protected override void SetCreditCardAction() { CreditCardSelectForm form = new CreditCardSelectForm(this); if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { _credit_card = form.Selected as CreditCardInfo; if (_credit_card.ETipoTarjeta != ETipoTarjeta.Credito) { PgMng.ShowInfoException("Solo son válidas las tarjetas de crédito"); return; } _entity.OidTarjetaCredito = _credit_card.Oid; _entity.TarjetaCredito = _credit_card.Nombre; _entity.OidCuentaBancaria = _credit_card.OidCuentaBancaria; _entity.CuentaBancaria = _credit_card.CuentaBancaria; _entity.Agente = _credit_card.Nombre; Cuenta_TB.Text = _entity.CuentaBancaria; Tarjeta_TB.Text = _entity.TarjetaCredito; _entity.SetFechas(Fecha_DTP.Value, _credit_card); Vencimiento_DTP.Value = _entity.Vencimiento; EstadoPago_TB.Text = _entity.EstadoPagoLabel; LoadCreditCardStatements(); } }
/// <summary> /// Guarda en la bd el objeto actual /// </summary> protected override bool SaveObject() { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; //Creamos los cobros Fomento de los expedientes seleccionados if (!Asignar()) { return(false); } // do the save try { Charge temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; } }
public void DoJob() { PgMng.Result = BGResult.Working; try { switch (_back_job) { case BackJob.Download: DoDownload(null); break; case BackJob.Upload: DoUpload(null); break; case BackJob.Delete: DoDelete(null); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); } }
protected override void EditStockAction() { if (Stock_DGW.CurrentRow == null) { return; } if (Stock_DGW.CurrentRow.Index < 0) { return; } if (Stock_DGW.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem == null) { return; } Stock s = (Stock)Stock_DGW.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem; if ((s.OidAlbaran != 0) || ((s.OidAlbaran == 0) && (s.Observaciones == Library.Store.Resources.Defaults.STOCK_INICIAL))) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.STOCK_FACTURADO); return; } EditStockActionForm form = new EditStockActionForm(s, _entity); form.ShowDialog(this); Stock_BS.ResetBindings(false); }
public virtual void CrearFacturaAction() { InputDeliverySelectForm form = new InputDeliverySelectForm(this, InputDeliveryList.GetNoFacturados(true)); form.ShowDialog(this); if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { try { PgMng.Reset(4, 1, Resources.Messages.GENERANDO_FACTURAS, this); List <InputDeliveryInfo> deliveries = form.Selected as List <InputDeliveryInfo>; PgMng.Grow(); InputInvoices invoices = InputInvoices.NewList(); invoices.NewItems(deliveries); PgMng.Grow(); invoices.Save(); invoices.CloseSession(); _selected = deliveries; _action_result = DialogResult.OK; } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); } finally { PgMng.FillUp(); RefreshList(); } } }
protected virtual void CrearTicketAction() { if (_entity.EEstado != EEstado.Abierto) { return; } TicketInfo ticket = TicketInfo.GetByAlbaran(_entity.Oid, false); if (ticket != null && ticket.Oid != 0) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.ALBARAN_TICKET_EXISTS); return; } ExecuteAction(molAction.Save, true); if (_action_result == DialogResult.OK) { TicketAddForm form = new TicketAddForm(_entity.GetInfo(), this); form.ShowDialog(); _entity.NumeroTicket = form.Entity.Codigo; } }
protected override bool SaveObject() { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; // do the save try { PgMng.Reset(6, 1, Library.Store.Resources.Messages.ACTUALIZANDO_STOCKS, this); OutputDelivery temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); PgMng.Grow(); _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); PgMng.Grow(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { CleanCache(); PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; PgMng.FillUp(); } }
/// <summary> /// Guarda en la bd el objeto actual /// </summary> protected override bool SaveObject() { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; InventarioAlmacen temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); // do the save try { _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); //Decomentar si se va a mantener en memoria //_entity.BeginEdit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; } }
public virtual void CrearFacturaAction() { DeliverySelectForm form = new DeliverySelectForm(this, ETipoEntidad.Cliente, OutputDeliveryList.GetNoFacturados(true)); form.ShowDialog(this); if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { try { PgMng.Reset(4, 1, Resources.Messages.GENERANDO_FACTURAS, this); List <OutputDeliveryInfo> albaranes = form.Selected as List <OutputDeliveryInfo>; PgMng.Grow(); OutputInvoices facturas = OutputInvoices.NewList(); facturas.NewItems(albaranes); PgMng.Grow(); facturas.Save(); facturas.CloseSession(); _selected = albaranes; _action_result = DialogResult.OK; } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); } finally { PgMng.FillUp(); } } }
protected override void NuevoConceptoAction() { if (_entity.OidSerie == 0) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.NO_SERIE_SELECTED); return; } if (_entity.OidCliente == 0) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.NO_CLIENT_SELECTED); return; } _cliente = Datos_Cliente.Current as ClienteInfo; BudgetLineAddForm form = new BudgetLineAddForm(ETipoProducto.Almacen, _entity, _serie, _cliente, this); if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { _entity.CalculaTotal(); if (_entity.Conceptos.Count > 0) { Serie_BT.Enabled = false; } RefreshConceptos(); ControlsMng.UpdateBinding(Datos); HideComponentes(); } }
protected override bool SaveObject() { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; Budget temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); // do the save try { _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); //_entity.BeginEdit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { CleanCache(); PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; PgMng.FillUp(); } }
/// <summary> /// Guarda en la bd el objeto actual /// </summary> protected override bool SaveObject() { //Se está editando un objeto hijo de una lista. Ya se encargará la lista de guardar si procede if (IsChild) { _source.CopyFrom(_entity); return(true); } this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; LivestockBookLine temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); // do the save try { _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; } }
protected virtual bool Asignar() { if (_entity.Pendiente == 0) { PgMng.ShowInfoException("No existe cantidad pendiente de asignación en este cobro."); return(false); } if (NoAsignado > _entity.Pendiente) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(string.Format("La asignación {0:C2} es superior a la cantidad pendiente en el cobro {1:C2}.", NoAsignado, _entity.Pendiente)); return(false); } foreach (FacREAInfo item in _facturas) { REAExpedient rea_expedient = _rea_expedients.GetItem(item.OidExpedienteREA); if (item.Vinculado == Library.Invoice.Resources.Labels.RESET_COBRO) { try { if (item.Asignado < 0) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(string.Format("El importe de la asignación del expediente {0} es negativo.", item.NExpediente)); return(false); } CobroREA c = _entity.CobroREAs.GetItemByExpedienteREA(item.OidExpedienteREA); if ((item.Asignado > item.TotalAyuda) && (c == null)) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(string.Format("El importe de la asignación del expediente {0} es superior a la cantidad pendiente de cobro.", item.NExpediente)); return(false); } } catch { PgMng.ShowInfoException(string.Format("El valor asignado al expediente {0} no es válido.", item.NExpediente)); return(false); } if (rea_expedient != null) { rea_expedient.EEstado = EEstado.Charged; } } else { if (rea_expedient != null) { if (rea_expedient.EEstado == EEstado.Charged) { rea_expedient.EEstado = EEstado.Abierto; } } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Guarda en la bd el objeto actual /// </summary> protected override bool SaveObject() { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; Registro temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); PgMng.Grow(); // do the save try { _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); PgMng.Grow(string.Empty, "temp.Save()"); return(true); } catch (iQValidationException ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowErrorException(ex); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Guarda en la bd el objeto actual /// </summary> protected override bool SaveObject() { using (StatusBusy busy = new StatusBusy(moleQule.Face.Resources.Messages.SAVING)) { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; IAcreedor temp = _entity.IClone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); // do the save try { _entity = temp.ISave(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(iQExceptionHandler.GetAllMessages(ex)); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; } } }
private void DeleteUser_TI_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Datos.Current == null) { return; } if (((User)Datos.Current).Name == AppContext.User.Name) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.NO_DELETE_USER); return; } User item = (User)Datos.Current; if (item.Oid == 1) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(String.Format(moleQule.Library.Resources.Messages.DELETE_USER_NOT_ALLOWED, item.Name)); return; } if (ProgressInfoMng.ShowQuestion(Resources.Messages.DELETE_CONFIRM) == DialogResult.Yes) { _usuarios.Remove(item.Oid); } }
protected override void SubmitAction() { string msg = string.Empty; switch (_entity.ETipoStock) { case ETipoStock.Todos: msg = "Seleccione un tipo de Movimiento de Stock"; break; case ETipoStock.Compra: msg = "Las entradas de Stock por Compra deben realizarse mediante un Albarán Recibido"; break; case ETipoStock.Venta: msg = "Las salidas de Stock por Venta deben realizarse mediante un Albarán Emitido"; break; case ETipoStock.AltaKit: case ETipoStock.BajaKit: msg = "Las entradas y salidas de Stock de este tipo deben realizarse mediante Mezclas"; break; } if (msg != string.Empty) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(msg); _action_result = DialogResult.Ignore; return; } _entity.SetSignoStock(); /*if (_entity.Bultos < 0) * { * if (Decimal.Round(_producto_actual.StockBultos, 2) + Decimal.Round(_entity.Bultos, 2) < 0) * { * PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.BULTOS_INSUFICIENTES + " " + _producto_actual.StockBultos.ToString("N2")); * * _action_result = DialogResult.Ignore; * return; * } * } * * if (_entity.Kilos < 0) * { * if (Decimal.Round(_producto_actual.StockKilos, 2) + Decimal.Round(_entity.Kilos, 2) < 0) * { * PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.STOCK_INSUFICIENTE + " " + _producto_actual.StockKilos.ToString("N2")); * * _action_result = DialogResult.Ignore; * return; * } * }*/ _expedient.UpdateStocks(_current_batch, true); _action_result = DialogResult.OK; }
protected void ChangeStateAction(EEstado estado) { if (_entity.EEstado == EEstado.Anulado) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Face.Resources.Messages.ITEM_ANULADO_NO_EDIT); return; } switch (estado) { case EEstado.Anulado: { if (_entity.EEstado == EEstado.Contabilizado) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Library.Common.Resources.Messages.NULL_CONTABILIZADO_NOT_ALLOWED); return; } if (ProgressInfoMng.ShowQuestion(Face.Resources.Messages.NULL_CONFIRM) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } } break; } _entity.EEstado = estado; }
protected virtual void SelectClienteAction() { //if ((_entity.Conceptos.Count > 0) && (!_entity.Contado)) //{ // PgMng.ShowInfoException("No es posible cambiar el cliente a un albarán con conceptos asociados."); // return; //} if (_entity.OidSerie == 0) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.NO_SERIE_SELECTED); return; } ClientSelectForm form = new ClientSelectForm(this, EEstado.Active); if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { _cliente = form.Selected as ClienteInfo; if (_cliente.Oid != _entity.OidHolder) { SetCliente(_cliente); } } }
protected override void EditPagoAction() { bool locked = false; if (Pago == null) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Face.Resources.Messages.NO_SELECTED); return; } if (Pago.EEstado == moleQule.Base.EEstado.Anulado) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Face.Resources.Messages.ITEM_ANULADO_NO_EDIT); return; } PayrollPaymentEditForm form = new PayrollPaymentEditForm(this, _entity, Pago.Oid, locked); form.MedioPago_BT.Enabled = false; form.ShowDialog(this); Payment current = Pago; Payments_BS.ResetBindings(false); _summary.Refresh(_entity); Summary_BS.ResetBindings(false); SetGridColors(Pagos_DGW.Name); _payrolls = PayrollList.GetListByEmpleado(_entity.Oid, false); Select(current); }
protected void NewApunteBancario(NotifyEntity item) { if (item.ETipoNotificacion != ETipoNotificacion.PagoTarjetaVencido) { if (((PaymentList)item.List).Count > 0) { //PgMng.ShowInfoException("Seleccione un extracto pendiente de la tarjeta"); PaymentInfo pg = ((PaymentList)item.List)[0]; CreditCardInfo tarjeta = CreditCardInfo.Get(pg.OidTarjetaCredito, false); PaymentInfo pago = PaymentInfo.GetByVencimientoTarjeta(tarjeta, pg.Vencimiento, false); PagoFraccionadoTarjetaEditForm form = new PagoFraccionadoTarjetaEditForm(pago.Oid, ETipoPago.FraccionadoTarjeta, this); form.ShowDialog(); } return; } PaymentList list = (PaymentList)item.List; if (list.Count == 0) { PgMng.ShowInfoException("No existen extractos pendientes para esta tarjeta"); return; } Library.Invoice.ModuleController.CreateApuntesBancarios(list); RefreshAction(); }
/// <summary> /// Guarda en la bd el objeto actual /// </summary> protected override bool SaveObject() { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; LineaFomento temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); // do the save try { _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(iQExceptionHandler.GetAllMessages(ex)); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Guarda en la bd el objeto actual /// </summary> protected override bool SaveObject() { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; Expedient temp = _entity.Clone(); temp.ApplyEdit(); // do the save try { _entity = temp.Save(); _entity.ApplyEdit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex.Message); return(false); } finally { this.Datos.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Asigna el objeto al origen de datos y los orígenes de datos auxiliares /// <returns>void</returns> /// </summary> protected void SetFormData() { try { EnableEvents(false); RefreshSecondaryData(); RefreshMainData(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (null != iQExceptionHandler <iQLockException> .GetiQException(ex)) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Messages.LOCK_ERROR); } else { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); } Dispose(); } finally { EnableEvents(true); } }
public virtual void EmailAction() { if (ActiveItem == null) { return; } PgMng.Reset(3, 1, Face.Resources.Messages.OPENING_EMAIL_CLIENT, this); MailParams mail = new MailParams(); mail.To = ActiveItem.Email; try { PgMng.Grow(); EMailSender.MailTo(mail); } catch { PgMng.ShowInfoException(moleQule.Face.Resources.Messages.NO_EMAIL_CLIENT); } finally { PgMng.FillUp(); } }
public override void OpenEditForm() { try { EntityBase.CheckEditLockedEstado(ActiveItem.EEstado, moleQule.Base.EEstado.Contabilizado); } catch (iQException ex) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); _action_result = DialogResult.Ignore; return; } if ((ActiveItem.ECategoriaGasto == ECategoriaGasto.GeneralesExpediente) || (ActiveItem.ECategoriaGasto == ECategoriaGasto.OtrosExpediente) || (ActiveItem.ECategoriaGasto == ECategoriaGasto.Stock)) { PgMng.ShowInfoException("No es posible editar un gasto asociado a un expediente"); _action_result = DialogResult.Ignore; return; } ExpenseEditForm form = new ExpenseEditForm(ActiveItem.Oid, this); if (form.Entity != null) { AddForm(form); _entity = form.Entity; } }
/// <summary> /// La llama el backgroundworker para ejecutar codigo en segundo plano /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public new void BackGroundJob(BackgroundWorker bk) { try { switch (_back_job) { case BackJob.Download: DoDownload(bk); break; case BackJob.Upload: DoUpload(bk); break; case BackJob.Delete: DoDelete(bk); break; default: base.BackGroundJob(bk); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { CancelBackGroundJob(); PgMng.ShowInfoException(ex); } }
protected override void EditPagoAction() { bool locked = false; if (Pago == null) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Face.Resources.Messages.NO_SELECTED); return; } if (Pago.EEstado == moleQule.Base.EEstado.Anulado) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Face.Resources.Messages.ITEM_ANULADO_NO_EDIT); return; } InvoicePaymentEditForm form = new InvoicePaymentEditForm(this, _entity, Pago, locked); form.MedioPago_BT.Enabled = false; form.ShowDialog(this); RefreshAction(); Refresh(); }
protected void ExportPDF(ReportClass rpt, string output_file_name) { if (rpt != null) { ExportOptions options = new ExportOptions(); DiskFileDestinationOptions diskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions(); SaveFile_SFD.InitialDirectory = SettingsMng.Instance.GetPDFPrintsFolder(); SaveFile_SFD.FileName = output_file_name; SaveFile_SFD.AddExtension = true; SaveFile_SFD.DefaultExt = "pdf"; if (SaveFile_SFD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { PgMng.Grow(String.Format(Face.Resources.Messages.EXPORTING_PDF, SaveFile_SFD.FileName), string.Empty); diskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = SaveFile_SFD.FileName; options.ExportFormatType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat; options.ExportDestinationType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportDestinationType.DiskFile; options.ExportDestinationOptions = diskFileDestinationOptions; PgMng.Grow(); rpt.Export(options); } } else { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.NO_DATA_REPORTS); } }
protected void SetExpedient(ExpedientInfo expedient) { _expedient = expedient; if (_expedient != null) { if (_product != null) { switch (_expedient.ETipo) { case moleQule.Store.Structs.ETipoExpediente.Ganado: if (_product.ETipoFacturacion != ETipoFacturacion.Unitaria) { PgMng.ShowInfoException(Resources.Messages.NO_UNITS_ALLOWED); return; } break; } } _entity.OidExpediente = _expedient.Oid; _entity.Expediente = _expedient.Codigo; } else { _entity.OidExpediente = 0; _entity.Expediente = string.Empty; } Expediente_TB.Text = _entity.Expediente; }