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_OBJ:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_BOUND:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_NAMED:
            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_KEY_PAIR:
                if (args.Length != 0)
                    HandleError("fetch mode doesn't allow any extra arguments");

                // ok

            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_COLUMN:
                if (args.Length != 1)
                    HandleError("fetch mode requires the colno argument");
                else if (args[0].IsLong(out var l))
                    _fetch_column = (int)l;
                    HandleError("colno must be an integer");

            case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_CLASS:

                _default_fetch_class_args = default;
                _default_fetch_class      = null;

                if ((mode & PDO_FETCH.FETCH_CLASSTYPE) != 0)
                    // will be getting its class name from 1st column
                    if (args.Length != 0)
                        HandleError("fetch mode doesn't allow any extra arguments");
                    if (args.Length == 0)
                        HandleError("fetch mode requires the classname argument");
                    else if (args.Length > 2)
                        HandleError("too many arguments");
                    else if (args[0].IsString(out var name))
                        _default_fetch_class = Context.GetDeclaredTypeOrThrow(name, autoload: true);
                        if (_default_fetch_class != null)
                            if (args.Length > 1)
                                var ctorargs = args[1].AsArray();
                                if (ctorargs == null && !args[1].IsNull)
                                    HandleError("ctor_args must be either NULL or an array");
                                else if (ctorargs != null && ctorargs.Count != 0)
                                    _default_fetch_class_args = ctorargs.GetValues();     // TODO: deep copy

                        HandleError("classname must be a string");

            //case PDO_FETCH.FETCH_INTO:
            //    if (args.Length != 1)
            //    {
            //        RaiseError("fetch mode requires the object parameter");
            //        return false;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        FetchClassInto = args[0].AsObject();
            //        if (FetchClassInto == null)
            //        {
            //            RaiseError("object must be an object");
            //            return false;
            //        }

            //        m_fetchStyle = mode;
            //        return true;
            //    }

            //    RaiseError("Invalid fetch mode specified");
            //    return false;

                throw new NotImplementedException(mode.ToString());

            _default_fetch_type = mode;

Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the user type is declared in the current state of <see cref="Context"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phptype">PHP type runtime information. Must not be <c>null</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the type has been declared on the current <see cref="Context"/>.</returns>
 internal bool IsUserTypeDeclared(PhpTypeInfo phptype) => _types.IsDeclared(phptype);
Esempio n. 25
        public static Expression BindField(PhpTypeInfo type, Type classCtx, Expression target, string field, Expression ctx, AccessFlags access, Expression rvalue)
            if (access.Write() != (rvalue != null))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            // lookup a declared field
            for (var t = type; t != null; t = t.BaseType)
                var expr = t.DeclaredFields.Bind(field, classCtx, target, ctx, (target != null) ? TypeFields.FieldKind.InstanceField : TypeFields.FieldKind.StaticField);
                if (expr != null)
                    return BindAccess(expr, ctx, access, rvalue);

            // lookup __get, __set, ...
            TypeMethods.MagicMethods magic;
            if (access.Write())
                magic = TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__set;
            else if (access.Unset())
                magic = TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__unset;
            else if (access.Isset())
                magic = TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__isset;
                magic = TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__get;

            for (var t = type; t != null; t = t.BaseType)
                var m = (PhpMethodInfo)t.DeclaredMethods[magic];
                if (m != null)
                    if (m.Methods.Length == 1 && m.Methods[0].IsVisible(classCtx))
                        switch (magic)
                            case TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__set:
                                // __set(name, value)
                                return OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(rvalue.Type, target, m.Methods, ctx, new Expression[] { Expression.Constant(field), rvalue });
                                // __get(name), __unset(name), __isset(name)
                                return OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(m.Methods[0].ReturnType, target, m.Methods, ctx, new Expression[] { Expression.Constant(field) });


            // runtime fields
            var __runtimeflds = type.RuntimeFieldsHolder;
            if (__runtimeflds != null)
                var __runtimeflds_field = Expression.Field(target, __runtimeflds);
                var key = Expression.Constant(new IntStringKey(field));

                return BindArrayAccess(__runtimeflds_field, key, ctx, access, rvalue);

            // TODO: dynamic

            return null;
Esempio n. 26
        public static Expression BindToCall(Expression instance, MethodBase method, Expression ctx, OverloadBinder.ArgumentsBinder args, PhpTypeInfo lateStaticType)
            Debug.Assert(method is MethodInfo || method is ConstructorInfo);

            var ps        = method.GetParameters();
            var boundargs = new Expression[ps.Length];

            int argi = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++)
                var p = ps[i];
                if (argi == 0 && p.IsImplicitParameter())
                    if (p.IsContextParameter())
                        boundargs[i] = ctx;
                    else if (p.IsLateStaticParameter())
                        if (lateStaticType != null)
                            // Template: PhpTypeInfoExtension.GetPhpTypeInfo<lateStaticType>()
                            boundargs[i] = Expression.Call(
                                typeof(PhpTypeInfoExtension).GetMethod("GetPhpTypeInfo", Cache.Types.Empty).MakeGenericMethod(lateStaticType.Type.AsType()));
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("static context not available.");
                    else if (p.IsImportLocalsParameter())
                        // no way we can implement this
                        throw new NotImplementedException();    // TODO: empty array & report warning
                    else if (p.IsImportCallerArgsParameter())
                        // we don't have this info
                        throw new NotImplementedException();    // TODO: empty array & report warning
                    else if (p.IsImportCallerClassParameter())
                        // TODO: pass classctx from the callsite
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                    else if (p.IsImportCallerStaticClassParameter())
                        throw new NotSupportedException(); // we don't know current late static bound type
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                    if (i == ps.Length - 1 && p.IsParamsParameter())
                        var element_type = p.ParameterType.GetElementType();
                        boundargs[i] = args.BindParams(argi, element_type);
                        boundargs[i] = args.BindArgument(argi, p);


            Debug.Assert(boundargs.All(x => x != null));

            if (method.IsStatic)
                instance = null;

            if (method.IsConstructor)
                return(Expression.New((ConstructorInfo)method, boundargs));

            if (instance != null)
                instance = Expression.Convert(instance, method.DeclaringType);

            if (instance != null && method.IsVirtual)   // NOTE: only needed for parent::foo(), static::foo() and self::foo() ?
                // Ugly hack here,
                // we NEED to call the method nonvirtually, but LambdaCompiler emits .callvirt always and there is no way how to change it (except we can emit all the stuff by ourselfs).
                // We use DynamicMethod to emit .call inside, and use its MethodInfo which is static.
                // LambdaCompiler generates .call to static DynamicMethod which calls our method via .call as well,
                // after all the inlining, there should be no overhead.

                method = WrapInstanceMethodToStatic((MethodInfo)method);

                var newargs = new Expression[boundargs.Length + 1];
                newargs[0] = instance;
                Array.Copy(boundargs, 0, newargs, 1, boundargs.Length);
                boundargs = newargs;
                instance  = null;

            return(Expression.Call(instance, (MethodInfo)method, boundargs));
Esempio n. 27
 public static string get_called_class([ImportValue(ImportValueAttribute.ValueSpec.CallerStaticClass)] PhpTypeInfo @static) => @static?.Name;
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls a user defined function or method given by the function parameter.
 /// This function must be called within a method context, it can't be used outside a class.
 /// It uses the late static binding.
 /// All arguments of the forwarded method are passed as values, and as an array, similarly to <see cref="call_user_func_array"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public static PhpValue forward_static_call_array(Context ctx, [ImportValue(ImportValueAttribute.ValueSpec.CallerStaticClass)] PhpTypeInfo @static, IPhpCallable function, PhpArray args)
     return(forward_static_call(ctx, @static, function, args.GetValues()));
Esempio n. 29
 internal ReflectionClass(PhpTypeInfo tinfo)
     Debug.Assert(tinfo != null);
     _tinfo = tinfo;
Esempio n. 30
        public virtual void __construct(Context ctx, PhpValue @class)
            Debug.Assert(_tinfo == null, "Subsequent call not allowed.");

            _tinfo = ReflectionUtils.ResolvePhpTypeInfo(ctx, @class);
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds callback to given late static bound type.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual PhpCallable BindToStatic(Context ctx, PhpTypeInfo @static) => Bind(ctx);