public void GivenTheFollowingTransaction(string category, string paymentMethod, Table data)
            _paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService(new PaymentMethodRepository(context));
            switch (_transactionType)
            case TransactionTypes.Income:
                _transaction        = data.CreateInstance <Income>();
                _transactionService = new IncomeService(new IncomeRepository(context));
                _categoryService    = new IncomeCategoryService(new IncomeCategoryRepository(context));

            case TransactionTypes.Expense:
                _transaction        = data.CreateInstance <Expense>();
                _transactionService = new ExpenseService(new ExpenseRepository(context));
                _categoryService    = new ExpenseCategoryService(new ExpenseCategoryRepository(context));

            _paymentMethod               = _paymentMethodService.Create(paymentMethod);
            _transaction.Method          = _paymentMethod;
            _transaction.PaymentMethodId = _paymentMethod.Id;

            _category               = _categoryService.Create(category);
            _transaction.Category   = _category;
            _transaction.CategoryId = _category.Id;
            _transaction.Date       = DateTime.Today;

            _transaction.Id = 1;
        public void GivenTheFollowingTransaction(string category, string paymentMethod, Table data)
            _paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService(new PaymentMethodRepository(context));
            switch (_transactionType)
                case TransactionTypes.Income:
                    _transaction = data.CreateInstance<Income>();
                    _transactionService = new IncomeService(new IncomeRepository(context));
                    _categoryService = new IncomeCategoryService(new IncomeCategoryRepository(context));
                case TransactionTypes.Expense:
                    _transaction = data.CreateInstance<Expense>();
                    _transactionService = new ExpenseService(new ExpenseRepository(context));
                    _categoryService = new ExpenseCategoryService(new ExpenseCategoryRepository(context));

            _paymentMethod = _paymentMethodService.Create(paymentMethod);
            _transaction.Method = _paymentMethod;
            _transaction.PaymentMethodId = _paymentMethod.Id;

            _category = _categoryService.Create(category);
            _transaction.Category = _category;
            _transaction.CategoryId = _category.Id;
            _transaction.Date = DateTime.Today;

            _transaction.Id = 1;
Esempio n. 3
        public Subscription Purchase(string email, string cardCvc, string cardNumber, long cardExpirationMonth, long cardExpirationYear)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = Configuration.STRIPE_API_SECRET_KEY;
            var customerSvc          = new CustomerService();
            var customer             = GetOrCreateCustomer(customerSvc, email);
            var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
            var paymentMethod        = paymentMethodService.Create(
                new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                Type = "card",
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions
                    Cvc      = cardCvc,
                    Number   = cardNumber,
                    ExpMonth = cardExpirationMonth,
                    ExpYear  = cardExpirationYear

            paymentMethod = paymentMethodService.Attach(
                new PaymentMethodAttachOptions
                Customer = customer.Id
            var subscriptionSvc = new SubscriptionService();
            var subscription    = GetOrCreateSubscription(subscriptionSvc, customer, Configuration.STRIPE_INCOME_CALCULATOR_PRODUCT_PLAN_ID, paymentMethod.Id);

Esempio n. 4
        public SubscriptionResult Create(User user, string email, string paymentToken, string planId)
            var paymentMethodCreate = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions {
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions {
                    Token = paymentToken
                Type = "card"

            var pmService     = new PaymentMethodService();
            var paymentMethod = pmService.Create(paymentMethodCreate);

            Console.WriteLine("Payment method: " + paymentMethod.Id);

            var custOptions = new CustomerCreateOptions {
                Email           = email,
                PaymentMethod   = paymentMethod.Id,
                InvoiceSettings = new CustomerInvoiceSettingsOptions {
                    DefaultPaymentMethod = paymentMethod.Id,
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "userid", user.Id.ToString() }

            var custService = new CustomerService();
            var customer    = custService.Create(custOptions);

            Console.WriteLine("Customer: " + customer.Id);

            var items = new List <SubscriptionItemOptions> {
                new SubscriptionItemOptions {
                    Plan = planId,

            var subscriptionOptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions {
                Customer        = customer.Id,
                Items           = items,
                TrialPeriodDays = 7


            var subService = new SubscriptionService();

            var subscription = subService.Create(subscriptionOptions);

            Console.WriteLine("Subscription: " + subscription.Id);

            return(new SubscriptionResult(
                       customerId: customer.Id,
                       subscriptionId: subscription.Id));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Init()
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = ApiKey;

            var cRes = new CustomerService().Create(new CustomerCreateOptions()
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Name  = "Mark Christopher",

            var paymentMethodCreateOptions = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                Type = "card",
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions()
                    Number   = "4242424242424242",
                    ExpMonth = 1,
                    ExpYear  = 2021,
                    Cvc      = "314",
                BillingDetails = new BillingDetailsOptions()
                    Name    = "Mark",
                    Address = new AddressOptions()
                        PostalCode = "3700",
                        City       = "Bayombong"
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone = "09067701852"
            var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();

            var res = paymentMethodService.Create(paymentMethodCreateOptions);

            // `source` is obtained with Stripe.js; see
            var chargeCreateOptions = new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = 2000,
                Currency    = "usd",
                Source      = "tok_visa",
                Description = "Charge for [email protected]",
            var chargeService = new ChargeService();
            var iRes          = chargeService.Create(chargeCreateOptions);
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult AddAccount(PaymentMethodViewModel m)
            var expMonthInt = Int32.Parse(m.ExpMonth);
            var expYearInt  = Int32.Parse(m.ExpYear);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                m.CardType = m.CardNumber.Substring(0, 1);

                //m.AccountName = m.CardType + " ending in " + m.CardNumber.Substring(m.CardNumber.Length - 4);
                m.AccountName = " ending in " + m.CardNumber.Substring(m.CardNumber.Length - 4);
                StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51H4bEIAVJDEhYcbP8AniC54IhmNxi8AOAkQpTgSCdwJjXwd8eoYEZmpBdZPOn7mpkBhQWkuzYYIFUv1y8Y3ncnKO008t1vsMSK";
                var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
                //need to send the first digit of the card number to the account list and user account table

                var paymentMethod = paymentMethodService.Create(new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                    Type = "card",
                    Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions
                        Number   = m.CardNumber,
                        Cvc      = m.CvcCode,
                        ExpMonth = expMonthInt,
                        ExpYear  = expYearInt,

                ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, paymentMethod.Id);

                var options = new CustomerCreateOptions
                    Description = m.AccountName
                var services = new CustomerService();
                var cust     = services.Create(options);

                // why do we need to create a useraccount object instead of just using paymentmethodviewmodel object?
                var userAccount = new UserAccount()
                    AccountName   = m.AccountName,
                    BankReference = paymentMethod.Id,
                    CardType      = m.CardType,
                    UserID        = currentUser.UserId,
                    Customer      = cust.Id

                return(RedirectToAction("AccountList", "Billing", userAccount));//redirects user to different action"
Esempio n. 7
        public void WhenIChangeTheTo(Properties propChanging, string value)
            // ReSharper disable once SwitchStatementMissingSomeCases
            switch (propChanging)
            case Properties.Date:
                _transaction.Date = DateTime.Parse(value != "" ? value : DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            case Properties.Amount:
                _transaction.Amount = decimal.Parse(value);

            case Properties.Comment:
                _transaction.Comments = value;

            case Properties.Category:
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                    _transaction.Category   = _categoryService.Create(value);
                    _transaction.CategoryId = _transaction.Category.Id;
                    _transaction.CategoryId = 0;

            case Properties.Method:
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                    _transaction.Method          = _paymentMethodService.Create(value);
                    _transaction.PaymentMethodId = _transaction.Method.Id;
                    _transaction.PaymentMethodId = 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                _scenarioContext.Add(ExceptionContextKey, e);
        public void WhenIChangeTheTo(Properties propChanging, string value)
            switch (propChanging)
            case Properties.Date:
                _transaction.Date = DateTime.Parse(value != "" ? value : DateTime.Now.ToString());

            case Properties.Amount:
                _transaction.Amount = decimal.Parse(value);

            case Properties.Comment:
                _transaction.Comments = value;

            case Properties.Category:
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                    _transaction.Category   = _categoryService.Create(value);
                    _transaction.CategoryId = _transaction.Category.Id;
                    _transaction.CategoryId = 0;

            case Properties.Method:
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                    _transaction.Method          = _paymentMethodService.Create(value);
                    _transaction.PaymentMethodId = _transaction.Method.Id;
                    _transaction.PaymentMethodId = 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                ScenarioContext.Current.Add(EXCEPTION_CONTEXT_KEY, e);
Esempio n. 9
        public static PaymentMethod CreateCardPaymentMethod(string cardNumber, long expMonth, long expYear, string cvc, PaymentMethodService paymentMethodService)
            // Create a payment method
            var options = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                Type = "card",
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions
                    Number   = cardNumber,
                    ExpMonth = expMonth,
                    ExpYear  = expYear,
                    Cvc      = cvc,

Esempio n. 10
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateCardPaymentMethod()
            PayModel paymodel = getPayModel();
            var      options  = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                Customer = "Nahed Kadih",
                Type     = "card",
                Card     = new PaymentMethodCardOptions
                    Number   = paymodel.CardNumder,
                    ExpMonth = paymodel.ExpMonth,
                    ExpYear  = paymodel.ExpYear,
                    Cvc      = paymodel.CVC,
                BillingDetails = new PaymentMethodBillingDetailsOptions
                    Name    = "Nahed Kadih",
                    Address = new Stripe.AddressOptions
                        PostalCode = paymodel.AddressZip,
                        City       = paymodel.AddressCity
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone = "09067701852"
            var           paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
            PaymentMethod paaymentMethoden     = paymentMethodService.Create(options);

            // `source` is obtained with Stripe.js; see
            //var chargeCreateOptions = new ChargeCreateOptions
            //    Amount = 2000,
            //    Currency = "usd",
            //    Source = "tok_visa",
            //    Description = "Charge for [email protected]",

            //var chargeService = new ChargeService();
            //var iRes = chargeService.Create(chargeCreateOptions);

            var response = await Task.FromResult(paaymentMethoden);

Esempio n. 11
        public void WhenIPressAdd()
                if (_category != null)
                    _category = _categoryService.Create(_category?.Name ?? "not this one");
                    _transaction.CategoryId = _category.Id;
                if (_paymentMethod != null)
                    _paymentMethod = _paymentMethodService.Create(_paymentMethod?.Name ?? "not this one");
                    _transaction.PaymentMethodId = _paymentMethod.Id;

            catch (Exception e)
                ScenarioContext.Current.Add(ExceptionContextKey, e);
        public ActionResult BasicInfo(PaymentMethodEditorModel model, string @return)
            PaymentMethod method = null;

            if (model.Id > 0)
                method = _paymentMethodService.Find(model.Id);
                method = new PaymentMethod();

            if (model.Id > 0)

            string redirectUrl = null;
            var    processor   = _processorProvider.FindByName(method.ProcessorName);

            var editor = processor as IHasCustomPaymentProcessorConfigEditor;

            if (editor != null || processor.ConfigType != null)
                redirectUrl = Url.Action("Processor", RouteValues.From(Request.QueryString).Merge("id", method.Id));
                redirectUrl = Url.Action("Complete", RouteValues.From(Request.QueryString).Merge("id", method.Id));

        public dynamic createPayment(CardInfo cardInfo)
                int paymentAmount = cardInfo.Amount;
                if (cardInfo.CardNumber != null)
                    StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = GetEnvironmentConfigVar(StripeConfigKey, this.configuration.GetValue <string>(StripeConfigKey));
                    var options = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                        Type = "card",
                        Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions
                            Number   = cardInfo.CardNumber,
                            ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt32(cardInfo.CardExpiryMonth),
                            ExpYear  = Convert.ToInt32(cardInfo.CardExpiryYear),
                            Cvc      = cardInfo.CardCVC,

                    var           service          = new PaymentMethodService();
                    var           paymentMethod    = service.Create(options);
                    PaymentIntent paymentIntentObj = createPaymentIntent(paymentMethod.Id, paymentAmount);
                    return(new { payment_method_id = paymentMethod.Id, payment_intent_id = paymentIntentObj.Id, status = paymentIntentObj.Status });
                    return(new { customError = "Something is wrong. Pleas fill out all the information" });
            catch (StripeException e)
                return(new { error = e.StripeError.Message });
            return(new { customError = "Payment method not created" });
Esempio n. 14
        public static void AddNewPaymentOption(string cardNumber, int expiryMonth, int expiryYear, string cvc)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = Constants.StripeKey;
            var options = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                Type = "card",
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions
                    Number   = cardNumber,
                    ExpMonth = expiryMonth,
                    ExpYear  = expiryYear,
                    Cvc      = cvc
            var           service       = new PaymentMethodService();
            PaymentMethod pmMethod      = service.Create(options);
            var           attachOptions = new PaymentMethodAttachOptions
                Customer = App.PaymentId
            var attachService = new PaymentMethodService();

            attachService.Attach(pmMethod.Id, attachOptions);
Esempio n. 15
        public async Task <IActionResult> Charge([FromBody] PaymentRequest paymentRequest)
                var customers = new CustomerService();
                var Charges   = new ChargeService();

                var Checkcustomer = await _paymentService.GetCustomerPaymentId(paymentRequest.UserId);

                var customer   = new Customer();
                var CustomerId = "";

                if (Checkcustomer == null)
                    customer = customers.Create(new CustomerCreateOptions
                        Email = paymentRequest.CustomerEmail,
                        Name  = paymentRequest.CustomerName,
                        Phone = paymentRequest.CustomerPhone,

                    CustomerId = customer.Id;
                    CustomerId = Checkcustomer.CustomerPaymentId;

                var options1 = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                    Type = "card",
                    Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions
                        Number   = paymentRequest.CardNumber,
                        ExpMonth = paymentRequest.ExpMonth,
                        ExpYear  = paymentRequest.ExpYear,
                        Cvc      = paymentRequest.Cvc

                var service1 = new PaymentMethodService();

                var options = new PaymentIntentCreateOptions
                    Amount             = paymentRequest.Amount,
                    Currency           = "USD",
                    Customer           = CustomerId,
                    PaymentMethod      = paymentRequest.PaymentMethod,
                    Confirm            = true,
                    PaymentMethodTypes = new List <string> {

                var service = new PaymentIntentService();
                var intent  = service.Create(options);

                if (intent.Status == "succeeded")
                    var PaymentTrans = new PaymentTransaction
                        UserId            = paymentRequest.UserId,
                        CustomerPaymentId = CustomerId

                    await Create(PaymentTrans);

                        status = Ok().StatusCode,
                        message = "Payment Successfully"
                    status = BadRequest().StatusCode,
                    message = "Internal server error"
            catch (Exception ex)
                    status = BadRequest().StatusCode,
                    message = ex.Message
        //	Moved to Transaction.cs
        //	private string customerId;
        //	private string paymentMethodId;

        public override int GetToken(Payment payment)
            int ret = 10;

            err             = "";
            payToken        = "";
            customerId      = "";
            paymentMethodId = "";
            strResult       = "";
            resultCode      = "991";
            resultMsg       = "Fail";

            Tools.LogInfo("GetToken/10", "Merchant Ref=" + payment.MerchantReference, 10, this);

//	Testing
//				StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51It78gGmZVKtO2iKBZF7DA5JisJzRqvibQdXSfBj9eQh4f5UDvgCShZIjznOWCxu8MtcJG5acVkDcd8K184gIegx001uXlHI5g";
//	Testing
                ret = 20;
                StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = payment.ProviderPassword;                 // Secret key

                ret = 30;
                var tokenOptions = new TokenCreateOptions
                    Card = new TokenCardOptions
                        Number   = payment.CardNumber,
                        ExpMonth = payment.CardExpiryMonth,
                        ExpYear  = payment.CardExpiryYear,
                        Cvc      = payment.CardCVV
                ret = 40;
                var tokenService = new TokenService();
                var token        = tokenService.Create(tokenOptions);
                payToken = token.Id;
                err      = err + ", tokenId=" + Tools.NullToString(payToken);

                ret = 50;
                var paymentMethodOptions = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                    Type = "card",
                    Card = new PaymentMethodCardOptions
                        Token = token.Id
                ret = 60;
                var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
                var paymentMethod        = paymentMethodService.Create(paymentMethodOptions);
                paymentMethodId = paymentMethod.Id;
                err             = err + ", paymentMethodId=" + Tools.NullToString(paymentMethodId);

                ret = 70;
                string tmp             = (payment.FirstName + " " + payment.LastName).Trim();
                var    customerOptions = new CustomerCreateOptions
                    Name          = payment.CardName,                     // (payment.FirstName + " " + payment.LastName).Trim(),
                    Email         = payment.EMail,
                    Phone         = payment.PhoneCell,
                    Description   = payment.MerchantReference + (tmp.Length > 0 ? " (" + tmp + ")" : ""),
                    PaymentMethod = paymentMethod.Id
                ret = 75;
                if (payment.Address1(0).Length > 0 || payment.Address2(0).Length > 0 || payment.ProvinceCode.Length > 0 || payment.CountryCode(0).Length > 0)
                    ret = 80;
                    customerOptions.Address = new AddressOptions()
                        Line1 = payment.Address1(0),
                        //	Line2      = payment.Address2(0),
                        City       = payment.Address2(0),
                        State      = payment.ProvinceCode,
                        PostalCode = payment.PostalCode(0)
                    ret = 85;
                    if (payment.CountryCode(0).Length == 2)
                        customerOptions.Address.Country = payment.CountryCode(0).ToUpper();

                ret = 90;
                var customerService = new CustomerService();
                var customer        = customerService.Create(customerOptions);
//				customer.Currency   = payment.CurrencyCode.ToLower();
                customerId = customer.Id;
                err        = err + ", customerId=" + Tools.NullToString(customerId);

                ret       = 100;
                strResult = customer.StripeResponse.Content;
//				resultMsg           = Tools.JSONValue(strResult,"status");
                resultCode = customer.StripeResponse.ToString();
                int k = resultCode.ToUpper().IndexOf(" STATUS=");
                ret = 110;
                err = err + ", StripeResponse=" + Tools.NullToString(resultCode);

//	customer.StripeResponse.ToString() is as follows:
//	<Stripe.StripeResponse status=200 Request-Id=req_bI0B5glG6r6DNe Date=2021-05-28T09:35:23>

                if (k > 0)
                    resultCode = resultCode.Substring(k + 8).Trim();
                    k          = resultCode.IndexOf(" ");
                    if (k > 0)
                        resultCode = resultCode.Substring(0, k);
                    resultCode = "999";

                ret = 120;
                err = err + ", strResult=" + Tools.NullToString(strResult)
                      + ", resultCode=" + Tools.NullToString(resultCode);
                customer             = null;
                customerService      = null;
                customerOptions      = null;
                paymentMethod        = null;
                paymentMethodService = null;
                paymentMethodOptions = null;
                token        = null;
                tokenService = null;
                tokenOptions = null;

                if (resultCode.StartsWith("2") && payToken.Length > 0 && paymentMethodId.Length > 0 && customerId.Length > 0)
                    resultMsg = "Success";
                    ret       = 0;
                    //	Tools.LogInfo ("GetToken/189","Ret=0"                 + err,255,this);
                    Tools.LogInfo("GetToken/197", "Ret=" + ret.ToString() + err, 231, this);
            catch (Exception ex)
                err = "Ret=" + ret.ToString() + err;
                Tools.LogInfo("GetToken/198", err, 231, this);
                Tools.LogException("GetToken/199", err, ex, this);
Esempio n. 17
        public static async Task <dynamic> CreateClientAsync(string email, string name, string cardNumber, int month, int year, string cvv)
            var optionstoken = new TokenCreateOptions
                Card = new CreditCardOptions
                    Number   = cardNumber,
                    ExpMonth = month,
                    ExpYear  = year,
                    Cvc      = cvv

            var   servicetoken = new TokenService();
            Token stripetoken  = await servicetoken.CreateAsync(optionstoken);

            var customer = new CustomerCreateOptions
                Email  = email,
                Name   = name,
                Source = stripetoken.Id,

            Console.WriteLine(" stripetoken attributes :" + stripetoken);

            var services = new CustomerService();
            var created  = services.Create(customer);

            var option = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                Type = "card",
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions
                    Number   = cardNumber,
                    ExpMonth = month,
                    ExpYear  = year,
                    Cvc      = cvv,

            var service = new PaymentMethodService();
            var result  = service.Create(option);

            Console.WriteLine(" PaymentMethodService attributes :" + result);

            var options = new PaymentMethodAttachOptions
                Customer = created.Id,
            var method = new PaymentMethodService();


            if (created.Id == null)
        public override int ThreeDSecurePayment(Payment payment, Uri postBackURL, string languageCode = "", string languageDialectCode = "")
            int    ret = 10;
            string url = "";

            err = "";

                StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = payment.ProviderPassword;                 // Secret key

                if (postBackURL == null)
                    url = Tools.ConfigValue("SystemURL");
                    url = postBackURL.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
                if (!url.EndsWith("/"))
                    url = url + "/";
                d3Form = "";
                ret    = 20;
                url    = url + "RegisterThreeD.aspx?ProviderCode=" + bureauCode
                         + "&TransRef=" + Tools.XMLSafe(payment.MerchantReference);

                ret = 50;
                var paymentMethodOptions = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                    Type = "card",
                    Card = new PaymentMethodCardOptions
                        Number   = payment.CardNumber,
                        ExpMonth = payment.CardExpiryMonth,
                        ExpYear  = payment.CardExpiryYear,
                        Cvc      = payment.CardCVV
                ret = 60;
                var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
                var paymentMethod        = paymentMethodService.Create(paymentMethodOptions);
                err = err + ", paymentMethodId=" + Tools.NullToString(paymentMethod.Id);

                ret = 70;
                var customerOptions = new CustomerCreateOptions
                    Name          = payment.CardName,                     // (payment.FirstName + " " + payment.LastName).Trim(),
                    Email         = payment.EMail,
                    Phone         = payment.PhoneCell,
                    PaymentMethod = paymentMethod.Id
                ret = 80;
                var customerService = new CustomerService();
                var customer        = customerService.Create(customerOptions);
                err = err + ", customerId=" + Tools.NullToString(customer.Id);

//				if ( payment.PaymentDescription.Length < 1 )
//					payment.PaymentDescription = "CareAssist";
//				else if ( payment.PaymentDescription.Length > 22 )
//					payment.PaymentDescription = payment.PaymentDescription.Substring(0,22);

//	Stripe needs a minimum payment of 50 US cents
                var paymentIntentOptions = new PaymentIntentCreateOptions
                    Amount              = 050,                         // payment.PaymentAmount,
                    Currency            = "usd",                       // payment.CurrencyCode.ToLower(), // Must be "usd" not "USD"
                    StatementDescriptor = payment.PaymentDescriptionLeft(22),
                    Customer            = customer.Id,
                    PaymentMethod       = paymentMethod.Id,
                    Description         = payment.MerchantReference,
                    ConfirmationMethod  = "manual"
                ret = 40;
                var paymentIntentService = new PaymentIntentService();
                var paymentIntent        = paymentIntentService.Create(paymentIntentOptions);
                err = err + ", paymentIntentId=" + Tools.NullToString(paymentIntent.Id);

                ret = 50;
                var confirmOptions = new PaymentIntentConfirmOptions
                    PaymentMethod = paymentMethod.Id,
                    ReturnUrl     = url
                ret = 60;
                var paymentConfirm = paymentIntentService.Confirm(paymentIntent.Id, confirmOptions);
                payRef = paymentConfirm.Id;
                err    = err + ", paymentConfirmId=" + Tools.NullToString(payRef);

                ret        = 70;
                strResult  = paymentConfirm.StripeResponse.Content;
                d3Form     = Tools.JSONValue(strResult, "url", "next_action");
                d3Form     = Tools.JSONRaw(d3Form);
                resultMsg  = Tools.JSONValue(strResult, "status");
                ret        = 80;
                resultCode = paymentConfirm.StripeResponse.ToString();
                int k = resultCode.ToUpper().IndexOf(" STATUS=");
                err = err + ", StripeResponse=" + Tools.NullToString(resultCode);
                ret = 90;

                Tools.LogInfo("ThreeDSecurePayment/60", "strResult=" + strResult, 221, this);

                string sql = "exec sp_WP_PaymentRegister3DSecA @ContractCode=" + Tools.DBString(payment.MerchantReference)
                             + ",@ReferenceNumber=" + Tools.DBString(payRef)
                             + ",@Status='77'";                                               // Means payment pending
                if (languageCode.Length > 0)
                    sql = sql + ",@LanguageCode=" + Tools.DBString(languageCode);
                if (languageDialectCode.Length > 0)
                    sql = sql + ",@LanguageDialectCode=" + Tools.DBString(languageDialectCode);
                using (MiscList mList = new MiscList())
                    mList.ExecQuery(sql, 0, "", false, true);

                Tools.LogInfo("ThreeDSecurePayment/80", "PayRef=" + payRef + "; SQL=" + sql + "; " + d3Form, 10, this);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Tools.LogException("ThreeDSecurePayment/99", "Ret=" + ret.ToString(), ex, this);
Esempio n. 19
        public static TransactionResult CreateSubscription(TransactionRequest request, StripeSettings stripeSettings,
                                                           ILogger logger)
            var order = request.Order;

            var parameters = request.Parameters;

            parameters.TryGetValue("cardNumber", out var cardNumber);
            parameters.TryGetValue("cardName", out var cardName);
            parameters.TryGetValue("expireMonth", out var expireMonthStr);
            parameters.TryGetValue("expireYear", out var expireYearStr);
            parameters.TryGetValue("cvv", out var cvv);

            var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
            var paymentMethod        = paymentMethodService.Create(new PaymentMethodCreateOptions()
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions()
                    Number   = cardNumber.ToString(),
                    ExpYear  = long.Parse(expireYearStr.ToString()),
                    ExpMonth = long.Parse(expireMonthStr.ToString()),
                    Cvc      = cvv.ToString()
                Type = "card"

            var address = DependencyResolver.Resolve <IDataSerializer>()
                          .DeserializeAs <Address>(order.BillingAddressSerialized);

            InitStripe(stripeSettings, true);
            //do we have a saved stripe customer id?
            var customerId        = GetCustomerId(order.User, paymentMethod, address);
            var subscriptionItems = new List <SubscriptionItemOptions>();
            var productService    = new ProductService();
            var planService       = new PlanService();

            foreach (var orderItem in order.OrderItems)
                var product = productService.Create(new ProductCreateOptions
                    Name = orderItem.Product.Name,
                    Type = "service"
                var lineTotal = orderItem.Price * orderItem.Quantity + orderItem.Tax;
                GetFinalAmountDetails(lineTotal, order.CurrencyCode, address, out var currencyCode, out var finalAmount);
                var planOptions = new PlanCreateOptions()
                    Nickname        = product.Name,
                    Product         = product.Id,
                    Amount          = (long)(finalAmount),
                    Interval        = GetInterval(orderItem.Product.SubscriptionCycle),
                    IntervalCount   = orderItem.Product.CycleCount == 0 ? 1 : orderItem.Product.CycleCount,
                    Currency        = currencyCode,
                    UsageType       = "licensed",
                    TrialPeriodDays = orderItem.Product.TrialDays
                var plan = planService.Create(planOptions);
                subscriptionItems.Add(new SubscriptionItemOptions()
                    Plan     = plan.Id,
                    Quantity = orderItem.Quantity
            //create a coupon if any
            var coupon = GetCoupon(order);
            var subscriptionOptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions()
                Customer = customerId,
                Items    = subscriptionItems,
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "orderGuid", order.Guid },
                    { "internalId", order.Id.ToString() },
                    { "isSubscription", bool.TrueString }
                Coupon = coupon?.Id,

                TrialEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5)


            var subscriptionService  = new SubscriptionService();
            var subscription         = subscriptionService.Create(subscriptionOptions);
            var processPaymentResult = new TransactionResult()
                OrderGuid = order.Guid,

            if (subscription.Status == "active" || subscription.Status == "trialing")
                processPaymentResult.NewStatus = PaymentStatus.Complete;
                processPaymentResult.TransactionCurrencyCode = order.CurrencyCode;
                processPaymentResult.IsSubscription          = true;
                processPaymentResult.TransactionAmount       = (subscription.Plan.AmountDecimal / 100) ?? order.OrderTotal;
                processPaymentResult.ResponseParameters      = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "subscriptionId", subscription.Id },
                    { "invoiceId", subscription.LatestInvoiceId },
                    { "feePercent", subscription.ApplicationFeePercent },
                    { "collectionMethod", subscription.CollectionMethod },
                    { "metaInfo", subscription.Metadata }
                processPaymentResult.Success = true;
                processPaymentResult.Success = false;
                logger.Log <TransactionResult>(LogLevel.Warning, $"The subscription for Order#{order.Id} by stripe failed with status {subscription.Status}." + subscription.StripeResponse.Content);

Esempio n. 20
        protected void PlaceOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var totalPrice = int.Parse(hdnTotalPrice.Value) * 100;

            #region Create a Payment Method
            var paymentMethodCreateOptions = new PaymentMethodCreateOptions
                Type = "card",
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardOptions
                    Number   = cardnumber.Value,
                    ExpMonth = long.Parse(expiryMonth.Value),
                    ExpYear  = long.Parse(expiryYear.Value),
                    Cvc      = cvvCode.Value,
            var           paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
            PaymentMethod paymentMethodResult  = null;
                paymentMethodResult = paymentMethodService.Create(paymentMethodCreateOptions);
            catch (StripeException ex)
                switch (ex.StripeError.Type)
                case "card_error":
                    // Log Error details to your application Database
                    // ex.StripeError.Code, ex.StripeError.Message, ex.StripeError.DocUrl, ex.StripeError.DeclineCode

                    // Show a friendly message to the end user
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry, but we are unable to charge your credit card. Please ensure that " +
                                        "your credit card details are right and you have enough funds in it and try again.";

                case "api_connection_error":
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry but we couldn't charge your card. Please try again.";

                case "validation_error":
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry, but we are unable to charge your credit card. Please ensure that " +
                                        "your credit card details are right and you have enough funds in it and try again.";

                case "api_error":     // 500 errors, very rare
                case "authentication_error":
                case "invalid_request_error":
                case "rate_limit_error":
                    // Unknown Error Type
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry but we couldn't charge your card due to an issue on our end." +
                                        "Our engineers have been notified. Please wait for 24 hours and retry again. If the issue " +
                                        "isn't resovled still, then please call us on our customer care center at 1 800 123 1234.";
                errorMessage.Visible = true;

            #region Create & Confirm PaymentIntent OR Charge the card
            var paymentIntentCreateOptions = new PaymentIntentCreateOptions
                Amount             = totalPrice,
                Currency           = "sgd",
                PaymentMethodTypes = new List <string> {
                Confirm       = true,
                PaymentMethod = paymentMethodResult.Id
            var           paymentIntentService = new PaymentIntentService();
            PaymentIntent paymentIntentResult;
                paymentIntentResult = paymentIntentService.Create(paymentIntentCreateOptions);
            catch (StripeException ex)
                switch (ex.StripeError.Type)
                case "card_error":
                    // Log Error details to your application Database
                    // ex.StripeError.Code, ex.StripeError.Message, ex.StripeError.DocUrl, ex.StripeError.DeclineCode

                    // Show a friendly message to the end user
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry, but we are unable to charge your credit card. Please ensure that " +
                                        "your credit card details are right and you have enough funds in it and try again.";

                case "api_connection_error":
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry but we couldn't charge your card. Please try again.";

                case "validation_error":
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry, but we are unable to charge your credit card. Please ensure that " +
                                        "your credit card details are right and you have enough funds in it and try again.";

                case "api_error":     // 500 errors, very rare
                case "authentication_error":
                case "invalid_request_error":
                case "rate_limit_error":
                    // Unknown Error Type
                    errorMessage.Text = "We are sorry but we couldn't charge your card due to an issue on our end." +
                                        "Our engineers have been notified. Please wait for 24 hours and retry again. If the issue " +
                                        "isn't resovled still, then please call us on our customer care center at 1 800 123 1234.";
                errorMessage.Visible = true;

            #region Show success Message
            successMessage.Text = string.Format("<h4>Congratulations! We have successfully received your order.</h4>" +
                                                "<br/>Please save the Payment Intent ID {1} and the Charge ID {2} safely in case of a dispute.",
                                                int.Parse(hdnTotalPrice.Value), paymentIntentResult.Id, paymentIntentResult.Charges.FirstOrDefault().Id);
            successMessage.Visible = true;