Esempio n. 1
        private void SetUpTestLibraries()
            PeptideSettingsUI = ShowDialog <PeptideSettingsUI>(SkylineWindow.ShowPeptideSettingsUI);


            var editListUI = ShowDialog <EditListDlg <SettingsListBase <LibrarySpec>, LibrarySpec> >(PeptideSettingsUI.EditLibraryList);
            int numLibs    = _testLibs.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numLibs; i++)
                AddLibrary(editListUI, _testLibs[i]);

            // Make sure the libraries actually show up in the peptide settings dialog before continuing.
            WaitForConditionUI(() => _testLibs.Length == PeptideSettingsUI.AvailableLibraries.Count());

            RunUI(() => Assert.IsFalse(PeptideSettingsUI.IsSettingsChanged));

            RunUI(() => PeptideSettingsUI.OkDialog());
Esempio n. 2
        private void MainTest()
            // Clean-up before running the test
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.ModifyDocument("Set default settings",
                                                     doc => doc.ChangeSettings(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault())));

            // Check using libkey with small molecules
            var          adduct           = Adduct.FromStringAssumeProtonated("M+3Na");
            var          z                = adduct.AdductCharge;
            const string caffeineFormula  = "C8H10N4O2";
            const string caffeineInChiKey = "RYYVLZVUVIJVGH-UHFFFAOYSA-N";
            const string caffeineHMDB     = "HMDB01847";
            const string caffeineInChi    = "InChI=1S/C8H10N4O2/c1-10-4-9-6-5(10)7(13)12(3)8(14)11(6)2/h4H,1-3H3";
            const string caffeineCAS      = "58-08-2";
            const string caffeineSMILES   = "Cn1cnc2n(C)c(=O)n(C)c(=O)c12";
            const string caffeineKEGG     = "C07481";

            var mId = new MoleculeAccessionNumbers(string.Join("\t", MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagHMDB + ":" + caffeineHMDB,
                                                               MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagInChI + ":" + caffeineInChi, MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagCAS + ":" + caffeineCAS, MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagInChiKey + ":" + caffeineInChiKey,
                                                               MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagSMILES + ":" + caffeineSMILES, MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagKEGG + ":" + caffeineKEGG));

            Assert.AreEqual(caffeineInChiKey, mId.GetInChiKey());
            Assert.AreEqual(caffeineCAS, mId.GetCAS());
            Assert.AreEqual(caffeineSMILES, mId.GetSMILES());
            Assert.AreEqual(caffeineKEGG, mId.GetKEGG());

            var moleculeName       = "caffeine";
            var smallMolAttributes = SmallMoleculeLibraryAttributes.Create(moleculeName, caffeineFormula, caffeineInChiKey,
                                                                           string.Join("\t", MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagHMDB + ":" + caffeineHMDB,
                                                                                       MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagInChI + ":" + caffeineInChi, MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagCAS + ":" + caffeineCAS,
                                                                                       MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagSMILES + ":" + caffeineSMILES, MoleculeAccessionNumbers.TagKEGG + ":" + caffeineKEGG));
            LibKey key;

            for (var loop = 0; loop++ < 2;)
                key = new LibKey(smallMolAttributes, adduct);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, key.ModificationCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(z, key.Charge);
                Assert.AreEqual(adduct, key.Adduct);
                Assert.AreEqual(caffeineInChiKey, key.Target.ToString());
                var viewLibPepInfo = new ViewLibraryPepInfo(key);
                Assert.AreEqual(key, viewLibPepInfo.Key);
                var smallMolInfo = viewLibPepInfo.GetSmallMoleculeLibraryAttributes();
                Assert.AreEqual(moleculeName, smallMolInfo.MoleculeName);
                Assert.AreEqual(caffeineInChiKey, smallMolInfo.InChiKey);
                Assert.AreEqual(caffeineFormula, smallMolInfo.ChemicalFormula);
                adduct = Adduct.FromString("M+3Si", Adduct.ADDUCT_TYPE.non_proteomic, z = -17); // Not realistic, but let's see if it's handled consistently

            // Check general libkey operation
            var seq = "YTQSNSVC[+57.0]YAK";

            key = new LibKey(seq, Adduct.DOUBLY_PROTONATED);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, key.Charge);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, key.ModificationCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(Adduct.DOUBLY_PROTONATED, key.Adduct);
            Assert.AreEqual(seq, key.Target.ToString());

            // Test error conditions
            BuildLibraryError("missing_charge.pep.XML", TestFilesDir.FullPath);
            BuildLibraryError("non_int_charge.pep.XML", null);
            BuildLibraryError("zero_charge.pep.XML", null);
            BuildLibraryError("truncated.pep.XML", null);
            BuildLibraryError("no_such_file.pep.XML", null, "Failed to open");
            BuildLibraryError("missing_mzxml.pep.XML", null, "Could not find spectrum file");

            // Check for proper handling of labeled addducts in small molecule files
            // (formerly this would throw on a null object, fixed with the use of ExplicitMods.EMPTY)
            BuildLibraryValid("heavy_adduct.ssl", true, false, false, 1);
            // Make sure explorer handles this adduct type
            var viewLibUI = ShowDialog <ViewLibraryDlg>(SkylineWindow.ViewSpectralLibraries);

            RunUI(() => AssertEx.IsTrue(viewLibUI.GraphItem.IonLabels.Any()));

            // Barbara added code to ProteoWizard to rebuild a missing or invalid mzXML index
            // BuildLibraryError("bad_mzxml.pep.XML", "<index> not found");
            BuildLibraryValid(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("library_errors"), new[] { "bad_mzxml.pep.XML" }, false, false, false, 1);

            string libraryBaseName = _libraryName;

            // Test mascot parser
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "mascot";
            string libraryMascot = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT;

            BuildLibraryValid(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("mascot"), new[] { "F027319.dat" },
                              true, false, false, 121, 4);

            // Test successful builds
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "a";
            string libraryA          = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT;
            string libraryARedundant = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT_REDUNDANT;

            BuildLibraryValid("CPTAC_Set4_725_091509.pep.XML", true, false, false, 1);
            BuildLibraryValid("CPTAC_Set4_610_080509.pep.XML", true, false, true, 2);
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "b";
            string libraryB = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT;

            BuildLibraryValid("CPTAC_Set4_624_072409.pep.XML", false, false, false, 6);
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "c";
            string libraryC = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT;

            BuildLibraryValid(TestFilesDir.FullPath, new[] { libraryA, libraryB },
                              false, false, false, 8);


            // Test peptide filter
            const string filterList = "ACARPIISVYSEK\n" +
                                      // TODO: Having the modified sequence as the first line causes an error with European number formats
                                      "ADRDESSPYAAM[+{0:F01}]IAAQDVAQR\n" +

            PastePeptideList(string.Format(filterList, 16.0), true, 0, 3, true);

            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "filter";
            string libraryFilter = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT;

            BuildLibraryValid(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("maxquant"), new[] { "test.msms.txt" },
                              false, true, false, 2);


            // Test AddPathsDlg (file not found)
            var buildLibraryDlg = ShowDialog <BuildLibraryDlg>(PeptideSettingsUI.ShowBuildLibraryDlg);

            string[] invalidPaths =
                Path.Combine(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("maxquant"),      "test.msms.xml"),
                Path.Combine(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("library_valid"), "CPTAC_Set4_624_072409.pep.XML")
            TestAddPaths(buildLibraryDlg, invalidPaths, true);

            // Test AddPathsDlg (file invalid type)
            string[] invalidTypes =
                Path.Combine(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("maxquant"), "test.msms.txt"),
                Path.Combine(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("maxquant"), "mqpar.xml")
            TestAddPaths(buildLibraryDlg, invalidTypes, true);

            // Test AddPathsDlg (valid files)
            string[] goodPaths =
                Path.Combine(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("maxquant"),      "test.msms.txt"),
                Path.Combine(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("library_valid"), "CPTAC_Set4_624_072409.pep.XML")
            TestAddPaths(buildLibraryDlg, goodPaths, false);
            OkDialog(buildLibraryDlg, buildLibraryDlg.CancelDialog);

            const string heavyRPeptide    = "TPAQFDADELR";
            const string oxidizedMPeptide = "LVGNMHGDETVSR";
            const string peptideList      = heavyRPeptide + "\n" +
                                            oxidizedMPeptide + "\n" +
                                            "ALSIGFETCR\n" +
                                            "GNMHGDETVSR\n" +

            PastePeptideList(peptideList, true, 0, 1);

            // Set modifications on peptides to verify they connect with library spectra.
            const LabelAtoms labelAtoms = LabelAtoms.C13 | LabelAtoms.N15;
            const string     heavyR     = "Heavy R";

            Settings.Default.HeavyModList.Add(new StaticMod(heavyR, "R", ModTerminus.C, null, labelAtoms, null, null));
            const string oMeth = "Oxidized Methionine";

            Settings.Default.StaticModList.Add(new StaticMod(oMeth, "M", null, "O"));

            var sequenceTree = SkylineWindow.SequenceTree;
            var docCurrent   = SkylineWindow.Document;
            // Select the heavyR peptide
            PeptideTreeNode nodePepTree = null;
            IdentityPath    pathPep     = docCurrent.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0);

            RunUI(() =>
                sequenceTree.SelectedPath = pathPep;
                nodePepTree = sequenceTree.SelectedNode as PeptideTreeNode;
            Assert.AreEqual(heavyRPeptide, nodePepTree.DocNode.Peptide.Sequence);
            // Set the Heavy R modification explicitly
            var editPepModsDlg = ShowDialog <EditPepModsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ModifyPeptide);

            RunUI(() =>
                editPepModsDlg.SetModification(heavyRPeptide.Length - 1, IsotopeLabelType.heavy, heavyR);
            WaitForCondition(() => (SkylineWindow.Document.Molecules.First().TransitionGroupCount == 2));

            // The peptide should now match the spectrum in the library, and have
            // both heavy and light precursors, with ranked transitions
            PeptideDocNode nodePep = null;

            RunUI(() => nodePep = nodePepTree.DocNode);
            Debug.Assert(nodePep != null);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, nodePep.Children.Count, "Missing precursor for heavy R peptide.");
            docCurrent = SkylineWindow.Document;
            foreach (TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup in nodePep.Children)
                AssertLibInfo(docCurrent, nodeGroup);
            // Which means all transition groups should now have spectrum info
            foreach (var nodeGroup in docCurrent.PeptideTransitionGroups)
                AssertLibInfo(docCurrent, nodeGroup);

            // New document
            var docNew     = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault());
            var docNewCopy = docNew;

            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.SwitchDocument(docNewCopy, null));

            const string idpList3 = "FHYKTDQGIK\n" +
                                    "WCAIGHQER\n" +
            int idpCount3 = idpList3.Split('\n').Length;

            const string idpList = "ADVTLGGGAK\n" +
                                   "AGFAGDDAPR\n" +
                                   "ALEFAKK\n" +
                                   "CCTESLVNR\n" +
                                   "DSYVGDEAQSK\n" +
                                   "YICDNQDTISSK\n" +
                                   // charge 3 peptides all have 2 also
            int idpCount = idpList.Split('\n').Length;

            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "_idp";
            string libraryIdp = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT;

            BuildLibraryValid(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("idp_xml"), new[] { "orbi-small-eg.idpXML" },
                              false, false, false, idpCount + idpCount3);


            // Add peptides expected to have charge 2 spectra in the library
            PastePeptideList(idpList, true, 0, 0);

            // Undo the paste

            // Try filtering for only charge 3 spectra
            var transitionSettingsUI = ShowDialog <TransitionSettingsUI>(

            RunUI(() =>
                transitionSettingsUI.PrecursorCharges = "3";

            PastePeptideList(idpList, false, idpCount - idpCount3 + 1 /* missing cleavage*/, 0);

            // New document
            var docNewCopy2 = docNew;

            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.SwitchDocument(docNewCopy2, null));

            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "_cpas1";
            string libraryCpas1 = _libraryName + BiblioSpecLiteSpec.EXT;

            BuildLibraryValid(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("cpas"), null,
                              false, false, false, 3);


            // These are very poor searches, so repeat with no filter
            Settings.Default.LibraryResultCutOff = 0;

            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "_cpas2";
            BuildLibraryValid(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("cpas"), null,
                              false, false, false, 100, 100);

            // And, since the spectra are really poor, allow lots of
            // possibilities for fragment ions.
            var transitionSettingsCpas = ShowDialog <TransitionSettingsUI>(

            RunUI(() =>
                transitionSettingsCpas.PrecursorCharges   =
                    transitionSettingsCpas.ProductCharges = "1,2,3";
                transitionSettingsCpas.FragmentTypes      = "y,b";
                transitionSettingsCpas.InstrumentMaxMz    = 2000;


            RunUI(() =>
                // Turn off carbamidomethyl cys, since not in these searches
                PeptideSettingsUI.PickedStaticMods = new string[0];

            // Get the set of peptides to paste from the library, since there
            // are a lot.
            var setPeptides = new HashSet <Target>();
            var library     = SkylineWindow.Document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Libraries.Libraries[0];

            foreach (var libKey in library.Keys)
                if (!libKey.IsModified)

            string cpasPeptides = string.Join("\n", setPeptides.Select(p => p.ToString()).ToArray());

            var pasteFilteredPeptideDlg = ShowDialog <PasteFilteredPeptidesDlg>(
                () => SkylineWindow.Paste(cpasPeptides));

            Assert.IsTrue(WaitForCondition(() => SkylineWindow.Document.PeptideCount == setPeptides.Count),
                          string.Format("Expecting {0} peptides, found {1}.", setPeptides.Count, SkylineWindow.Document.PeptideCount));
            Assert.AreEqual(setPeptides.Count, SkylineWindow.Document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount,
                            "Expecting precursors for peptides matched to library spectrum.");

            // New document
            docNew = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault());
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.SwitchDocument(docNew, null));

            // Tests for adding iRTs to spectral library after building
            // 1. ask to recalibrate iRTs
            // 2. ask to add iRTs
            // 3. if added iRTs, ask to add RT predictor

            // no recalibrate, add iRTs, no add predictor
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "_irt1"; // library_test_irt1
            BuildLibraryIrt(true, false, false);
            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(PeptideSettingsUI.Prediction.RetentionTime == null));

            // no recalibrate, add iRTs, add predictor
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "_irt2"; // library_test_irt2
            BuildLibraryIrt(true, false, true);
            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(PeptideSettingsUI.Prediction.RetentionTime.Name.Equals(_libraryName)));
            var editIrtDlg2 = ShowDialog <EditIrtCalcDlg>(PeptideSettingsUI.EditCalculator);

            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(editIrtDlg2.IrtStandards, IrtStandard.BIOGNOSYS_10)));
            OkDialog(editIrtDlg2, editIrtDlg2.CancelDialog);

            // recalibrate, add iRTs, no add predictor
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "_irt3"; // library_test_irt3
            BuildLibraryIrt(true, true, false);
            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(PeptideSettingsUI.Prediction.RetentionTime.Name.Equals(libraryBaseName + "_irt2")));

            // recalibrate, add iRTs, add predictor
            _libraryName = libraryBaseName + "_irt4"; // library_test_irt4
            BuildLibraryIrt(true, true, true);
            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(PeptideSettingsUI.Prediction.RetentionTime.Name.Equals(_libraryName)));
            var editIrtDlg4 = ShowDialog <EditIrtCalcDlg>(PeptideSettingsUI.EditCalculator);

            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(editIrtDlg4.IrtStandards, IrtStandard.EMPTY)));
            OkDialog(editIrtDlg4, editIrtDlg4.CancelDialog);

            OkDialog(PeptideSettingsUI, PeptideSettingsUI.CancelDialog);