public static void CreateMesh(GameObject gameObject, Mesh m, PbrMaterial material, string name, ITextureProvider texProvider, IMaterialProvider matProvider) { if (m == null) { return; } var mesh = m.ToUnityMesh($"{name} Mesh ({})"); // apply mesh to game object var mf = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); mf.sharedMesh = mesh; // apply renderer and material if (m.AnimationFrames.Count > 0) // if number of animations frames are 1, the blend vertices are in the uvs are handle by the lerp shader. { var smr = gameObject.AddComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); smr.sharedMaterial = material.ToUnityMaterial(matProvider, texProvider); smr.sharedMesh = mesh; smr.SetBlendShapeWeight(0, m.AnimationDefaultPosition); } else { var mr = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr.sharedMaterial = material.ToUnityMaterial(matProvider, texProvider); } }
public IEnumerable <MonoBehaviour> SetReferencedData(PrimitiveData primitiveData, Table table, IMaterialProvider materialProvider, ITextureProvider textureProvider) { var mf = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); var playfieldMeshComponent = GetComponent <PlayfieldMeshComponent>(); if (!mf || !playfieldMeshComponent) { return(Array.Empty <MonoBehaviour>()); } var updatedComponents = new List <MonoBehaviour> { this }; var mg = new PrimitiveMeshGenerator(primitiveData); var mesh = mg .GetTransformedMesh(table?.TableHeight ?? 0f, primitiveData.Mesh, Origin.Original, false) .Transform(mg.TransformationMatrix(PlayfieldHeight)); // apply transformation to mesh, because this is the playfield var material = new PbrMaterial( table.GetMaterial(_playfieldMaterial), table.GetTexture(_playfieldImage) ); MeshComponent <PrimitiveData, PrimitiveComponent> .CreateMesh(gameObject, mesh, material, "playfield_mesh", textureProvider, materialProvider); playfieldMeshComponent.AutoGenerate = false; updatedComponents.Add(playfieldMeshComponent); return(updatedComponents); }
public void ShouldCorrectlyParseMaterialNames() { var test1 = PbrMaterial.ParseId("__std_", new[] { "" }, new[] { "Töxture1", "Töxture" }); test1[0].Should().BeEmpty(); test1[1].Should().BeEmpty(); test1[2].Should().BeEmpty(); test1[3].Should().BeEmpty(); var test2 = PbrMaterial.ParseId("__std_ toexture1", new string[] { }, new[] { "Töxture1", "Töxture" }); test2[0].Should().BeEmpty(); test2[1].Should().Be("Töxture1"); test2[2].Should().BeEmpty(); test2[3].Should().BeEmpty(); var test3 = PbrMaterial.ParseId("mat tex normal env", new [] { "Mat" }, new[] { "Tex", "Normal", "Env" }); test3[0].Should().Be("Mat"); test3[1].Should().Be("Tex"); test3[2].Should().Be("Normal"); test3[3].Should().Be("Env"); var test4 = PbrMaterial.ParseId("mat tex __no_normal_map env", new [] { "Mat" }, new[] { "Tex", "Normal", "Env" }); test4[0].Should().Be("Mat"); test4[1].Should().Be("Tex"); test4[2].Should().BeEmpty(); test4[3].Should().Be("Env"); }
public RenderObject(string name, Mesh mesh, PbrMaterial material, bool isVisible) { Name = name; Mesh = mesh; Material = material; IsVisible = isVisible; }
public UnityEngine.Material CreateMaterial(PbrMaterial vpxMaterial, TableBehavior table, StringBuilder debug = null) { var unityMaterial = new UnityEngine.Material(GetShader()) { name = vpxMaterial.Id }; // apply some basic manipulations to the color. this just makes very // very white colors be clipped to 0.8204 aka 204/255 is 0.8 // this is to give room to lighting values. so there is more modulation // of brighter colors when being lit without blow outs too soon. var col = vpxMaterial.Color.ToUnityColor(); if (vpxMaterial.Color.IsGray() && col.grayscale > 0.8) { debug?.AppendLine("Color manipulation performed, brightness reduced."); col.r = col.g = col.b = 0.8f; } // alpha for color depending on blend mode ApplyBlendMode(unityMaterial, vpxMaterial.MapBlendMode); if (vpxMaterial.MapBlendMode == BlendMode.Translucent) { col.a = Mathf.Min(1, Mathf.Max(0, vpxMaterial.Opacity)); } unityMaterial.SetColor(BaseColor, col); // validate IsMetal. if true, set the metallic value. // found VPX authors setting metallic as well as translucent at the // same time, which does not render correctly in unity so we have // to check if this value is true and also if opacity <= 1. if (vpxMaterial.IsMetal && (!vpxMaterial.IsOpacityActive || vpxMaterial.Opacity >= 1)) { unityMaterial.SetFloat(Metallic, 1f); debug?.AppendLine("Metallic set to 1."); } // roughness / glossiness unityMaterial.SetFloat(Smoothness, vpxMaterial.Roughness); // map if (table != null && vpxMaterial.HasMap) { unityMaterial.SetTexture(BaseMap, table.GetTexture(vpxMaterial.Map.Name)); } // normal map if (table != null && vpxMaterial.HasNormalMap) { unityMaterial.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); unityMaterial.SetTexture(BumpMap, table.GetTexture(vpxMaterial.NormalMap.Name) ); } return(unityMaterial); }
public UnityEngine.Material GetMaterial(PbrMaterial vpxMat) { if (_unityMaterials.ContainsKey(vpxMat)) { return(_unityMaterials[vpxMat]); } return(null); }
public RenderObjectGroup GetRenderObjects(Table table, Origin origin, bool asRightHanded = true) { var material = new PbrMaterial(table.GetMaterial(_data.PlayfieldMaterial), table.GetTexture(_data.Image)); return(HasMeshAsPlayfield ? _playfield.GetRenderObjects(table, origin, asRightHanded, "Table", material) : new RenderObjectGroup(_data.Name, "Table", Matrix3D.Identity, GetFromTableDimensions(asRightHanded, material))); }
public void AddMaterial(PbrMaterial vpxMat, UnityEngine.Material material) { UnityEngine.Material oldMaterial = null; _unityMaterials.TryGetValue(vpxMat, out oldMaterial); _unityMaterials[vpxMat] = material; if (oldMaterial != null) { Destroy(oldMaterial); } }
public void SaveMaterial(PbrMaterial vpxMaterial, Material material) { _materials[vpxMaterial.Id] = material; var path = vpxMaterial.GetUnityFilename(_assetsMaterials); if (_options.SkipExistingMaterials && File.Exists(path)) { return; } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, path); }
public static Material ToUnityMaterial(this PbrMaterial vpMat, IMaterialProvider materialProvider, Material textureMaterial) { if (materialProvider.HasMaterial(vpMat)) { return(materialProvider.GetMaterial(vpMat)); } var unityMaterial = RenderPipeline.Current.MaterialConverter.MergeMaterials(vpMat, textureMaterial); materialProvider.SaveMaterial(vpMat, unityMaterial); return(unityMaterial); }
public static Material ToUnityMaterial(this PbrMaterial vpMat, IMaterialProvider materialProvider, ITextureProvider textureProvider, StringBuilder debug = null) { if (materialProvider.HasMaterial(vpMat)) { return(materialProvider.GetMaterial(vpMat)); } var unityMaterial = RenderPipeline.Current.MaterialConverter.CreateMaterial(vpMat, textureProvider, debug); materialProvider.SaveMaterial(vpMat, unityMaterial); return(unityMaterial); }
public Material MergeMaterials(PbrMaterial vpxMaterial, Material texturedMaterial) { var nonTexturedMaterial = CreateMaterial(vpxMaterial, null); var mergedMaterial = new Material(GetShader()); mergedMaterial.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(texturedMaterial); =; mergedMaterial.SetColor(BaseColor, nonTexturedMaterial.GetColor(BaseColor)); mergedMaterial.SetFloat(Metallic, nonTexturedMaterial.GetFloat(Metallic)); mergedMaterial.SetFloat(Smoothness, nonTexturedMaterial.GetFloat(Smoothness)); return(mergedMaterial); }
private RenderObject GetFromTableDimensions(bool asRightHanded, PbrMaterial material) { var rgv = new[] { new Vertex3DNoTex2(_data.Left, _data.Top, _table.TableHeight), new Vertex3DNoTex2(_data.Right, _data.Top, _table.TableHeight), new Vertex3DNoTex2(_data.Right, _data.Bottom, _table.TableHeight), new Vertex3DNoTex2(_data.Left, _data.Bottom, _table.TableHeight), }; var mesh = new Mesh { Name = _data.Name, Vertices = rgv.Select(r => new Vertex3DNoTex2()).ToArray(), Indices = new [] { 0, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2 } }; for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { rgv[i].Nx = 0; rgv[i].Ny = 0; rgv[i].Nz = 1.0f; rgv[i].Tv = (i & 2) > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f; rgv[i].Tu = i == 1 || i == 2 ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } var offs = 0; for (var y = 0; y <= 1; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x <= 1; ++x, ++offs) { mesh.Vertices[offs].X = (x & 1) > 0 ? rgv[1].X : rgv[0].X; mesh.Vertices[offs].Y = (y & 1) > 0 ? rgv[2].Y : rgv[0].Y; mesh.Vertices[offs].Z = rgv[0].Z; mesh.Vertices[offs].Tu = (x & 1) > 0 ? rgv[1].Tu : rgv[0].Tu; mesh.Vertices[offs].Tv = (y & 1) > 0 ? rgv[2].Tv : rgv[0].Tv; mesh.Vertices[offs].Nx = rgv[0].Nx; mesh.Vertices[offs].Ny = rgv[0].Ny; mesh.Vertices[offs].Nz = rgv[0].Nz; } } return(new RenderObject( _data.Name, asRightHanded ? mesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : mesh, material, true )); }
public Material GetMaterial(PbrMaterial material) { if (_materials.ContainsKey(material.Id)) { return(_materials[material.Id]); } var path = material.GetUnityFilename(_assetsMaterials); if (File.Exists(path)) { _materials[material.Id] = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(path); return(_materials[material.Id]); } return(null); }
public RenderObjectGroup GetRenderObjects(Table.Table table, Origin origin, bool asRightHanded = true, string parent = null, PbrMaterial material = null) { var postMatrix = GetPostMatrix(table, origin); return(new RenderObjectGroup(_data.Name, parent ?? "Primitives", postMatrix, new RenderObject( _data.Name, GetTransformedMesh(table, origin, asRightHanded), material ?? new PbrMaterial( table.GetMaterial(_data.Material), table.GetTexture(_data.Image), table.GetTexture(_data.NormalMap) ), _data.IsVisible ))); }
private static void CopyMaterialName(MeshRenderer mr, string[] materialNames, string[] textureNames, ref string materialName, ref string mapName, ref string normalMapName, ref string envMapName) { if (!mr || materialNames == null || textureNames == null || mr.sharedMaterial == null) { return; } var result = PbrMaterial.ParseId(, materialNames, textureNames); if (materialName != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result[0])) { materialName = result[0]; } if (mapName != null) { var tex = mr.sharedMaterial.mainTexture; if (tex != null) { mapName =; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result[1])) { mapName = result[1]; } } if (normalMapName != null) { var tex = mr.sharedMaterial.GetTexture(RenderPipeline.Current.MaterialConverter.NormalMapProperty); if (tex != null) { normalMapName =; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result[2])) { normalMapName = result[2]; } } if (envMapName != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result[3])) { envMapName = result[3]; } }
public static Material ToUnityMaterial(this PbrMaterial vpxMaterial, TableAuthoring table, StringBuilder debug = null) { if (table != null) { var existingMat = table.GetMaterial(vpxMaterial); if (existingMat != null) { return(existingMat); } } var unityMaterial = MaterialConverter.CreateMaterial(vpxMaterial, table, debug); if (table != null) { table.AddMaterial(vpxMaterial, unityMaterial); } return(unityMaterial); }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:ApplyPBRMaterialToBox // initialize a scene Scene scene = new Scene(); // initialize PBR material object PbrMaterial mat = new PbrMaterial(); // an almost metal material mat.MetallicFactor = 0.9; // material surface is very rough mat.RoughnessFactor = 0.9; // create a box to which the material will be applied var boxNode = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("box", new Box()); boxNode.Material = mat; // save 3d scene into STL format scene.Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("PBR_Material_Box_Out.stl"), FileFormat.STLASCII); // ExEnd:ApplyPBRMaterialToBox }
private async Task <Remote.Material> InitializePhysicalMaterial( RemoteMaterial material) { var remoteMaterial = RemoteManagerUnity.CurrentSession?.Actions.CreateMaterial(MaterialType.Pbr); remoteMaterial.Name =; PbrMaterial pbrMaterial = remoteMaterial as PbrMaterial; pbrMaterial.AlbedoColor = material.AlbedoColor.toRemoteColor4(); pbrMaterial.AlphaClipThreshold = material.AlphaClipThreshold; pbrMaterial.AOScale = material.AOScale; pbrMaterial.FadeOut = material.FadeOut; pbrMaterial.Metalness = material.Metalness; pbrMaterial.PbrFlags = material.PbrFlags.toRemote(); pbrMaterial.PbrVertexAlphaMode = material.VertexAlphaMode; pbrMaterial.Roughness = material.Roughness; pbrMaterial.TexCoordOffset = material.TexCoordOffset.toRemote(); pbrMaterial.TexCoordScale = material.TexCoordScale.toRemote(); Task <Texture>[] textureLoads = new Task <Texture>[] { LoadTextureFromCache(material.AlbedoTextureUrl), LoadTextureFromCache(material.AOMapUrl), LoadTextureFromCache(material.MetalnessMapUrl), LoadTextureFromCache(material.NormalMapUrl), LoadTextureFromCache(material.RoughnessMapUrl) }; Texture[] textures = await Task.WhenAll(textureLoads); int textureIndex = 0; pbrMaterial.AlbedoTexture = textures[textureIndex++]; pbrMaterial.AOMap = textures[textureIndex++]; pbrMaterial.MetalnessMap = textures[textureIndex++]; pbrMaterial.NormalMap = textures[textureIndex++]; pbrMaterial.RoughnessMap = textures[textureIndex++]; return(remoteMaterial); }
public RenderObject GetRenderObject(int frame, Table.Table table, string id, Origin origin, bool asRightHanded) { Init(table); var material = new PbrMaterial(table.GetMaterial(_data.Material), table.GetTexture(_data.Image)); switch (id) { case Flat: var flatMesh = BuildFlatMesh(frame); return(new RenderObject( id, asRightHanded ? flatMesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : flatMesh, material, true )); case Rod: CalculateArraySizes(); var rodMesh = BuildRodMesh(frame); return(new RenderObject( id, asRightHanded ? rodMesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : rodMesh, material, true )); case Spring: CalculateArraySizes(); var springMesh = BuildSpringMesh(frame); return(new RenderObject( id, asRightHanded ? springMesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : springMesh, material, true )); default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown plunger mesh \"" + id + "\"."); } }
public void SaveMaterial(PbrMaterial material, Material unityMaterial) { var path = material.GetUnityFilename(_materialFolder); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(unityMaterial, path); }
public Material LoadMaterial(PbrMaterial material) { return(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(material.GetUnityFilename(_materialFolder))); }
public Material CreateMaterial(PbrMaterial vpxMaterial, ITextureProvider textureProvider, StringBuilder debug = null) { Material defaultMaterial = GetDefaultMaterial(vpxMaterial.MapBlendMode); var unityMaterial = new Material(GetShader(vpxMaterial)); unityMaterial.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(defaultMaterial); = vpxMaterial.Id; // apply some basic manipulations to the color. this just makes very // very white colors be clipped to 0.8204 aka 204/255 is 0.8 // this is to give room to lighting values. so there is more modulation // of brighter colors when being lit without blow outs too soon. var col = vpxMaterial.Color.ToUnityColor(); if (vpxMaterial.Color.IsGray() && col.grayscale > 0.8) { debug?.AppendLine("Color manipulation performed, brightness reduced."); col.r = col.g = col.b = 0.8f; } if (vpxMaterial.MapBlendMode == BlendMode.Translucent) { col.a = Mathf.Min(1, Mathf.Max(0, vpxMaterial.Opacity)); } unityMaterial.SetColor(BaseColor, col); // validate IsMetal. if true, set the metallic value. // found VPX authors setting metallic as well as translucent at the // same time, which does not render correctly in unity so we have // to check if this value is true and also if opacity <= 1. float metallicValue = 0f; if (vpxMaterial.IsMetal && (!vpxMaterial.IsOpacityActive || vpxMaterial.Opacity >= 1)) { metallicValue = 1f; debug?.AppendLine("Metallic set to 1."); } unityMaterial.SetFloat(Metallic, metallicValue); // roughness / glossiness SetSmoothness(unityMaterial, vpxMaterial.Roughness); // map if (vpxMaterial.HasMap) { unityMaterial.SetTexture(BaseMap, textureProvider.GetTexture(vpxMaterial.Map.Name)); } // normal map if (vpxMaterial.HasNormalMap) { unityMaterial.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); unityMaterial.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE"); unityMaterial.SetTexture(NormalMap, textureProvider.GetTexture(vpxMaterial.NormalMap.Name)); } return(unityMaterial); }
public void CreateScene(int width, int height, FloatColor color, bool useAntialiasing) { var renderTarget = new Framebuffer(width, height); renderTarget.Clear(color); var objects = new List <IHittable>(); var sierpinsky = Texture.CreateFrom(FractalGenerator.SierpinskyCarpet(100, 100, Color.White, Color.Black)) .ToInfo(); var reflectiveMaterial = new ReflectiveMaterial(FloatColor.White, 0.4f, 1, 300, 1f, sierpinsky); var transparentMaterial = new TransparentMaterial(FloatColor.White, 0.1f, 0, 0.3f, 1.05f, 0.9f); var circuitryMaterial = new PbrMaterial(FloatColor.White, Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/circuitry-albedo.png").ToInfo(0.25f), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/circuitry-emission.png").ToInfo(0.25f), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/circuitry-smoothness.png").ToInfo(0.25f), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/circuitry-normals.png").ToInfo(0.25f)) { EmissionFactor = 2, DiffuseCoefficient = 1, Specular = 10, SpecularExponent = 50, AmbientPower = 1 }; var greenLavaMaterial = new PbrMaterial(FloatColor.White, Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/lava-albedo-smoothness-green.png").ToInfo(3), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/lava-emission-green.png").ToInfo(3), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/lava-albedo-smoothness.png").ToInfo(3), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/lava-normals.png").ToInfo(3)) { EmissionFactor = 4, DiffuseCoefficient = 1, Specular = 10, SpecularExponent = 50, AmbientPower = 1 }; var reflectiveSphere = new Sphere(new Vector3(2f, -1f, 4), 1f, reflectiveMaterial); var transparentSphere = new Sphere(new Vector3(0f, -1f, 2), 1f, transparentMaterial); var textureSphere = new Sphere(new Vector3(-1.5f, -1.5f, 3), 0.5f, greenLavaMaterial); objects.Add(reflectiveSphere); objects.Add(transparentSphere); objects.Add(textureSphere); objects.Add(new Plane(new Vector3(5, -2f, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), circuitryMaterial)); var sampler = new Sampler(new JitteredGenerator(0), new SquareDistributor(), 16, 32); var camera = new PerspectiveCamera(renderTarget, new Vector3(0f, 0, -5), Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up) { Sampler = sampler, MaxDepth = 6, }; Scene = new Scene(objects, camera, new List <Light> { new PointLight { Position = new Vector3(1, 1, 0), Color = FloatColor.White, }, new PointLight { Position = new Vector3(-1, 1, 0), Color = FloatColor.White, }, new PointLight { Position = new Vector3(-2, 2, 15), Color = FloatColor.White, Intensity = 1 }, new PointLight { Position = new Vector3(1, 1f, 0), Color = FloatColor.Green, }, new PointLight { Position = new Vector3(-2, -1f, 0), Color = FloatColor.Red, }, }, FloatColor.Black); }
public RenderObjectGroup GetRenderObjects(Table.Table table, Origin origin, bool asRightHanded, string parent, PbrMaterial material) => _meshGenerator.GetRenderObjects(table, origin, asRightHanded, parent, material);
public UnityEngine.Material CreateMaterial(PbrMaterial vpxMaterial, TableBehavior table, StringBuilder debug = null) { var unityMaterial = new UnityEngine.Material(GetShader()) { name = vpxMaterial.Id }; // apply some basic manipulations to the color. this just makes very // very white colors be clipped to 0.8204 aka 204/255 is 0.8 // this is to give room to lighting values. so there is more modulation // of brighter colors when being lit without blow outs too soon. var col = vpxMaterial.Color.ToUnityColor(); if (vpxMaterial.Color.IsGray() && col.grayscale > 0.8) { debug?.AppendLine("Color manipulation performed, brightness reduced."); col.r = col.g = col.b = 0.8f; } // alpha for color depending on blend mode ApplyBlendMode(unityMaterial, vpxMaterial.MapBlendMode); if (vpxMaterial.MapBlendMode == Engine.VPT.BlendMode.Translucent) { col.a = Mathf.Min(1, Mathf.Max(0, vpxMaterial.Opacity)); } unityMaterial.SetColor(BaseColor, col); // validate IsMetal. if true, set the metallic value. // found VPX authors setting metallic as well as translucent at the // same time, which does not render correctly in unity so we have // to check if this value is true and also if opacity <= 1. if (vpxMaterial.IsMetal && (!vpxMaterial.IsOpacityActive || vpxMaterial.Opacity >= 1)) { unityMaterial.SetFloat(Metallic, 1f); debug?.AppendLine("Metallic set to 1."); } // roughness / glossiness unityMaterial.SetFloat(Smoothness, vpxMaterial.Roughness); // map if (table != null && vpxMaterial.HasMap) { unityMaterial.SetTexture(BaseColorMap, table.GetTexture(vpxMaterial.Map.Name)); } // normal map if (table != null && vpxMaterial.HasNormalMap) { unityMaterial.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); unityMaterial.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE"); unityMaterial.SetInt(NormalMapSpace, 0); // 0 = TangentSpace, 1 = ObjectSpace unityMaterial.SetFloat(NormalScale, 0f); // TODO FIXME: setting the scale to 0 for now. anything above 0 makes the entire unity editor window become black which is more likely a unity bug unityMaterial.SetTexture(NormalMap, table.GetTexture(vpxMaterial.NormalMap.Name)); } // GI hack. This is a necessary step, see respective code in BaseUnlitGUI.cs of the HDRP source SetupMainTexForAlphaTestGI(unityMaterial, "_BaseColorMap", "_BaseColor"); return(unityMaterial); }
public void CreateScene(int width, int height, FloatColor color, bool useAntialiasing) { var renderTarget = new Framebuffer(width, height); var reflectiveFloor = new ReflectiveMaterial(FloatColor.White, 0.4f, 1, 300, 0.5f); var crystalMaterial = new PbrMaterial(FloatColor.White, Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/crystal-green.png").ToInfo(1), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/crystal-green.png").ToInfo(1), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/crystal-roughness.png").ToInfo(1), Texture.LoadFrom(@"_Resources/Textures/crystal-normals.png").ToInfo(1)) { EmissionFactor = 1, DiffuseCoefficient = 1, Specular = 10, SpecularExponent = 50, AmbientPower = 1 }; var reflectiveCrystal = new ReflectiveMaterial(FloatColor.White, 0.7f, 0.5f, 1000, 0.6f); var transparentCrystal = new TransparentMaterial(FloatColor.White, 0.1f, 0, 0.3f, 1.05f, 0.9f); var transparentSphere = new TransparentMaterial(FloatColor.White, 0.1f, 0, 0.3f, 1.05f, 0.9f); var crystal = Model.LoadFromFile("_Resources/Models/crystal.obj", crystalMaterial, 1.5f); var crystal2 = Model.LoadFromFile("_Resources/Models/crystal.obj", reflectiveCrystal, 1.5f, Vector3.Left * 1.5f, Vector3.Forward, 45); var crystal3 = Model.LoadFromFile("_Resources/Models/crystal.obj", transparentCrystal, 1.5f, Vector3.Right * 1.5f, Vector3.Forward, -45); renderTarget.Clear(color); var objects = new List <IHittable> { new Plane(new Vector3(-2, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 0, 0), reflectiveFloor), new Plane(new Vector3(2, 0, 0), new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), reflectiveFloor), new Plane(new Vector3(5, -2f, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), reflectiveFloor), new Plane(new Vector3(5, 2f, 0), new Vector3(0, -1, 0), reflectiveFloor), new Plane(new Vector3(0, 2, 6), new Vector3(0, 0, -1), reflectiveFloor), new Plane(new Vector3(0, 2, -8), new Vector3(0, 0, 1), reflectiveFloor), new Sphere(Vector3.Zero, 1, transparentSphere) }; objects.Add(crystal); objects.Add(crystal2); objects.Add(crystal3); var sampler = new Sampler(new RegularGenerator(), new SquareDistributor(), 25, 1); var camera = new PerspectiveCamera(renderTarget, new Vector3(0f, 0, -5), Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up) { Sampler = sampler, MaxDepth = 5, }; Scene = new Scene(objects, camera, new List <Light> { new PointLight { Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 5), Color = FloatColor.White, Intensity = 1 } }, FloatColor.Black); }
public static string GetUnityFilename(this PbrMaterial vpMat, string folderName) { return($"{folderName}/{vpMat.Id}.mat"); }
public RenderObjectGroup GetRenderObjects(int frame, Table.Table table, Origin origin, bool asRightHanded = true) { Init(table); // todo var translationMatrix = Matrix3D.Identity; var material = new PbrMaterial(table.GetMaterial(_data.Material), table.GetTexture(_data.Image)); // flat plunger if (_data.Type == PlungerType.PlungerTypeFlat) { var flatMesh = BuildFlatMesh(frame); return(new RenderObjectGroup(_data.Name, "Plungers", translationMatrix, new RenderObject( FlatName, asRightHanded ? flatMesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : flatMesh, material, true ) ) { ForceChild = true }); } CalculateArraySizes(); var rodMesh = BuildRodMesh(frame); // custom plunger if (_data.Type == PlungerType.PlungerTypeCustom) { var springMesh = BuildSpringMesh(frame); return(new RenderObjectGroup(_data.Name, "Plungers", translationMatrix, new RenderObject( RodName, asRightHanded ? rodMesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : rodMesh, material, true ), new RenderObject( SpringName, asRightHanded ? springMesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : springMesh, material, true ) )); } // modern plunger return(new RenderObjectGroup(_data.Name, "Plungers", translationMatrix, new RenderObject( RodName, asRightHanded ? rodMesh.Transform(Matrix3D.RightHanded) : rodMesh, material, true ) ) { ForceChild = true }); }
public Material MergeMaterials(string vpxMaterial, Material textureMaterial) { var pbrMaterial = new PbrMaterial(_sourceTable.GetMaterial(vpxMaterial), id: $"{vpxMaterial.ToNormalizedName()} __textured"); return(pbrMaterial.ToUnityMaterial(this, textureMaterial)); }