Esempio n. 1
        public static void cc()
            double[][] input  = new double[4][];
            double[][] output = new double[4][];
            input[0] = new double[] { 0, 0 }; output[0] = new double[] { 0 };
            input[1] = new double[] { 0, 1 }; output[1] = new double[] { 0 };
            input[2] = new double[] { 1, 0 }; output[2] = new double[] { 0 };
            input[3] = new double[] { 1, 1 }; output[3] = new double[] { 1 };

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("input{0}:  ===>  {1},{2}  output{0}:  ===>  {3}", i, input[i][0], input[i][1], output[i][0]);

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(new ThresholdFunction(), 2, 1);

            PerceptronLearning teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

            double error = 1.0;

            Console.WriteLine("learning error  ===>  {0}", error);

            Console.WriteLine("learning rate ===>  {0}", teacher.LearningRate);

            int iterations = 0;

            while (error > 0.001)
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
                Console.WriteLine("learning error  ===>  {0}", error);
            Console.WriteLine("iterations  ===>  {0}", iterations);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("input{0}:  ===>  {1},{2}  sim{0}:  ===>  {3}", i, input[i][0], input[i][1], network.Compute(input[i])[0]);
Esempio n. 2
        private static void TrainNetwork(LearningData learningData, String networkPath)
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                UseBipolar ? (IActivationFunction) new BipolarSigmoidFunction(1) : (IActivationFunction) new SigmoidFunction(),


            Int32 epochIndex = 0;

            //// create teacher
            PerceptronLearning teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);            // new BackPropagationLearning(network);

            //PerceptronLearning teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);// new BackPropagationLearning(network);

            teacher.LearningRate = 0.1f;
            ////teacher.Momentum = 0.5f;

            Double error = Double.MaxValue;

            Double previousError = Double.MaxValue;

            Int32 counter = 100;

            // loop
            while (counter > 0)
                // run epoch of learning procedure
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(learningData.Input, learningData.Output);

                if (error > previousError)
                    teacher.LearningRate = teacher.LearningRate * 0.5f;

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", epochIndex, error));


                previousError = error;



            //Double[] output = network.Compute(learningData.Input[0]);
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestName()
            IActivationFunction function = new BipolarSigmoidFunction();
            var network = new ActivationNetwork(function,
                                                inputsCount: 2, neuronsCount: new[] { 2, 1 });

            var layer   = network.Layers[0] as ActivationLayer;
            var teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

            teacher.LearningRate = 0.1;

            var input = new double[4][];

            input[0] = new[] { 0d, 0d };
            input[1] = new[] { 0d, 1d };
            input[2] = new[] { 1d, 0d };
            input[3] = new[] { 1d, 1d };

            var output = new double[4][];

            output[0] = new[] { 0d };
            output[1] = new[] { 0d };
            output[2] = new[] { 0d };
            output[3] = new[] { 1d };

            //// Iterate until stop criteria is met
            double error = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double previous;

            var needToStop = false;

            while (!needToStop)

                previous = error;

                //    // Compute one learning iteration
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
            } while (Math.Abs(previous - error) > 0.01);

            int[] answers = input.Apply(network.Compute).GetColumn(0).Apply(System.Math.Sign);

Esempio n. 4
        public void Treinar(double[][] dados)
            double[][] output = new double[dados.Length][];
            double[][] input  = new double[dados.Length][];

            for (int i = 0; i < dados.Length; i++)
                input[i]  = new double[Variaveis];
                output[i] = new double[TotalNeuronios];

                for (int j = 0; j < Variaveis; j++)
                    input[i][j] = dados[i][j];

                int classe = Convert.ToInt32(dados[i][4]) - 1;

                output[i][classe] = 1;

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(ValorAlpha), Variaveis, TotalNeuronios);

            ActivationLayer layer = network[0];

            PerceptronLearning teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

            teacher.LearningRate = CamadaRate;

            int interacao = 1000;
            int count     = 0;

            List <double> errolist = new List <double>();

            while (count <= interacao)
                double erro = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output) / dados.Length;


            for (int i = 0; i < TotalNeuronios; i++)
                this.FuncaoNeuronio.Rows.Add("Neuronio [" + (i + 1) + "]", Convert.ToInt32(layer[i].Threshold), layer[i][0]);
Esempio n. 5
        public override ConfusionMatrix Execute()
            //Create an network with one layer and one neuron in that layer
            var network = new ActivationNetwork(new ThresholdFunction(), 3, 1);

            //Bind the reference of the neuron
            var neuron = network.Layers[0].Neurons[0] as ActivationNeuron;

            //Create the Perceptron learning algorithm
            //Library perceptron implements a single layer linear classifier
            var teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

            teacher.LearningRate = 0.1;

            //Enrich the dimensions of the vectors, padding 1 to the end
            var richTraining = AlgorithmHelpers.PaddDimension(trainingSet);
            var richTesting  = AlgorithmHelpers.PaddDimension(testSet);

            //Training the network until the error is small enough
            //or 500 hundred iterations have been computed
            int epochs = 0;

            while (true)
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(richTraining, trainingOutput);/// trainingSet.Length;
                if (error < 0.025 * trainingSet.Length || epochs == 500)

            var predicted = richTesting
                            .Select(x => neuron.Compute(x))
                            .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x))

            //Create a confusion matrix with the calculated parameters
            ConfusionMatrix cmatrix = new ConfusionMatrix(predicted, expected, POSITIVE, NEGATIVE);

            OnAlgorithmEnded(Enumerable.Repeat(neuron, 1), cmatrix);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Teach()
            // Teacher method.
            // Perceptron was experimentally found to give best results.
            var teacher = new PerceptronLearning(Network);

            // Value to track network's effectivness.
            // If value increases over time, network is overfitted - terminate learning process.
            var previousError = double.MaxValue;

            // Value tracks the amount of times error value increased.
            // Once it reaches a treshold, stop trainig - network is overfitted.
            var errorIncreaseCount = 0;

            // Epochs tracks the amount of cycles neural network took.
            // Used to prevent infinite training.
            var epochs = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Teaching network.");
            // Train the neural network.
            // Training lasts until EITHER network starts to get overfitted with data,
            // or trainig has reached maximum epoch count.
            while (errorIncreaseCount < OverfittedErrorTreshold && epochs < EpochsMax)
                var error = teacher.RunEpoch(_inputData, _outputData);
                if (error > previousError)
                    errorIncreaseCount = 0;
                previousError = error;

                epochs += 1;
                if (epochs % 20 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{(double)epochs / EpochsMax * 100}%");
    /// <summary>
    /// Machine Learning
    /// </summary>
    private void Training()
        // Creating Network
        network = new DeepBeliefNetwork(
            new GaussianFunction(),                      // Activation function
            inputsCount: 4,                              // Input degree
            hiddenNeurons: new int[] { 1 });             // Output degree

        // Initialize the network weight with gaussian distribution
        new GaussianWeights(network).Randomize();

        // Creating DBN Learning Algorithm
        var teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

        // Start learning. Do it for 1000 times.
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs);

        // 重みの更新
Esempio n. 8
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // prepare learning data
            var input  = new double[this.samples][];
            var output = new double[this.samples][];

            for (var i = 0; i < this.samples; i++)
                input[i]  = new double[this.variables];
                output[i] = new double[1];

                // copy input
                for (var j = 0; j < this.variables; j++)
                    input[i][j] =[i, j];
                // copy output
                output[i][0] = this.classes[i];

            // create perceptron
            var network = new ActivationNetwork(new ThresholdFunction(), this.variables, 1);
            var neuron  = network[0][0];
            // create teacher
            var teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

            // set learning rate
            teacher.LearningRate = this.learningRate;

            // iterations
            var iteration = 1;

            // statistic files
            StreamWriter errorsFile  = null;
            StreamWriter weightsFile = null;

                // check if we need to save statistics to files
                if (this.saveStatisticsToFiles)
                    // open files
                    errorsFile  = File.CreateText("errors.csv");
                    weightsFile = File.CreateText("weights.csv");

                // erros list
                var errorsList = new ArrayList();

                // loop
                while (!this.needToStop)
                    // save current weights
                    if (weightsFile != null)
                        for (var i = 0; i < this.variables; i++)
                            weightsFile.Write(neuron[i] + ";");

                    // run epoch of learning procedure
                    var error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

                    // show current iteration
                    this.iterationsBox.Text = iteration.ToString();

                    // save current error
                    if (errorsFile != null)

                    // show classifier in the case of 2 dimensional data
                    if ((neuron.InputsCount == 2) && (neuron[1] != 0))
                        var k = -neuron[0] / neuron[1];
                        var b = -neuron.Threshold / neuron[1];

                        var classifier = new double[2, 2]
                            { this.chart.RangeX.Min, this.chart.RangeX.Min * k + b },
                            { this.chart.RangeX.Max, this.chart.RangeX.Max * k + b }
                        // update chart
                        this.chart.UpdateDataSeries("classifier", classifier);

                    // stop if no error
                    if (error == 0)


                // show perceptron's weights
                for (var i = 0; i < this.variables; i++)
                    this.weightsList.Items.Add(string.Format("Weight {0}", i + 1));

                // show error's dynamics
                var errors = new double[errorsList.Count, 2];

                for (int i = 0, n = errorsList.Count; i < n; i++)
                    errors[i, 0] = i;
                    errors[i, 1] = (double)errorsList[i];

                this.errorChart.RangeX = new DoubleRange(0, errorsList.Count - 1);
                this.errorChart.RangeY = new DoubleRange(0, this.samples);
                this.errorChart.UpdateDataSeries("error", errors);
            catch (IOException)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed writing file", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                // close files
                if (errorsFile != null)
                if (weightsFile != null)

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 9
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // НЕЙРОСЕТЬ

            ActivationNeuron   neuron  = network[0][0];
            PerceptronLearning teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

            teacher.LearningRate = 1;

            StreamWriter errorsFile  = null;
            StreamWriter weightsFile = null;

            errorsFile  = File.CreateText("errors.csv");
            weightsFile = File.CreateText("weights.csv");

            // iterations
            int iteration = 1;

            ArrayList errorsList = new ArrayList();

            double[][] input  = new double[samplesNum][];
            double[][] output = new double[samplesNum][];

            for (int i = 0; i < samplesNum; i++)
                input[i]  = new double[2];
                output[i] = new double[1];

                // copy input
                input[i][0] = inputs[i].X;
                input[i][1] = inputs[i].Y;
                // copy output
                output[i][0] = inputs[i].type;

            while (true)
                // save current weights
                if (weightsFile != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        weightsFile.Write(neuron[i] + ";");

                // run epoch of learning procedure
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

                // show current iteration
                iterationsBox.Text = iteration.ToString();

                // save current error
                if (errorsFile != null)

                // show classifier in the case of 2 dimensional data
                if ((neuron.InputsCount == 2) && (neuron[1] != 0))
                    double k = -neuron[0] / neuron[1];
                    double b = -neuron.Threshold / neuron[1];

                // stop if no error
                if (error == 0)


            // show error's dynamics
            double[,] errors = new double[errorsList.Count, 2];

            for (int i = 0, n = errorsList.Count; i < n; i++)
                errors[i, 0] = i;
                errors[i, 1] = (double)errorsList[i];
            errorChart.AddDataSeries("error", Color.Red, AForge.Controls.Chart.SeriesType.ConnectedDots, 3, false);
            errorChart.RangeX = new DoubleRange(0, errorsList.Count - 1);
            errorChart.RangeY = new DoubleRange(0, samplesNum);
            errorChart.UpdateDataSeries("error", errors);

            if (errorsFile != null)
            if (weightsFile != null)
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // prepare learning data
            double[][] input  = new double[samples][];
            double[][] output = new double[samples][];

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                input[i]  = new double[2];
                output[i] = new double[classesCount];

                // set input
                input[i][0] = data[i, 0];
                input[i][1] = data[i, 1];
                // set output
                output[i][classes[i]] = 1;

            // create perceptron
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(new ThresholdFunction(), 2, classesCount);
            ActivationLayer   layer   = network.Layers[0] as ActivationLayer;
            // create teacher
            PerceptronLearning teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network);

            // set learning rate
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;

            // iterations
            int iteration = 1;

            // statistic files
            StreamWriter errorsFile  = null;
            StreamWriter weightsFile = null;

                // check if we need to save statistics to files
                if (saveStatisticsToFiles)
                    // open files
                    errorsFile  = File.CreateText("errors.csv");
                    weightsFile = File.CreateText("weights.csv");

                // erros list
                ArrayList errorsList = new ArrayList();

                // loop
                while (!needToStop)
                    // save current weights
                    if (weightsFile != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < classesCount; i++)
                            weightsFile.Write("neuron" + i + ",");
                            weightsFile.Write(layer.Neurons[i].Weights[0] + ",");
                            weightsFile.Write(layer.Neurons[i].Weights[1] + ",");

                    // run epoch of learning procedure
                    double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

                    // save current error
                    if (errorsFile != null)

                    // show current iteration
                    SetText(iterationsBox, iteration.ToString());

                    // stop if no error
                    if (error == 0)

                    // show classifiers
                    for (int j = 0; j < classesCount; j++)
                        double k = (layer.Neurons[j].Weights[1] != 0) ? (-layer.Neurons[j].Weights[0] / layer.Neurons[j].Weights[1]) : 0;
                        double b = (layer.Neurons[j].Weights[1] != 0) ? (-((ActivationNeuron)layer.Neurons[j]).Threshold / layer.Neurons[j].Weights[1]) : 0;

                        double[,] classifier = new double[2, 2] {
                            { chart.RangeX.Min, chart.RangeX.Min *k + b },
                            { chart.RangeX.Max, chart.RangeX.Max *k + b }

                        // update chart
                        chart.UpdateDataSeries(string.Format("classifier" + j), classifier);


                // show perceptron's weights
                for (int i = 0; i < classesCount; i++)
                    string neuronName = string.Format("Neuron {0}", i + 1);

                    // weight 0
                    ListViewItem item = AddListItem(weightsList, neuronName);
                    AddListSubitem(item, "Weight 1");
                    AddListSubitem(item, layer.Neurons[i].Weights[0].ToString("F6"));
                    // weight 1
                    item = AddListItem(weightsList, neuronName);
                    AddListSubitem(item, "Weight 2");
                    AddListSubitem(item, layer.Neurons[i].Weights[1].ToString("F6"));
                    // threshold
                    item = AddListItem(weightsList, neuronName);
                    AddListSubitem(item, "Threshold");
                    AddListSubitem(item, ((ActivationNeuron)layer.Neurons[i]).Threshold.ToString("F6"));

                // show error's dynamics
                double[,] errors = new double[errorsList.Count, 2];

                for (int i = 0, n = errorsList.Count; i < n; i++)
                    errors[i, 0] = i;
                    errors[i, 1] = (double)errorsList[i];

                errorChart.RangeX = new Range(0, errorsList.Count - 1);
                errorChart.UpdateDataSeries("error", errors);
            catch (IOException)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed writing file", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                // close files
                if (errorsFile != null)
                if (weightsFile != null)

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 11
        void backgroundWorkerTrainer_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            while (work)
                double error = 0;

                // run epoch of learning procedure

                if (selected_algorythm == 0)
                    error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
                    listPointsOne.Add((double)watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds, error);
                if (selected_algorythm == 1)
                    error = reprop.RunEpoch(input, output);
                    listPointsOne.Add((double)watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds, error);
                if (selected_algorythm == 2)
                    error = evteacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
                    listPointsOne.Add((double)watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds, error);
                if (selected_algorythm == 3)
                    error = lbteacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
                    listPointsOne.Add((double)watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds, error);
                if (selected_algorythm == 4)
                    error = delta.RunEpoch(input, output);
                    listPointsOne.Add((double)watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds, error);
                if (selected_algorythm == 5)
                    error = perceptron.RunEpoch(input, output);
                    listPointsOne.Add((double)watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds, error);

                // check error value to see if we need to stop
                // ...

                var c = error * 10;
                var d = c.ToString();


                if (logger)
                if (watch1.IsRunning)
Esempio n. 12
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Создание нейронной сети...");

            DataItem data = DataItemFactory.GetNumericData();

            int inputCount  = data.Input.First().Length;
            var neuronCount = new[] { 10 };
            IActivationFunction function = new BipolarSigmoidFunction();
            double learningRate          = 0.1;
            double momentum = 0;

            int    maxEpochNumber = 1000000;
            double minErrorChange = 0.000001;
            double minError       = 0.001;

            var network = MultilayerNeuralNetwork.CreateNetwork(neuronCount, inputCount, function);


            Console.WriteLine("Создание нейронной сети завершено.");

            var teacher = new PerceptronLearning(network)
                LearningRate = learningRate

            int    epochNumber = 1;
            double lastError   = double.MaxValue;
            double error;
            double errorChange;

            Console.WriteLine("Start learning...");

                DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(data.Input, data.Output) / data.Input.Length;
                    $"Epoch #{epochNumber} finished; " +
                    $"current error is {error}; " +
                    $"it takes: {(DateTime.Now - dtStart).Duration()}");

                errorChange = Math.Abs(lastError - error);
                lastError   = error;
            }while (epochNumber < maxEpochNumber &&
                    error > minError &&
                    errorChange > minErrorChange);

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Input.Length; i++)
                double[] outputs = network.Compute(data.Input[i]);
                string   strIn   = "";
                foreach (var input in data.Output[i])
                    strIn += $"{input},";
                string strOut = "";
                foreach (var output in outputs)
                    strOut += $"{Math.Abs(output):0.00},";

                Console.WriteLine($"{i}. Expected {strIn} Actual {strOut}");