Esempio n. 1
    public void DoAction()
        PlayerProperties targetPlayer;

        if (player.IsAiPlayer)
            print("Player is an AI, selecting random weapon and target now");
            // won't set the targetRow/Weapon in PlayerProperties, but will attack the correct random player with the random weapon
            //var decisionPhase = gameObject.GetComponent<DecisionPhase>();
            //var actionPhase = gameObject.GetComponent<ActionPhase>();

            // choose a random valid(!) target player
            var randomTargetRow = GetRandomTargetRow();
            targetPlayer = GetTargetPlayer(randomTargetRow);

            // and a random weapon
            ChangeLeftHandWeapon(randomTargetRow, GetRandomWeapon());

            targetPlayer = GetTargetPlayer();

        // checks for restrictions before attacking
        if (CanPlayerAttack(targetPlayer))
            // TODO check if player is front or back row to choose whether player should move or throw weapon
            // -> front should move and swing weapon, back should throw weapon
            if (player.CurrentRowPosition == PhaseHandler.RowPosition.Back)
                Coroutine throwWeaponCoroutine = StartCoroutine(ThrowWeapon(targetPlayer, onComplete: () => {
                    LoadNewEffect(new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f), targetPlayer);

            print($"target ({targetPlayer.playerName}) can currently not be attacked. Switching to next player now.");
            // somehow this has to be done via callback, otherwise the next phase won't be triggered
            // PhaseHandler.SetNextActivePlayer();
            // StartCoroutine(SetNextActivePlayer(onComplete: () => { PhaseHandler.SetNextActivePlayer(); }));

            MinifigControllerGroupW.SpecialAnimation specialAnimation = player.currentHp <= 0 ? MinifigControllerGroupW.SpecialAnimation.LookingDown : MinifigControllerGroupW.SpecialAnimation.IdleImpatient;

            playerMinifigController.PlaySpecialAnimation(specialAnimation, onSpecialComplete: (x) => {
Esempio n. 2
    void RotateBack(PlayerProperties activePlayer, PlayerProperties targetPlayer)
        // TODO player hp bar should stay on top of player instead of rotating with him
        // face to the correct direction again (change rotation)
        print("now rotating back");
        Vector3 originalRotation = targetPlayer.transform.position;

        // when the animation is finished, it's the next players turn
        playerMinifigController.TurnTo(originalRotation, onComplete: () => { PhaseHandler.SetNextActivePlayer(); });