Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified graphics.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphics">The graphics.</param>
 /// <param name="brush">The brush.</param>
 /// <param name="pen">The pen.</param>
 public void Draw(Graphics graphics, Brush?brush, Pen?pen)
     if (brush is not null)
         graphics.DrawString(Text, Font, brush, Bounds?.Location ?? PointF.Empty, StringFormat);
 public RectangleElement(HexColumnType column, Rect rect, Brush brush, Pen?pen)
     Canvas.SetTop(this, 0);
     Column     = column;
     this.rect  = rect;
     this.brush = brush;
     this.pen   = pen;
Esempio n. 3
 public StackedLabelProvider(IProvider provider, LabelStyle labelStyle, Pen?rectangleLine = null,
                             Brush?rectangleFill = null)
     _provider      = provider;
     _labelStyle    = labelStyle;
     _rectangleLine = rectangleLine ?? new Pen(Color.Gray);
     _rectangleFill = rectangleFill;
Esempio n. 4
 public LineElement(LineElementKind kind, double x, double top, double bottom, Pen?pen)
     Canvas.SetTop(this, top);
     Kind        = kind;
     this.x      = x;    = top;
     this.bottom = bottom;
     this.pen    = pen;
Esempio n. 5
 public Line(
     Point start,
     Point end,
     Pen?pen = null)
     this.Start = start;
     this.End   = end;
     this.Pen   = pen;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TextElement" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
 /// <param name="font">The font.</param>
 /// <param name="brush">The brush.</param>
 /// <param name="pen">The pen.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">The bounds.</param>
 /// <param name="stringFormat">The string format.</param>
 public TextElement(string text, Font font, Brush?brush, Pen?pen, RectangleF bounds, StringFormat?stringFormat = default)
     Text         = text;
     Font         = font;
     Brush        = brush;
     Pen          = pen;
     Bounds       = bounds;
     StringFormat = stringFormat;
Esempio n. 7
        public bool Equals(Pen?pen)
            if (pen == null)

            // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            if (Width != pen.Width)

            //if one or the other is null then they are not equal, but not when they are both null
            if ((Color == null) ^ (pen.Color == null))

            if (Color != null && !Color.Equals(pen.Color))

            if (PenStyle != pen.PenStyle)

            if (DashArray != pen.DashArray)

            if (DashOffset != pen.DashOffset)

            if (PenStrokeCap != pen.PenStrokeCap)

            if (StrokeJoin != pen.StrokeJoin)

            if (StrokeMiterLimit != pen.StrokeMiterLimit)

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        ///   Disposes of all resources used by <c>PieSlice</c> object.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Dispose()
            if (Pen is not null)
                Pen = null;

 public SoundCloudBlockWaveFormSettings(Color topPeakColor, Color topSpacerStartColor, Color bottomPeakColor, Color bottomSpacerColor)
     this._topSpacerStartColor = topSpacerStartColor;
     _topPen                     = new Pen(topPeakColor);
     _bottomPen                  = new Pen(bottomPeakColor);
     _bottomSpacerPen            = new Pen(bottomSpacerColor);
     PixelsPerPeak               = 4;
     SpacerPixels                = 2;
     BackgroundColor             = Color.White;
     TopSpacerGradientStartColor = Color.White;
        public void DrawLine(ILine line)
            Pen?wpfPen = ToWpfNativePen(line);

            if (wpfPen != null)
                _drawingContext !.DrawLine(wpfPen,
                                           new System.Windows.Point(line.X1, line.Y1),
                                           new System.Windows.Point(line.X2, line.Y2));
        public void DrawEllipse(IEllipse ellipse)
            Brush?wpfBrush = ellipse.Fill.ToWpfBrush();
            Pen?  wpfPen   = ToWpfNativePen(ellipse);

            double radiusX = ellipse.Width / 2;
            double radiusY = ellipse.Height / 2;
            var    center  = new System.Windows.Point(radiusX, radiusY);

            _drawingContext !.DrawEllipse(wpfBrush, wpfPen, center, radiusX, radiusY);
Esempio n. 12
        private static Pen GetPen(object key, Color color)
            Pen?Pen = (Pen?)Gdip.ThreadData[key];

            if (Pen == null)
                Pen = new Pen(color, true);
                Gdip.ThreadData[key] = Pen;
        public RectangleF GetBounds(Matrix?matrix, Pen?pen)
            RectangleF retval;
            IntPtr     m = (matrix == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : matrix.NativeMatrix;
            IntPtr     p = (pen == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : pen.NativePen;

            int s = Gdip.GdipGetPathWorldBounds(_nativePath, out retval, m, p);


        public void DrawEllipse(IEllipse ellipse)
#if false
            Brush?wpfBrush = ellipse.Fill.ToWpfBrush();
            Pen?  wpfPen   = ToWpfNativePen(ellipse);

            double radiusX = ellipse.Width / 2;
            double radiusY = ellipse.Height / 2;
            var    center  = new System.Windows.Point(radiusX, radiusY);

            _drawingContext !.DrawEllipse(wpfBrush, wpfPen, center, radiusX, radiusY);
            throw new NotImplementedException("TODO: Implement DrawEllipse for WinUI");
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified graphics.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphics">The graphics.</param>
 /// <param name="brush">The brush.</param>
 /// <param name="pen">The pen.</param>
 public void Draw(Graphics graphics, Brush?brush, Pen?pen)
     if (Bounds is RectangleF b && !b.IsEmpty)
         if (brush is not null)
             graphics.FillRectangle(brush, b);
         if (pen is not null)
             graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, b);
Esempio n. 16
        public static Pen?ToPen(this Word.BorderType?border, Pen?defaultIfNull = null)
            if (border is null)

            var color = border.Color.ToColor();
            var width = border.Size.EpToPoint();
            var val   = border.Val?.Value ?? Word.BorderValues.Single;
            var pen   = new Pen(color, width);

Esempio n. 17
        private static PenCache.Scope GetPenScope(Color color)
            if (color.IsKnownColor)
                Pen?pen = color.IsSystemColor
                    ? SystemPens.FromSystemColor(color)
                    : PenFromKnownColor(color.ToKnownColor());

                if (pen is not null)
                    return(new PenCache.Scope(pen));

        public void DrawRectangle(IRectangle rectangle)
            System.Windows.Rect wpfRect = new System.Windows.Rect(0, 0, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);

            Brush?wpfBurush = rectangle.Fill.ToWpfBrush();
            Pen?  wpfPen    = ToWpfNativePen(rectangle);

            if (rectangle.RadiusX > 0 || rectangle.RadiusY > 0)
                _drawingContext !.DrawRoundedRectangle(wpfBurush, wpfPen, wpfRect, rectangle.RadiusX, rectangle.RadiusY);
                _drawingContext !.DrawRectangle(wpfBurush, wpfPen, wpfRect);
Esempio n. 19
        private static SKPaint?CreateLinePaint(Pen?outline, float opacity)
            if (outline is null)

            return(new SKPaint
                Color = outline.Color.ToSkia(opacity),
                StrokeWidth = (float)outline.Width,
                StrokeCap = outline.PenStrokeCap.ToSkia(),
                PathEffect = outline.PenStyle.ToSkia((float)outline.Width),
                Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                IsAntialias = true
Esempio n. 20
 public RenderingOptions(
     bool hiddenChars     = false,
     Pen?sectionBorders   = null,
     Pen?headerBorders    = null,
     Pen?footerBorders    = null,
     Pen?paragraphBorders = null,
     Pen?lineBorders      = null,
     Pen?wordBorders      = null)
     this.HiddenChars      = hiddenChars;
     this.SectionBorders   = sectionBorders ?? new Pen(Color.Transparent);
     this.HeaderBorders    = headerBorders ?? new Pen(Color.Transparent);
     this.FooterBorders    = footerBorders ?? new Pen(Color.Transparent);
     this.ParagraphBorders = paragraphBorders ?? new Pen(Color.Transparent);
     this.LineBorders      = lineBorders ?? new Pen(Color.Transparent);
     this.WordBorders      = wordBorders ?? new Pen(Color.Transparent);
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance of <c>PieSlice</c> class with given
        ///   bounds and visual style.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "xBoundingRect">
        ///   x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is
        ///   used to draw the top surface of the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "yBoundingRect">
        ///   y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is
        ///   used to draw the top surface of the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "widthBoundingRect">
        ///   Width of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of
        ///   the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "heightBoundingRect">
        ///   Height of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of
        ///   the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "sliceHeight">
        ///   Height of the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "startAngle">
        ///   Starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "sweepAngle">
        ///   Sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "surfaceColor">
        ///   Color used to paint the pie slice.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "shadowStyle">
        ///   Shadow style used for slice rendering.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "edgeColorType">
        ///   Edge color style used for slice rendering.
        /// </param>
        public PieSlice(
            float xBoundingRect, float yBoundingRect, float widthBoundingRect,
            float heightBoundingRect, float sliceHeight, float startAngle, float sweepAngle,
            Color surfaceColor, ShadowStyle shadowStyle, EdgeColorType edgeColorType)
            // set some persistent values
            _actualStartAngle = startAngle;
            _actualSweepAngle = sweepAngle;
            _surfaceColor     = surfaceColor;
            _shadowStyle      = shadowStyle;

            // create pens for rendering
            var edgeLineColor = EdgeColor.GetRenderingColor(edgeColorType, surfaceColor);

            Pen = new Pen(edgeLineColor)
                LineJoin = LineJoin.Round
            InitializePieSlice(xBoundingRect, yBoundingRect, widthBoundingRect, heightBoundingRect, sliceHeight);
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RectangleElement" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">The location.</param>
 /// <param name="size">The size.</param>
 /// <param name="brush">The brush.</param>
 /// <param name="pen">The pen.</param>
 public RectangleElement(PointF location, SizeF size, Brush?brush, Pen?pen)
     Bounds = new RectangleF(location, size);
     Brush  = brush;
     Pen    = pen;
Esempio n. 23
 public Paint(Brush?fill = null, Pen?stroke = null)
     Fill   = fill;
     Stroke = stroke;
Esempio n. 24
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            if (this.image != null)
                Rectangle r = e.ClipRectangle;
                g.DrawImage(this.image, r.X, r.Y, r, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                // Repaint the view window if any of it is invalid
                if (r.IntersectsWith(this.viewRect))
                    Pen?disposablePen = null;
                        Pen       pen = SystemPens.Highlight;
                        Rectangle penRect;

                        if (this.UseTranslucentView)
                            // Set the alpha blend to 20% (51/256);
                            const int TwentyPercentAlphaBlend = 51;
                            using (SolidBrush b = new(Color.FromArgb(TwentyPercentAlphaBlend, SystemColors.Highlight)))
                                g.FillRectangle(b, r);

                            // Draw the pen border with view rect.
                            penRect = this.viewRect;
                            // Create a two pixel wide highlight pen.
                            pen           = new Pen(SystemColors.Highlight, 2);
                            disposablePen = pen;

                            // Because the lines will go back up a pixel
                            // we have to shrink the bounds of the rect.
                            penRect = new Rectangle(this.viewRect.X + 1, this.viewRect.Y + 1, this.viewRect.Width - 1, this.viewRect.Height - 1);

                        // Draw a Highlight Pen border.  In some cases, it will
                        // draw a pixel too far (because we always round up), so
                        // we'll check for that case here.  If we're scrolled to
                        // the bottom, I don't want the last line cut off.
                        int viewHeight   = penRect.Height - 1;
                        int usableHeight = this.ClientSize.Height - penRect.Y - 1;
                        int height       = Math.Min(viewHeight, usableHeight);
                        g.DrawRectangle(pen, penRect.X, penRect.Y, penRect.Width - 1, height);
                g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, this.ClientRectangle);