Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the latest updates manifest from the Paint.NET web server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The latest updates manifest, or null if there was an error in which case the exception argument will be non-null.</returns>
        // TODO: throw the exception, don't return it via an out parameter
        private static PdnVersionManifest GetUpdatesManifest(out Exception exception)
                string versionsUrl = VersionManifestUrl;

                Uri versionsUri = new Uri(versionsUrl);
                byte[] manifestBuffer = Utility.DownloadSmallFile(versionsUri);
                string manifestText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(manifestBuffer);
                string[] manifestLines = BreakIntoLines(manifestText);
                NameValueCollection nameValues = LinesToNameValues(manifestLines);

                string downloadPageUrl = nameValues[downloadPageUrlName];

                string stableVersionsStrings = nameValues[stableVersionsName];
                Version[] stableVersions = VersionStringToArray(stableVersionsStrings);
                string[] stableNames = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, stableVersions, nameNameFormat);
                string[] stableNetFxVersions = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, stableVersions, netFxVersionNameFormat);
                string[] stableInfoUrls = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, stableVersions, infoUrlNameFormat);
                string[] stableZipUrls = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, stableVersions, zipUrlListNameFormat);
                string[] stableFullZipUrls = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, stableVersions, fullZipUrlListNameFormat);

                string betaVersionsStrings = nameValues[betaVersionsName];
                Version[] betaVersions = VersionStringToArray(betaVersionsStrings);
                string[] betaNames = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, betaVersions, nameNameFormat);
                string[] betaNetFxVersions = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, betaVersions, netFxVersionNameFormat);
                string[] betaInfoUrls = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, betaVersions, infoUrlNameFormat);
                string[] betaZipUrls = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, betaVersions, zipUrlListNameFormat);
                string[] betaFullZipUrls = BuildVersionValueMapping(nameValues, betaVersions, fullZipUrlListNameFormat);

                PdnVersionInfo[] versionInfos = new PdnVersionInfo[betaVersions.Length + stableVersions.Length];

                int cursor = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < stableVersions.Length; ++i)
                    List<string> zipUrlList = new List<string>();
                    SplitUrlList(stableZipUrls[i], zipUrlList);

                    List<string> fullZipUrlList = new List<string>();
                    SplitUrlList(stableFullZipUrls[i], fullZipUrlList);

                    PdnVersionInfo info = new PdnVersionInfo(stableVersions[i], stableNames[i], new Version(stableNetFxVersions[i]),
                        stableInfoUrls[i], zipUrlList.ToArray(), fullZipUrlList.ToArray(), true);

                    versionInfos[cursor] = info;

                for (int i = 0; i < betaVersions.Length; ++i)
                    List<string> zipUrlList = new List<string>();
                    SplitUrlList(betaZipUrls[i], zipUrlList);

                    List<string> fullZipUrlList = new List<string>();
                    SplitUrlList(betaFullZipUrls[i], fullZipUrlList);

                    PdnVersionInfo info = new PdnVersionInfo(betaVersions[i], betaNames[i], new Version(betaNetFxVersions[i]),
                        betaInfoUrls[i], zipUrlList.ToArray(), fullZipUrlList.ToArray(), false);

                    versionInfos[cursor] = info;

                PdnVersionManifest manifest = new PdnVersionManifest(downloadPageUrl, versionInfos);
                exception = null;
                return manifest;

            catch (Exception ex)
                exception = ex;
                return null;
Esempio n. 2
        private static void CheckForUpdates(
            out PdnVersionManifest manifestResult,
            out int latestVersionIndexResult,
            out Exception exception)
            exception = null;
            PdnVersionManifest manifest = null;
            manifestResult = null;
            latestVersionIndexResult = -1;

            int retries = 2;

            while (retries > 0)
                    manifest = GetUpdatesManifest(out exception);
                    retries = 0;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    exception = ex;

                    if (retries == 0)
                        manifest = null;

            if (manifest != null)
                int stableIndex = manifest.GetLatestStableVersionIndex();
                int betaIndex = manifest.GetLatestBetaVersionIndex();

                // Check for betas as well?
                bool checkForBetas = ("1" == Settings.SystemWide.GetString(PdnSettings.AlsoCheckForBetas, "0"));

                // Figure out which version we want to compare against the current version
                int latestIndex = stableIndex;

                if (checkForBetas)
                    // If they like betas, and if the beta is newer than the latest stable release,
                    // then offer it to them.
                    if (betaIndex != -1 &&
                        (stableIndex == -1 || manifest.VersionInfos[betaIndex].Version >= manifest.VersionInfos[stableIndex].Version))
                        latestIndex = betaIndex;

                // Now compare that version against the current version
                if (latestIndex != -1)
                    if (PdnInfo.IsTestMode ||
                        manifest.VersionInfos[latestIndex].Version > PdnInfo.GetVersion())
                        manifestResult = manifest;
                        latestVersionIndexResult = latestIndex;