private static decimal GetDaysForThirty360( LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate ) { var months = Period.Between(startDate, endDate, PeriodUnits.Months).Months; var startPlusMonths = startDate.PlusMonths(months); var days = Period.Between(startPlusMonths, endDate, PeriodUnits.Days).Days; var retVal = months * 30 + (days > 30 ? 30 : days); return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the patients month age at sampling /// </summary> /// <returns>Age of patient at sampling if sampling date is known, age at receiving date otherwise</returns> public static int PatientMonthAgeAtSampling <TSending, TPatient>(this ISendingReference <TSending, TPatient> isolate) where TPatient : PatientBase where TSending : SendingBase <TPatient> { var monthAgeAtSampling = 0; if (isolate.Sending.Patient.BirthDate.HasValue) { var birthday = LocalDate.FromDateTime(isolate.Sending.Patient.BirthDate.Value); var samplingOrReceivingDate = LocalDate.FromDateTime(isolate.Sending.SamplingDate ?? isolate.Sending.ReceivingDate); monthAgeAtSampling = Period.Between(birthday, samplingOrReceivingDate, PeriodUnits.Months).Months; } return(monthAgeAtSampling); }
public void Between_LocalDateTimes() { Period period = Snippet.For(Period.Between( new LocalDateTime(2015, 1, 23, 21, 30, 15), new LocalDateTime(2017, 10, 15, 21, 02, 17))); Assert.AreEqual(2, period.Years); Assert.AreEqual(8, period.Months); Assert.AreEqual(21, period.Days); Assert.AreEqual(23, period.Hours); Assert.AreEqual(32, period.Minutes); Assert.AreEqual(2, period.Seconds); Assert.AreEqual("P2Y8M21DT23H32M2S", period.ToString()); }
public static List <ForecastHourly> GetHourlyWeatherOverPeriod(SimpleTime start, SimpleTime end, double lat, double lng) { LocalDateTime begin = new LocalDateTime(start.Year, start.Month, start.Day, 0, 0); LocalDateTime stop = new LocalDateTime(end.Year, end.Month, end.Day, 0, 0); Period period = Period.Between(begin, stop, PeriodUnits.Days); List <ForecastHourly> hourlyData = new List <ForecastHourly>(); for (int i = 0; i <= period.Days; i++) { LocalDateTime localtime = begin.PlusDays(i); string timezone = "America/Toronto"; DateTimeZone tz = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[timezone]; ZonedDateTime zt = tz.AtLeniently(localtime); var tz_offset = zt.ToDateTimeOffset(); Task.Run(async() => { var client = new ForecastApi(API_KEY); Forecast result = await client.GetTimeMachineWeatherAsync(lat, lng, tz_offset); var hourly = result.Hourly.Hours; for (int h = 0; h < hourly.Count(); h++) { ForecastHourly store_hourly = new ForecastHourly(); store_hourly.ApparentTemperature = hourly[h].ApparentTemperature; store_hourly.CloudCover = hourly[h].CloudCover; store_hourly.DewPoint = hourly[h].DewPoint; store_hourly.Humidity = hourly[h].Humidity; store_hourly.Icon = hourly[h].Icon; store_hourly.Ozone = hourly[h].Ozone; store_hourly.PrecipitationIntensity = hourly[h].PrecipitationIntensity; store_hourly.PrecipitationProbability = hourly[h].PrecipitationProbability; store_hourly.Pressure = hourly[h].Pressure; store_hourly.Summary = hourly[h].Summary; store_hourly.Temperature = hourly[h].Temperature; store_hourly.Time = hourly[h].Time; //Instant instant = Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(hourly[h].Time.UtcDateTime); //don't need this, already defined above store_hourly.LocalTime = zt.LocalDateTime; store_hourly.Visibility = hourly[h].Visibility; store_hourly.WindBearing = hourly[h].WindBearing; store_hourly.WindSpeed = hourly[h].WindSpeed; hourlyData.Add(store_hourly); } }).Wait(); } return(hourlyData); }
public static bool IsPastDate(this DateTime compareDate, string callingMethod) { var localNow = DateTimeWrapper.NowUtc.Date.ToLocalDateTime(); var localCompare = compareDate.ToLocalDateTime(); var compareDiff = (compareDate.Date - DateTimeWrapper.NowUtc.Date).TotalDays; var comparePeriod = Period.Between(localNow, localCompare, PeriodUnits.Days); LogHelper.LogDebugDetails(callingMethod, $"Compare Date: {localCompare}", $"Compare ToUser: {compareDate.ToUser().Date}", $"Now (UTC): {DateTimeWrapper.NowUtc.Date}", $"Start Kind: {compareDate.Kind.ToString()}", $"Now Kind: {DateTimeWrapper.NowUtc.Kind.ToString()}", $"Start Period: {comparePeriod.Days}"); return(comparePeriod.Days < 0); }
private IEnumerable <LocalTimeInterval> GetDayPattern(LocalDate date) { if (date < Start) { return(new LocalTimeInterval[0]); } if (End.HasValue && date >= End) { return(new LocalTimeInterval[0]); } var index = Period.Between(Start, date, PeriodUnits.Days).Days; return(Shifts[(int)index % Shifts.Count]); }
public int GetAlder(int brugerID) { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(Helper.CnnVal("Dating"))) { LocalDate Fødselsdato = connection.Query <LocalDate>("Bruger_GetAlder @BrugerID", new { BrugerID = brugerID }).Single(); //DateTimeZone zone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["Europe/Copenhagen"]; //ZonedClock clock = SystemClock.Instance.InZone(zone); //int Alder = Period.Between(Fødselsdato, clock.GetCurrentLocalDateTime().Date).Years; int Alder = Period.Between(Fødselsdato, SystemClock.Instance.InZone(DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["Europe/Copenhagen"]).GetCurrentLocalDateTime().Date).Years; return(Alder); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates schemas container. /// </summary> /// <returns>Initialized <see cref="Schema"/> instance.</returns> public Schemas CreateSchemas() { IDateTimeZoneProvider dateTimeZoneProvider = _settings.DateTimeZoneProvider ?? DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb; var dateTimeZone = dateTimeZoneProvider.GetSystemDefault(); var instant = Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(DateTime.UtcNow); var zonedDateTime = instant.InZone(dateTimeZone); var interval = new Interval(instant, instant.PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerHour) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)); var dateInterval = new DateInterval(zonedDateTime.Date, zonedDateTime.Date.PlusDays(1)); Period period = Period.Between(zonedDateTime.LocalDateTime, interval.End.InZone(dateTimeZone).LocalDateTime, PeriodUnits.AllUnits); // return(new Schemas { Instant = () => StringSchema(instant, "date-time"), LocalDate = () => StringSchema(zonedDateTime.Date, "full-date"), LocalTime = () => StringSchema(zonedDateTime.TimeOfDay, "partial-time"), LocalDateTime = () => StringSchema(zonedDateTime.LocalDateTime), OffsetDateTime = () => StringSchema(instant.WithOffset(zonedDateTime.Offset), "date-time"), ZonedDateTime = () => StringSchema(zonedDateTime), Interval = () => new OpenApiSchema { Type = "object", Properties = new Dictionary <string, OpenApiSchema> { { ResolvePropertyName(nameof(Interval.Start)), StringSchema(interval.Start, "date-time") }, { ResolvePropertyName(nameof(Interval.End)), StringSchema(interval.End, "date-time") }, }, }, DateInterval = () => new OpenApiSchema { Type = "object", Properties = new Dictionary <string, OpenApiSchema> { { ResolvePropertyName(nameof(DateInterval.Start)), StringSchema(dateInterval.Start, "full-date") }, { ResolvePropertyName(nameof(DateInterval.End)), StringSchema(dateInterval.End, "full-date") }, }, }, Offset = () => StringSchema(zonedDateTime.Offset, "time-numoffset"), Period = () => StringSchema(period), Duration = () => StringSchema(interval.Duration), DateTimeZone = () => StringSchema(dateTimeZone), }); }
private static Dictionary <VoucherRecord, VoucherRecord> MatchVoucherTypes(IEnumerable <VoucherRecord> vouchersA, IEnumerable <VoucherRecord> matchWithTheseB, bool ignoreCompanyName) { var matchWithTheseListB = matchWithTheseB.ToList(); var vouchersListA = vouchersA.ToList(); bool GetDateInRange(int days, int minInc, int maxEx) => days >= minInc && days < maxEx; var dateMatchPasses = new List <Func <LocalDate, LocalDate, bool> > { (voucherA, voucherB) => voucherA == voucherB, (voucherA, voucherB) => GetDateInRange(Period.Between(voucherA, voucherB, PeriodUnits.Days).Days, 0, 3), (voucherA, voucherB) => GetDateInRange(Period.Between(voucherA, voucherB, PeriodUnits.Days).Days, 0, 21), (voucherA, voucherB) => GetDateInRange(Period.Between(voucherA, voucherB, PeriodUnits.Days).Days, 0, 51), }; if (!ignoreCompanyName) { dateMatchPasses.Add( (voucherA, voucherB) => GetDateInRange(Period.Between(voucherA, voucherB, PeriodUnits.Days).Days, 0, 91) ); } var result = new Dictionary <VoucherRecord, VoucherRecord>(); foreach (var dateMatch in dateMatchPasses) { var matches = vouchersListA.Select(vA => { //if (ignoreCompanyName && vA.GetTransactionsMaxAmount() == 281) //{ } var lb_t24400 = vA.Transactions.First(t => t.AccountId == 24400); var foundLrs = matchWithTheseListB.Where(vB => dateMatch(vA.Date, vB.Date)).Where(l => { var lr_t24400 = l.Transactions.First(t => t.AccountId == 24400); return(lr_t24400.Amount == -lb_t24400.Amount && (ignoreCompanyName ? true : lr_t24400.CompanyName == lb_t24400.CompanyName)); }); return(new { A = vA, Bs = foundLrs.ToList() }); }); var goodMatches = matches.Where(o => o.Bs.Count() == 1).Select(o => (o.A, o.Bs.First())).ToList(); matchWithTheseListB = matchWithTheseListB.Except(goodMatches.Select(o => o.Item2)).ToList(); vouchersListA = vouchersListA.Except(goodMatches.Select(o => o.A)).ToList(); goodMatches.ForEach(o => result.Add(o.A, o.Item2)); } return(result); }
private void InitializeCounter() { int monthCounter = GetMonthAfterBirth(); var now = DateTime.Now; LocalDate birthDate = new LocalDate(2019, 8, 12); LocalDate today = new LocalDate(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day); Period age = Period.Between(birthDate, today); TimeElapsed.Text = $"{age.Years} years {age.Months} months {age.Days} days"; for (var month = 0; month < monthCounter; month++) { AddGridImage(month); } }
} = 0.667; // Extra 40 minutes accumulated per year there public static double GetVacationHours(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, double daysOff = 0) { // Get number of months total if (startDate > endDate) { return(0); } int months = MonthDiff(startDate, endDate); // Get number of years after start date for extra time LocalDate start = new(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day); LocalDate end = new(endDate.Year, endDate.Month, endDate.Day); int years = Period.Between(start, end).Years; return((months * ((years * ExtraVacationPerYear) + MonthlyVacation)) - (daysOff * 8)); }
public static string GetTimeBetween(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, PeriodUnits pu, bool label) { // LocalDateTime start = new LocalDateTime(startTime.Year, startTime.Month, startTime.Day, startTime.Hour, startTime.Minute, startTime.Second); LocalDateTime end = new LocalDateTime(endTime.Year, endTime.Month, endTime.Day, endTime.Hour, endTime.Minute, endTime.Second); Period period = Period.Between(start, end, pu); string s = string.Empty; if ((pu & PeriodUnits.Years) != 0) { s = s + string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? "" : " ", period.Years, label ? " Years" : ""); } if ((pu & PeriodUnits.Months) != 0) { s = s + string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? "" : " ", period.Months, label ? " Months" : ""); } if ((pu & PeriodUnits.Weeks) != 0) { s = s + string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? "" : " ", period.Weeks, label ? " Weeks" : ""); } if ((pu & PeriodUnits.Days) != 0) { s = s + string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? "" : " ", period.Days, label ? " Days" : ""); } if ((pu & PeriodUnits.Hours) != 0) { s = s + string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? "" : " ", period.Hours, label ? " Hours" : ""); } if ((pu & PeriodUnits.Minutes) != 0) { s = s + string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? "" : " ", period.Minutes, label ? " Minutes" : ""); } if ((pu & PeriodUnits.Seconds) != 0) { s = s + string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? "" : " ", period.Seconds, label ? " Seconds" : ""); } return(s); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //This is an attempt to make a birthday checker //User will enter DOB, program will compare that to current day //If the DOB indicates the person is 21 or, program will display VALID SALE //This is a test of concept //I just want to see if I can do it Console.Write("Enter DOB: "); string input = Console.ReadLine(); //get input LocalDateTimePattern pattern = LocalDateTimePattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("MMddyy"); //set pattern for parsing from string ParseResult <LocalDateTime> parseResult = pattern.Parse(input); //parse string from input LocalDateTime dob = parseResult.Value; //returns value of parse result //date of birth set as variable 'dob' Instant today = SystemClock.Instance.Now; //gets current date from system clock var timeZone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["US/Central"]; //gets US Central as Time zone ZonedDateTime zonedToday = today.InZone(timeZone); //converts instant variable to ZonedDateTime in Central Time LocalDateTime localToday = zonedToday.LocalDateTime; //Converts ZonedDateTime to LocalDateTime, suitable for Period //final, useable value for today set as variable 'localToday' Period agePeriod = Period.Between(dob, localToday); //gets amount of time between two dates long age = agePeriod.Years; //gets years component of period. Component Years takes long data type //this is the variable to use for age. We don't care about months, weeks, days, etc //Only LocalDateTime variables can use Period. Instant variable must be converted to LocalDateTime via ZonedDateTime if (age >= 21) //simple conditional. Does the date of birth put the person at or over 21 years old { Console.WriteLine($"VALID SALE ({age})"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"DENY SALE({age})"); } //I can do it }
public void BetweenYearMonth_SingleUnit(string startText, string endText, PeriodUnits units, int expectedValue) { var start = YearMonthPattern.Iso.Parse(startText).Value; var end = YearMonthPattern.Iso.Parse(endText).Value; var forward = Period.Between(start, end, units); var expectedForward = new PeriodBuilder { [units] = expectedValue }.Build(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedForward, forward); var backward = Period.Between(end, start, units); var expectedBackward = new PeriodBuilder { [units] = -expectedValue }.Build(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedBackward, backward); }
// This is legacy support for PostgreSQL's old floating-point timestamp encoding - finally removed in PG 10 and not used for a long // time. Unfortunately CrateDB seems to use this for some reason. internal static void WriteDouble(Instant instant, NpgsqlWriteBuffer buf) { var localDateTime = instant.InUtc().LocalDateTime; var totalDaysSinceEra = Period.Between(default(LocalDateTime), localDateTime, PeriodUnits.Days).Days; var secondOfDay = localDateTime.NanosecondOfDay / 1000000000d; if (totalDaysSinceEra >= 730119) { var uSecsDate = (totalDaysSinceEra - 730119) * 86400d; buf.WriteDouble(uSecsDate + secondOfDay); } else { var uSecsDate = (730119 - totalDaysSinceEra) * 86400d; buf.WriteDouble(-(uSecsDate - secondOfDay)); } }
public void LeapYear() { //given var policy = new PolicyVersion { PolicyId = 1, PolicyFrom = new DateTime(2020, 2, 29), PolicyTo = new DateTime(2020, 2, 29).AddYears(1).AddDays(-1) }; var serviceDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1); //when var limitPeriod = new PolicyYearLimitPeriod().Calculate(serviceDate, policy); //then Assert.Equal(Period.Between(new DateTime(2020, 2, 29), new DateTime(2021, 2, 27)), limitPeriod); }
public void ServiceDateInsideFirstPolicyYear_PeriodStartEqualToPolicyStart_PeriodEndsYearAfterThat() { //given var policy = new PolicyVersion { PolicyId = 1, PolicyFrom = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1), PolicyTo = new DateTime(2019, 12, 31) }; var serviceDate = new DateTime(2019, 5, 1); //when var limitPeriod = new PolicyYearLimitPeriod().Calculate(serviceDate, policy); //then Assert.Equal(Period.Between(new DateTime(2019, 1, 1), new DateTime(2019, 12, 31)), limitPeriod); }
public static double GetFutureVacationHorusFromCurrentVacationTime(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, double currentVacation, double daysOff = 0) { // Get number of months total if (startDate > endDate) { return(0); } int months = MonthDiff(DateTime.Now, endDate); // Get number of years after start date for extra time LocalDate start = new(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day); LocalDate end = new(endDate.Year, endDate.Month, endDate.Day); int years = Period.Between(start, end).Years; double futureTime = (months * ((years * ExtraVacationPerYear) + MonthlyVacation)) + currentVacation; return(futureTime - (daysOff * 8)); }
private async Task UpdateChannelTopic(DateTime utcNow) { try { await LoggingService.LogDebugAsync($"{nameof(UpdateChannelTopic)} started", nameof(TimerService)).ConfigureAwait(false); if (_client.GetChannel(Convert.ToUInt64(_config["channelTopic:channelId"])) is not SocketTextChannel chan) { return; } if (!DateTime.TryParse(_config["channelTopic:date"], out var date)) { return; } var localDate = LocalDate.FromDateTime(date); var eta = Period.Between(localDate, utcNow.UtcToPragueZonedDateTime().Date, PeriodUnits.Days).Days; if (eta == CacheService.TimerService_ChannelTopicEta) { return; } CacheService.TimerService_ChannelTopicEta = eta; var text = _config["channelTopic:text"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return; } text = Helpers.ReplaceEmotesInText(text).Replace("{eta}", (eta > 0 ? "+" : "") + eta); await LoggingService.LogInfoAsync($"Updating {chan} topic to '{text}'", nameof(TimerService)).ConfigureAwait(false); await chan.ModifyAsync(ch => ch.Topic = text).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { await LoggingService.LogExceptionAsync(ex, nameof(TimerService), $"{nameof(UpdateChannelTopic)} failed").ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { var date = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime((DateTime)value); var timeSince = Period.Between(date, LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now)); var days = timeSince.Days; var hours = timeSince.Hours; var min = timeSince.Minutes; string tense = "have passed."; if (timeSince.Ticks < 0) { tense = "until."; } string yearsString = ""; if (timeSince.Years != 0) { yearsString = $"{Math.Abs(timeSince.Years)} years, "; } string monthsString = ""; if (timeSince.Months != 0) { monthsString = $"{Math.Abs(timeSince.Months)} months, "; } string daysString = ""; if (days != 0) { daysString = $"{Math.Abs(days)} days, "; } string hoursString = ""; if (hours != 0) { hoursString = $"{Math.Abs(hours)} hours, "; } return($"{yearsString}{monthsString}{daysString}{hoursString}{Math.Abs(min)} minutes {tense}");; }
protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, EmployeeRequirementsLogic requirement) { var emplomentCommenced = context.User .FindFirst(claim => claim.Type == CustomClaimTypes.EmploymentCommenced).Value; var employmentStarted = Convert.ToDateTime(emplomentCommenced); var today = LocalDate.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now); var monthsPassed = Period .Between(employmentStarted.ToLocalDateTime(), today.AtMidnight()).Months; if (monthsPassed >= requirement.MinimumMonthsEmployed) { context.Succeed(requirement); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void BetweenLocalDateTimes_NotInt64Representable() { LocalDateTime start = new LocalDateTime(-5000, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 123); LocalDateTime end = new LocalDateTime(9000, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 456); Assert.False((end.ToLocalInstant().TimeSinceLocalEpoch - start.ToLocalInstant().TimeSinceLocalEpoch).IsInt64Representable); Period expected = new PeriodBuilder { // 365.2425 * 14000 = 5113395 Hours = 5113395L * 24 + 1, Minutes = 1, Seconds = 1, Milliseconds = 333 }.Build(); Period actual = Period.Between(start, end, PeriodUnits.AllTimeUnits); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { var eventModel = (Event)value; if (eventModel == null || eventModel.EventEndDate == DateTime.MinValue || eventModel.EventDate > DateTime.Now) { return(null); } var tenseString = string.Empty; LocalDateTime endDate; if (DateTime.Now < eventModel.EventEndDate) { endDate = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now); tenseString = " so far"; } else { endDate = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(eventModel.EventEndDate); } var timeSpanned = Period.Between(LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(eventModel.EventDate), endDate); string timeSpannedString = $"{timeSpanned.Minutes} minutes"; if (timeSpanned.Hours > 0) { timeSpannedString = timeSpannedString.Insert(0, $"{timeSpanned.Hours} hours, "); } if (timeSpanned.Days > 0) { timeSpannedString = timeSpannedString.Insert(0, $"{timeSpanned.Days} days, "); } if (timeSpanned.Months > 0) { timeSpannedString = timeSpannedString.Insert(0, $"{timeSpanned.Months} months, "); } if (timeSpanned.Years > 0) { timeSpannedString = timeSpannedString.Insert(0, $"{timeSpanned.Years} years, "); } return($"Lasted {timeSpannedString}{tenseString}."); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SchemaExamples"/> class. /// Creates example value by provided <see cref="DateTime"/> and <see cref="IDateTimeZoneProvider"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="dateTimeZoneProvider">IDateTimeZoneProvider instance.</param> /// <param name="dateTimeUtc"><see cref="DateTime"/>. If not set then <see cref="DateTime.UtcNow"/> will be used.</param> /// <param name="dateTimeZone">Optional DateTimeZone name. If not set SystemDefault will be used.</param> public SchemaExamples( IDateTimeZoneProvider dateTimeZoneProvider, DateTime?dateTimeUtc = null, string?dateTimeZone = null) { DateTime dateTimeUtcValue = dateTimeUtc ?? DateTime.UtcNow; if (dateTimeUtcValue.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc) { throw new ArgumentException("dateTimeUtc should be UTC", nameof(dateTimeUtc)); } if (dateTimeZone != null) { DateTimeZone = dateTimeZoneProvider.GetZoneOrNull(dateTimeZone) ?? dateTimeZoneProvider.GetSystemDefault(); } else { DateTimeZone = dateTimeZoneProvider.GetSystemDefault(); } Instant = Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(dateTimeUtcValue); ZonedDateTime = Instant.InZone(DateTimeZone); Interval = new Interval(Instant, Instant.PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerHour) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) .PlusTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)); DateInterval = new DateInterval(ZonedDateTime.Date, ZonedDateTime.Date.PlusDays(1)); Period = Period.Between(ZonedDateTime.LocalDateTime, Interval.End.InZone(DateTimeZone).LocalDateTime, PeriodUnits.AllUnits); OffsetDate = new OffsetDate(ZonedDateTime.Date, ZonedDateTime.Offset); OffsetTime = new OffsetTime(ZonedDateTime.TimeOfDay, ZonedDateTime.Offset); OffsetDateTime = Instant.WithOffset(ZonedDateTime.Offset); }
public override void Write(LocalDate value, NpgsqlWriteBuffer buf, NpgsqlParameter parameter) { if (_convertInfinityDateTime) { if (value == LocalDate.MaxIsoValue) { buf.WriteInt32(int.MaxValue); return; } if (value == LocalDate.MinIsoValue) { buf.WriteInt32(int.MinValue); return; } } var totalDaysSinceEra = Period.Between(default(LocalDate), value, PeriodUnits.Days).Days; buf.WriteInt32(totalDaysSinceEra - 730119); }
public void HasDateComponent_Compound() { LocalDateTime dt1 = new LocalDateTime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 45, 00); LocalDateTime dt2 = new LocalDateTime(2000, 2, 4, 11, 50, 00); // Case 1: Entire period is time-based (no date units available) Assert.IsFalse(Period.Between(dt1.TimeOfDay, dt2.TimeOfDay).HasDateComponent); // Case 2: Period contains date and time units, but date units are all zero Assert.IsFalse(Period.Between(dt1, dt1.Date + dt2.TimeOfDay).HasDateComponent); // Case 3: Entire period is date-based, but 0. (Same local date twice here.) Assert.IsFalse(Period.Between(dt1.Date, dt1.Date).HasDateComponent); // Case 4: Period contains date and time units, and some date units are non-zero Assert.IsTrue(Period.Between(dt1, dt2).HasDateComponent); // Case 5: Entire period is date-based, and some time units are non-zero Assert.IsTrue(Period.Between(dt1.Date, dt2.Date).HasDateComponent); }
public void BetweenLocalDateTimes_OnLeapYearIslamic() { var calendar = CalendarSystem.GetIslamicCalendar(IslamicLeapYearPattern.Base15, IslamicEpoch.Civil); Assert.IsTrue(calendar.IsLeapYear(2)); Assert.IsFalse(calendar.IsLeapYear(3)); LocalDateTime dt1 = new LocalDateTime(2, 12, 30, 2, 0, calendar); LocalDateTime dt2 = new LocalDateTime(2, 12, 30, 4, 0, calendar); LocalDateTime dt3 = new LocalDateTime(3, 12, 29, 3, 0, calendar); // Adding a year truncates to 0003-12-28T02:00:00, then add an hour. Assert.AreEqual(Parse("P1YT1H"), Period.Between(dt1, dt3)); // Adding a year would overshoot. Adding 11 months takes us to month 03-11-30T04:00. // Adding another 28 days takes us to 03-12-28T04:00, then add another 23 hours to finish. Assert.AreEqual(Parse("P11M28DT23H"), Period.Between(dt2, dt3)); // Subtracting 11 months takes us to 03-01-29T03:00. Subtracting another 29 days // takes us to 02-12-30T03:00, and another hour to get to the target. Assert.AreEqual(Parse("P-11M-29DT-1H"), Period.Between(dt3, dt1)); Assert.AreEqual(Parse("P-11M-28DT-23H"), Period.Between(dt3, dt2)); }
void EverySecondTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { RemainingTime = null; RTime = null; if (CurrentAlarm != null) { RemainingTime = Convert.ToDateTime(CurrentAlarm.Time).TimeOfDay - DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; var endTime = new LocalDateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, CurrentAlarm.Time.Hour, CurrentAlarm.Time.Minute, CurrentAlarm.Time.Second); var startTime = new LocalDateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second); RTime = Period.Between(startTime, endTime, PeriodUnits.Years | PeriodUnits.Months | PeriodUnits.Days | PeriodUnits.Hours | PeriodUnits.Minutes | PeriodUnits.Seconds); } else { if (NextAlarm != null && NextAlarm.Any()) { var endTime = new LocalDateTime(NextAlarm.First().Value.Year, NextAlarm.First().Value.Month, NextAlarm.First().Value.Day, NextAlarm.First().Key.Time.Hour, NextAlarm.First().Key.Time.Minute, NextAlarm.First().Key.Time.Second); var startTime = new LocalDateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second); RTime = Period.Between(startTime, endTime, PeriodUnits.Years | PeriodUnits.Months | PeriodUnits.Days | PeriodUnits.Hours | PeriodUnits.Minutes | PeriodUnits.Seconds); } } //if (RemainingTime == null) return; //var date = new DateTime(NextPossibleAlarm().First().Value.AddTicks(Convert.ToDateTime(NextPossibleAlarm().First().Key.Time).TimeOfDay.Ticks).Ticks); //TimeSpan = string.Format("{0:### Y;-## ; } {1:### M;-## ; } {2:### D;-## ; } {3:### H;-## ; } {4:### M;-## ; } {5:### S;-## ; }", date.Year,date.Month,date.Day,date.Hour,date.Minute,date.Second); }
private string GetDateAdded(DateTime localDate) { if (localDate.Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date) { return(Manager.TranslationService.GetString("devices-add-date-days", UI.Resources.Localization.TranslationService.Args("numDays", 0))); } var period = Period.Between(new LocalDate(localDate.Year, localDate.Month, localDate.Day), new LocalDate(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day)); if (period.Years > 0) { return(Manager.TranslationService.GetString("devices-add-date-years", UI.Resources.Localization.TranslationService.Args("numYears", period.Years))); } else if (period.Months > 0) { return(Manager.TranslationService.GetString("devices-add-date-months", UI.Resources.Localization.TranslationService.Args("numMonths", period.Months))); } else { return(Manager.TranslationService.GetString("devices-add-date-days", UI.Resources.Localization.TranslationService.Args("numDays", period.Days))); } }
protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync( AuthorizationHandlerContext context, MinimumMonthsEmployedRequirement requirement) { var user = context.User; var employmentCommenced = user.FindFirst(claim => claim.Type == CustomClaimTypes.EmploymentCommenced).Value; var employmentStarted = Convert.ToDateTime(employmentCommenced); var today = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now); var monthsPassed = Period .Between(new LocalDateTime(employmentStarted.Year, employmentStarted.Month, employmentStarted.Day, employmentStarted.Hour, employmentStarted.Minute, employmentStarted.Second), today, PeriodUnits.Months) .Months; if (monthsPassed >= requirement.MinimumMonthsEmployed) { context.Succeed(requirement); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }